He Man Official | 3 HOUR COMPILATION | He Man Full Episode

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I am Adam Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said [Music] [Applause] [Music] became the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] I can't find a sword these guys are talking to her here the swords gone Cringer I can't become him in without it [Music] the orchard this is my only suit we've got to warn the others okay [Music] in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what Ana slime monsters [Music] there's no way out there's no way out there's no yeah [Music] no no you you must go back you were banished doctrine as you can see I'm back [Laughter] [Music] how did you escape the chamber of darkness I sealed it myself no you're under arrest I'm no longer your prisoner it was it was just a dream wake up Cringer I'm sure you're having a nightmare slime monsters slime monsters hey I was having the same dream there honey slime monsters on Eternia since since dark dream was sealed in his chamber come on Cringer [Music] dark dreams coming back we know he gave all of us nightmares not only is dark dream returning but his powers are stronger than ever [Music] I hope they enjoyed their little nightmares no they will no I'm returning and it is up to you to put Eternia into total darkness so I can leave these chambers why have you called me here I haven't the power to talk in the attorney and some evil in is right my lord it is an impossible task impossible well do it anyway you know I can only live in darkness but my powers and no longer work well on Eternia and they are two a week the sorceress saw to that and what about you evil in it would take more power than mine alone there must be a way find it or that one which gives you so much power will be returned to the black pool from which it came how could dog dreams powers have escaped now the seal on the chamber must have been broken would have taken a large explosion or a land disturbance it's about time you woke up explosions where Orko in the crimson Valley eat me awake for days but that's so far from here or cochineal a pin drop in the Tanglewood forest it's setting off some big blasts not there could those explosions have broken the seal to dark dreams chambers well the seal is here and the crimson valley is here they're awfully close let's solid granite they must be using no traction no traction it's the most powerful explosive on Eternia tiller you and Adam fly out and take a look at the seal we have to know if it's been broken [Music] [Music] [Music] well what piece of priceless evil have you conjured up there will be an eclipse of their Sun TiVo's powers may not work on Eternia but the moon is another planet can you move the moon table yes with evil ins help the last time you cast a spell table the Banshee jungle turned into a desert no everybody makes mistakes how long will this eclipse lasts as long as I wish it to Eternia will be lost in eternal darkness you will be free to go wherever you choose even to Castle Grayskull do it do it [Music] and I mean can't you go any faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm afraid I'm not quite the pilot you are Tila find it don't fall asleep [Music] dark dream has overtaken teyla's mind again she can't flare scary slit wake up Tila wake up I've gotta save her wake up you're gonna crack this boss pretty man [Applause] [Music] [Music] - hi I want to be able to stop her [Music] [Music] dealer wake up what happened and with on my skies linen yeah you were dreaming but you're safe that's all that matters but but how did I land no I helped you you yeah come on let's check that seal the explosions have broken the seal this crack allowed dark dream to use his powers they're gonna break the seal open completely we've got to stop the clip stable I must leave here [Music] yeah Micro when I clap my hands [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the seal on dark dreams chambers been broken I will have to reseal it immediately before he escapes we've got to hurry what's our son is head dark dream becomes stronger [Music] hey what's going on [Music] this is something something strange oh I [Music] can't lift my legs our gravity is getting stronger it's pulling us down this is creepy it's getting dark and it's the middle of the afternoon father we're having an eclipse of the Sun we aren't due for an eclipse for two years our moon must be out of its orbit oh that explains the gravity problems but who would tamper with nature dr. E finally have escaped secrets of Grayskull so I can keep Eternia in darkness forever Duncan look at the moon it's getting larger the moon is heading for our planet it can't be true the moon is going to collide with Eternia even dark dream doesn't have enough power to stop this from happening but we must stop it someway the only place we can turn to is race go let's go something evil has disturbed nature but you can save Eternia not until I know what evil force was used against our Moon I must find the answer [Music] I can't let her go alone soon I'll be inside Grayskull a falcon it's going to attack I'll stop it so fast evil whim my powers are weakening this close to Grayskull I must have my wand [Music] let's see if you can fly with a little more weight no stop [Music] not so fast start dream well if it isn't my old friend mannitol why do you think of my Eclipse look its orbit now it's heading right for us you included what I asked for an eclipse condition guess that I made a small error small Eternia is finally mine and you're about to wipe it out of the universe start it I can't I don't have that much power is the sorceress maybe she can help she's been captured look you'll have to get doctrine to release her and give away the secret of Zohar the Falken we've sworn never to reveal it you must not reveal the secret but Eternia will be destroyed you must find another way to save us I cannot stop it doc dream the moon's getting closer sorceress said another way how can we possibly move the moon back into its orbit the note raxin if it's exploded in the atmosphere yes it might work that you wouldn't be able to get it close enough to the moon I wouldn't but he may in wood he's gone for there must be a way to escape the wind Raider I can escape in that [Music] [Music] [Music] we've got the wind Raider come on you're not going anywhere dark dream destroyed by the power [Music] I am strong enough to overpower even you even dream on dark dream sorceress hear me there must be something you can do I hear you many times I can do nothing to save Eternia well I'm in this body and our fate is in the hands of he-man Oh hurry he-man arrayed laughter a battle cat we're almost to the mountaintop let's see that one will be perfect be careful tailor there's enough no trucks in the nether to blow this entire planet to bits it's all yours [Music] who could have done that only one person last hope amen no no [Applause] [Music] well it's a beautiful sunny day go out and enjoy it bring the food in today's story I had a bad dream you know bad dreams or nightmares happen to everyone and they can seem pretty real but they aren't there no more real than any make-believe story or fairy tale so don't be ashamed or afraid of telling anybody about your dream it happens to all of us and like so many other things talking it over with your mother or your father maybe even a good friend can make you feel a whole lot better bye for now and pleasant dreams [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am Adam Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said by the [Music] [Applause] [Music] came the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh wonderful look here in a moment professor I I'm ready to test my converter this works we'll have a meal converted from sand and chemicals [Music] looks terrible but it tastes good and it's filled with healthy protein congratulations and now at ermine see what I have found by chance I happened to notice a loose brick you may have the honor of opening it Duncan it's a book a book that has been lost for centuries this is Professor smullin speaking Taylor can you hear me I believe we have uncovered the book of ancient Eternia it is written in the ancient language we must translate it can you interface the Lango computer to the radio no smart girl that wouldn't of course she takes after me all right here we go page one [Music] resentence thousand-year-old robots we're surrounded by space food antiques maybe so professor but I think they mean business I think you are right hey Arco Tila was supposed to give me another navigating lesson have you seen her that was green next time you'll know better let's go please father will somebody please