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i never got to if i don't say it before i'll say it now like you my condolences yeah on that period bro like for as long as y'all been rocking i got people i've been cool with since like high school elementary yeah but we we weren't as tight we're not as tight as youtube you know what i mean day in day out your partner your man doing all that stuff like i always wonder how you've been i've seen you do shows yeah by yourself the reflex even looks like you expect him to yeah you know um when it when it first happened you know that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up you know what i'm saying that should really [ __ ] me up because i you know i knew him longer than i didn't know you know what i'm saying he's he was basically family like blood a brother to me and all of that and though throughout the years you know we might have had differences we always bounce back you know what i'm saying it because you know brothers fight you know you know you know me and my physical brother you know rest in peace um it was times when you know one of us would walk in the house and we just stole on each other just straight up like you know but that's how we kept each other sharp you know what i'm saying that you know [ __ ] be ready to thump like [ __ ] ain't gonna run [ __ ] be ready to dump because we warriors in the crib like we we don't fight outside but we you know making each other sharper whatever issue it was but to get back to prodigy like you know though we may have had our differences um we was friends before that you know what i'm saying that they could always you know wipe that [ __ ] off the table so right the good outweighed the bad pretty much you know what i mean even when we we broke up you know some years back um i think it was like for a year or two i don't know if anybody knew that happened right i knew it right i knew it you know people didn't know it again but you know me and him knew it you know what i'm saying and that that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was bothering me every day what caused it um it was just some internal [ __ ] that i don't even like to think about no more or or kind of bring it up but it was just some internal [ __ ] that was just brewing you know what i mean and you know and um i kind of handled it in the uh a wrong way you know what i mean i could admit that now you know what i'm saying it could have been handled in a totally different manner but you know everything happens for a reason you know what i'm saying but the good thing about that story is we came back together that's a better question that question feels better how's your squash yeah um it was like it was funny because it wasn't like we spoke on the phone and was like yo we gotta we gotta dead this beef it was just like uh our mutual friends worked us up into just being in the studio together and it was just like we never broke up you know what i mean it was like okay what song are we doing today you know what i'm saying yo what up half all right cool back to work it wasn't easy you know what i'm saying um you know i'm sure the trust had to get back you know what i'm saying and stuff things of that nature but we was brothers like you know what i'm saying we we know intimate things about one another like that could never be overlooked you know what i'm saying so you know that was that i do have something interesting that i have to bring up because we had a conversation with tragedy the other day and he came up and i asked him a major point so being that y'all was in you know pretty close friends i seen in an interview that he was speaking about being haunted by ghosts how long was that going on for william you know i saw that along with everybody else um i remember him telling me a story like that before that even ever aired years ago that he saw some kind of shadowy figure or whatever so when i seen that that ed on some kind of show i wasn't surprised you know what i mean because he had told me that you know like just between yeah between me and him he told me something like that you know p was deep so you know when he said that to me i know he wasn't bugging you know i'm saying i believed him you know what i mean i was like damn i would have seen some [ __ ] like that but you know i didn't but i believed him you know what i'm saying even when he told me he's seen some like other [ __ ] outside his crib like some alien lights and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying i was like and his wife saw it too so i was like you know son you know what i'm saying was privy to some [ __ ] he said he saw aliens lights outside his crew he didn't say he see aliens but alien likes like you know taking some lights out you know which was all connected yeah right so you know he was you know i'm saying he was privy to a lot of [ __ ] he had to be rough when he went when he went to jail yeah i felt really bad you know what i'm saying when he went to jail because he was trying to fight it you know what i'm saying but you know i i i knew he knew that he already got bagged for like three other guns you know what i'm saying so i don't even know how he skated on that like you know what i mean so the last time i was like damn like you know what i mean so he was he was he was going to try to fight it but they told him if he was going to fight it they was going to hit him with way more you know what i mean i was i didn't want to tell them you know to lay down to it but i was like yo son like ten years or three like you know what i'm saying right he had to go do it you know what i'm saying i felt really that i felt that he talked about you during that i interviewed him before he went in yeah for the source yeah he talked about you a lot like during that whole situation just as far as how it was going to be and how he was setting things up so that when he came back it would almost be seamless like he wasn't going but his main thing was like you know as far as have is concerned i just need to make sure like have is good and you know have his family and and have and have and he just like you would you would think you were the one going in right the way he was i and i asked him about that you're like nah you don't understand that's yeah i got to make sure i got to make sure if he's good then i could i could sit down i'll be right back it's nothing but yeah this thing needs to still be happening yeah while i'm going and it needs to be here when i get back yeah it was tough when when when he uh when he had to you know go in it definitely was it was a rough time you know i'm saying it definitely was rough not only because he was in but you know saying [ __ ] used to performing and [ __ ] and going out together so it wasn't the same like right going out um without him you know saying the money was cut drastically you know saying it wasn't even half like they they wasn't trying to see me dolo you know what i'm saying so this [ __ ] was this it was a tough rough time what was it like um the morning that you found out um that p passed that [ __ ] was crazy because um my my little son my youngest son he just graduated from kindergarten he just graduated from kindergarten and two days two or three days before that i was in vegas with p and we did