He Makes a Living Algo Trading in Forex - Scott Welsh | Trader Interview

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wait a second i've been brainwashed and we all have been to say seven percent is the only thing we can ever get and yet here are these people over here they're going for a hundred and with real money like what's wrong here so i just became fascinated and it really changed my mindset and it made me want to go for more welcome back everyone today i'm sitting down with scott welsh and i'll go trader we spoke a couple years back before kovind loves been moving on for him since covering everything around and we'll get to talk about his argos how he's preparing them high schooling then how he's putting them in the market and managing them over time so scott how's it going today it's going it's a little bit in the evening here in florida but it's going great awesome good to hear so let's kind of start with this because we have a lot to discuss of course with algos but tell me what's been going on since we last spoke a few years ago has anything changed in your trading and how you do things just everything's still the same a lot has changed a lot is the same uh still 99.9 of my money isn't is algorithmic and you know there are a lot of different types of algos the ones that i like are the ones that the human doesn't get involved you know some people like to have a robot take a position then the human manages it that's just not my way so i'm very much if i'm gonna trade with algos then it's doing everything like i'm not doing a darn thing you know i can spend my time better somewhere else um so that's the same i still believe in trend following even more so um you know i was really struck by the nicholas darvis book you know from decades ago you know how i made a million in stock market or whatever and how he his journey and again this was before computers and all this but he said you know he tried fundamental he tried value he tried all these things and nothing worked until he started buying breakouts and i thought oh that's a cute story and it's like every month that passes i'm like there are so many ways to trade but holy moly if you just buy breakouts um you got a chance you got a chance to make money uh a lot so not that the win percentage is high but as long as your risk reward is good you know so still trend following i did develop a system in 2019 that i'm still trading today that's that's i'm very uh manages a lot of my money but you know i've developed probably 30 to 40 different versions and you know i tell my members all the time my biggest regret is that i'm not trading 30 to 40 different versions of my algo at once you know it's not easy especially in the us because fifo but yeah i'm still still trading algos i'm still 100 algos little bit different um i've entered a trading contest too which is different but otherwise very much the same interesting so there's going to be like two types of people who are gonna kind of have different views of articles first you got the people who say well you just leave diago run then it's going to make money like 24 7 forever and you'll be able to become a billionaire in like three years anyways other people who say oh you got to manage that all the time you're going to tweak the settings make it work all the time how does that fit in like within your algo trading do you have to change your settings often you just leave it run and be done with it or how does that kind of work out to be honest i want more than anything to re-optimize my algo all the time i mean i feel like that makes sense you know when i started building robots in 2012 my favorite people that i was studying at the time were like well you know this robot these settings are good for four months and then at four months you reoptimize and that honestly made so much sense to me because the mark has changed like how do you know your robot's going to work tomorrow going to work next month you know things change you know so uh i've always in my heart believed that we should be re-optimizing all the time and i don't ever re-optimize because the reason why i've spent dozens and dozens of hours manually even i've done walk forward testing with software and i've done it myself testing it for a certain amount of period reoptimizing and then going again it's the true walk forward right it's the only true way to trade and it's never better like literally atn not once have i ever done walk forward you know in that sort of mechanical or manual manual way and has it ever worked like it's never it's never been more profitable so maybe it's the way i test and develop you know i develop for the long term i don't develop for short-term profits i don't try to make the most i try to make something that will last in all market environments so you know my goal when i build a robot i don't plan on changing it ever and i know people get crazy about that i know people say you have to change i know everyone says every algo fails at some point but i'm just telling you what i watch every day and what i've tested you know with my eyeballs and you know re-optimizing i can't find a way to make it work better well you know it's funny because people trading manually don't re-optimize every like five or six months they're never gonna like create the amount of strategy they might do some practicing in the future to see how things evolve like what they can do better but they're not gonna change or change the settings like every few months so with an argo there's no reason you would do that and i think that if you caught it with the perspective like if you have the market that doesn't change like like you mentioned following breakout then it's a lot easier to kind of make it stand the test of time well i think it's interesting you know if you're looking at discretionary traders uh it's hard to find a better one than mark minervini you know he's got two books out there you know i i listen to trader interviews for fun i don't like stuff like you do for example and if you you know mark