answer something's terribly wrong I know it perhaps it's just interference no before the transmission ended it was some kind of explosion command professor come in please it's no use I must get to them quickly what's wrong there's no time to explain look the radarscreen a storm's brewing in the desert hey what's this all about anyway teyla's father took professor small into the sands of time desert professor small and with the university yes apparently they're in some sort of trouble and deal is going to fly there come on Cringer let's catch her before she leaves [Music] tima there's a big storm in the desert you'll need a navigator oh great alright hop in my tummy's starting to hurt it was only one little apple Cringer come on hurry my father and the professor may be hurt can you plot coordinates without sidings you taught me remember we have come in peace no we are only cataloging them we will not take them I was testing a survival kit please let me show you see I just mix some of these pellets and [Music] it makes protein foods it may also be able to extract water we do not eat or drink we protect the sacred treasures of the Ancients wait what are you going to do [Music] Duncan quick this way [Music] a bad storm change course to see 11/5 are you sure of the coordinate yes there's a large cave just outside the ancient city it should be a safe place to land can't hold it on let's keep correcting to see 11 5 [Music] [Music] I'm the only one who's on yeah well now's my chance do something for the truck we shall adore for a change I'll just go out there and pick up the pieces I think we really this time you got me wrong I think so Teela what's happened to Taylor oh she's hurt I've got to get her out in the 2p I'm trapped but he-man could do it got the stomach for it today by the power of Grayskull [Music] [Music] what happened don't try to talk you've hit your head Tila if only my powers could make you well and strong again help me sorceress I need the wisdom of Grayskull now wisdom that matches my strength [Music] what should I do I understand Thank You sorceress I'm most grateful for your messenger come on battle cat we've got to find men-at-arms and the professor or inspired to the ancient ruins [Music] we've reached the eye of the storm [Music] it's a whirlwind rather [Music] here comes the eye of the storm again these are rules there must be caves underneath I've got an idea [Music] what are you doing making a little trap for the storm [Music] [Music] [Music] now we'll keep the storm underground hey isn't that a wind Raider sure is men-at-arms and the professor must be close by something's going on over that way please we meant no harm [Music] but have you done [Music] much rum I'd like to help I'm not an enemy I'm a man of science I'll need my tools from my ship it's outside you just don't understand do you [Music] this must be a place I don't need this [Music] thank you great bird I'm feeling better much better you you can leave now if you want [Music] thank you you know your own trap job I might have known you're always around when there's trouble I don't know well I suppose we find them [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll do nothing to harm any of you you'll see [Music] man-at-arms what's this are they friends or enemies enemies only to those who would destroyed them you can trust them that's he-man do not own some of your parts are worn but they can be fixed with a little time I'll have you good as new it's not impossible I'll just need he-man and the professor to help me no don't are you going to stop me [Music] good enough what do you want time to spend trapjaw [Music] can't you do anything but brag Battlecat [Music] that's amazing when you revive the professor now no wait we were only cataloging amen battle cat what has happened to this poor fellow nothing that can't be fixed dealer let's get to work we'll do our very best I promise you no Babel cat sometimes I feel sorry for trap-jaw you do why just imagine having to go to the prison binds like this a big help dealer thank you Father [Music] oh they probably took trapped yo to the prison mine the kappa showed me another room of artifacts we're glad we could help now I think it's time we return professor I suppose you are right we wish you to have this with our thanks I'm very honored but this belongs with the other treasures for all to see and enjoy yes yes let us return and build a great display for the treasures a special place for all eternity to view this wonderful work yes we want you to return well I have to get back to my old wind Raider goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess so thanks for all your help good supervising Nestle I've noticed there you are Teela where have you been where have I been what about you we've been fixing the wind Raider did we miss anything huh you wouldn't believe me if I told you let's go [Music] no foreign I hear my story well I thought you weren't going to touch there were all these treasures you see and then trap-jaw showed up that was before the robots appeared robots [Music] today we saw professor small and find a great treasure it wasn't gold or jewels but something even more precious knowledge there are many places to find knowledge in one of the easiest and best is a museum museums are storehouses of knowledge where you can see and learn all sorts of fascinating things there's probably one close to you so pay a visit remember knowledge is power and you can get the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am Adam Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said by the [Music] [Applause] [Music] came the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] so you want to be a brave warrior yes I will save the kingdom from one of skeletor's evil deeds Orko we are thirsty don't be such a scaredy-cat cringe yeah it's okay buddy it's only thunder I'm not so sure Adam what is it I don't know Teela but I have a strange feeling we're going to find out soon enough is it Orko I don't know they sure upset come on let's find out [Music] I'll leave it to Cringer to find the hiding places all right now what's this all about - from nighters that's dimension he's coming after me [Music] hmm you know I've heard that name before yes me to tell us more or collect right for life dimension an electron that's a robot made of pure energy isn't it that's right Adam tell me Orko why is he after you I have a hunch your question is about to be answered father [Music] I am Hermes I have done for the secret thing and for Co the icon has it [Music] so that little floating magazine has a secret hidden somewhere we should let this walking lightbulb aramesh do our dirty work for us what is your plan Skeletor I shall bring this animus here and make a deal with him so we can help him get the secret for himself by 1 or code the iPod I think that's far enough out of my way [Music] hey bright boy pull him down [Music] they'll be all right just had the wind knocked out of them Cringer well I guess it's time for us to take over old buddy let's move we were down by the power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he-man battle cat you took a hard jolt aramesh has taken Orko will you two be alright yes hurry Teela and I will follow you in the wind Raider right come on cat you [Music] we must find that robotic-like according unto the secret for himself alright alright [Music] I'm picking up something on the scanner just north of you he-man [Music] [Applause] very its father coming any moment a man I see it Duncan I'll take it from here guys Thanks [Music] they're all the energy friends for clever piece men share Skeletor [Music] now to find that creatures exact electrical frequency and the robot will be in my possession to do my bidding [Music] amen amen will not spoil my plans this time by weight you need mortal Wyatt icon I set out of my way I'll be glad to as soon as you hand over my little friend you'll have to do better than that [Music] I'll take my little friend now [Music] I don't know Tila aramesh and orko just disappeared battle cat and I will meet you and Duncan back at the palace [Music] [Applause] [Music] no we upset my friend [Music] I brought you here to help you get the secret you see you help get secret pour aromatic help son oh brother do you want to help me those who would prevent you from getting the secret are my enemies perhaps if I help you get the secret you will help me take over Eternia agree it is agree [Laughter] [Music] I suspect he men harem ashes vanishing act was not his doing what do you mean father as I remember from my studies in robotics Tila electrodes cannot vanish by their own energy hmm why do I get the strange feeling that Skeletor has something to do with this what