a show you know i'm saying rayquan goes it's like one of those old school shows and [ __ ] in vegas and all of that and um me and p we was like on some like health kick [ __ ] like you know saying we started eating salads and and we we actually just came from whole foods that day we was in whole foods shopping for you know organic foods yeah and we getting all of that he getting healthy but he he started feeling sick out there after we got off the stage so uh whatever whatever i seen him get sick a million times so that morning that i found out when they said that he passed away i just thought it was a lie i just thought it was a rumor like because my people just spoke to him already you know what i'm saying like like how he doing oh pete good he he just was eating he was laughing last night i was like oh okay i was like well can you go check on them because i just heard a rumor and you know the road manager just just said that oh yeah he was laughing last night i brought him some chicken parmesan or some [ __ ] and he went to the bathroom on his own he was good so to hear that he passed away that day that [ __ ] i just thought it was a lie because he was in good shape yeah yeah yeah you know what i'm saying he was he was bouncing back so when they got confirmed to me it's like i wanted to pull over on the highway but i got my whole family in the car and they looking at me like what's wrong and you know we went to the restaurant and i was just crying at the table and you know then people i i just had to go outside and people just started walking up to me and saying you know giving me the condolences because i guess everybody just started or they're hearing about it finding out yeah but it just didn't feel real at all now does it does it feel real now i mean you know i i i've came to the realization that you know saying something out here but you know when i see him when i look at pictures of him or when i look at videos of him it don't seem real you know what i mean like it's that [ __ ] feels crazy to me like you know i i just can't believe it you know i lost people before you know but uh i think i was really p was one of the the closest ones in my life that you know left but it it in a way it don't feel real but then i have to come to the realization i think losing someone me personally it's my philosophy i'm you know going to follow my [ __ ] i don't think people really leave here i think that the physical that might break down but their intentions their wills their wishes especially if they're connected to someone here it stays it stays until it feels like it's time to pass on is there any time times that you might be recording and you feel like he's there or he's telling you something there was a couple of signs that that i used to get like after he passed i was like yo that's crazy like you like p must be in the room or something like that like for real for real i'm like yo that's that gotta be pete yeah you know what i mean you know you know something good happened to me and i'm like that kind of vp like you know what i'm saying looking out for me you know what i mean i believe he looking out for me you know what i mean because um a lot of things have been transpiring in my life you know what i mean lately that i'm like that guy to dp yeah looking out for me you know what i'm saying right like you know because things been looking up you know what i mean and that could only be p's blessings you know what i mean so i i believe in that that they they still around they still sticking around and they looking over us what when i was reading a lot of his writings it um appeared to me that when he was um incarcerated that he was um leaning towards spirituality i would say it seemed like he was leaning towards maybe finding god um moving away from the negativity that he felt even himself that he contributed in hip-hop he saw things a complete different way kind of you know like tupac did almost when he came home what transitioned to where he came back to because it was like he was on that course and then when he came home a little bit he went back to you know the regular p we know what happened there which you would know more intricately details um you know i i really can't say to be honest with you you know what i mean because you know privately prodigy was always on a pr a positive path you know what i mean he might have rap you know one way at certain times and then you know and positive during others right but he always was on the positive path and he was always deep and we always build you know what i mean so sometimes i believe if you saw him on a positive path and it seemed like he deterred from it it wasn't really him deterring from it it was just him doing what he was familiar with as far as musically but privately he was he was always a poetical prophet but this is real this is real right here he was always a poetical prophet so what i'm un want to know is then i guess it would just be opinion do you think that when he was incarcerated that that might have been the lord speaking to him and maybe when all the times he was seeing spirits the lord speaking to him and he was supposed to state a poetical prophet instead of maybe leaning towards mob deep you know i can't really say but but i i i can't say this i know he regretted putting himself in a position to go to prison you know what i'm saying i i know he regretted that because you know it was a lot of times when you know i would see pee somewhere you know and he'd be in his car and i wouldn't stay in this car for longer than five minutes you know what i'm saying because i knew that you know saying how he was operating inside the car you know what i'm saying i ain't when he really you know what i'm saying i'm good you know i mean i mean even though you had to you you you know you had to be like that you know out here unfortunately right but you know i was kind of like moving a little bit different so i would be like yo i'm out of here i tell pete like you need to get somebody else to hold that thing for you like you know what i'm saying or whatever whatever so when he was in jail that he he kept hearing me saying that to him over and over again you know what i mean you know i always wanted to see nothing but good for him but you know that's how he liked to move and he got caught up but but everything happened for a reason that it it it it brought him back he he was different when he came back yeah you know what i mean he was like you know what i'm saying like oh smack raffle only snack rapper that you know is snack rappers got bars i can hang with the backpackers [Music] [Applause] throw it in reverse
Views: 111,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Math Hoffa, My Expert Opinion, mathhoffa, my expert opinion math hoffa, expert opinion, math hoffa my expert opinion, Sp8Ghost, Breakfast Club, Ebro in the morning, Viral, Viral clip, Joe Budden podcast, Smoke champs, Drink Champs, Best podcast, Top 5 podcast, Revolt, No jumper podcast, Ted talk daily, Joe Rogan experience, Rory and mal, The daily, Tiktok, Barbershop, Entertainment, Asmr, Million dollar worth of game, Kayne, havoc mobbdeep, prodigy, infamous mobbdeep
Id: mDIM3bR7Daw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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