minervini won the u.s investing contest in 97 i believe he won it multiple times let's say 97 and then he just won it again in 2021 um that's a lot of years apart right it's over 20 years apart and in interviews he's talked about he's a discretionary trader he hasn't changed in 39 years he hasn't changed his style like sometimes his profit target changes a little bit sometimes his stop you know sometimes it's five percent sometimes a six percent stop but isn't that weird that he's a purely discretionary trader and he hasn't changed in 39 years but i'll go traders have to change i i guess that's that seems weird to me i understand why people say it but you know i i just don't i don't know if it's true yeah it's a good point so i also have some some thoughts on that for sure but that's a good point now next thing i want to hear you on is the keyboard we hear everyone say when they hirago is over optimizing how do you avoid that how do you make sure that your goal is not over optimize over past eight times you're gonna have like a crash right after you go live with it yeah it's it's the question right um but it's no different than asking warren buffett when he's down 50 in 2008 is value investing dead you know what i mean is coca-cola dead as well as fargo is geico dead so you know in other words you know it's everybody because people are so nervous about algos i think they want to ask the question more you don't worry about your significant other because they've had a bad day you know you don't need to re-optimize them but when do you know i mean that's the question for me it's it's a terrible answer the real answer is okay you've got a max draw down let's say you're willing to take a 50 drawdown because you're a crazy person right and your drawdown is now at 53 maybe there's something right so what what i would do at that point is i would go back okay i'm down 53 why well i'm a trend follower so i better be catching these trends right if there are huge if i'm looking at my instrument that i'm trading and there are massive trends and i'm not getting them i got a problem right i need to re-optimize or if my instrument isn't trending anymore you know all of a sudden tesla doesn't trend anymore for example it goes flatline like fires are used to you know years ago or something like that then oh geez my instrument's not right the nice thing about being a trend follower or breakout trader is that you really can know when something's working and you know a lot of algo traders will say well it doesn't feel right like it's not working right well that's not that's a gut feeling that's not that's not a metric but honestly there have been robots for like this isn't right it's not catching the trends it doesn't feel right and i've dropped and i've dropped them or tweaked them you know this was you know years ago probably four or five years ago but honestly for me there are metrics i think max drawdown is a good one but what is the why behind your algo what why are you trading and if it's not doing that we need to do something about it that's a good point how many instruments do you trade on any given argo for like at any time is it like a bunch of instruments or only a few ones that you know work without that ago how did you know you're hitting all my hot button topics you're just trying to get me so fired up you know how did you know exactly what that we didn't rehearse this by the way well i'm reading a book right now as fate would have it's an older book i like old books by the way because i like to look at stuff written in the 80s and the 90s and see if it still works today and the stuff that does i mean that might be something great but i'm reading a book on warren buffett but is warren buffett's portfolio management and of course as everyone knows he's a focus investor which means you don't buy an index you don't diversify you don't do any of that you find one good idea a year and you put a lot of money on it this is warren buffett this is not me okay so isn't that interesting i think it's books robert hagstrom is the one who's writing it well i have felt like since 2012 i've always felt like well you're supposed to diversify right you can't just trade one thing or two things and you know for years i'm like well i've got something i really like but i better put it on something else because if it doesn't work on something else or if i'm not trading something else then i'm i'm wrong like i'm not i'm breaking the rules that are written on stone so to give you along with an answer to your question i'm tired of all that in the last 12 months i'm like i'm only trading the charts i like and i'm only trading the instruments i like and i'm happy if it works on something else but i don't care so in forex i love the pound yen okay why because i'm a trend follower okay well what trends the hardest and i'm not talking about the exotics i'm just talking about you know the crosses or whatever pound yen right so i've i've done euro yen i've looked at the aussie end but it's like my pound yen charts are five ten times better than anything else because it trends ten times ten times harder so i trade my diversification is a bunch of different systems on the pound yen but i gave it up atn not that long ago i just said i'm tired i'm tired of losing trades on my second favorite or my least favorite you know i'm not going to play a basketball game and play my worst players because i have to if i need to win a championship so sorry for the long answer because i told you you got me fired up but i'm only going to trade stuff the trends so if i'm trading stocks i want something that trends if i'm trading futures i want something that that produces and if i'm trading forex i want something that moves you could say that in a sense though especially in forex repairs are kind of correlated a lot so trading like 10 pairs wouldn't be necessarily a wise move compared to just one or two at the same time i know that people are going to say well you're missing out on practice on this and that but it's knowing like what you