HaylettRV - 15, 30, and 50amp Electric Adapters with Josh the RV Nerd

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hey guys Josh they are being aired here at halo Darby of Coldwater Michigan and if you follow the series of videos that I release you know that I'm a little bit behind we've just been on absolute fire here and we might be clocking in our best record month ever right now which is absolutely awesome but it's been all hands on deck and unfortunately I haven't been able to get to everything like it please so I like the video requests keep coming in and I've been Lansing getting to them but doesn't really matter more to the point let's get started and let's get back into things this is something I've noticed as an often misunderstood thing very few people have any concept of electrical service in their RVs and what does that mean there's some that are 50 there's 30 there's plugs shaped like this shape like that what what are these plugs mean what kind of spurred this conversation is we had someone say wool that can't read us also there's a problem with it there's obviously a problem with the air conditioner because I plugged it in at my house and it won't turn on what do you mean you plugged it in at your house did you have a 30 amp circuit installed at your house because some people do that no I just got it plugged into the plug in the house so they're using one of these simple easy reducers so the camper plugs into a 30 amp and here and then you've got a 15 amp or 20 or whatever gonna call it home and down the other these are usually 15 well look at the numbers 30 amp to 15 it's a reducer you're literally cutting down half the power you're giving your camber half the power it's designed for in the case of a 30 amp service what so it seems that because you plug it in your house and like the whites the fans everything kick on except the stupid air conditioner well the high voltage appliances need more power than this thing can probably provide that's kind of the hiccup from it so if what you're looking to do is pull it up to the house open the slide turn the fans on to get the air cycled out this is fine this is a temporary limp through fix this is not designed to run a trailer you might depending on the model of air conditioner on the roof or whatever you might get the air conditioner turn on with this but you better not turn on anything else in the camper and even then you don't want to run this you don't want to run like your RV full-time with just this little 15 amp reducer plug because you're you're literally like to give you guys an idea like obviously people know that too much electricity is damaging for appliances power surges did you know that not enough electricity is also bad any electrical components designed to work within an electrical range you go above or below that and you're gonna have problems you less power is just as bad as too much it's just that too much power is easy to see so we don't we know about that alright so here's another thing kind of the same concept you have a 50 amp camper but they have a 30 amp campsite you will still get pretty much full use of your coach except for things like double air conditioners you're gonna have to pretty much pick one air conditioner other than that this will pretty much get you through this little what nine ten dollar job right here so if you've got a in actually any any customer from haloed RV and is a new RV from us and we don't charge extra for this when we sell a new RV you get it with a 30 amp service you get a 30 to 15 reducer for prep time but in a 50 amp camper we give you both a 15 to 30 reducer as well as the 30 to 15 and if you need to you can daisy chain these things together again just to get your big 5th wheel or giant trailer ready for the weekend but again at your campsite you always want to use the biggest power source that you can possibly draw from so again if you got a 50 amp coach this to that 50 down to 30 so 4 prong to three prong will give you most full service but not to layer conditioners if you go from 30 which is big to prom to little to prom then you're going to have drastically reduced service because you're cutting your power load in half now this little guy over here is different depending on the campsite you get to and things like that you might have a 30 amp service on your you might have a 30 amp rated trailer but you might be looking at a 50 amp 4 prong plug you are not getting more power off the post with this because it's again a it's just a reducer this is a converter plug where these are reducers this is just a converter plug so basically one of these lines is just dead it doesn't do anything so you're effectively you got like a 30 amp service and then a dead plug over here I don't know which one gets cut off it doesn't matter which one gets cut off the point is one of them doesn't actually translate through to the back here this is something I don't think a lot of park owners understand because I've heard people when when the parks are really really really busy and so these big units have two or three air conditioners on giant electrical refrigerators and they're just power hogs there's more power hogs than they ever used to be well they'll tell people you need to go to the camp store go down to heylet's and you get this little converter widget and your 30 amp camper suddenly everything will work magically no whoa this won't give you more power it it cuts down to this rating it just can't it just physically can't that's not how it works that's not how electricity flows so then there's some folks who have a 50 amp camper but they go to places that only have a 30 amp service but you want to use all your fancy 50 amp stuff so going from 15 to 30 amp isn't really what you want to do depending on how that park is wired I might have a solution for you this weird octopus looking thing here this alien thing so you plug your 50 amp camper into this plug and what you do at the park is you have a 30 and a 15 amp and it mashes them together basically and gives you a 45 amp input that's probably enough to use most everything now where you may want to be careful is if you're running two air conditioners you you want to be really careful of like using the microwave you know for just general daily running this will pretty much get a 50 amp camper fully working on a 15 plus a 30 for a 45 amps service if you want to turn on the microwave and the water heater and electric and you have an electric only refrigerator this might not cut it still because you need every ounce of that power like if you actually go through a lot of campers if you do any like actual power testing when they even run down the production line if you turn on all the lights and all the stuff that it can run like if something's rated 50 amps a lot of times they're still pulling like 58 59 so that's why being smart and conservative where you can even if you have normal 50 amp hookup is always still a good idea because boy do they just squeeze every ounce of juice they can they get every ounce of squeeze out of that lemon um I don't like this ran longer than I thought so long story short if you're using a little guy you may not get full service if you're going from big to small you're gonna have less service if you're going from small to big you're gonna have the same non improved service and if you need a mutant solution I got that too with that take care stay safe have fun and happy camping everyone mi hit shiny today isn't it
Channel: Haylett RV Reviews, News, & More
Views: 18,803
Rating: 4.983573 out of 5
Keywords: Michigan, RV Dealer, camper, wholesale, guaranty, bullyan
Id: XThKFMejgsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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