evil tricks are you up to this time Skeletor if you have harmed him at all you'll answer to me he wasn't touched instead a big cat all right Skeletor you're not known for doing favors what's the catch [Music] we're not in the mood for demands you will bring this one what kind of demand me and if we don't accept your demands and I will unleash the electron robot on your kingdom my dear we must talk this over we will give you our answer in one hour Skeletor it looks like we have our work cut out for us orco where have you hidden the secret thing Castle Grayskull then we're off to Castle Grayskull Orko you two stay here and try to stall Skeletor we'll need all the time we can get come on big cat we must hurry [Music] door is using Aramis to get the secret and gain the kingdom we must somehow trick Aramis and to going back to our custom engine orko did the dimensions here yes name dimensions fear [Music] [Music] thank you okay so this is what Skeletor and that overgrown short-circuit or after yes this is the secret thing in the days of the Old Kingdom icons like Orca where the keepers of the sphere since that time the sphere has remained at Castle Grayskull and aramesh thanks Arco use this sphere to come into this dimension not knowing that it was an accident that's when I was found in at ice one can we locate the dimension tunnel witness here yes he met once opened can it be closed yes my powers can seal the tunnel but I will only have strength enough for one try I think I have an idea and I'm going to need the help of both of you here's the plan [Music] my patience grows short many Tom's where is he man of that little mr. maker he-man will be here soon he and Orko went to the tar swamp he's gone lose someone Skeletor you owe that girl that hope you let him get away mr. T - this was before [Music] they'll just hold your friends till you get back Skeletor man's plan is working so far like clockwork Teela speaking of clockwork he-man come in did you hear everything yes I heard it at arms good work we'll take it from here good luck thanks Taylor see you later Eman out oh you ready Orko ready are you ready so are well you're right on time bright face give me the beer it belongs with me [Music] nice of you to drop in on a Skeletor we've been expecting you [Music] I'm afraid that decision is up to Orko besides aramesh got here first the kingdom is in your hands [Music] [Music] I'm a curious fair to have a convention [Music] this is some kind of trick [Music] my power scandal the tunnel open much longer amen [Music] did you think you fit tricked me I'm not going in there like that full Skeletor nice try hang on so are no even don't touch him I have no choice but to its energy will drain you of your throw him into the tunnel not my strength [Music] [Applause] big [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well Danica I'm proud of you if it hadn't been for Eamon he met [Music] are you alright what happened by grabbing Aramis you absorbed his electrical energy no mortal man had ever done that before power of Grayskull sir was with you what about Skeletor he was chasing me so our powers pulled me back through the tunnel just eaten Thank You sorceress for helping me it was you and Orko who saved the kingdom I will always be near when you need me amen besides akka was the hero of the day now I must return to the castle [Music] well all your heroes let's get back to the palace and let everyone in on the good news [Music] we're all very proud of you Orca accept this token of our gratitude you are now sir Orca the night what's wrong you should be happy sir Orko not really a hero I don't deserve this medal why don't you think you are a hero because I was afraid and brave man aren't afraid of anything come here Orko I want to explain something to you without fear courage wouldn't exist and courage to face a challenge when you are afraid is what bravery is all about in spite of all odds you took the challenge and that is why you are truly a brave knight sir Orko truly a brave knight I'm Julia [Music] today Orca was being chased by an evil robot Orca was very frightened but in the end he overcame his fear and helped he-man defeat the robot all of us are frightened at one time or another and it's nothing to be ashamed of fear is natural it makes us aware of possible danger without fear we'd wind up in all kinds of trouble so never feel guilty because you're afraid listen to your fears they'll help you stay out of trouble until later [Music] and the Masters of the Universe [Applause] I am Adam Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said by the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] became the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] but King said to thank you for lending this to him I'm always glad to help should we go this place gives me the creeps Cringer that's very rude you apologize right now I'm sorry such a creepy place sorceress Fran chair that's all right Adam it's the salami they're trying to contact me magically who are the Fulani the fairy folk they live in the whispering vana oh they're adorable I can hear you tell me how I can help a huntsman has entered the mystic mountains he seeks our Valley and the unicorn a unicorn I didn't think they still existed there is only one left on all Eternia the Salani are sworn to protect it who is this Huntsman his name is Baron Grod broad yes I've heard of him I will do what I can thank you sorceress thank you but please [Music] if Braun's hunt is successful the unicorn will vanish from our world then we've got to stop him well there's no law against hunting Tila well there should be I agree with you Tina but the prince is right however perhaps the Baron can be reasoned with if he knows this unicorn is the last of its kind he may stop his hunt I'll be glad to talk to him me too he's got four lies at the edge of the mystic mountains we can be there in no time you mean I have to go too what are you afraid of now we'd never let anyone hang you on a wall would wait Tina oh of course not besides you'd look better at the rug I'm only teasing silly I don't think it was very useful me I hope you can convince the better not to hunt the unicorn will convince him all right one way or the other we'll have a better chance if you control your temper Prince Adam is right reason is always better than anger I know it's it's just when I think of him hunting down a poor defenseless creature I get so mad I don't like the idea either but we're dealing with a loyal nobleman not with Skeletor if you ask me he's almost as bad as Skeletor well will soon say goodbye sorceress farewell Prince Adam and good fortune that must be graz Castle let's hope the Baron's in [Music] who goes there I am Adam Prince of Eternia we want to speak with Baron Grod immediately the Baron is on the practice ranger - if you'll wait I'll send someone for don't bother we'll go ourselves where is it that way target [Music] let's have three this time pretty good shooting who are you I am Prince Adam this is teyla captain of the Royal Guard and my friend and companion Cringer they are highness forgive me for not recognizing you I haven't been to the Royal Palace in a long time then we want to talk to you about a very important matter of course let's go inside where we can be more comfortable growler Cringer your pet is not very brave is he I built mine to fear nothing till he has his moments unfortunately this isn't one of them get down you're embarrassing shame such a good-looking beast well shall we go just lead the way least he thinks you look like Cringer probably wants to make me into a cold [Music] my trophies I caught each animal myself magnificent aren't they disgusting is more like it all these poor animals control yourself they yeah they look almost alive they are I put them in a state of paralysis when I catch them it preserves their natural beauty better be so well what is it you wish to speak about but we understand you're about to hunt down a unicorn quite true it will be my greatest hunt ever do you know that if the last unicorn on Eternia of course that's why it's such a valuable catch no Huntsman on this world can boast such a trophy but the unicorn has a right to live especially since it's the last of its kind but it will live in fact it will live forever just as all my trophies do and I mean to have it you can't reason with a villain like him Adam [Music] compound Tila you won't call off his hunt that's correct well in that case I have no choice but to ask the king for a royal order against it as much as I respect the royal family you have no right to meddle in my affairs and you have no right to hunt down the last unicorn for your own selfish pleasure as I'm sure my father will agree goodbye