Have I Got a Bit More News for You S61 E7. Richard Ayoade, Richard Osman, Baroness Warsi

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oh this is gin ian i think this is yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening welcome to have i got news for you i'm richard iwadi in the news this week in london as indoor eating returns it's feared some diners may have forgotten how restaurants work [Laughter] meanwhile at a nearby table one couple deny their relationship has become strained during lockdown [Laughter] as overseas travel resumes one would-be holidaymaker who overdid it in lockdown attempts to get beachbody ready and after another photo op in a warehouse in bristol matt hancock shows that being an apprentice is so easy anyone could do it [Applause] on ames team tonight is a politician and member of the house of lords who was appointed by david cameron he texted her earlier to wish her luck saying have a good show ps don't mention me baroness barzi and with paul tonight is a presenter and author who once said i wish i were cooler but i'm not nice you to the subjunctive rich hanging tough with the cool guys please welcome richard osman so how has your week been ian oh no sorry we just found out um we don't care someone who um to people paul yes i don't care how do you feel about there being an audience here no it's great there's an audience there's somebody over here with a very distinctive laugh um which is great because uh you know when people laugh it is inspiring so i'm thrilled and pleased and excited that we have people in front of us again okay we begin with the bigger news stories of the week ian and saeeda have a look at this oh it's a new variant cummings oh he's got a top secret document from spec savers that's the traffic light system for where you can go to travel and that is everybody going out for a drink because of easing of lockdown yeah no one's told them you can go inside um this is the exciting news that everything is open except it isn't yes this is the now familiar confusion surrounding the government's covert advice on travel um what is the government's position on foreign it's a traffic light and it's a new system from the government and there's red white and blue and anybody who disagrees with it should probably be shot yeah don't go amber don't go unless it's an absolute family emergency and green you can go and i think there's only is it portugal and the falkland islands or something on that's right right and but also if you're an uh instagram influencer you're allowed to go yes it is that one of the exceptions yes because that's a central business oh is that yeah oh my god so we all need to sign up to being instagram influencers and then we can go on holiday like you're not an instagram influencer okay is this when i can put my instagram account out and ask everybody to follow me i mean listen very best of luck go on don't go abroad but it's not illegal that's the position lord bethel yeah james the fifth and the best back yeah um he's not jimmy jimbo yeah the jay guy yeah um said don't go abroad at all just don't think he did he just said yeah no way that's freaking bethel wow listen don't go mate lord bethel is to me the same as mission impossible in that the fifth one is surprisingly the best yes um and the environment secretary george eustis said it's okay to travel to ambulance countries then boris johnson and also matt hancock contradicted george eustis and said only go to amber countries for pressing business reasons but you know there are thousands of tourists that have gone to portugal on holiday this week if the government want to stop us going somewhere presumably they should stop us going somewhere what is the problem and stop they stop us going to funerals and they stop us going to care homes but if you want to go on holiday to a place that a bit dodgy fine what is wrong with them you know and and this is the point about the red line no what is wrong with them how long you got a couple of hours we'll make time what is wrong with them i just think they've gone off on a little wonder off to the right and they just need to find their way back into the central space i think we've sorted it yeah yeah um things reached a low point for george eustis when he was inadvertently dissed on radio 4 one of the cruelest disses you can get by mp peter bone oh that is cool do you want to hear this yes by all means okay george useless i think um was also i have heard that before in tory's circle stop it it is unacceptable that it was done so publicly and about jeremy hunt as well portugal is very much the destination du jour or what should i say dude um you can meet some lovely people on the plane to portugal who is it the remaining members of the tremolos the answer is journalists oh the planes are full of journalists reporting on how everyone's going to portugal or would be if they could get a seat one person tweeted convinced that everyone currently on a flight to portugal is just a journalist there to report on it loads of film crews trying to vote pop each other is that what they call it yeah like a baby circle this is exactly like when special branch infiltrated an extremist group only to find out that all seven of them were from special brand group didn't exist matt hancock is issuing more advice what about i mean do we care let's pretend is he offering advice