strive to perform good in then just focusing on that and i think you're doing that really well so that's of course a good thing well i mean i'm willing to be wrong right i i totally believe in strong opinions loosely held and i i want i believe in stuff very strongly but if the pound yen stops trending then i won't be trading the pound yen you know it's traded it's trended for 20 years uh i think it'll keep trending but until something trends harder you know i'm gonna stick to it and again i probably have 30 different variations of the pound yen so in a sense that's that's my form of diversification even though i don't trade all of the versions so tell me about that review process for your trading how do you go back and see a result and decide if you're going to turn off something or change something with your goals is it like a quarterly review or monthly one or it's something you do daily on my website i started this year uh a performance page where i just tracked month by month the algos that i'm interested in um so that's monthly and and i want to track that ongoing for years and years and years and years and years so definitely i look monthly but probably annually i like to go january to december and then by next january you know it's so hard with trend following it's so hard in trading anyway but you know there are years that don't trend that great there are years that are filled with filled with reversals you know trend following by definition doesn't work when there are no trends so trend followers have losing ears all the time so that's a problem right what i had a losing year am i done you know you have to give something a while now so i'm looking at it every month uh i don't probably look at it quarterly i look really really hard annually but it probably takes me over a year to switch now you know now would i open up a new account and try something else maybe you know with a small amount of money so you know that's kind of a change but when i put you know a lot of my money on something it's going to be hard to change it i'm not i don't change very fast so the thing is these arguments are not like high frequency trading they're nothing which is like like everyday or compulsories a day right right yeah mine uh it looks for a trade every day if it's not in one um but no i can go several days yeah it's it's looking for a very specific breakout with some momentum behind it so no yeah i don't trade every day i mean i get a decent amount of trades but no it doesn't it doesn't look every day it's it's pretty patient interesting so i know we discussed this the first time but we're talking about how to find strategies that you can encode into a novel can you maybe recap and go back again how you found new strategy that you have for diagonal i use i read a lot of trading books and you know sometimes i don't know if traders still like reading trading books sometimes i feel like it's passe i don't read trading books you know whatever i love reading trading books and i love finding ideas um and there are people out there who have give great ideas i kevin davey for example he's from ohio and i'm from ohio i've corresponded with him a couple times i think he's fantastic you know he writes books and with only ideas in them and their trend following ideas their main reversion ideas um stocks and commodities magazine um old trend following books bret penfold has a couple of great books um there are ideas everywhere and so that's what that's basically what i do i search for trend turtles i have a robot based on the turtles for example and i've read every turtle book and there are tons of ideas and turtles i find the trend followers i see if there's a book about them and then i start immediately coding breakouts and i go for big profit targets or you know let it run which ends up being a big profit target but i'm constantly looking for anything that's trend following i want to try to code it and take a look the coding is a big question though a lot of people are not used to coding them at hiring someone to do the coding for them are you doing the coding all by yourself or do you have any other help any people you employ to do coding for you i trade on mt4 with forex um so i have a programmer for that uh his name is daniel cynic and he's fantastic he has his own business he creates uh self-adapting uh indicate he's awesome a great programmer so he's programmed he helps me with my mt4 strategies i can code on tradestation slash multicharts i'm i'm decent i'm decent enough to be dangerous in easy language so anytime it's futures or stocks i can pretty much code that myself um not nothing complicated but most of my stuff is very simple um so yeah it's tough to find a good coder for sure um especially in mt4 um but i think with the other platforms it's pretty easy and then you know as an aside i like to give out free strategies in in my newsletter that i write for fun and i give out free strategies all the time so you'd still have to find someone to code them um but i you know i try to be the person you know i i appreciate people giving me ideas so i try to give back so that's another place for other people to go uh and plus creating ideas helps me think too so you know just by trying to give good ideas for other people that's another place to get good ideas but yes in mt4 you have to at least i have to have some help on a topic a lot of people think that idea is like the key like a secret thing but ideas come in everywhere you can find any way you want the hard part is the implementation of them so being able to code them training them in the market manage them over time so that's the tough part but yeah they think the ideas are i think a good thing you can find them everywhere it's good to share them of course but yeah they're everywhere these ideas so that's awesome i am shocked at if you use a longer term chart meaning in forex at least four hours you know because it's 24 hours but or daily weekly if you're looking at stocks or futures i'm shocked especially in the last year or two of my