How America Stole The Land Of Hawaii

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foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] when we think of Hawaii we think of paradise Coral sand beaches coconut palms gently swaying in the ocean breeze waterfalls rainbows Hawaii is all these things and many more [Music] in fact Hawaii has a deep dark little secret a secret the U.S government wouldn't like you to know about [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] agenda tonight A most significant presidential apology at the White House yesterday President Clinton signed a formal letter of apology to the people of Hawaii he was apologizing on behalf of the U.S government for the government's involvement a hundred years ago in removing the independent Hawaiian monarchy by force and on the agenda tonight Hawaiian identity native Hawaiians who say give us back our country [Music] hundreds of people demonstrate tender president apologizes the reason the United States government that considers Hawaii the 50th state of the union has in fact admitted that a century ago it committed an abuse in 1993 the U.S government passed a law this was approved by the Congress the Senate and ultimately signed into law by President Clinton and this was a confession flat out Public Law 103 150 was a confession and in that confession the United States admitted to all sorts of crimes and it further admitted that the Hawaiian Nation never relinquished its rights [Music] but if Hawaii is the 50th state of the union since 1959 why is it that in 1993 President Bill Clinton apologized for the usurpation the original inhabitants of the archipelago were victims of [Music] to understand the situation let's do some history Hawaii is an archipelago formed by eight islands situated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean they were probably populated by immigrants from far away lands they created a socially and politically Advanced Society native Hawaiians are Polynesians they come from a land they call Kahiki which is the Homeland and many believe that to be Tahiti or the marquesis and perhaps we're here as early as 100 BC perhaps a little bit later than that two-way voyaging continued for many centuries and then by about the 12th or 13th century Hawaiians were living here pretty much on their own and developing a much more stratified Society and that led to the development of different Island kingdoms here amongst the chain so you had an eye a rather a kingdom of Kauai a kingdom of Oahu Kingdom of Maui and of Hawaii Island it's found in King Kamehameha the great unified the societies of the archipelago their soil began to yield food for the inhabitants of Hawaii however the Hawaiian Kingdom would not be alone for long by the same Sea from where the original inhabitants of Hawaii came from visitors from other lands would arrive foreign ERS of European or American descent comes in 1778 with the arrival of Captain Cook it is speculated that there may have been other encounters prior to that but it's not documented Captain James Cook a British Explorer and sailor established contact with the inhabitants of Hawaii in 1794 the British Explorer George Vancouver gave the court of King Kamehameha a Union Jack as a token of friendship from King George III the Hawaiian Kingdom added the Union Jack to its own flag as an act of recognition for the gesture of British friendship in spite of the foreign presence in Hawaii mainly Britain at the time as well as other ethnic groups King Kamehameha gave his kingdom its own identity he gained International recognition 1843 the Kingdom of Hawaii was indeed recognized as an independent nation-state as a member of the family of Nations through treaties with the United States Great Britain and France and I believe about 20 other nations of Europe and this was meant to secure the sovereignty of the nation through those treaty agreements that weren't then made and so from that point on 1843 the Kingdom of Hawaii is indeed recognized as an independent nation-state as the Monarch Consolidated the archipelago as a sovereign state the Kingdom of Hawaii also created a society of citizens with its own identity an independent state in the 19th century the term Hawaiian was an indicator of of citizenship or membership to the Hawaiian Kingdom which throughout the 19th century was an independent country independent state beginning in 1843 the Hawaiian kingdom was actually the first non-european territory in the world to become an independent and recognized state as a sign of recognition of Hawaii's Independence several members of the Hawaiian royal family travel all over the world on official visits they were welcomed by kingdoms and republics as the true representatives of a sovereign Kingdom in the meantime Western immigrants continued to arrive in Hawaii by the start of the 19th century a few American settlers were already living in the archipelago so as the the American Settler population continued to grow their began and their interest in business continued to grow they oftentimes were pressuring the monarchs pressuring the government to uh to develop things or for the government to develop and the economy to develop in a way that these settlers would find most comfortable [Music] a group of settlers mainly American formed an organization of landowners they controlled the production of sugarcane their economic power ensured that their influence in the Affairs of the Kingdom increased [Music] so when we get to 1893 by that time these foreign settlers many of them who were invested in the plantation economy were were very strong in their opinions about how the government should continue and when liliuokalani he was the queen of Hawaii in 1893 when she proposed to bring forward a new