on hugging he is people should hug out doors and avoid tight clenches nothing too tight lads yeah i mean yeah i mean listen chance would be a fine thing yeah look at this okay i'd be all over him if this wasn't exactly this has got nothing to do with covered i insisted upon it he'd be climbing you like a tree he's a he's a tiger he's a tiger he'll try and put you inside him i mean like a russian doll not why is here's matt hancock gearing up for a tight one yeah it's been absolutely fantastic being here this morning with matt hancock that's really creepy can't keep his eyes on mckinney yeah this man's looking at our personal space yeah i know uh what's he like cider as a person matt hank matt is actually quite nice is he yeah he is he and i think he's genuinely trying his best so and how does he feel about ben totally out of his death like i said like like i've said paul he's genuinely trying his best and as long as people try their best work nice to them did you never go to nursery as long as people are doing their best but he won't be on nursery and i met people that are smarter than him you know i honestly think look joking aside he's had a really tough we're not joking no are you asking us to disregard his competence i i i'm i'm saying he got some things right and he got some things wrong and this was a pandemic yes but these days he just says get jammed and i think that's quite good i think it's just nice to someone telling everyone to get vaccinated yes we can all get behind that as a story totally looks like he can get behind everyone you're a little bit obsessed tonight aren't you richard he's so close why is he so close to her it was the old days people behaved like that it's really weird i wonder if he was told to get in so it's quite a tight shot the shot's so wide you can see the ambulance in the background david lean's taken closer shots in this if i have my photograph taken with someone shorter than me at a thing and they say it was just a headshot so i'll sort of like duck a little bit with my knees and then they'll do the full shot of just me kind of ducking with my knee right they've hancocked me is what they've done there yeah i understand that absolutely hancock stage member sir mark walbot made an interesting philosophical point did you see this no right into philosophy he said just because you can do something doesn't mean you should i agree with that well it's hard not to agree with it because it's almost so binary self-evident i think that in so many different ways yes yeah but if you substitute the idea of say murder yeah it becomes self-evident doesn't it yeah yes just saying and that's the law in it can do shouldn't that's murder isn't it yeah exactly don't do it arson the same can do shouldn't don't do it stuff in a knot a lot with marmite same thing of course you can do it you can do it yeah thank you awesome thank you but you shouldn't do it driving up to barnard castle for an eye test right come on have i got news for you can do all right the sunday telegraph uh managed to fill some space by asking some young dynamic celebrities who'd they'd hug first what did you say to the mean i said i would hug the prime minister and hold him there till the bailiffs came a good answer according to the daily star who didn't ask you anything definitely i'm afraid it's a rare week off for them uh what needs to happen to save our pubs people need to go in there and start buying beer i suppose yes how much though oh oh i saw that i saw this thing it was something like um 60 000 liters or something we're going to put a tusk in there there's gonna be it's gonna be a queue for the toilet doesn't it six thousand liters what's the parliamentary bars open come on we're gonna be on a good roll it's 124 pints of beer that's what everyone needs to drink in what time span as fast as you can like a game show yeah just get it down you okay or 122 glasses of wine they're not fussy okay cool um and uh we each need to spend 382 pounds this year to make up for the shortfall everyone wow i tell you what i'll get a pint and a packet of tyro's crisps that should do it [Laughter] what was the big news in bristol this week on this first day of legal indoor hospitality did paul stuff an ocelot with remember something that was page six yeah the big news was that a man had a medium fry up inside the fountain cafe that's right man has fry up what kind of maniac orders is a medium fright are you doing that a medium um what could spoil our progress to the sunlit uplands we've mentioned this um that's right are you worried the worst variant was the english variant which we stopped calling we didn't call it the english variant quite so often did we but that was network we narrowed it down we called it the kent that's right let's make it clear what can we get away with let's let's say yeah our county stick it there yeah but the germans referred to it as the english virus all the way through yeah there's been a bit of history between the two countries is that right because we used to do that with measles didn't we we named that after them yeah german measles yeah cool spanish flu yeah yeah we're very keen to plant it elsewhere yeah hitler mumps [Applause] i was inoculating against them as a kid yes you have to put your arm up like that we're allowed because we won we're allowed to say that yeah well just because you're allowed to