"He Gave Up a $9 Million Salary To Be FBI Director” - Why Did Chris Wray Choose Power Over Money?

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regarding the FBI are there just a few bad apples and Bad actors or is the FBI rotten to the core at this point and what would you say uh I'm back to the disconnect between the rank and file and the management class and the fact that those guys have to go back and forth to DC all the time and their priorities are within self for their self-promotion and not for the the good of the American people they're not about the casework I think there are people that do genuinely good work in the FBI I think that that work can be done by other people just as effectively so if you ask me you made me King for a Day the FBI wouldn't exist anymore and and I'm not I'm not a defund the police guy um I I think that you can Empower local law enforcement in a way that you make you deputize locals and make them give them Federal Authority and there's a whole thing we can get into with that um but I think as far as from the leadership standpoint for that you can't just take out Christopher Ray and expect it all to get better now Christopher Ray needs to go and and uh just quick math on him nine million dollar salary the year before he became the FBI director gave that up to begin the FBI director for 10 years so he essentially gave 90 million dollars up to become the FBI director is that what the tenure is for 10 years it's a 10 years I'm wondering why Biden didn't fire him because Trump hired him in 17. good question right so you would think if Trump is pointed him yeah yeah he's he's acceptable and I I think that he sacrificed 90 million dollars for the cause and that's why he got in a uh into an interview he was with an interview with Brett Bear and he was asked very directly what about the FBI's negative image and he said well we have a record number of applicants so it's all good and guy it's a down economy and inflation's through the roof and you're bragging about your number of applicants for a job where people can make six figures to do if they were a cop they'd be getting paid a third of that so so I'd like to ask you guys a question so as far as back well I'm going to go back to where Pat said 2016 from the Hillary obstruction to uh Crossfire her to all the fake collusions like every couple months every it's just FBI messing up messing up messing up messing up what is it going to take I know it's the upper echelon of the managerial but what is it going to take to change that like what what needs to happen to make that that like grasp on it like break up and be more like less biased because that's all we're seeing with bias for Peter struck with all these it's like they're embedded in there right they are they are embedded I think at a minimum you have to clear house the whole all of headquarters definitely the seventh floor probably all of headquarters you have to clean it out and start from scratch but a lot of the people like Steve talked about earlier who get attracted to the managerial positions in the FBI they're that type of person who likes the DC life and the notoriety or whatever there's this talk of the FBI getting a new headquarters building they shouldn't get one that part of their budget should be should be scrapped until the FBI is fixed if they ever are allowed to have a new headquarters it shouldn't be in DC because it's attracting too many people who care too much about the politics I mean look what they did with the Russia collusion it and no nobody is paying for it no accountability at all during report basically said uh Obama Biden the AG FBI CIA everybody colluded to try to cheat the real cheating of an election and zero accountability nobody's gonna see I was telling Pat before he walked in there to all the young people out there that are wanted you know they're in crime you want to steal you want to be corrupt you want to don't do it if you want to get away with it become a Democrat be a leftist you could do all that and never go to prison you're right so that I mean that that's a coup that's a bloodless coup and I know people oh that's extreme read the Durham report look at the facts the FBI offered Christopher Steele a million dollars as a CHS payment to if he could corroborate that dossier and he wasn't able to do it and the FBI still went straight ahead and opened a full investigation on then a presidential candidate and then kept it going on us on a sitting president that's is if is isn't that treason like are they that's ridiculous the hell would the hell with the elect that's the election that was really but then we get accused of treason exactly for those are the bad guys yeah that's on pbd how much of what they're saying as far as like the seventh floor is reminiscent of the book The Barbarians the bureaucrats I mean that's what it is though that's what I'm asking the market is filled with bureaucrats and Aristocrats uh so you go back and you said something about nine million 10 years 90 million so why did Trump appoint him 2007 August exactly so why what what point were you trying to make about Chris Ray I I think that he who gives up and by the way just just for the audience that's watching this if he can go put uh uh Chris Ray 9 million he was with the law from King and Spalding okay he made 9.2 million dollars working as an attorney for the law firm King and Spalding and then he chose to become a FBI director so go ahead well I think there's obviously a steam attached to that and he would probably argue that it was a financial sacrifice on his part and for his family because he wanted to serve America but what he won't tell you is he gets to live the life of a billionaire now flying a private jet all over the place uh for the price of a the lowest Southwest ticket that one of his staffers can find for him