constitution a a group of 13 businessmen calling themselves the annexation club and the committee of safety they took it upon themselves to overthrow the queen or to remove her from the government and they did this in conjunction or with the approval it would seem of the U.S minister to the Hawaiian Kingdom Minister Stevens and so he was totally misrepresenting his position by essentially conspiring with this group to take over the Queen's government in the Constitution Queen de luo Kalani only gave the right to vote to those citizens who were considered natives of Hawaii the settlers feared that they may lose their political and economic power on the 17th of January 1893 U.S troops landed in Hawaii arguing that they were there to protect the rights of the settlers was arrested and taken to the Royal Palace of Lalani she was forced to abdicate because of the military superiority of the Invaders [Music] the conspirators took advantage of the end of the monarchy to take control of the archipelago they created the so-called Republic of Hawaii however the inhabitants of the islands did not accept such imposition and took action this is when the people of Hawaii gather together in a couple of huis or groups that protest against annexations with a petition asking that the United States recognized that the people of Hawaii who have signed this petition do not want to be a part of the United States do not wish to be annexed and we believe that some 38 000 people in total signed these petitions out of our native Hawaiian population that was close to forty thousand the petition did not succeed on the 12th of August 1898 in a ceremony that took place in front of the Leilani Palace the old residents of the Hawaiian monarchs the flag of the kingdom was taken down an American flag was raised the annexation of Hawaii brought a process of Americanization in the local Society this process included the imposition of an educational system that marginalized the values of the local population the local language was replaced by that of the settlers 1896 under the authority of the Republic of Hawaii Allah was passed that stated that all Public School instruction must take place in English so they didn't outright ban Hawaiian but in effect they did because they said to everyone you must learn English you must use English and only English in your schools and so parents became much more reluctant to use Hawaiian language in their homes and certainly in the schools many children were reprimanded for using Hawaiian language when they were expected to be using English is when the U.S took over our education there it went they took our language they took our land they took our identity and it really succeeded in taking our will to live at the same time the United States passed a law which determined who was and who was not a Hawaiian around 1920 you start to see this legislation being passed in U.S Congress that kind of begins to Define legally through U.S law what is considered a native Hawaiian in that bill the U.S congressional law you have for the first time this understanding of blood Quantum that native Hawaiians right are legally defined as those that possess um half-native blood right or 50 native blood so you can really start to see American racial logic being institutionalized within um within Hawaii and that that that lasts for a very long time even until even till this day right these terms native Hawaiian or Hawaiian are now defined through U.S law within the context of blood quantum one third a second of trump is still Hawaiian but they said oh according to their law you have to have 50 percent Bullhead ever lost we don't need them coming over here and telling us what to do and what not to do so as far as blood conference concerned I'd see him they come in genocide it's bedtime beat time [Music] this process of Americanization and the imposition of rules that were alien to the local culture led to the violation of native sacred land uh the place they call a Walmart on kemoku street and makaloa Street it just happened that my family had the ownership papers to eight and a half acres and that's where they put their uh their store on they found 66 sets of Bones they were buried on that on that property grounds and it took seven years to get through all the mitigations and wall whatever for us to put the bones back in the ground and all we're trying to do is respect our own ancestors you know what it would be really interesting if some of us went up to Punchbowl where the the American veterans are buried and go up there and tear out some of those Graves and put up a fancy building the United States did not settle for the annexation of Hawaii the suppression of the local language and the desecration of hallowed lands they wanted statehood they wanted to turn Hawaii into a new State of the Union [Music] on the 12th of March 1959 the U.S Congress overwhelmingly voted in favor of statehood so Hawaii became the 50th state of the union representatives of Hawaii before the simple ceremonies that remake the geography of the United States adding the 50th and southernmost state where the land area of six and a half thousand miles and a population of six hundred thousand Hawaii becomes a state of the United States in 1959. of course if if annexation were or was illegal and overthrow was illegal then many believe statehood is also an illegal event so you do you certainly continue to have debate here in Hawaii as to whether or not Hawaii is a state but officially according to the United States in 1959. it is not surprising then that President Bill Clinton sanctioned a law whereby his government apologized for the dispossession the local population had been victims of the law recognized that the people of Hawaii had not voluntarily relinquished