Have they finally won me over? - Logitech MX Master Mechanical Keyboard + MX3S Mouse

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i love logitech mice i've got some at home i've got one at my office i've actually got the smaller or older version of this guy but i absolutely hate their keyboards i'm just not a big fan i don't like their switches i don't like the roamer g's they also don't end up making anything stylistically that i'm really big on but they've got this really cool uh mx mechanical line that goes with the mx master stuff and we're gonna check it out today and to see if logitech has finally won my heart i don't think they have but you never know uh i'm gonna start with the mx master 3s i've got a master 3 upstairs it is my preferred mouse for like any kind of work uh not gaming but if you've got spreadsheets or anything to deal with holy crap these things are just absolutely fantastic they've got this little side scroll wheel on the side and i know you can hold like control or alt or something to turn the um normal scroll wheel into a sideways one but i don't want to do that i just want to use my thumb that's just sitting there anyway other than that it's wireless it's got some extra buttons on the side and on the top oh okay so here's the two differences with this one and the old one this one's uh the ultimate productivity now with quiet click and track on glass 8k dpi sensor that's pretty sweet i don't know how much i actually need that for a productivity mouse but we'll open it what do we got what do we got yeah that's an mx master all right okay cool here's the dongle yeah that's your mouse i guess my one complaint is that i can already tell this cable is a little short for a mouse cable that's really i know it's wireless i know you're supposed to use it wireless but even my one upstairs is wired i just don't like wireless attacking i avoid it because i worry that it's gonna not work on me all of a sudden that being said all of my problems might actually be resolved because it's got the lodgy bolt usb receiver do you pronounce it logie at that point logie logitech but it's also got bluetooth for low energy technology is how they're labeling it oh that's pretty cool so yeah maybe it's actually better but either way i would still prefer a longer wired cable just in case you can't and it's got a bunch of directions on the bottom here and that just peels off to reveal everything else so there's also one thing that i've totally uh done wrong with this even if it's plugged in you still have to flick it to the on position uh this little switch here otherwise your mouse just doesn't read and it's really annoying trying to figure out what's going on and yeah you can set it to three different devices the number one's blinking right now but there's two and three too and yeah other than that it's oh the clicks are quiet yeah you can't even hear that huh yeah my real problem with a lot of quiet click stuff is it actually doesn't feel that great it feels kind of mushy and this is it's not perfect but it still feels pretty good like i actually really kind of want this thing now i kind of want to upgrade and but for comparison but okay let's just remember though this is a gaming mouse and it's not really made to be quiet although yeah i guess mouse clicks aren't usually detected by headsets if someone's actually set up their noise gate properly let's try the keyboards though this is what i'm really excited for it's the mx mechanical mini and the mx mechanical so this is like a full-size keyboard and this looks like a 60 roughly i like the look though so let's open them up they come in three different switches kind of the same thing that you see from every other site is linear tactile and clicky i don't think it's hot swap which already has me a little upset but you know it's okay a lot of people don't they don't need hot swap or they think they don't need hot swap and that's okay too so like a lot of other logitech products they've got this just sort of diagram here that tells you like there's an on off switch if you're using logical you do this to change the function of it if you're using bluetooth you do this to change whatever it's got the easy switch stuff um that's it though i'm surprised there's not more there's nothing else in the box it's pretty light i like that they're using paper and not plastic a lot of this stuff is recycled material it's about 47 on the mini and then about 45 on the full keyboard so if you care about the environment and stuff at least to the point where you want people to recycle things uh then this could help sway your opinion a little bit this is the tactile i think should stay on it somewhere so that's so that's why i guess we got these ones in the in the full production packaging um these are both the tactile quiet boxes so i don't know why they yeah they said this on the website too it's like linear tactile quiet and clicky i don't understand like either just call it tactile or call the clicky's tactile loud i don't know that's a minor annoyance it doesn't really matter all that much uh let's see how long the cable is because i have similar concerns with this guy um yeah it's about the same length as the cable that came with our mouse which looks like about a meter or roughly three feet for any imperialists out there so this one's the clicky oh yeah that's obviously clicky i hate it so much it's not the this isn't the worst clicky but i'm still just not crazy about it it's not just the sound