He Made Me Name The Price

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you ready yeah hey guys so about three or four months ago I went on a private pick somebody reached out to me on Instagram and when I went there I was like totally overwhelmed by the amount of stuff a lot of cool old vintage clothes electronics toys just a little bit of everything I bought a lot of stuff from him I think I spent like five hundred dollars or something and he just reached out to me again saying that the gyms are closing in Ohio due to coronavirus and he's gonna set up his garage for his gym so he's got to get a bunch of stuff out of the garage he's willing to just kind of sell it and move on from it so that way he's got space to have the gym set up so I'm gonna head over there and I'm picking on my buddy Greg and we're gonna go see what they've got all right so we are practicing precaution and wearing some masks in gloves because wait how's it going over your head like this the whole thing yeah oh you got AB in the middle there just kind of finding it interesting not only do we not want to catch anything but we don't want to unknowingly spread anything we're gonna dig in there till we can find [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] ready to go I got a walking stick in a Tupperware doing good [Music] I really couldn't wait oh wow this thing's full ooh holy cow okay all kinds of stuff man um what's not for sale workout everything else okay everything is there anything behind the music stuff all that's basically more music stuff there okay there's some kitchen tables there's some like big rat cases with here in it okay um couple like cabinets or some furniture back there man but you know you know if there's anything else back there homie I know we got those paisans the chairs couple more snare some toms and stuff what is that wedding stuff yeah other severs organ stuff let me you guys keep it on the music stuff no yeah it's pretty much everything's for sale yeah if you want to buy it all I'll cut your price like you wouldn't believe yeah TV everything in here's for sale dude okay everything I guess be cases though I made this women I just don't have I don't have the I don't space yeah yeah and dirt do the circumstances like like okay right on yeah dude to pop this down now this thing just kind of wobbles back and forth look she's good [Applause] airsoft guns tons of clothes I'm not sure if you guys are into clothes but there's baby toys right there tons of toys have at it boys all right and then again everything in the shop man alright thanks you started making a pile Greg yeah yeah I guess we'll start from the top of the stack may as well grab it yeah what the heck why didn't I thought it would be this VCR believe it or not there's actually pretty decent I was at a big reel to reel reel reel with the detachable speaker's yeah nice handle everything [Music] [Music] you Roger Waters yeah Eddie and the cruisers classic I can't sell this go and good conscience I'm go inside sure like we've made a nice little pile helping and put a dent in it Elise we made a pile out there you care if we poke around up here all right cool oh wow Power Ranger figures Oh start making a pile over here if you want to add to it there's a bunch of life insurance and there's some time to do that that's a bunch of okay hey cut a rustling video game you set up that's cool I think we're all set guys I start inside or outside whatever you guys want to do well here we go ahead and start here I guess all right so I've got some toys some shirts did anything for a chance come off like this rack right here no nope I did this this trunk and then that rack over there perfect I can't remember last time you said that that's pretty much all I said you put I'm sorry I just want space jam myself [Music] 11 shirts one two three four five six folks with two dolls Marvin in the bag OOP and then if you want to see what we got there good trying to put a dent in it for you yeah Maria what are you guys thinking man okay yes finally so he's in the place throw me a number man everything in there and everything out here what are you thinking I just appreciate you coming out and taking some more of it man you tell me man [Music] I was 350 sound I do not be cool with that I work for you ma'am I appreciate it I didn't even see him this is crazy this is what people are going to be craving right now that's it let me mo I guess yeah do you strap that on do take that to the pics man take that to the garage sound old walking dead so people I mean business that's right man cool man man ain't goes ten to make a 360 dude killer brother bear thank you both reaching out man anytime guys yeah feel free stop over-logging on more time we're gonna probably end up finding more stuff too I guarantee it so alright Josh Morgan Whitley thanks for having us back out there and I hope we can all do business together in the future that's it for this video guys thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 44,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american pickers, cincinnati picker, ebay haul, picking, garage sales, garage sale bodycam, ebay, how to sell on ebay, what to sell on ebay, ebay for beginners, ebay for beginners 2020, ebay reseller, ebay selling, full time ebay, full time reseller, reseller, how to make money from home
Id: WUrbH15kzWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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