baron you sure told them atom good for you wait come back you can't do this we've got to get back to the palace immediately [Applause] [Music] Baron Grod to camlock come in gum Rock I'm like this is Baron Grod calling and sigh you stupid ogre a wind Raider has just left my castle heading south I want you to bring it down and take the passengers prisoner Prince Adam and Teela captain of the Royal Guard hey well as I always do of course if you're afraid but the pay must be double this time agreed but no one must know I'm involved and I don't want them harmed only held for a while so much for the high and mighty Prince of Eternia [Music] fire the tractor beam wasn't me something's locked on to us it's a tractor beam in it's pulling us down I'll give it full power maybe we can break loose there's no good that beams too powerful we're going to cross into the ground you'll have to jump for it [Music] when the King hears of this you'll be in big trouble ogre the king will not hear no one will hear for a long long time my sword what are you going to do with us you will have a long happy life as slaves in our minds enough talk take them to the mines get them get them all [Music] this is far enough [Music] by the power of Grayskull [Music] bring on those ogres here they come [Music] [Applause] [Music] battle Holden [Music] oh no can't turn back [Music] [Applause] we can't go this way [Applause] look at Stella [Music] what are you doing here there's no time to talk now Adams alright let's get out of here before those ogres improve their aim time to slam the door on these ogres [Music] I don't think they'll give us any more trouble now to stop Baron Grod you know about it yeah yes of course he's the reason I'm here and unless I miss my guess he's already hunting the unicorn [Music] the husband what should we do [Music] a nosy over here [Music] [Applause] bralla what [Music] what's going on here rather your stun beam take care of you now for the unicorn there it is what a marvelous trophy it will make we should reach the whispering valley soon I just hope we're in time go [Music] [Music] away growler now beast we end the hunt [Music] [Music] it's done he went this way all right [Music] hisilani if he takes the oh no we're too late we haven't failed yet come on [Music] you may begin the paralyzation process [Music] there creature you will be immortal [Music] the castle is under attack attack he-man why do you attack my castle I want you to free that Unicorn never [Music] are you ready to give up not yet Eman that's a Miss barren is it and now something for your cat to play with in trouble come on [Music] good shot Tila you you've saved me it's not much fun being chased and trapped is it now maybe you know how animals feel when you hunt them I never realized I've been a fool I'll free the unicorn and all the other animals too well it looks like our work is finished not quite yet [Music] and that's the whole story father a most disturbing tale but you say the Baron has seen the error of his ways he has your majesty but there are many others who haven't and that's why we ask your help and you shall have it I hereby decree that from this day on the hunting of animals for sport is outlawed on Eternia looks like we've done it Teela don't forget about he-man oh that's that's one fella I never forget [Music] [Applause] in today's story I was very angry at Baron Grod I was supposed to try and talk him out of honey the unicorn but I kept losing my temper and when you lose your temper you can't think clearly we all get angry at times but we should learn to control our tempers it's better to stay cool and talk things out reasonably how it's not always easy but it's usually the best way to solve any problem until next time bye Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said [Music] [Applause] [Music] came the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] know what uh you know food let's go on musk must I found it the temple the temple of the Sun I found it it has to be here it it has to be here nothing [Music] I can feel it it's my test the scarabs powers [Music] [Music] [Music] this is as good a spot as any you think or Co is at Castle Grayskull yet is magic well he should be there by now let's give it a try Orko come in this is man-at-arms calling where are you communicator [Music] [Music] or cohere works very man-at-arms it's like you're standing there's to me wait first so we can trade a little magic I have a lot to shower I'm sure you do oka where is the sorceress then you should see her soon nothing happens to delay her what could happen after a lifetime of being poor now I can command the wind as my guardian when [Music] I have power of the creatures on the land [Music] good omen you will be the symbol of my kingdom the kingdom of death oh the mighty wizard if you don't land squarely with both feet you'll go off at this is the tenth time I'm worn out you know Teela keep trying till you get it right here goes I guess that's enough for today we'll try again tomorrow and we'll keep trying until you get it right if at first you don't succeed what's the matter Shh sorceress where are you can you hear me she's in trouble try to regain contact sorceress can you hear me where are you what happened I was flying all the time when I think the presence of magic below I tried to investigate with it I was knocked out of the sky are you hurt just weak I can't speak anymore sorceress sorceress come back come back I lost her do you know where she is the sands of time a place called the Temple of the Sun we've got to rescue her it's in my eyes in my claws sometimes you get it in your mouth sorry a big furball but this is something beyond our mere mortal powers besides there's nothing to it [Music] where are you wait a minute I know you don't enjoy this old cat but there is a quest for us no but every time I turned into that battle cat you get me into some kind of trouble I'll make a deal with you I'll go with you but as Cringer maybe I can bring some common sense to this quest all right my feline friend and when you change your mind be sure to let me know a chance if you two are finished I suggest it's time to go something is missing My Fair Falcon I know what it is [Music] from the very desert that almost destroyed me I hereby appoint you my general the general of the wizard napo's army now for your army my general I think you just imagined you heard a call for help now can we go home attack track shouldn't we be coming across this temple soon you should try to contact the sorceress again alright sorceress anything nothing must be some powerful magic if she can't use her telepathy strong magic or she's no she's well and we will rescue her warning noted track be prepared for a quick getaway let's look around the sorceress must be inside the temple wonder what the track meant by a man with a dust devil it's coming right at us like it was alive track back up [Applause] where are you I'm going to take some of the wind out of this blowhard if I can just work fast enough in the opposite direction the wind is going it's working wind is slowing down I can feel it strange wind condition that was an understatement attack track warned us next time we'll just ask for more details I know I'm gonna hate myself for this but I think battle cat might be better suited for this kind of work well it's a wise man or cat who admits to being wrong [Music] not a moment too soon look look at the size of that watch out for the tail it's poisonous we'd better do something about this big bug monster is more like it you two can keep it busy for a minute I think I have an idea [Music] I can keep that nasty tail out of our way with my electro [Music] [Music] I don't know how much longer I can hold on here's a quick science lesson what is sand composed of beats me sand is a form of silica and if you heat silica to its melting point you get glass so if I rub this sand fast enough and the friction creates enough heat to melt it I will get glass [Music] there you are a bug in a box that doesn't seem too happy about its new home he'll dig his way out by tonight now for the reason we came here in the first place finding the sorceress we better be careful that's an tornado and giant scorpion were guarding something or someone someone who doesn't want us here well if we're not expected then we'd better knock and for that we need a door but where is it I'll try the roof we'll look for a front entrance [Music] [Applause] Scarah becomes stronger creation behold the sand demon is as hard as rock yes it fixable nothing can defeat him I will create others like him I will sit by army upon the way as I am the ruler of Eternia I will make the Falcon a signal of my kingdom that please you mine [Music] [Music] a Diamond Falcon and even more precious symbol of my power I am we've gone around the entire structure and there is no door then we'll make our own [Music] [Music] I must rest before I conquer the world sorry about the wall but you seem to be short a few doors you don't frighten I don't know who you are but don't know if you'll just turn there talkin back to its original state and set it free my feline friend and I would appreciate it you dare tell me what to do look battle cat company doesn't look like they want a shake just you must come on battle cat let's scatter these walking piles of sand [Music] here you can join your buddies this is just like playing on the beach [Music] [Music] not all of my army is so easily defeated these sand demons have been made as hard as stone general these fellows look mighty grim battle cat maybe some exercise would cheer them up [Music] this is hard sand looks like we have our work cut out for us [Music] well wizard looks like your army is coming apart want to give it another try [Music] [Applause] [Music] he meant here nah you had something of unlimited power it could have been used for good but you misused it for your own selfish reasons but no more [Music] [Applause] [Music] good work man a terms my pleasure [Music] well it's too bad the Scarab had to be destroyed that scallop wasn't evil it was just used for evil purposes besides I've restored it look there it snaps ooh yes he now tends the flowers in the evergreen forest he seems very happy and why shouldn't he be the evil india was destroyed with a scarab but you said you restored it so I did love yes it certainly is no that makes me happy today we met Knapp through a man who wanted to become a leader and became one but net flew used his leadership for his own selfish glory and in the end he got what he deserved being a good leader takes a lot of responsibility but you must also be responsible when you follow a leader don't do something wrong or dangerous because someone tells you to think before you act we can't all be leaders but we can all choose what's right and wrong for ourselves [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm Adam Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said by the power [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cringer became the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor ah this is the life a Cringer a sunny afternoon a hearty lunch and a beautiful view to paint just call me a dime o da Vinci I think I'll get a little more water coloring in before lunch on second thought lunch now painting later [Music] [Applause] [Music] what sorceress projecting my thoughts to you from here in Castle Grayskull something is wrong here at the castle I dare not take the form of so are the falcon in order to summon you in person you must come to Grayskull at once as he-man I'm on my way sorceress by that [Music] [Music] to Castle Grayskull [Music] what know what's going on I like this sorceress is thrown [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy this justice was he's Hollywood she said something was wrong here let's go find her [Music] sorceress are you all right yes II miss whatever is happening it seems to be homeless it's almost as if something was trying to get your attention amen you just may be onto something up and I'd say whoever it is is trying a little too hard Oh mystic Mara all-seeing all-knowing this strange intruder to us now be showing Thank You sorceress it's such hard work trying to get your attention Sandor ah I might have known it was you you're being rather bold in light of your past crime whatever I need who is he sorceress that he men is some thought former keeper of eternia's greatest treasure the golden disks of knowledge and a very broad people he was the crime was mine sorceress I will tell my own story long ago he-man the wisest men and women the universe came here to Eternia to store their knowledge on the golden disks the Council of the wise made me the disks keeper yes and then came Skeletor weakness I gave the discs to Skeletor who promised me great power in return you can see for yourself what power I received he-man none for my crime I was banished to the Phantom dimension doomed forever to travel throughout Eternia as an invisible phantom with no body your story is a sad ones and Thor sadder than you know amen Skeletor is a constant threat to us because of the knowledge he gained from the golden disks because you betrayed us and all but if you're a phantom how did you caused all that commotion just now I know the evil of my crime and I know the council's punishment was just but I also know there is still good within me by concentrating on that good I was able to have some power in the world of men again and I used it to summon you because I want to make up for my crime I wish to appeal to the council but I need your help no Xander you received a fair hearing your punishment was just I cannot go against the decision of the Council of the wise but perhaps you know what's best sorceress but if there is enough good left in Zen Thor to bring him this far back into our dimension perhaps he deserved to be heard you make a convincing argument even Django it looks like you have a champion the only remaining member of the original council is zodac I will try to summon Amir thank you both of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] since the council of the wise disbanded I have served the overlords of the eternal dimension keeping watch on the affairs of mortal men but never interfering but since this matter involves decision made when I was on the council I will hear you out Sam saw I am grateful zodak I wish to be released from the Phantom dimension so that I may atone for my crime and how do you intend to do this by returning the golden disks of knowledge from skeletor's clutches and what makes you think you can because I know where he has hidden them huh how do you know this I have been to snake Mountain in my phantom form unseen by Skeletor I even tried to take them from him but in my phantom form I could not hold them and how do we know that this isn't more of your treachery perhaps you planned to sell the discs again to a higher bidder than Skeletor so dad I swear I will give them only to you release me and let me get them back and you think you could take on skeletor's evil Malone but he's not alone with your permission I would like to accompany Xen Thor he-man why should you risk yourself by helping a known traitor because I believe everyone deserves a second chance so be it step forth from the mirrors and Thor into our dimension you will and inform but you will have the abilities of a mortal man thank you so that I won't comes n Thor let's go any luck we should be in skeletor's lair by daybreak well don't remind me that place gives me the creeps - snake mountain cat snake Mountain now we must somehow climb to the top without being noticed no he men when I came here as a phantom I found a secret entrance down here it's behind those Falls follow me [Music] [Music] it's true here [Music] come on you two it looks safe enough come on I smell a trap your nose isn't that sensitive captain come on I'm worried this door must be linked to the central controls if I break it down Skeletor sure to know we're here he'll find out when we break into the vault the discs are kept in anyway maybe those chambers are at the top of the mountain the discs are down here we can be in and out and gone before he can do anything about it I hope you're right for all our sakes air goes here are the vaults alright yeah but which bother the best seen the first one on the right holdin disks of knowledge San Thor were these disks made of gold or just paid at gold they were made of solid gold of course then these are fakes what why Skeletor probably made phony disks to fool anyone who came looking for them to save you from my clutches this time when you broke the vault block it set off my silent alarm you should have run when you had the chance now it's too late [Music] not only have you lost the disks you've lost your freedom as well now what do we do Xan Thor if so dak was correct and you still are a phantom you should be able to walk right through this forest cage [Music] right amen Orko can you conjure your way out of this force cage I have a plan your phantom powers were enough to get the sorceress pretty worried back at Grayskull see if you can do the same with Skeletor maybe you can distract them long enough for Orko to turn off the force field machine let's go don't be so suspicious Skeletor Oh santé are cheap tricks don't scare me that's what you think where to run skeleton [Applause] [Music] sanfur let us into two traps i trusted maquette he'll get us