He Sleeps All Day, Became The Strongest And Most Powerful Man Alive - Part 39 - Manhwa Recap

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looking at Wang Xin who had passed out luang shook his head he wondered if he should have held back a little but to be fair our boy didn't even use the grand Master's will the 25-fold Stellar technique or the flame breathing technique from the stands the leading Grandmaster of the halong martial arts school suddenly stood up he was shocked to see their Strongest Disciple get his ass whopped so easily while losing was not unfathomable the fact that Wang Xin couldn't withstand even one punch from Lu Shang raised questions about just how strong luang really is luang glanced at the referee who seemed to realize that he had yet to declare the winner raising his microphone he announced luu Shang as the winner of the match internally the referee thought he wanted to protect Lu shung but it turned out that Lu Shang didn't need his protection at all having defeated his opponent with a single punch the seventh Divine Marshall University senior students were ecstatic and surprised almost jumping on the spot everyone started chanting luu shang's name someone even shouted out Lu shang's nickname leading to the crowd chanting Demon King luang found a quiet spot to sit down amidst the bustling discussions around him the female martial artists were particularly attracted by him casting adoring glances in his Direction but luang couldn't help but think that the Demon King title was a bit too dramatic for his taste meanwhile in the highest seats reserved for the organizers of the competition several Grandmasters from the Martial Arts Association were also observing the competition while voicing their amazement they were astounded that Lu shang's punch was purely physical strength without even using his internal energy leading many to believe that no one in this competition could match luang however one of them shook his head reminding the group that the twin stars were also considered prodigies it had been 2 years and it was uncertain how much they had grown Jang ha cut through the Grandmasters discussions suggested they to focusing more on the ongoing matches instead of speculating the Grandmasters nodded respectfully and fell silent Jang he stroking his beard mused about Lu shang's potential pondering whether he could truly become a disciple of the Marshall Saint next scene we see the twin stars discussing Lu shang's recent match upon hearing that luang had knocked out Wang Xin with a single punch they were momentarily taken aback but quickly laughed at off they joked about Wang Xin acting carelessly and probably didn't use his full strength laughing and taking a swig from their water bottles while saying that the stronger luang was the more satisfying it would be to defeat him later what followed was one of them crushing their bottles in hand yeah okay there big boy you can try in another part of the venue a girl from the Transcendent martial arts school cast a silent glance towards luang then quickly withdrew her gaze her expression mingling with worry and quite tense the shadow it's spreading even wider she murmured to herself her voice barely a whisper amidst the clamor of the crowd as the night fell marking the end of the day's competitions luang returned to his hotel room lying on the large bed with a trace of regret the final match was scheduled for the next day yet he hadn't even gotten to properly warm up despite this he was looking forward to tomorrow pondering over the window how it would feel like to defeat a great Grandmaster his train of thought was interrupted by a text message notification it was from his younger sister who had seen him on TV again today she was excitedly messaging him urging him to strive for another National Championship smiling luang was about to casually reply when he remembered something and advised his sister not to let their parents watch the next day's match suggesting it would be better for them his sister quickly responded full of questions and insisting on luang to explain what he meant luang candidly replied that he didn't want their parents to see him potentially taking a life on live television this statement left his sister quiet for quite some time realizing how his words might have sounded he followed up claiming he was joking but noting that the final battle would be intense likely getting a bit bloody and he didn't want to worry their parents his sister startled at first admonished him for such a joke but agreed to try and prevent their parents from watching the live broadcast however she couldn't promise they wouldn't catch a replay luang then realized his concerns might have been unnecessary but Came Upon a different idea while he couldn't stop people from watching he pondered on preventing the live broadcast somehow meanwhile messages from friends began to pour in including a short message from Ming simply saying bro well done and a lengthy message from Amelia offering encouragement also whether or not luang could see her message didn't matter to her just knowing they were under the same Starry Sky and could share messages brought her contentment chin also sent a message congratulating Lu Shang and reminding him to visit the back Eastern military District when he had time hinting that someone there missed him dearly under the Deep night sky lastly luang received a concise message from Snowy simply urging him to keep going for reasons unknown her message triggered a sudden recollection of a dream realm where the spouse section listed snowy's name causing his heart to skip a beat a rare occurrence for our boy disconcerted by this reaction he quickly turned off his phone losing any immediate interest in entering the dream realm for training during the night not ready to sleep just yet he decided to take a walk outside into the night in the meanwhile a girl in martial arts attire was breathing out Mist into the cold air against the backdrop of a night sky a thin layer of snow covered the martial arts platform on the mountain Summit with temperatures dipping below -20° C despite her martial arts training the cold was biting due to her light clothing she trained daily without fail cherishing her scarce moments of rest to enjoy the outdoors suddenly the sound of footsteps crunching Softly on snow reached her ears turning around she saw a handsome man standing dozens of meters away quietly observing her instantly she felt petrified her body tensing up before she quickly darted away in another Direction luang watching her sprinting away touched his face in confusion wondering if he really appeared that intimidating he mused humorously about the growing list of names in the spouse section of his