research how simple the strategies can be like there is a site too i'm i'm plugging all these people why i'm just giving so much information there's a site called 40in20out.com it's an academic study and they are in real time trading a basket of futures with a 40-day breakout and a 20-day trailing stop and that is it and i you know they made like 100 last year in real fake money you know i think they're up 36 this year just following trends in the futures market like put 40 in 20 out on apple anyone in the daily or weekly chart you will be shocked at how much money a system like no stop loss no target 40 and 20 up or 50 in 20 out or 40 in 10 out like it is shocking how that stuff works but can a trader sit and see a losing trade can a trader sit when they're up huge in profit like it's the human that screws up the breakout system you know it's a human that screws up these simple systems i'm just i'm shocked every time at how simple the system can be and it can still produce profit that would beat an index fund all you know i see those all the time and i i talk about them all the time i know for sure people are going to want to know about the forex one so what do you think could working for especially higher time frames would be an example of a decent system that could work on that well i've done uh i let's see what was my last loser it was a daily uh alright it was a daily rsi strategy so a daily chart and i'm guess which currency pair i use pound yet so it was a daily chart um and i did a 20 day breakout and i it had a time exit time exits are incredible i and i never knew that until you do the research i can look all this up for you i think it was an eight day if anyone who reads my newsletter notes i think it's an eight time exit right so you break out above or below the low of 20 bars you do have a stop loss i think it was about 250 pips and it's an eight day time exit say exit after eight days unless you've reached a profit target and an outrageous profit target over 600 pips i think it was 625 and a thousand pips for long trades along with a thousand i think short was 600 625 that's ridiculous oh the rsi was the rsi2 very famous rsi i think i've seen it it was in stocks and commodities but the length is two and then it's 70 30. so you get in when the rsi goes overbought so you go with the trend you then you go for those profit targets or actually you can get in a different strategy altogether is you get in a 20-day breakout or 20-day low and you also put a time exit on that i think the time exit on that was six so i may have mixed my strategies but that the idea that a rsi2 breakout with a time exit or a 20-day breakout with a time exit and just a reasonable profit target and a reasonable stop loss i mean it's it's mind-boggling how much money you can make if you can just hang in there i mean it loses two don't get me wrong that's actually my favorite using the rsi it's like buying when it's over boss and when it's over sourcing the opposite of what most people are talking about online seems to work pretty well so yeah good you mentioned it but yeah i've tested that so many times atm buying on a breakout now i've tested the other way too i've built i spent 2 000 hours on a system that did the opposite so um but again i'm a trend follower now because i believe so yeah buying it overbought and selling and oversold i mean it doesn't have to be that rsi and it can be different time frames but i mean it's the start of a trend right we want something to move well guess what when it's overbought something crazy is going on it might be a trend and as long as you don't cut it off too soon like you can make money but time is tough i kind of when you're tossing this why do you think that that works well having a stop brexit based on the number of days or hours what does that make sense because you would think is like who cares about the hours in the market i know that's that's why i felt and i was pretty reticent to use time exits like come on you know this is my money here this is my life i'm not gonna use a time exit um but what i've found on in forex specifically is that because it's not a long-only bias because it's not an actual commodity like the futures because it's a relationship of two currencies two countries two two different politics i think at some point it just goes the other way and if you for example you can't let winners run in forex like you can in stocks because it doesn't go one way you get a huge move and then guess what it goes the other way right you know great britain doesn't go to the moon like it's in the relationship of japan so it's got something's got to stop it and i think a time exit allows you if there is some mania it's going to go a certain way but a timex that says listen it's gone far enough like we've been in the market you know six trading days that's enough it's probably gonna you know and so many traders talk about getting out selling on the high don't sell on the retracement and i think time exits do exactly that you get out of the party while the party's good and i think it works i didn't think it would work i'll be honest with you but i mean i'm just going by what the math says but i think that's why is that it allows you to get off when price has moved in your direction a little bit it happened to me a lot in the past that let's see getting the trade on the on a given week and then it goes really well in your profit and on friday it's like top of your profit but then the next week it goes back against you for no reason on monday or whatever so what you say could make sense there that could be a good way to to do it so i'm very surprised to hear that again i'm very surprised but i honestly on my lower time frames you know i i look for the breakout for example my current strategy on a lower time frame chart but i have a time exit on that too and the time exit though in that case is i mean it's really long like it's maybe a thousand bars or 900 bars you know it's 15 minute bars whatever but you know it's it's days and days and days and in