out of here [Music] well what did I tell you I smell danger I think you're wrong this time cat [Music] on the other hand you they have something there beastman evil-lyn trap-jaw don't you hate it when unexpected company drops in cat this time we have you he man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're raised have no effect on me Skeletor I only hope and Battlecat had enough time to get free their nose get for you now my force field generator I must turn it back on I'd say you three are the ones with an escape well we're free and we still don't know where the real disks are a man I've been thinking Skeletor builds snake Mountain with a knowledge he gained from the disks so wouldn't it stand to reason that he hid the real disks by building snake Mountain right on top of them your right to the vault room everyone I'll bet Skeletor placed the duplicate disks here to mark the spot where the real ones are buried [Music] nothing but more rock [Music] come on you three [Music] amen just because you found that this doesn't mean you can keep them you're about to find out why I call this snake just move away snakes won't follow you but the disks are on the other side of the canyon I know leave that to me Sam tor get the disks hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to atone for your crime a Santa why not give me the disks I'll give you something in return those long years you spent helpless in the phantom dimension they must have been painful yes San Thor must make his own decision Orko it was torture wasn't it to be invisible in the world of men unable to touch anyone to speak to anyone it was horrible then give me the disks I will free you from the phantom dimension forever and together we will attack zodac and your other enemies who put you there no that is not my enemy you are Skeletor so long Skeletor by the way you've got company you fall it's me it's me I was wrong about use and for I'm sorry I can understand you have done wells and four and u2e men I am glad the disks are safe once more my crime was unforgivable sundeck I am grateful for this chance to undo what I have done we have all learned from this the overlords of the eternal dimension have decided that are too many skeletor's in the universe to allow the discs to become openly available therefore I as cosmic enforcer watcher of the universe shall be their guardian however keeping watch over the universe is a big task for one man I need an assistant someone I can trust henceforth use and Thor shall travel at my side as a cosmic enforcer sodac I don't know what to say say nothing our task is to watch in its time we got to it farewell he-man and thank you it was my pleasure xantho [Applause] [Music] [Music] what I want to know is this in today's episodes and Thor committed a crime but when he was given a chance to make up for it he came through with flying colors you know it's important to give our friends a chance to make up for their mistakes of course if they continue to do wrong we might want to think about whether we really want them for a friend or not but many wrongdoers do see the error of their ways all they need is a second chance everybody deserves that [Applause] [Music] ah Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said by the [Music] [Applause] [Music] came the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] your gracious Majesties and friends I proudly present for your entertainment the magical mystery of the vanishing Prince let's rather see the mystery of the vanishing father being this trick all week [Music] [Music] [Music] in there anywhere today or good uncle my truck has been replaced his head of the Academy attached what a young wizard named Snoop clammy he was too old for the job he challenged your uncle to a duel of magics and lost my head oh cool I better go back to trauma and have a talk with him I know well I'd like to come along to Orko your uncle's helped all of us in the past [Music] I'll have the sorceress send Cringer and me through one of her magic gates they make my whiskers itch all right [Music] come on Cringer we're going to Castle Grayskull can send whoever it is away not in the mood for visitors it's good to see a lad very good well when 3l told me what happened I just had to come on I know all about you getting replaced as head of the academy and magic oh that well you needn't worry yourself about that lad I was about ready to retire anyway I'm getting too old to work magic Hey this is VI Co remember you don't have to begin with me oh oh you're right I am pretending I just can't believe this has happened to tell me if I do maybe there's something I can do well it all came as a big surprise to me smoke was one of my best students but I never knew how ambitious he really was things were all like when the contest began the Buddhist tricks were very good but I matched him truck for track and then something went wrong I felt weak just my power were fading [Music] it was a complete disaster from then on none of my tricks worked the Crimson Council decided snood was right about my being too old made him head of the academy of magic Oh nonsense you're as good a magician as you ever were there must be another reason why your tricks failed right and I'm gonna find out what it is daddy with a little visit smooth go gate to trolley is ready Adam ready for our little trip Cringer oh don't be silly one being careful and I'm also not going alright if you won't go with me I know someone who will namely battle cat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Sam are you what do you want hi Marco my jorts nephew I want to ask you about that dole of Magic's you have a my uncle I beat him Faris flare he's two other work magic anymore and I'm too busy to bother with you goodbye what do we do now Orko there's something about this that's not right I think we should take a look around inside got you wait for us here one quick off we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] his name's whiplash he's one of skeletor's men it looks like smooth speaking him plow and magic no no that's all wrong if you ever expect to learn this magic I better or you'll be sorry I need your magic on Eternia so I can show skill at all what I am really worth I wouldn't let you do Hemans friend that's my twit-flash I'm turning you and still over to the Crimson Council [Laughter] [Music] the usual magic before he uses his to break out you take them to your fortress I will be alone in a while [Music] [Music] Arkel and real captured by Chrome's oh no what we gonna do maybe I can lend the head he man am I glad to see you you've gotta help me save Orko and Friel let's go this place gives me the hop and boobies it's not exactly a picnic spot is it [Music] got to Fremont or [Music] [Music] that'll teach him to put the squeeze on us [Music] [Music] so dealing with villains you never could have beaten Montauk without me I hid nearby during the duel and used a ray on him that weakened his power for a while I know I knew he'd never beat my uncle fairly what am i John I was so proud of myself and now it's not too late you can still do the right thing stop whiplash yeah yeah you're right I have to stop him so you're not only a fool snow be a traitor as well take [Music] there it is the cruel fortress then let's knock [Music] you three have the honor of being my first victims on draw get loose and now that is gone why should i crush you after what you did but I didn't help I want to he did try to save us all come and we can't just leave him like this well alright did you think we should when I find out who dares to attack me Kenan whiplash so you're behind this [Music] battle cat I'll handle this crowd you see if you can find R : [Music] [Music] take care of those double for me rocking out face get them [Music] [Music] I hope you little twits [Music] [Applause] [Music] your boys can't take on a Scargill own only combine magic we'll work on it well then we better start combining gunk because here he comes again quick join your hands to my humble humble Beast evil [Music] it [Music] I wouldn't exactly say that scale [Music] [Music] you're all washed up villain good to see you you too little buddy [Music] looks like whiplash wants to play some more [Music] I'm going to give it to you now all this magic muffler in I think it's time to go home [Applause] [Music] wrong Montfort I know that now I guess my desire to be important I forgot how much serious is worth I'm very sorry you oughtta be no no nephew I think snoop has learned his lesson besides it's trollin custom to forgive and fork like oh please all right means a lot to me well it's about time for us to be getting back to Eternia our cone the sorceress says gate won't last much longer but you can't