their rights nor had they accepted the abolition of their Kingdom be a lawyer really to understand if the criminal admits to committing a crime against you and further admits that you never relinquished your rights I.E your property was stolen and you never relinquished your rights to the property you don't need to be a lawyer to understand that according to them that the Hawaiians have one of the best claims if not the best claim for Independence once again so that bill really should have apologized to the national population but that wordage of saying national population would would kind of throw off right the the political intent of that bill to kind of sidestep right or kind of erase that his that history that it was a kingdom why did the Americans do it that was the first question I asked when I heard about the apology bill it was an intent to defraud the Hawaiian Nation the Hawaiian people even further the apology bill was followed by several resolutions proposed by a senator for Hawaii Daniel akaka to be implemented by the year 2000. his intention was to pass the law that would give native Hawaiians Federal recognition the same strategy was used for the Native Americans in 2009 Congress passed the so-called native Hawaiian Government reorganization Act also known as the akaka law according to this law the descendants of the original inhabitants of the archipelago could form a government but within the U.S federal structure they could not reclaim the rights they had lost before the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893 or their status of Sovereign Nation and I believe the people that were involved in the yakaka bill that's trying to continue to deprive us we're absolutely on the track of imposterating our claims and and at the end of it all first of all naming us native Hawaiians which we're not needed we we're Nationals okay so imposteration started we're not knowing this then the Imposter ratio for native Hawaiians were coming and then the next step would be that the imposteration was that they now becoming the native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Asian Foundation and and most of all people don't know this yet we're on a different boat here a lot of people like to compare us with the American Indian per se well in our in our situation we're fortunate enough to have a government that actually had the treaties with the US that actually have never been dissolved so you know um if anything it'll show America's True Colors if they want to be a good big brother or not [Music] more than a century the United States has been working to establish the image of Hawaii as a tourist destination behind a facade of paradise hides a history of user passion and dispossession this history has given rise to several pro-sovereignty movements which have demanded their right to be an independent nation [Music] you met your match remember all the stolen lands this Hawaiian Superman is wanting it back the lack up in America give back the land Captain America [Music] by your policies all we want is sovereignty it's so hard to pay rent [Music] pro-sovereignty movement activists have started a process to recover their language and art at the same time universities are researching the history of Hawaii by dusting up old newspapers from the 19th century all written in the local language the apology Bill strengthened the Pro's sovereignty movements they started to explore the possibility to recover their own government the one that was in place before the annexation to the U.S in 1893 the lawful Hawaiian government is part of that process my name is Henry Noah okay I'm the elected prime minister for the reinstated law for Hawaiian government the local Hawaiian government was formed March 13 1999 and it actually reinstated the former government offices that was in existence prior to January 17 1893 the day that we got overthrown our government was overthrown so what has happened since that day till now is that basically there was actions taken by the by the conspirators who are the United States government to try to justify or even validate their actual existence here and their Authority that they exercise here in Hawaii the lawful Hawaiian government which has been in place for more than a decade is not legally recognized by the United States however it is not simply a symbolic gesture of sovereignty but it has its own structure it legislates and governs on the basis of strict rules we have a house of nobles House of Representatives and an executive branch which includes prime minister Minister of Foreign Affairs minister of the interior and a minister of the treasury currently we are engaging in land reclamations we realize that we would have to be able to get our people yeah to unite under this government so we've done a lot of educational programs to get these to get our own people to understand listen the government still exists it it's been in the bands it's been absent all these years all we needed to do was put it back bring back the government which is what we are able to accomplish the second thing that we educate our people to is now we need to put power to the government and the only way that can happen is if we as a people participate in that government and begin to do to build the government the functional bodies of that government the executive the legislative the judicial branches all of the Departments that come to function the government has to be re there has to be reset of which we have actually accomplished those things [Music] in its annual convention known in the local languages Manukau kanawai the lawful Hawaiian government and delegates from all the islands got together to discuss issues related to land Evolution the structure of his government and to appoint new authorities