he gets that ability so he gets to have the esteem of being the FBI director but if you just go to the simple dollars and cents I I think that that sacrifice on his part represents conviction when it comes to seeing the full weaponization of the FBI come to fruition underneath his tutelage it's something that well give me the ring of power and I'll make sure that it goes for good for what I deem to be good and and he's a republican he was so he was uh he was appointed by a Republican president he was recommended to Donald Trump by Chris Christie because he helped Chris Christie fix the bridge gate case he's a fixer and in my conversations with folks who I work to work with now who work at the Department of Justice he's not an intellectual Titan he's just got a really nice you know nice haircut and and we'll do you don't make 9.2 million just with a nice haircut if that was a case I got like 50 friends I'm telling you this should be getting paid way more than they're making right now because they have nicer haircuts I should be too yeah you definitely need to be your billionaire look right there but but going back to it like you're not going to be a dummy making 9.2 so I'm really I want to know about this Chris Ray guy because you're making 9.2 you drop it you're you get your job by Trump recommended by Christy you know and now Christie's flipped obviously yesterday I saw the funniest meme that said Chris Christie should run all the time so going back to it this guy's not a dummy no I I mean he's he's obviously an educated guy but I think if you go back a few months he's taken that trip to the world economic Forum now okay and he wasn't getting that and with his nine million dollars and what I mean by the way I'm not I'm a I'm not a world economic Forum guy not a fan of cloud Schwab can't stand estudiici corporate Equity equality index I'm not a fan of HRC human rights committee I'm not a fan of open Society foundation so this is not an endorsement of that but okay if you are going to be the director of CIA you're probably going to go to world economic Forum you're probably going to go to a lot of these weird meetings so what why give up that 9.2 million and you get the job by Trump like let me let me kind of put it this way when whenever a CEO Trump is a CEO whenever CEO is hiring a c-suite a director of FBI is a c-suite I think there's got to be a more thorough investigation into assigning that job to somebody rather than that you like that guy put him in right so to me you know if the other side also says hey man so why did you give him the job you had other options you had other people to look at so if he did Trump's not a person that doesn't have experience doing this he's hired tens of thousands of people over his career not low paying jobs million dollar salary half a million dollar salary why does a trump who's a shrewd businessman that's a street guy he sat with the toughest of the toughest done the biggest of deals why does he pick him and if he did he must have seen something in this guy no well he had that interview I believe about a month ago where he was asked specifically that and he said that it was recommended to him and he wanted somebody that was going to be acceptable to both Republicans and Democrats and and that was really what his thinking on it was I think he he took recommendations from people who he trusted on it but I think then the question is is is is it a trump issue or is it a Christopher Ray issue uh I think Christopher Ray took the posting because it allows him to have access to the seat of power and and maybe financially fed himself later on but It ultimately boils down to he is now in a position to uh impact our country that he wasn't going to have that opportunity of working out listen I mean there are a few jobs that are powerful jobs that's definitely one of them so somebody called you and says listen we're thinking about offering you the director of CIA you have to consider that that's not a lightweight job that's a job that comes with a lot of different uh uh uh you know director of FBI you know it comes with a lot of different responsibilities but also at the same time you're in the thick of things like you know what's going on you're one of the you know 50 most powerful men in America that's making these types of decisions so I get why he would entertain that I think this is the clip you were talking about if you want to play this clip about Chris and Trump and we are all examples of that I can't think of a more so wearing way to end a hearing I yield back well he's looking for corruption weaponization Rob was watching a movie on Netflix we just entered apologies from our behalf okay please it's all right we missed the entire thing up with the movie he was watching about things that they are doing that are wrong that's not it there it is again that's like Pat while he's looking for that how would Jarrett doing his thing Pat what would make you as a business guy and you're making 9 million a year for this what would make you give up being almost 100 million dollar man to do that oh you you definitely would do it you definitely do to be that just the power the responsibility of a man is to do the following if you're a true American number one make your money number two protect your wife and your kids set aside money for her and them where they're taking care of number three take care of yourself financially number four give back to the country the country that give you this incredible life Public Service comes in many different ways one is church one is military one is non-profit one is government you pick and choose which one you want to do so I totally understand why he would say yes to that life is not just about making the 9.2 every single year this is a heavy weight job and there's almost a duty when you get a call from the top especially