leave not before our celebration feast why there's a whole roast gooble in the oven well I suppose we can stay a little longer right cat he'll keep bring on the feast Montauk [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell the day's new learned a very important lesson he found out that when young people and older people work together they can accomplish great deal you see older people have experience that can help young people if they're willing to listen and that's why you should always respect older people and pay attention to the advice they give you well or go for once you're right and I always until later Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said [Music] [Applause] [Music] came the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and this looks like the ideal place here in the middle of nowhere this is hardly a picnic site we aren't here for a picnic we're here to test this invention okay track stop which is exactly what we need to test this device father will you please explain why we had to come all the way out here because it isn't the sort of thing I want to fool around with near the palace it's a portable teleportation device what is it it could move an object anywhere instantly for example you see that Boulder suppose we need to move it to the top of that mountain now watch father that's wonderful Duncan you mean this box of yours can transport anything or anyone anywhere yeah well priceless Skeletor with that teleporter he could stage a sneak attack on King Randal or even Castle Grayskull when the batteries fully charged it can transport four or five people at once doesn't apply to sorcerers certainly care to try it no no I can do that sort of thing myself you know don't worry you're after all anyone can make a mistake I daresay my device is a little more accurate Orko let's see how it works on a human being suppose I needed to get across this Canyon father are you sure it's safe perfectly all right here I go now's my chance there's someone else over there father rapture [Music] give me the teleporter never heads up you two where it comes great catch Tila I've lost a teleport or maybe is something more valuable a man who invented it hey listen you know I'll trade you man-at-arms for that box don't listen to him why do we do our only hope is to teleport man-at-arms out of there this should send him back to the past No Deal trap-jaw then you'll never see him again well you won't that's for sure no no you don't have anything trap-jaw but what's to stop him from coming after us for the box simple attack track go get him [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] let him go track we've got to get back to the palace and make sure man-at-arms is all right I just hope I set the controls right [Music] [Music] where in the world and Teela teleport me too [Music] must be far away from trap Joe that's for sure Obito star that arms for your skillet effect weapons you'll be worth $100 for days Gemma door [Music] and now we'll take a nice leisurely journey that snake [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's no use Tila no one's heard a word from man-at-arms since we left wasn't he wearing a communicator well I tried contacting him nothing but I was sure I set the teleporter to bring him back here Oh Adam suppose I made a mistake suppose he reappeared over the ocean or in it or or in the eternal desert suppose he does never reappeared at all I'm sure he'll turn up don't you see I used that teleporter when I wasn't sure how it worked I am to blame you're gonna be spending a lot of time working for us [Music] today I committed a terrible error in judgment because of me we have lost our great teacher inventor and warrior and I have lost a father I made an unforgivable mistake I am not fit to be captain to the guard I resigned from my post Teela you're being much too hard on yourself I refused your resignation and I have no choice but to exile myself to the wave lands Taylor no I'm sorry but I leave tonight [Music] a solid force field cage very clever Skeletor that's a high compliment coming from our mind as brilliant as yours but enough with niceties get to work and how do you intend to make me work you want to eat don't you and you're a half-starved believe me you'll do anything I say hmm good point I was tinkering on another teleporter I suppose I could finish it but finish it on paper I want plans not finished products after all you might try to teleport yourself out of here you can use that box as a model for the teleporter when I return I wish to see it completely that's what you wish bonehead now define some parts and see what I can do Sheila you're not really leaving yes I don't deserve to live here anymore but Tila anybody can make a mistake that is a luxury the captain of the guard just can't afford we are all human Teela man-at-arms is out there somewhere I just know he is [Music] you've been at the communications center all night you need some rest my boy I'm sorry father I was hoping that if men-at-arms was somewhere out there he might somehow get a message through good night father man-at-arms where are you hello for you come in man-at-arms where are you at snake Mountain skeletor's got me in his dungeon I managed to rig a communicator but I can't talk long I knew you'd be standing by Adam I'm on my way see you soon but first I better find teyla and tell her if she doesn't help save her father she'll never get her self-confidence back [Music] hey a man at arm's teleporter may come in handy [Music] I guess this'll be my home from now on [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was close [Music] [Music] looks like Tila may need some help from he-man [Music] by the power of Grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you got a pretty good clip how about going [Applause] [Music] thank you for your help but I don't deserve it look Tayla oh please don't start I'm sure you've heard what I did and nothing you can say will make me go back oh and what if I were to say that we heard from man-at-arms he's alright he is if you can call being Skeletor as prisoner alright we've gotta rescue him he had a feeling you'd say that [Music] now let's go and rescue it I think we'd better go on foot from here [Music] you did well trap Josh with man-at-arms designing weapons for me nothing will stop me not even he-man perhaps he can even help me perfect this new heat [Music] framing my walls like that that's near mana tom sell any bright ideas about how to get in Teela I was hoping you'd have one man-at-arms said he was in a dungeon now we could either climb all the way up to the top and then climb all the way down to the dungeon or I could just punch a hole right here it would make a bit of noise though which could be just what we need Skeletor and his goons are bound to notice us anyway so when they come running you create a diversion and I'll free man-at-arms it still sounds awfully noisy yes but I like it that way simple and direct ready ready [Music] simple and direct huh we're inside one of skeletor's bulbs relax I'll have us out of here in no time I hope now you head up there and do something to get their attention they should be showing up any time now good luck [Music] this seems like a good place to get skeletor's attention I don't know what this does but I'm going to find out [Music] [Music] well father always told me not to mess with machines without finding out how they work amen I knew you'd get through we've got to hurry teyla's upstairs creating a diversion but it may not last long how do we break this force cage we can't the controls aren't even in this room tougher than I thought good thing I brought this teleporter let me see it the battery's low there's only enough power to teleport two of us out of here then it'll be you and teyla I'll find her there's more of a diversion than I intended to make another pit [Music] fire [Music] guess I'll put that flames out bye guys [Music] so human is here this is me a chance to test my latest invention even Jayla hey man did you buy my father this way the teleporter can only take two of us back I'm afraid so then you and he-man go I'll make it back all right don't be foolish he-man has a much better chance of getting out on his own there you are Teela No said it me Oh No if I hadn't made a mistake with that teleporter yesterday we wouldn't be in this mess I don't ever want to touch it again no Tina you must do it but I failed please don't make me do it again you did not fail you did what you thought was right that isn't failure but I'm afraid there isn't time for this Taylor Skeletor must know where we are you'll be down here any second and they'll have us and the teleporter now set the controls I can't please have