He hasn't ridden Berm Peak since 2019! Tour and Ride with Phil

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welcome back to Berm Peak I'm Seth this is Phil  and today we're going to be doing something a   little different you know you single-handedly  ruined that phrase for everyone else   but kind of the same this is Skills with Phil he's  a maniac he's an ex-professional downhill racer   and a damn good youtuber we're standing here at  the Maim Frame and this is one of the earliest   features that we built and a lot has happened  since then we built the snake pit skinny the   driveway jump the Drama drop the Elmer Fudd  skinny the wall ride the whale tail the pucker pad   teeter cannon Phil hasn't seen any of it  and so today's really exciting because   we get to show you around burnt peak i've  been looking forward to this day for a while   why don't we start with the Maim Frame that you  were here for because we've actually made a couple   of changes around here so when we originally built  this with Phil you actually have to come down here   make the turn and go over this which  probably looks easy on camera but   a lot of people like just straight up can't  do this for some reason but now we have a much   better run-up it's funny because like when we  built this it didn't look that skinny and then   like now it doesn't look that skinny but now when  I'm going to go ride it it's going to be skinny like I expected I got up  top I'm like this thing is   if we just went straight up and over it  wouldn't be that bad but because you're   turning you have to use a whole width  of the platform I'm gonna do that again this is an interesting choice I mean it really  is indicative of the stuff that we built at the   beginning because I was so hung up on trying  to just like find spaces where there were no   trees and building stuff I felt weird about  taking out laurels and rhododendrons and like   I just don't care anymore you're just murdering  the lord now I'm just I'm just working laurels   and rhodos like they're going out of style so  let's go up to the flight deck which was here   that was here the stuff after it was  not correct yeah let's check it out alright this is what we built after it  since the last time you've been here   all right so this in person definitely is a  few feet longer than what it appears on video   right yeah that's what everybody says when they  come through here they're like this is way bigger   so in my head I felt like the feature would  like end like right up about here like still   sizable gap like this is like that's  consequential yeah so berm jump this   is sick perm it's like a super tight course right  it's right up your alley it looks really good in   person and then the pucker pad there's really  nothing to it has anyone case coming on to it   no nobody's ever cased going on to it but we've  had some people chuck their bikes in between it   the first time you up to it's definitely a leap of  faith I go depending on how I feel and like if I   feel good on one feature I usually just keep  going all right so let's walk all the way to   the bottom then yeah rock garden comes up  pretty quick I mean this is from where you   up where you come from this ain't a rock garden  every rock garden has our challenges this is where   things start to get interesting because this is  our like kind of next generation trail building okay yeah that that's big what were you thinking   I feel like walking it might be sketchier riding  it's sketchier okay what actually happens when you   ride this you go up it really fast and you want to  launch off of the center yeah off the axle and so   you end up kind of boosting from there and  catching the landing perfectly it's super   smooth and this sort of falls away from you and  I'm not pressing you do anything but if you were   to boost this first shot you would be the first  person to have done so and likely the only person   to ever do so but don't get any ideas from  that oh trust me I got some ideas okay so   there's the old Elmer Fudd bridge from that  fallen elm tree does that translate to real life   this this is steeper it's way steeper everybody  says that it it definitely looks flatter on   camera but this one man you are like front  brake feathering tires sort of like losing   traction a little bit the whole way unless  you just do it really fast the problem with   skinnies is like when you walk them they don't  feel that skinny no I can't walk though as I   almost just fell on my face so jack he's a pro  racer he jumped from here and landed down there   down there on the plank down there oh so  I was looking at trying to go from here   on to onto the actual landing yeah teeter you  be the first person to do that as well and then   that's the wall ride right there that thing's  cool yeah that's one of my favorites probably get   on some bikes yeah let's do that all right well  i'll just follow you in and go as far as you go no problem on that roosted the berm too no problem whoa out of nowhere oh my god he almost cleared it and Oscar ruined it   so I went for like the half pool it looked pretty  bad dude you know what happened to me first time   I didn't realize that Oscar knew his way around  so that he could put two and two together he took   a shortcut around the backyard and went right in  between us Oscar's right in front of me and I lost   Phil I heard him like perfectly I think I'm gonna  put his ass inside you are fired as trail pup   you're absolutely fired you're never you're never  going to work in this town again Oscar come on   come here Oscar come here remember obedience  school don't make me take away your pup diploma you want to hit it again yeah  all right oh you totally got it   oh yeah that was awesome man that was super sick and you  got the teeter cannon you come into that so much   faster than you expect I know well yeah because  after the if you hit that teeter cannon there's   no other speed you can be going no so yeah then  you all of a sudden you're faced with a skinny   yo kev I'm at the bottom come down with the gator you boys need a shuttle damn yeah I  can use the shuttle ready I'm ready target fixation I'm surprised you caught all those  little lines on Kevin's section I find that to   be intuitive so that's good building hey you hear  that thanks Phil that's me that's handcuff all me   we just tuned this up oh yeah we did the jank  inspection there's still a couple of jank planks   on it though you got a little step here it's  just a little like five foot gap with a little   skinny lander and then a bunch of gravel and  then you hit that thing and then there's a   whoop whoop-de-doo driveway gap  yeah whoop-do is that the technical   that's the technical term does this go off  the Drama drop if you will go into those   woods you'll see it yeah so if you want to take  the Drama drop i'll be right on your tail okay   oh just grab your hardtail Seth it'll be fun they  said and then it was time to hit the Drama drop oh that was smooth oh no that was the old knob deep  trail that we kind of closed off   that was awesome straight to the Drama  drop always love doing that on a hardtail   it feels good so Phil was only here for  a few hours we thought what can we do   right Berm Peak show you Berm Peak so sorry if  there wasn't more planned out it was just us   having fun and if you haven't seen Phil's channel  check out the Skills with Phil he's building stuff   in his backyard and videos go way back to when  him and I were doing tutorials and everything   like that so I hope you'll check it out thanks for  riding with us today and i'll see you next time you went to pull up and there was a dip  in the ground no my handlebars clipped that's what got you not the teeter cannon all  right so new strategy don't clip the whale tail oh no problem oh
Channel: Berm Peak Express
Views: 624,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home, backyard, mountain biking, cycling, outdoors, mountain bikes, enduro, mtb, mtbing, biking
Id: a_r_x3cB6ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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