He’s Gone. I Tried. I’m SORRY.

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[Music] thank you the time has finally calm for us to get back to work on Gabby the garage apartment build that we build ourselves it's that you build yourself we've both been working on it you're messing up the acronym anyway all of our double top plates have been installed so now all of our Plum walls are tied back into each other making for a much more stable structure we also got our California Corners put in place so that once we get to our drywalling we're going to go there what's next in the process though Mama next in the process is the sheathing we need to get the entire bottom stories treated and that way we can start working on our floor and then the upper story which is where the actual apartment will be we have trusses arriving in six weeks we need to get our little butts in gear we're going with the Zip system here for shooting the garage much like we did on the house this stuff is held up well we're happy with it we're gonna have a three-quarter inch overlap on the bottom of our walls to make sure all that moisture sheds properly and it's going to be of the utmost importance how we get this first bottom row set perfectly perfectly level so that as we work our way up we don't encounter any issues foreign [Music] for this bottom row we are just tacking them into place using screws because since the bottom row sets the stage for everything going on up we want to make sure that it is absolutely perfect so once we get to the end we will make sure that we are perfectly level and then we'll pump all the nails in [Music] all right bottom row is tacked into place we are Level whole way down start nailing [Music] Row one is up level nailed we are ready for row number two oh you just hit me with the ladder no not yet all right okay [Music] no problem [Music] oh I promise [Music] [Music] [Applause] the love we've made [Music] oh my gosh the Sun's shining out yours again as it should I knew it and I knew you're New York [Music] my dreams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first ball is done time to move on [Music] [Music] thank you come on little lady don't let me down you know you got it easy peasy a question that I am often asked regarding the home build is what was the hardest step in the process and every single time I will tell you cheating cheating is very difficult for me it's not difficult for everybody but this is four feet I am five feet so it's very very difficult for me to lift these or just really heavy and floppy and almost as big as I am so cheating hardest part by far losing our Mountain Dew with every sheet oh I'm getting tired I can tell wow [Music] you want to go in huh that's good for the day Mama I'm gonna cut out this window get cleaned up barbecue tonight yeah let's barbecue that sounds good [Music] now that the warmer season is upon us we have been grilling a lot lately which means Jeremy is enthusiastically cooking and that is my favorite kind of cookie so tonight we are having our favorite surf and turf combination we've got some juicy grass-fed steaks here and some wild caught salmon all from good job I love that good chopped ships right to our door and every box is fully customizable meaning you get to pick all of the beef chicken pork and seafood selections that your family loves the most there's literally something for everyone with over 50 high quality Cuts ranging from 100 grass-fed steaks well-marbled Angus USDA Choice Prime Cuts sustainable and wild caught salmon Pacific Cod scallops shrimp organic free-range chicken breasts thick cut bacon and the list goes on and on the best part is good chop sources all of its Meat and seafood exclusively from American Farms and Fisheries so by choosing good shop you support local Family Farms and independent ranchers right here in the U.S good job sources only the good stuff meaning all their beef comes with no antibiotics or added hormones ever and they actually stand behind their exceptional quality by offering a 100 money back guarantee also with Father's Day just around the corner make sure you grab a box for dad as well because it turns out they don't actually want ties and back scratchers and dorky coffee mugs what they want it's a juicy delicious reason to fire up their Grill just go to goodchop.com YouTube and use our code gsl120 or click the link below and you're going to get 120 off your first four boxes today that's 120 off your first four boxes and incredible savings when you go to goodchop.com YouTube and use our code gsl120 let's get another random hectic day around here we came outside in hopes of getting more cheating put up on the Edition build and it turns out that our concrete crew showed up if you guys remember last year they got the stamped stained stairs completed outside of each one of the sliders on our home they're back getting all the prep work done for our patio yes we're very very excited to finally have a patio so while they get all the drains in we are going to stay out of their way we are going to instead shift gears to a few things that we did not complete last week foreign last week we went into deep cleanup mode around here and we got the garden all taken care of and we got most of our compost moved to the Garden however we cannot sift through that because that cool sifter that Jeremy built back in Washington kind of disintegrated over the years so we are going to be rebuilding it bigger and better so that we can actually get to sifting through all of our rabbit our sheep our horse and our chicken compost and get that moved over to our garden beds so we'll cut channels through each one of these we'll cut everything into size to fit perfectly over this yeah so it all falls in there you remember that you got it yeah see how that goes full case concentration make it happen [Music] thank you unwrap that lay it out get nice and flat so there are two parts of this compost sifter the first part being this Frame the frame you'll see has a couple of rails with some channels that I cut into them those channels are going to hold a little trolley essentially in a place where we're going to dump all of that material on the bottom of that little trolley will be these uh Wheels we have some Caster wheels two of them that actually Spin and rotate the two others are stationary so you set your material in that little trolley we will run it back and forth Within These Little channels and all of the fine compost will fall right down into your wheelbarrow exactly what you need so what I was referring to as the trolley is basically just a very simple basic box like this we're using two by sixes to make this one up because the taller it is the wheels will be on the bottom here this thing will get shaken back and forth the taller it is the more material you can fit within it also at the bottom what all of your compost is following through in our case is some half inch hardware cloth I've seen other examples of people using a half inch uh layer and then following that up down below with a quarter inch layer if you want really really fine tilty uh beautiful compost we always just gone to a half inch it gets the job done and you still end up with really nice stuff so we'll go over get our