that regard it's like listen if it's not going to work by now just stop right because eventually it's you know the more the forex market's going to turn on you anyway so on the daily charts i found that a short time exit gets you that profit and gets you out while it's getting as good but if you're gonna trade something you know for a week or two weeks i like a long stop time exit stop because it's like fine you know it's gone sideways for 10 days that's enough you know that sort of thing so i i like it in both regards not all of my strategies have a time exit but i like it i have to check that's a good idea now tell me more about the mindset of trading argos you mentioned like it's good to trade our goals and there's always the human behavior coming in like you fear oh i have a couple of losing trades and because you didn't like take them yourself then you feel like they are goals like training against you or something or doing something against you so how do you work on that mindset of becoming a aggro trader atn i i mean are you reading my diary why are you why why are you telling me all these things that i go crazy about um well this is funny that you asked well this week for example um now even though uh i've done okay this year and done well actually at times um this year has been a ton of reversals and i know a lot of people have felt it a lot of people have done poorly you know and i'm happy to be in profit or whatever um but especially in the pound yen there's been it goes crazy one direction and then reverses out right so it's like that that's been frustrating and being an algo trader v reversals are especially frustrating because it's like oh it broke out i'm in profit and then you know you wake up the next morning and it's not well just this week in the last six days i was looking at the pound yen right and i do a lot of analysis you know i'm i like i said it's a hundred percent i'll go so i'm studying the rest of the time and the last two trades you know may was kind of ah like so i was kind of mad about may the last two trades i took like absolutely they were long and i didn't want to be long i actually you know i'm doing a little play-by-play diary i'm trying to take a small account and make it a really big account and you know i haven't you're the only one who knows this so i've not you know i'll publish it maybe in time but i'm going to track it for however long and then reveal it so i'm writing in my diary i wrote down i don't want this trade i absolutely don't that's not gonna go long it's gonna be another reversal and i'm furious and this stinks and i hate everything and it was a huge winner and so then i got out with a full winner you know it reached my full profit target hooray and it's like it's setting up to go along again i'm like listen you know it's not gonna go long again i go and i was watching it this was uh earlier today i was watching it saying don't go long don't go long don't go long and then i look down like it's not gonna go long 15 minutes later i checked back it went long and i'm like oh man i just had a winner a full win i don't want this trade and i was furious and now this one is i'm almost to my profit target again so you talk about trading algos like you have to leave it alone if you're 100 ago trader that doesn't get involved and the best advice i can give you is from moneyball the movie moneyball about billy bean that came out a few years ago and that he created this team based on stats and a template but he never watched the games like the general manager would send his team out and say call me when it's over because he only wanted to look at the numbers and he couldn't take the emotion and that movie has stuck with me it's like i try as hard as i can just to not look i try to look once a day twice a day i try to stay busy uh i i think i had seven vacations in a row where i made profit when i wasn't able to check my trades like if you just leave it alone and it's not that like i take robots out but i've taken two out this year and both of them are bad decisions and like that almost never happens but in you know six months i'm like i don't want this trade you know i just it we're getting close to a weekend and the fed is coming out um so you have to just leave it alone i'm just i'm 90 percent there um but with my strategies i honestly i should probably just look at them again next year you know this shows how much your opinion as a trader of a trade doesn't matter like you could think something but it could happen the opposite exactly and that's a big aspect now do you look at your p l on your account a lot is a knee track or not at all like you keep it for your monthly review or your your yearly review i look very close at the end of the month i peek at it you know i i have to i do check it because i'll go trade we have to check the powers on we got to make sure the lights are on um you know i if a trade goes rogue uh you know i told a story about a a trade last week that went rogue in my favor this time but you know that's it's scary um so i do check it daily but i don't look i don't really worry about it you know even checking it monthly is probably too much but i do a lot of monthly reporting and a lot of tabulating and i'm interested so yeah i look hard at the balance at the end of every month but i really care at the end of 12 months and beyond so we covered a lot here but one thing you told me before we went live on this interview is fact that you now do a lot of training competitions tell me about what the motivation is for that and how that's been going on so far for you these trading competitions or battle yeah a few years ago before the pandemic i got really interested in training contests um because of my tennis background you know my whole life was competition for over two decades so it you know i've been in sports my whole life family full of coaches so competition is is very much a part of my life and i'm comfortable in that regard but you know we're really trading our own money we're trading for a living so i never