clickies i find also feel different from tactiles even though they're like the same maybe it's like an auditory thing where i hear the click and so it makes me feel an extra press or something but um this is the tactile i think yeah because these are linear and then this is the linear so these are really a lot like cherry browns and that there's not a huge bump in them so if you want like that really obviously tactile switch these might not necessarily be for you but if you like the really minimalist um kind of feel of a cherry brown tactile bump then you might like this they've got these super thin almost like chiclet style keycaps so you've got a really low profile board which is kind of nice it's got feet on the back love feet they're great what's that say eight degrees eight degrees that's i actually really like that it tells you the degree of incline there's only one adjustment it's either on or off so no degree angle or 8 degree angle whatever you want to do i guess those have a bunch of rubber on the bottom and then there's rubber on the front here so that it's not going to slide around too much i mean i can push it there no problem but it really isn't going to go anywhere what do you guys prefer let us know in the comments the big boy i need a wireless keyboard it needs to be full size and it needs to work across several devices that's like the most common request i get when people are asking me for stuff they don't all care about hot swap but they really do need all their keys and i get that i like using a full size at home but the problem with logitech is i just can't usually recommend it because i hate romer g's and most people don't care but those that do really care so here it is it's basically all the same stuff that's in the mini box so we're not going to do that again you've got a usbc port right up there so it does do detachable cables which is great and then there's a switch up here on or off that's your power switch if you're going to go wireless and yep as soon as i turn that on this guy's flashing and the green light won't turn off but it comes on for for a quick little second here oh that's great so you can go with device one device two device three um you probably need to hit control or something to actually change it or it's just confused and stuck on that one right now because we don't have it plugged into anything other than that i mean it's fine it flexes a little bit it's aluminum top plate on here and i actually do like that you can see that it's like a pretty nice solid piece of aluminum on the top and then what i want to see are these switches yeah these are the browns so it looks like they've gone with this circular design which is kind of neat i actually haven't really seen that i've only seen like a box or just a regular cross stem and they're super thin very low profile for all of you low profile nuts out there since it's not hot swap for the average person at least i probably wouldn't bother opening this i mean you can if you want you can probably film it or pad it or something to improve it a little bit uh let's check out the other oh there we go the linear and the clicky is real quick actually this is a real click okay so here's our tactile this is our linear there's our clicky see this feels smooth but like i don't like where it starts to actuate it feels like you have to put a little more force than you should maybe i'm just used to really light linears but either way something about this the linear itself doesn't feel great i think the tactile is fine are fine and i think the clickies even though i don't like clickies i think that these are fine clicky um but yeah the linear i'm just not big on it doesn't something about it doesn't feel right and i don't know what something feels weird right i think you're right it does feel different but you know why i'm so used to linears with like a kind of a cup ah keycap you think it's a chiclet style stuff yeah you heard it here first folks the keycaps suck so i mean as you can see even the uh keycaps are just like cherry cross um so any keycaps you get should really work with it as long as they're not like overly big or something and they don't fit on the keyboard itself let me turn this on so that we can try it with like actual words on screen instead of just typing a jumbled mess and we'll use our fancy new super quiet mx master 3s but first a word from our sponsor oneplus starting june 15th the oneplus 10 pro 5g will officially be coming with 12 gigs of ram and 256 gigs of storage this option is great for users who are in need of tons of extra space for photos videos apps music and more the 10 pro 5g features a 120hz display with ltpo technology and oneplus hyperboost gaming engine for a smooth gaming experience and unlike some competitors included in the box is a 65 watt wired charger that can charge your device from one percent to 100 in just 34 minutes wow that's actually pretty fast learn more about the oneplus 10 pro 5g at the link in the description below cool well it works yeah literally all we did was plug in the logi bolt the that's just a really cool word i guess for their uh usb dongle i've got two plugged in right now just in case they didn't work but i want to see if you can run multiple devices off of one logi bolt i think we have to download the software yeah okay because yeah the most instantly stopped working no diff oh so i can add or remove a unifying device i can add or remove and that's with some other symbol that i've never seen but then