hardware cloth staple to the bottom and then that point we're pretty much wrapped up the boys just need to attach the wheels to the compost trolley and then they will be all done with that project our concrete guys just went home for the evening I think one of them is coming back tomorrow they did get all the drains set today but they still have a little bit of trenching to do for the stem walls that are going to support the Breezeway or the hallway or whatever you want to call it that is going to attach the addition build to the main house so hopefully after tomorrow they will be ready to start setting forms stick it over and test it come on all right boys what do you think yeah let's go over to the Garden put some poop in it sit through some poop shall we by the way this is gonna work is that we're gonna take all those composters horse manure it'll go into our trolley all the really fine stuff will fall to the bottom all the big stuff in theory will be left up top and we'll just set that aside to continue to compost down kaimani and I have experience with doing this many many days and hours of doing this right especially back in Washington state we go through massive piles of wood chips uh different manure that we pick up here and there it's a great way of doing it Shake It Up foreign testing this thing out it is working exactly like we needed to after getting this first load uh dumped in here and sifted through you can see that what we're left behind with in the wheelbarrow anyway is this really nice broken down compost and here in the trolley we have all these bigger chunks that like I said before we will set aside we'll allow this to break down over the next year or so resift it next year it'll give us even more compost so I'm very happy with the outcomes seems working great all right boys thanks for help man appreciate it did you learn something um have you mastered screwing screws yet no no okay you guys can go play thank you appreciate it so kind of a bizarre day with the unexpected arrival of our concrete guys to get more work done on the patio I'm happy that they showed up it meant that we had to hit pause on our sheeting project for the addition but I'm glad that we set some time aside to to one rebuild what we left behind back in Washington state with this compost sifter and it was another opportunity for me to spend some time with kaimani hopefully teaching him some skills that he can use for the rest of his life yeah no day is wasted it is nice to have that back and tomorrow we will be back to work all right so this morning we had heavy winds and rain and we weren't able to get to work on the shooting so then our concrete guys arrived to finish digging out some of the drains and that stem wall and um so it actually ended up working out for the best because I'm having a bit of a down day which um I've been able to push this out of my mind all week but now tomorrow is the day and I can't um put this off anymore so about a month ago I started putting out feelers for a better situation for Coda and we had an event where Coda got startled by somebody coming up on the side of him I'm not running or anything just walking up and he didn't see him and just surprised him and his reaction was to kick and he hit me in the thigh pretty good numb to my leg bruised it up pretty bad and um that was the moment when I had to admit that it wasn't going to work out it does it just that was a moment where it didn't matter what I wanted it didn't matter how badly I wanted it to work out didn't matter how much I love that little red horse because I do love that little red horse um I had some people come out some trainers we thought maybe we could do a lease back option where somebody took him and trained him and then um we we bought him back or we got him back after they were done training and leasing him and um we had a couple different trainers come out and they weren't really interested in working with them after seeing some of his vices and we wanted to be very honest about everything so that we weren't setting code up for failure we wanted everyone to to know that he is an amazing little horse and but he needs experience and he needs time and he has things yeah so um this gal came out and she bonded with him very quickly and she was very interested in purchasing coda and she said just think about it for a month and I fully expected to go into that month and very quickly realized when I looked out that there was no way I was going to let him go and um it's not what happened which surprise I thought that I would change my mind and as the month went on I did become more and more sad about the reality of seeing Coda driving down the driveway and not seeing him again but I became more and more convinced in my mind that it was the right decision for the kids most importantly but for Coda I did not make this decision quickly or lightly or easily but I know that it's the right call and I know that tomorrow is going to be a very very difficult day [Music] I don't know that he's ever jumped up into a trailer before poor code is a little nervous about hopping into the trailer it's been a while for him [Music] be good buddy okay I have a jacket [Music] hi coach be good buddy I pictured that but that was harder than I thought so you okay yeah I am it's sad it is the kids handled it really well which I'm really glad like I think they just have Debbie now which was a big reason that I wanted to bring her here early so that they weren't left Horseless and so I think they were like my god um I don't know it's a bummer this isn't something that our family does we usually see things through especially when it comes to our animals who treat our animals like they're part of our family so to see somebody get loaded up and I have to leave is unfortunate but I think you made the right choice in this case I know I know I made the right call but it doesn't get easier and I'm gonna miss him because I liked him a lot but it's our loss with their game and um his game really it's gonna be great for him I may always feel just a little sad when I think about that little red horse but today my sadness quickly turned to peace when I walked back into my home tonight is prom night and I was needed as a mother sometimes we have to make really difficult decisions decisions that may be criticized or doubted or never fully understood But ultimately the only thing that matters is that I've Done Right by them I have tried to be a lot of things I've met a lot of people and I've lived a lot of different places but eventually I realized that the only place in this entire world where I cannot be replaced is here inside my home so I threw myself into that role wife nurse teacher and on days like today tough decision maker sometimes it's beautiful and sometimes it's hard but in the end the greatest thing that I will ever be is a mother and even when it's unpopular and even when it's seemingly impossible I'm going to choose them first each and every time
Channel: Good Simple Living
Views: 1,873,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrBeast, Ryan Trahan, Emotional, vlog, Off Grid w/ Jake & Nicolle
Id: aOG9pu7ppRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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