in January 1893 our government was removed on March 13 1999 we the Telecom only people come across the entire Island chains came together Oahu island of Oahu and we initiated a process to reinstate the former offices of that government [Music] it's been a long process so from my understanding the Hawaiian government has actually reinstated law of Hawaiian government has progressed to a point where now um things are going to start to um become uh would come to exist who gave us that right it's inherent in everything and it's a obligation on that individual's path to fix an injustice to understand who you are and you have the perfect right to step forward and try to fulfill that obligation we've been talking about how we're going to do things but now we're applying ideas that we've been bringing up at the table at the Monaco kind of eyes for the last 30 conventions and it's going to pan out pretty good I think it's been a long time coming to get to this point where we're at today where we can actually reclaim land and issue Awards we did a lot of preparations to get to this point and now that we're actually here it's uh it's little overwhelming exciting we have built a case that it's hard to argue with you know so and we know we're dealing with the de facto government backed by the United States and so we're up against some Heavy Hitters we know that so our case has to be solid [Music] oh baby there has never been a time that I know in our history that we not have we have not worked to regain what is rightfully out say this to all those that have dedicated their time because you cannot get a nation if you don't put the work into it we're at we're at that stage where tomorrow I believe in this weekend we're gonna take some historical steps [Music] foreign [Music] we have legislated uh resolutions in our constitution we brought our constitution to modernity from 1893 yeah and brought it forward to modernize it that was our kick a lot of the language was our kid we had to modernize it first of all so we did as little as possible that's another thing that happened was that the legislators who were elected were charged with creating a constitutional convention in the year 2000 one to modernize the Constitution and two really to really decide what style of government yeah to implement [Applause] [Music] the lawful Hawaiian government's legislative branch is divided into seven districts each one as a representative and a noble according to the ancient traditions of the archipelago in this Branch young and old take part without distinction what's the way I look at it is being ahead of the curve in a sense you know there are a few other members of the government itself that may be my age or younger however I guess what it comes down to is well having been called Old for my age for some time I guess I know there's a lot of folks my age who have a basic understanding of the issue I mean I guess I guess in a sense I'm find myself ahead of the curve in comprehending the moral obligation that in companies you know the historic facts now you're gonna see more of Our Generation getting involved with olelo Hawaii and moving our culture and getting involved with the politics just in different Pathways I think and then on the flip side I think outside of the native Hawaiians within our education and how they view US it has become more of a sport I think on Oasis is a cool place to come and work for two years and get their get their Thrills and then they move on [Music] why I'm doing what I'm doing here today and this is the most this is the day we waited for a long long time and we've always uh said it only on God's time where we we do these well today is God's time where are we gonna put the people back on the land it's the very spot 13 years ago Uncle Robert and I sit in his car and we asked God to help us and the rest our prime minister at that time was uh organizer of our our Hui everybody was waiting for us to bring one kanaka to that meeting this is when we was going to put the government together and we asked God right here at the very spot where we sit help us help us [Music] you know why am I so elated today so in Hawaiian we say the word for being elated is how only knew he happy very very happy because we're getting to put our people back on the land that the U.S had come through the Sheep know whatever you call it a took all people in drove us to be a destitute [Music] foreign [Music] that we're having is that they're not fulfilling their obligation they're continuing to ignore deny us and that's one of the most difficult things when we're the victims of this hypocrisy but the people on the payroll continue denying us access to our lands that they say they gave us all back which we never received yet to the monies that they say they're giving us we don't even receive and this has been going on for 120 years Hawaiian Nationals know that there is a process that where we're conducting or providing to reclaim lands National lands during the lawful Hawaiian government's convention prime minister Henry Noah gave Land Titles to groups of 10 people for them that simple ceremony means the beginning of a new chapter in their lives because such land is situated in an area affected by volcanic activity in fact it does not belong to anyone it is Barren land where ten settlers and their families will build up their future [Music] and that we decide what happens on our land yes again [Applause] [Music] see no strings attached now I got a second chance well now we have forecast Atlanta so instead of going far up the hill miles away from home now we can just walk out here and home is well this this one like this is for the community center where the community can meet you know you can come and have the kupuna or the elders do