really paid attention but i you know a few years ago i started getting really interested in the us investing championships which is stocks uh and then i got involved in the world cup futures and forex championships that's called the world cup and it's been around for 30 40 years or whatever it's quite famous and i'm like well wait a second you know we're told we're slapped upside our head that we're supposed to be happy at seven percent a year if we're lucky in index funds like the academicians and the retire early people will tell you seven percent is all you can hope for and you'll never do better and so i'm like oh well i'll beat them i'll get eight you know and so you spend your time with this little tiny mindset and then you look at these competitions and it's like i gotta make a 100 this year i'm gonna lose right the 2020 winner of the us investing contest you know how much you made 900 percent it was 2020 when we know how that went but i'm like you know usually that's right like to you have to think you have to make a hundred percent on your account this year to win a contest well i'm saying well wait a second i've been brainwashed and we all have been to say seven percent is the only thing we can ever get and yet here are these people over here they're going for a hundred and with real money like what's wrong here so i just became fascinated and it really changed my mindset and it made me want to go for more um and so i you know i entered it in 2020 and did well finished second and i'm entered again this year uh and i was in the top five a month ago before may hit um but i'm still right outside the top five um but it forces you to think and it forces you to have a mindset of more and yes it probably makes us use more risk but not irresponsible risk but definitely more risk it's not for maybe you know your retirement if you're gonna rely on it but um the mindset change for me has just been phenomenal i just love it and i love thinking about it and i love planning for it and trying to win so um it's just been a real help to my trading yeah one could say that you're risking way too much for getting a ten hundred percent a year do you feel like that's the case you feel like it's something realistic to aim for or do you feel like that's like kind of stretch and that you should just if you wanna not lose your money that should like maybe it's killed down a little bit have something more reasonable in that case i have and and probably i'm stupid but i have zero fear of losing my whole account like i see like this isn't like well i have you know several grand to lose and i don't care like i'm gonna go for it like not at all like these are in the the contest accounts i'm planning on having these accounts for the rest of my life so if you look at it and the way everyone is told risk one percent risk point five percent on every trade you know play the long game well this is not that you know you you're not risking one percent to win a trading contest but i don't feel out of control you know i have numbers uh if if things did get bad you could just drop the trade size so no i don't think it's irresponsible um but other people might disagree and that's fine they're probably right yeah so the person you go right so it's your goal to preserve your capital to win a contest i think that's a valid point and the fact that you can always like you probably have the number your data you know how much you would get if you risk x percent per trade you know like what you what the drone would be in that case and that makes it a lot more comfortable for sure but most traders don't have any stats under their trading so that's the issue there well that would make it tough yeah if you don't know if you're just saying i'm going to trade two lots and you have no idea why you know i do know exactly what my trade size can do historically so yes i i do know the worst case scenario and i'm very clear about that so yeah that you do know the stats for sure and so we've heard a lot here i think we went through a lot of different topics and that's good for people to uh who are listening to this of course they'll get a lot of value out of it what can they find you know connect with your recharge after the interview is published yeah uh scott welshstrategies.com that's my website uh that performance page i mentioned where i track all the algos or several algos you can email me there in the contact page yeah scottwellstrategies.com i also have a youtube channel you can scottwell strategies that too so either way or watch me on atn desire2trade awesome would be good to be back of course it's topic that we can discuss for hours and hours because our goals are a big part of my training now like we discussed before we went live it's the fact that watching chart is in the productive use a few times most of the time like you could take a few trades but then if can do that itself then there's no need for you to be there and take trades in my opinion of course you could like it you could do it but it's just a different game i'm a hundred percent and to not have to look at charts is the best thing you know i wanna i love trading i don't love looking at charts awesome well thank you guys i appreciate your time i appreciate your advice to give you for my listeners and you guys know in the comment section what you like what your favorite advice was from this interview and we'll catch you back here for the next video
Channel: Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE
Views: 40,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: algo trader, algo trader forex, algo trading, algo trading forex, algo trading software, algo trading strategies, algo trading strategies forex, algorithmic trading forex, automated trading, automated trading forex, basket trading, best forex ea, best forex system, forex ea, forex profit, forex robot, forex system, forex trading, forex trading algorithm, make a living trading, make a living trading forex, scott welsh trading, trading
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.