oh i think that's the old symbol so i have seen that i just never paid attention to it um and then i had to remove a bolt device pair up to six compatible wireless mice and keyboards to a single logitech bolt receiver oh that's cool yeah you can actually do sticks on the old ones too i didn't know that oh it's got like a whole extra window i actually don't know how much i like this though like why couldn't i just get logi bolt from logitech i had to go to options download options and then go to add remove devices and get the logi bolt stuff and then now it's opened it installed the second program and now it's opening a wholly entirely different window too so i don't understand why they can't just have it all in one single app one thing i like is that it's automatically detecting the two devices i have right now and it's telling me their power level and stuff so that's really cool the mechanical keyboard it's a 1500 milliamp hour battery which is quite a bit but it can do either 15 days on a full charge or 10 months if you don't have the backlight enabled but take that with a grain of salt it's not going to be a full 10 days it's not like i highly doubt it's like 10 days multiplied by 24. they're probably going like 10 you know eight hour days or whatever you're looking at if you're in a hurry a 15 minute charge is gonna give you about eight hours of performance i think it's like they say a full day so you know expect like eight to ten hours or whatever let me unplug one of these now okay so luckily i'm on a laptop even though the mouse just died what i can do is add new device bluetooth bluetooth on i want to do mx mechanical searching for devices long press to connect long press okay one device found connect verify your device click right click left click both left and right wow they really save a doozy for you at the end okay cool so now i should have both of them paired on a single um logical receiver or usb dongle let's see if the keyboard still works it says it's still there listed as a device hey okay so that's actually really cool all right sure let's try and pair the mini so turn it on uh oh it's already yeah i already found it type the following numbers so seven six seven eight seven four enter hooray device connected i like how it's like a lady and her hands are up like she's so stoked she's so stoked that her stuff connected because that's how frustrating it can be when you're dealing with wireless text sometimes yeah using the mouse feels great um it feels very comfortable to me because i already use an mx master iii i think the difference between the two and the three isn't much they just kind of change this wing here and then the buttons a little bit so if you're going from a two up to this guy it might feel a little different at first but other than that that's pretty much it i mean even this all it's got really is the better sensor and the quietclick stuff which is pretty cool but not necessarily needed for me personally so i'm just going to stick with the mx master 3 but if you don't have one yet really good revision 126 99 very cool like i said before it's it's actually hard to find wireless full mechanical keyboards that are feature rich like this one is if you had to guess how much do you think this should be well you're not gonna have to guess it's 170 for the full thing and i know that you can get a full keyboard that's wireless from kikron for like not 170. that being said that lodgebolt receiver was actually really cool um pairing stuff was crazy easy like i i hate that i never get wireless anything because i hate pairing devices and it actually just worked really really well so i don't have to add devices or anything we just installed this and it's already showing the two that i have up oh and if i mouse over it's got the third one it's already got all three products that we have connected um oh and i like how it says good afternoon it's you know it's really small like personal touches like that that i actually love from companies dictation and emoji where's the emoji button f6 emojis oh my god okay so that worked wow emojis at your fingertips uh smart backlighting cool so like f3 i want to turn the back lighting up oh okay yeah so it gets to like a respectable level of brightness it's not crazy bright um i don't even think this is full rgb because i i don't think rgb would fit this to be perfectly honest i like the white light with the gray and easy switch yep so this will tell you which devices it should go to which is pretty cool oh there's like a pointer speed and you can change it from 50 to 100 i don't know why it's like that but i don't like it as soon as you change it to the sensor range to 8k dpi it gives you an actual like dpi scale um which is cool i like about 800 actually doesn't even change right now because i set it to yes oh god this is great i think that if you're a fan of logitech and you want to use their products like a full pro logitech product suite awesome especially if you use headphones and stuff too because you can have multiple devices on the single receiver thanks for watching everyone this is the mx master 3s for the mouse and mx mechanical or mechanical mini from logitech let us know in the comments if you like these guys and we'll see you next time see you later
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 971,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gGBS7aKf6Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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