crafts have the younger ones learn etiquette you know Hawaiian etiquette learn how to make medicines learn how to how to do medical techniques learn language skills and you know every anything that the community needs any kind of education as a whole they can come to this hot spot and then of course tourists were walking through they can always visit anybody who like wants to know they're welcome to come foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hawaiian government is poverty relief a wise image of prosperity with its luxurious shops and expensive cars in the most expensive state of the United States exists in stark contrast with the poverty in which hundreds of people live the 2010 census found that 33 percent of families with children under five years of age live in a state of poverty and nowhere the postcard image of Hawaii contradicts the everyday reality of the inhabitants of the archipelago and what you see here around me is a homeless Village that was established in 2009 this is adjacent to Waianae or pokey bear Boat Harbor the boat harbor is right here this campsite is right here what these people have been able to do is stay out of the public parks which their presence in occupying public parks seems to interfere with the tourists and the government does not like interference with cash flow in any sort um so this area here is called poki Bay um and and we're going into the four uh bushes adjacent to the to the harbor on this I heard that this is where a majority of the homeless people that got ousted from the beaches have relocated to this area here we've have a history of these homeless people uh been in it has been increasing large numbers I came here in 2010. in 2009 is actually when we became houseless I will not say homeless because we are not homeless we Hawaii is our home this Aina is our home we became houseless in 2009. I was a green horn added only knew how to go camping and that's what I took and from there we kind of we hit recession back in 2009 seven incomes Five Laws couldn't continue our home gave up our home back then we began living amongst the houseless people and we learned a lot and then from there we got swept in at ulihava back in March 2010 foreign from here from this Camp going that way have been here for a while where this tree is right here this berry tree is um there's an opaelua in there but they're cleaning up they're trying to clean up and stuff yeah a lot of us are we understand um that we are going to get swept so a lot of us are doing spring cleaning right now so the people who come down and do the sweep and sweep everybody out of here is it is a police department or a sheriff's department um basically what happens yeah basically what happens is okay this from what we understand and what was told to me was that the state is not in the business to do sweeps but the state will go ahead because of the lease they have to go ahead and do a lot of the um what is required by law which is to clean out the land before they lease it right now if they were to sweep us nobody has nowhere to go we don't know the next Square mocha to the mountains [Music] but the denial of their rights the poverty and the marginalization under which they live are not the only problems faced by Hawaiians there is a threat that hangs above their heads it puts in Jeopardy their very existence whoa [Music] for the United States Hawaii has not only been an archipelago with commercial and economic interests these islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are part of a strategic military structure on August 16 1898 four days after Hawaii became a part of our nation the United States Army became an important part of the Island community since then under the impact of two world wars in the Korean conflict the Army in Hawaii has expanded enormously today the Hawaiian Islands represent a multi-million dollar base of operations for American Defense Forces in the Pacific Ocean area in fact the United States discovered the Strategic and Military importance of Hawaii long before its settlers managed to get it annexed in 1893. Major General John Scofield arrived on Oahu in 1872. his mission was to find a military use for the island seaports General Scofield found the seaports were perfect for the growing United States Navy and that the land between the Waianae and kaulau mountain ranges was ideal for ground forces the American Spanish War for the control of Puerto Rico Guam and the Philippines sped up the annexation for the Americans Hawaii was a crucial stronghold for his military campaign foreign [Music] Harbor built in 1900 became the main United States Naval Base in the Pacific during the second world war on the morning of the 7th of December 1941 the Japanese Air Force exposed the vulnerability of Hawaii I was uh nine years old when the pro level uh happened when Japan came by and uh bombed Pearl Harbor that was a very uh memorable day for me particularly uh I didn't find out the destruction after everything was said and done where when I went home to my grandparents home and I seen all the holes in a roof where the planes came over and straight [Music] foreign military presence in Hawaii constitutes a constant danger but a very existence of the archipelago Hawaii is a military Outpost it's got every branch of the U.S military army navy Air Force Marines and there are unknown amounts of nuclear weapons you've got nuclear submarines you've got nuclear aircraft carriers you've got nuclear silos with intercontinental ballistic missiles those missiles are directed at Targets all around the world there are literally billions of people under threat from the missiles that are based here in Hawaii literally right here is Pacific command which is one of the key Stones one of the one of the