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[Music] [Music] man the feelings on the inside are amazing um honestly i've been up since 5 00 a.m can't sleep uh just excited for the day i'm excited that guys put his hand on this i'm excited that he's annoyed to this day for us so yeah it's excitement it's nervousness it's a little anxiety but all it's all good it's all good feels because i know i'm gonna step into something i know god has for me so yeah man i'm feeling a feeling i never had before this weekend's actually a weekend of my mother passing a year ago so to really be able to celebrate this weekend with her it's it's an indescribable feeling to be honest so i'm glad to be here man i'm looking forward to just the entire day i'm looking forward to the local i'm looking forward to seeing the family the smiles i'm just looking forward to just having a beautiful moment with her and just us really kicking our life off together [Music] jayla is a very special girl we met five years ago man this month actually makes our five-year anniversary she's been there with me from the time when i graduated went to grad school dropped out did a couple different things and just trying to get back on my feet she took care of me from the point where i slept in her dorm step on her dorm floor at times she fed me with her money for my refund she paid my bills everything in order for me to get on my feet to get a job so really to pour this back into her is really just giving her about everything she's important to my life she's just special she's bringing that with me she's a ride or die partner in crime everything i ever needed just in a woman she's always been there man she's a god-fearing woman really helped me get straight back on that path and my relationship with god and really just pushed me to a new level so honestly i tell people all the time they look at me but they really don't see she's the one behind closed door that's really covered me every single night yeah man so we got a big day planned man um today is the day i celebrate uh really join it with my wife um so first thing first man we having a style shoot beautiful exquisite location we're going to do the style shoot at the end of the style show proposed [Music] foreign [Music] no baby it's been a it's been a great five years with you so it's just been a roller coaster um we really seek god a long time ago we put him first in our life and he really brought him to this moment this isn't about being just about you but this is about us it's starting to partnership together um you've been with me since the beginning you held me down when i didn't have anything and now i want to take you all in give me my last name will you marry me [Music] oh my god oh my god stop oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm like shaking oh my god [Applause] [Music] [Music] congratulations we're going to actually get her blindfolded take her to the next location where her family's going to be they're going to surprise her act like it's engagement party right when she steps into the room she's going to see brow on the wall she's going to see three dresses waiting for her heels jewelry pretty much the day is set up for her to just enjoy herself man i really wanted this day to be special i wanted her to really just take it all in every single moment every single tear every single person a face you see around i really want her just to embrace it and just know like this day was meant for me to express my love to him that's really what the whole day about [Music] [Music] oh [Music] were you super surprised about all of this oh was i yes i thought this was a style shoot in a strictly style shoot only so oh my goodness he got me good for sure he got me good do you think he did a good job what i always told him like if you think you're gonna propose to me and me not catch on no it's not gonna happen like i'm gonna pick up on something i'm gonna know what's happening i'm gonna ruin your surprise i'm gonna know but no he got me good he got me good very well planned out tell me about how you felt [Music] i froze i always thought maybe once he proposed i would be jumping up and down screaming yelling when that moment happened i was stuck but stuck like oh my god this is it like this is the man that i'm going to spend the rest of my life with it and i had every emotion was trying to come out at once i just stopped and froze but oh my goodness yeah i was stuck [Music] [Music] [Music] today has been a glorious day [Music] i love you thank you so much thank god lord pulling us together you brought out the best in me taught me to be better be better to be the woman god has led me to be so i thank you about to be the best wives to you about to love you with all my heart [Music] where do i start as i begin to write these vowels i went back and forth so many times trying to determine how to capture all of my emotions and feelings for you and words for this one moment then i realized it wasn't possible that's why you see all this today everything you see is an expression of my love for you you see many people don't know but after god you are the main reason i matriculated to the man i am today they see me living the life they see me blessing people they see me changing the world one person at a time but what they don't see is how you cover me in prayer every single night behind closed doors you're my intercessors that steady motivate me day in and day out today i want them to hear the true story the story of how i slept in your dorm for months when i didn't have a place to sleep how you fed me when i didn't have money how you praying for me it motivated me when i didn't have a job how you was there for me all night when i needed his shoulder to cry on when i missed my mother you taught me how to show compassion for others around me how you bailed me out of jail my grandfather didn't want to get me out [Music] we will always be patient with each other make it allowance for each other faults because of your love i will make every effort to keep us united in the spirit bind ourselves together with peace for we are one body and one spirit now father i thank you that we are a couple of good report that we're successful in everything we set our hands to do from this day that we're uncompromisingly righteous that we capture human lives for you as fishes of men and as we do this we are confident of you the law of god who teach us to profit and lead us in the way that we should go dairy is first i want to say i love you i thank you for planning this special day not just for me but for us this is only the beginning like we always say what god has planned for us he brought us this far and he's going to take us many many many more places i'm so excited to be your wife i'm so excited to say that like we always talk about what us getting married and what this day would look like but i'm so glad it's finally here i'm just glad to walk in this covenant with you the blessing of the lord it's just about to burst open we're on the verge of something great and i cannot wait to do life with you so thank you i love you and mrs hall i [Music] am [Music] you
Channel: Dorn-Long Films
Views: 317,940
Rating: 4.9556575 out of 5
Keywords: wedding, wedding video, luxury wedding video, proposal, cinematic wedding film, wedding film, charlotte nc, i said yes, luxury wedding, black wedding film, black wedding, charlotte nc wedding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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