faith in yourself Teela we do I guess I guess you're right that's this very daughter how do I set it well I designed it to automatically return to the palace in an emergency just line up the crosshairs [Music] we did it what did I tell you this is the only way to travel well getting out of here should be a breeze or did I speak too soon I have you now you muscle-bound oaf you have to do better than that Skeletor so I shall my freeze ray will stop you [Music] what are you doing put that down [Music] [Applause] so long Skeletor dropped me a line if you ever get this thing down from here oh and watch that first step it's a Lulu [Music] [Music] to celebrate your safe return home don't worry Orko after all everyone makes mistakes today Teela made a mistake but instead of trying to correct it she ran away that was an even bigger mistake making mistakes is part of being human but punishing yourself for quitting because of it is no way to make things better the right thing to do is accept your error and try not to make that same mistake again that's a lot smarter than running away until our next exciting adventure good bye for now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am Adam Prince of Eternia and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull this is Cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said [Music] [Applause] [Music] became the mighty battle cat and I became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor [Music] oh no it's not a thousand salmon this is it the weather stations ice radar [Music] [Applause] someone's trying to steal the ice Raider [Music] they know it was my fault she got through we need a little help here [Music] what's a Porco [Music] come on Cringer we've got to save Philip what do you mean [Music] by the power ah mind your manners whiplash how about a polite introduction to this let's keep things neat this belongs here and you belong where you can make [Music] - have a nice trip and don't give our regards to Skeletor neglected to call the guard why Philip you know what you're supposed to do when there's danger I was going to call them but I just didn't have time and I wasn't here the alarm button and - me just own up why doesn't he just stop making all these excuses so you made a mistake why don't you tell me help me I don't know what you're talking about we should call you wimp - just give me another chance to get my claws on that ice Raider suitcase I agree with your dealer so it has to learn to accept responsibility I'm going to transfer you Philip up to the top of the world to help guard the weather station but that's for losers I did want to go right into my hands he'll have to use the ice Raider i sir where are you where else would I be I still can't get through that protective screen to the weather station you will be able to now the fools are sending a new Guardsman when he lowers the screen to go in that's your chance weather station is where we control the climate for all of eternia it's not well that's not true Phillip it's an important post and a good place to learn responsibility when you see the protective screen around the weather station pull this lever to deactivate it don't pull it until the last second and release it as soon as you're through the screen Phillip are you listening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why wait for the ice Raider maybe today I could get through on my own I better test it maybe it's not working and then again maybe [Music] to how about that oh I almost forgot on the inside now we'll make some real weather [Music] it's your job to check the building does a seal against the weather make sure they're all locked tightly here's your fries run use it to stop any intruder any questions this is simple enough [Music] it's not so cold out there [Music] please I'll be glad to [Music] bangs I needed that that is one slip too many for you something wrong with the weather station look at the size of that glacier it's getting larger every hour you'll have to fly up there and see what's wrong Teela you can whatever is cause this weather is fill the atmosphere with negative ions there's no communication and nothing can fly in that case I'll go check out the attack track you don't have to go with me Adam then you'd better pack your earmuffs Cringer we're leaving right away [Music] they're running from the glaciers that's another reason we've got to turn back the glacier before it destroys all the animals homes we'll have to send the attack tract back and go up the glacier on foot but first we've got to get past those trolls I'll go see if we can get around it come on Ranger wait never mind I don't have to do this myself [Music] [Music] let us pass marg adorns egg on top [Music] [Music] why don't you take care of that draft cat and I'm going to take care of those trolls [Music] not if I use my patented bank shot [Music] what are you doing here you're having trouble with a weather station aren't you yes Adams off looking for another way to go well we'd better not wait for him what about the trolls by the time they figure out how to get out of there we'll be long gone how are we going to get through nothing can penetrate the protective screen I [Music] think there's a better way my sword can absorb the energy [Music] I'm glad you're here he meant I don't know how he got kin but it wasn't my fault I was that's enough so it's I sir we're up against that means skeletor's behind this I'll go see if there's any other way to get inside we'll have to find I sir and stub him you helped ela I'll see about getting us in there [Music] how can I help her if I can't find her [Music] the ice below cats found something I so must have done it there I got news what we've got to get Tina out of there stand back I've got to find a place where there's a crack here's one no they hit it just you put cold in there we're in die sir he'll turn up we can count on that never mind him now we've got to find the sublevels below us closer to the centre of Eternia spread out look for the way down I forgot to tell he-man about the great mother chiller sure at least it's still asleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm getting nowhere fast [Music] or cousin trouble you do hang out in the strangest places Arco [Music] oh no you're not going to look me in to see you get all strung up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that caterpillars not mean you've just disturbed his sleep time for your beauty nap when you wake up you'll be a gorgeous butterfly [Music] the way down hi sir could be gutting these steps he must be around he's in the wall now if we could just keep him there or go do you have your phone good you take care of that then three Phillip I've got to get to the heat source [Music] [Music] this is as far as we can go well cut noses the props three bad news is soulless aye sir how did that happen I goofed the powders it was all my fault we'll talk about that later now we've got to get to the center of Eternia and bring in some heat if you let people know you made a mistake they won't like you boy if that were true I wouldn't have a friend in the world you better go ahead a man [Music] I'm going to stop he bad that's what you think you base don't touch him battle cat no free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see icers running in more ways than one the heat melted the ice in the control room the guards were alright and we were able to adjust the weather control I want to thank you all for saving Eternia but how did this happen in the first place was all my fault your majesty if it hadn't been for me I so would have never gotten in there it looks as though you've learned to take responsibility Phillip [Music] not a chance I saw you take the blame and you're a very popular fellow as for you Adam uh where were you when I he's never around when I need him but you have to admit it's nice when he is around yes it is but don't you dare tell him I said so [Music] well how are things going at the weather station Philip well it's lots of work petty responsibilities you know part of growing up is learning how to be a responsible person that's for sure whether a job is big or small it's nice when you know that you're the kind of person people can depend upon to get the job done that's right to being responsible means you can be depended upon and that's a big step toward becoming a winner [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: He-Man Official
Views: 3,804,434
Rating: 4.5207129 out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: K8t5Uwtyau8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 1sec (11401 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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