major bulwarks of the American Empire the Pacific command in its own mind has jurisdiction over half of the world this includes China Russia Asia most all of the Pacific South America Central America this is a huge section of the human population that has nuclear missiles and nuclear weapons that are directed at them from Hawaii if we were to enter into a third world war and if nuclear weapons are launched there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Hawaii will be majorly targeted target targeted by America's enemies specifically China and Russia directed at Hawaii because of American presence but it's a significant number and rest assured there's no question that if there is a nuclear war and missiles are sent here there will be so many missiles that there will be nothing left of Hawaii the importance of the American war Machinery in Hawaii is not only strategic in reality the economy of Hawaii depends a great deal on the United States military structure according to the Rand Institute of Defense studies the military economy of Hawaii constitutes at least 18 percent of its gross domestic product more than 12 billion dollars a year military industrial complex is the number one economy here in Hawaii entity entity of our economy everybody thinks tourism is number one but I believe that the military industrial complex is actually at the Top If not the two tied together so that's what drives our economy so it's very difficult to even have the discussion about withdrawing some of that military presence because our economy is so dependent upon it for so many people the United States takes advantage of valleys mountains and seas to use them as a training camp for its troops [Music] foreign [Music] at the same time the United States offers its Hawaiians Enclave for the training of foreign troops [Music] the American Military presence in Hawaii has caused serious damage to the environment of the islands according to the Pacific Health dialogue there are 768 contaminated sites in Hawaii this contamination is caused mainly by the deterioration of ammunition the presence of mercury LED Napalm radioactive rubbish and radioactive fuels [Music] in 2008 Colonel Howard Killian admitted that there was enriched uranium in Hawaii but he argued that there was no danger for the population of archipelago understands stop this smartness Hawaiians are against the U.S military presence because it goes against the desire to remain neutral they demand Independence and also the withdrawal of the military from the islands [Music] military absolutely needs to go I mean for mice is our neutrality you know we made it a point to stay out of the rest of the world's conflicts because I mean who has a problem with them with the Hawaiians for one thing I mean from my personal perspective ideally what I think it should be is that Ahoy should be a neutral buffer zone between the Chinese power and the American power military buildup here is certainly something that's discussed a lot by many people it's it's almost become so normal though that I think some people don't realize how prominent the military is in Hawaii [Music] oh foreign poverty High living cost cultural alienation and Military threat are the direct result of the presence of the United States and Hawaii despite all of that those Hawaiians who have decided to reclaim what was taken from their ancestors more than a century ago are not prepared to surrender please my efforts for being involved with this process of reinstatement is I'm trying to get back to being a lawful person the law that you see here today is a charade it's a it's a big old Hollywood production it's what is going on and Hollywood does real well in fabricating identities and whatever else they do I guess what it comes down to is or for me personally having been aware of the of the wrongs that were perpetrated however like oh well over a century ago part of it has to do with for me making sure that you know that the the torch stays lit I think you're gonna get mixed feelings for sure but it's hard I think that as this movement grows there's going to there's going to be that shift and I hope instill some sort of Hope of I can participate in something that is a gift to my generations to come and it can be it can be not in that space of anger I think we got the body in place we're going to demonstrate that we're real here in Hawaii and now we're going to take this realness to the world and let them know this is why we executing to reclaim what is rightfully ours which is Sovereign Authority and reclaiming our land putting substance to our sovereignty process oh I see a free independent uh Hawaii uh once again will be a reality because we're going to make that possible true law and uh the military uh the U.S military can leave and just go back to North America and follow their rules uh exert their rules on their land [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] give back the land Captain America give back to LA Captain America peace is that the land governed by your policies all we want is sovereignty it's so hard to pay rent this is for the Auntie sleeping under palm trees [Music] are moving away [Music] Las Vegas Captain America don't mean a sweatshirt you met your man remember all the stolen lasted so Ryan Superman is taking it back taking back the land Captain America now you take him back to life Captain America
Channel: TRACKS - Travel Documentaries
Views: 1,269,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conspiracy theory, history documentary, world history documentary, real stories, timeline, imperialism, government coup, TRACKS, tracks travel channel, tracks travel
Id: -tw4CyxBJEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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