profile in the dream realm yet in reality that might not be the case hidden behind a rock the girl spied on Lu Shang utterly incredulous the sight of luang enshrouded in a black mist that seemed to cover the stars and moon sent chills down her spine gulping nervously she watched his back pondering what kind of being luang truly was after enjoying the fresh air luu xang returned to the hotel finding a crowd gathered at the cafeteria entrance he made his way to the ordering area selecting a bit of everything on the menu however he noticed that ever since the encounter outside the girl from before had been following him at a distance of about 10 m never approaching closer leaving him puzzled about her intentions meanwhile a student from the Divine Marshall University carrying his tray was blocked by a group of people including one of the twins Stars the twin with a smirk on his face warned the young man about the dire consequences of encountering him in the competition the young man didn't back down however he did remember those encounters with them usually resulted in severe injuries as they continued their menacing enjoyment luang carrying his food approached them munching away he asked them not to block the way but he simply barged through the blocker upon being ignored or turning to see it was Lu Shang the Twin Star made a throat-slitting gesture towards him just as he was about to threaten luang a sudden gust of wind and a surge of Crisis overwhelmed him before he could finish his sentence luang had already grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground effortlessly holding him up like a baby chick his voice calm but firm questioning what the hell is he doing the Twin Star was stunned his pupils dilating as he heard the crunching sound of his neck under the pressure of Lu shang's grip he tried to break free but the immovable force of lung's grasp was overwhelming the fear and despair he felt were unparalleled and just as he was about to lose Consciousness a voice commanded luang to stop and Leon G B from the G da martial arts school approached coldly staring at luang and threatening to disqualify him if he didn't release the Twin Star despite Lu shang's confidence in his ability to get rid of Leon G B in a matter of seconds he knew he couldn't act so brazenly in front of everyone taking a deep breath to calm himself and quell The Rising killing intent luang reluctantly let go of the Twin Star after the confrontation the Twin Star gasped for breath coughing while luang nonchalantly patted his shoulder which made him even more anxious after being told that his neck is pretty accompanied by a toothy grin followed by a chilling suggestion to go home to cry in mommy's lap left the twin Frozen in fear it wasn't until leang g b called him several times to snap him out of his days as lean G B turned to Le with a cold remark the twin hurried after him attempting to explain himself the onlookers at the cafeteria entrance were left in shock their discussions exploding into a frenzy seconds later they couldn't believe how effortlessly luang had neutralized one of the twin stars treating him as if he was as light as a chick settling down at a table luang ate while contemplating the consequences of acting on his impulses had he killed Leon GB he could have become a wanted criminal with potential rep cussions for his family and friends from Leoni B's backing forces he realized the importance of restraint especially with the final match approaching back at ga da martial arts school Leon G B stopped to address the Twin Star he was desperately explaining that he hadn't anticipated Lu's sudden attack claiming it was a sneak attack that caught him off guard hearing this the other twin mockingly called him useless which led to a heated argument Leon G B intervened his icy glare making it clear that the disgrace brought upon ga da by this incident needed to be rectified the admonished twin promised such an event would not repeat while lean gibe left them with a huff alone filled with suppressed rage and frustration he vowed to make Lu shanp as a new day Dawns the competition is about to begin with the higher-ups from the seventh Divine Marshall University including jaia in attendance they solemnly remind luang of the formidable strength possessed by the Twin Star from G da martial Art School urging him not to underestimate them Lu shung nods in acknowledgement his confidence and Readiness evident to the universities leaders who already Envision him as the winner yet Xiao seems to hold back additional thoughts he lets out a sigh and Ponders how luang plans to explain himself to the Marshall Saint after the tournament the drawing for the eighth round begins and as soon as the matchups are announced a wave of murmurs ripples through the crowd luang is set to face one of the twin stars the exact same person whom he had a confrontation with before the audience speculates wildly with some thinking the pairing was orchestrated by the organizers While others doubt the twin stars chances given his previous encounter with luang yet there are voices in the crowd suggesting that Lu xen's previous victory was a result of a sneak attack adding to the anticipation and debate the man seething with anger and barely containing his urge to confront luang then and there radiates an intense or luang amused thought it would be fun to mimic his earlier throat slitting gesture in a slow deliberate motion which only fueled the man's anger as they descend from the stage after the draw the first match announced is between B from the Divine Marshall University and the other Twin Star The Grandmaster leading the team advises ba to fight without concern for the outcome just to give his all by nods although still visibly nervous but seems somewhat reassured by seeing Lu shung not far from him after fighting luang he knew that no one would be more terrifying than him luang casually walks by and gives him a piece of simple advice to just do your best ba initially takes it as a sign of support only to be taken aback by Len's following remark about if he dies don't worry he will avenge him
Channel: Manhwa Explorer
Views: 62,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manhwa Explorer, #manhua, #manhwa, #recap, #anime, #manga, #harem, #manhwarecoomdation, #manhwarecap, #action, #animerecap, #webtoon, #popularmanhwa, #newestmanhwa, #recentmanhwa, #latestmanhwa, #chinesemanhwa, #bestmanhua, #popularmanhua, #动画, #漫画, #opmc, #bestmanhwarecap, #reincarnation, #summary, #Apex Future Martial Arts, #10000 years, Actiontoon, Manhwa Dealer, Manhwarecapped, Real Recap, Anicap, Manhua Recapped
Id: onnOF5L694U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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