president offering you a job whether you like it or not you you have to really take it for consideration because it's it's a it's a listen you get a call from the top saying hey you got orders you're going to Camp Casey I'm going you got orders you're going to Afghanistan go on you're a coward if you don't take it right there's an element of that so there's there's some of it that's Public Service well do you think it was any of it was kind of mcnifarious where he's like okay I'm gonna get in and now God I don't know the guy I don't know the guy all I know is look if Rob if you can figure out if you got that clip to go back to it if it's still messing up don't worry about it but before you even play this clip if you can't do me if you ever go to statista with the report I just sent you with the trust American people having the FBI this is just from 2019 to 2022 okay blue is Democrats to have the same amount of trust in FBI as they did in 2019 as they do today uh dark uh navy blue is overall is down from 57 to 44. Independents are down from 48 to 41 that's down seven and then Republicans are down 46 to 26 down 20. so Democrats obviously love what the FBI is doing because they're targeting the guys that they hate the most by the way there's nothing about this that's a Fox News Paul this is statista there is nothing about this that's emotional now if you go to the other statistic that I sent you with with this since 1985 I don't know if you have that one as well that blue line that blue line means well that blue that's everybody still wears a mask on that blue line that blue line everybody's still wearing a mask yeah I think I think it's a problem when it's a hundred percent your political party over the country yeah like to me I'm sitting here asking questions about Christopher he's a republican Trump and I'm like what you just you can't just say oh it's everybody's on the other side as fault no there's some decisions that respond I text it to you rob you have it go to your text you don't need to look for it it won't load oh it won't okay then don't worry about it then go to the video go to the video I'll try to send you a different link with that let's see what Trump had to say about hiring Chris Ray you happy with Chris right but just so you understand I put Chris Ray in because I wanted to have somebody in there that everybody including the other side really wanted it may not have been the right move let's see time will tell okay but I wanted to have somebody in the FBI because I'm an honorable guy I'm an honest guy I may have made a mistake but I put somebody in at the other side everybody agreed to you know who recommended him to me Chris Christie okay he recommended him and that's okay I don't mind that I've taken Chris Christie's recommendations before uh and other people wanted Christopher Ray and people from the other side wanted Christopher is investigating yeah so I remember I remember how recent was that this is not too long ago no this is like a uh this has got to be a couple months ago right March of 2023. there you go yeah this is a couple months ago before I'm saying that yeah so for me going back to it saying well Chris read this Chris rate that I got a follow-up question for you here uh that has to do with the public you were kind of going through with the question is We the People right with where we're at at what point do you see like you know how uh the government is Randy got the president and then the governors get to decide how they handle covet if we're going to shut it down in California non-essential essential for it's like no no we're opening schools we're opening this hey here's what we're going to do in South Dakota but here's what we're doing in Illinois Michigan shut it down if it's a New York this is what we're doing but this is what we're doing in Tennessee and this is what we're doing in Texas okay so the states kind of get a chance to make their decisions for themselves is the FBI really going to let officers work cases rather than DC's HQ controlling it I mean it's a time like for the FBI to roll up into the DHS or is it time to kind of just you know disband them and move move on what do you think they need to be doing and will they do that will they allow you know different markets to kind of do their jobs without saying no we're going to step over you and here's what we need to do I don't know that they'll allow it the FBI has ever since Hoover really they've grown into this entity that even within the doj they they basically are in charge of themselves they always essentially have been and they will hold on to that power as as long and as much as they can and I think part of the issue with Ray might be he was a doj guy before his lavish career as an attorney that's another problem I think with the FBI and the doj is the FBI directors continue to come from doj and so now you have like this um it's basically like this intercession where the head of the FBI was a doj guy I think that's problematic because that that limits the checks and balances potentially but overall at the FBI doing the right thing and giving up some of that control I don't see it happening and I don't know if there's enough well look at what's happening in Congress right now with this Source reporting the FBI just literally does whatever they want so I don't I don't know if there's an entity that could even make them break up uh and and limit some of the power and control that they have and see it over to DHS or somewhere else so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here foreign
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 323,994
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, fbi, news, trump, biden, usa, money, politics
Id: t95Knm_MxM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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