say it doesn't mean you have to he would be threatening to reveal all dominican news dominic cummings yes he's been battering on his blog about how the government should have come clean about what was happening in the early weeks of the pandemic why didn't he speak up listen this is the story that dominic cummings is going to reveal some top secret documents and information about how when he was doing the job he was supposed to be doing he did it pretty badly and he's going to tell everybody the bad news this oh exactly and he's going to tell everybody how it wasn't him it was boris okay it's so great to have him back isn't it it's like it's like like a baddie from season three of uh i he's coming back how lovely and you know his lines this time back are fantastic he says you know what the government really should have had is more openness and transparency this is a man who was dragged to a press conference who said nothing about his whole escapade up to barnard castle and then told a load of lies in front of the press but now openness is what we need transparency and also he says i've got this secret document i'm not going to tell you what it is and i'm going to put it on ebay wow i mean he he really is the the kind of prince of dark hearts isn't he he's he's our very own or was when he was at the heart of government you know our very own little finger the kind of bastard of bernard castle he really knew how to kind of make sure he had all the power in his hands and so likeable and exactly and i just think that everybody is just desperate to have him back to tell us exactly you know what he wasn't doing when he should have been doing his job so to make it clear you are still standing by him oh yeah absolutely this is kind of this is ultimate conservative loyalty that's on display the serious story really is we have to be prepared to hold our own government and if that means that's my you know my own party to account yeah i like the idea this is a clash i'm sorry i always forget politicians need the clap at the end applause is a better word in that context not with this prime minister oh really one of the big issues at the start of the pandemic was ppe supplies what have we learned about that this week this really incenses me actually um two contracts were given out to companies that had never supplied pp before more stories are emerging about how some lucrative ppe contracts were dished out uh matt hancock was lobbied by former conservative mp brooks newmark there he is who had joined forces with a pet food company of course to broker ppe deals for international supplies brooks newmark is probably best known for being tempted by an undercover journalist to expose his penis in a sting operation which that is painful um and listen i'm with you guys i'm the first one in fact last year i was tabling questions on this and you know i was being battered down by my uh by my own colleagues by saying this is wrong you know this people smell a rat here there's there's something that's gone on that needs to be exposed and we need to have an independent inquiry and i'm completely with the rest of you on this we need to catch the rat and fortunately a friend of mine has a rat catching company for 200 million pounds the job is here a rat yeah of course he'll even supply his own rats [Laughter] this is the news that people were finally allowed to go on holiday yeah home secretary pretty patel has warned that people who visit countries they've been advised not to go to can expect a knock on the door adding although when i went to israel without permission in 2017 i just got a phone call telling me i was sacked despite the easing of covert restrictions i'm still not able to hug my friends due to an underlying condition misanthropy paul and richard take a look at this yeah there we are that's how to grow a plant in the middle of a carpet and uh i don't know he's got under there but uh she's pleased about it wooden elephants oh we got to save wooden elephants there's very few of them left and you know wooden elephants don't grow on trees although although they do have trunks yes indeed there we are um prince charles i think has suggested which is actually a rather good idea for the queen's jubilee yeah we're gonna everyone should plant a tree which jubilee do you know yes you know what when i was at school i remember at primary school it was our 25th it was a silver jubilee 25th year and we got a little silver coin and now it's her 70th and i briefly panicked and thought i was 95. [Laughter] yes it's the platinum jubilee which she got for sending a million copies of her last album yes yes well in 2022 the queen will have been on the throne for 70 years which prince charles intends to mark by launching what plant a tree is that's what you were suggesting wasn't it yeah let's take a look as we approach this most special year i invite you all to join me to plant a tree for the jubilee in other words a tree believe me he is pretty pleased with that doesn't it i think it's quite a good idea isn't it it's quite hard it's a rather nice thing to do more woodland three million saplings he's looking forward lovely he's already planted one the queen was with charles for the tree planting um after almost 70 years on the throne her curiosity is undimmed did that come out of the hill i'd love it if that was the first scene of the next series of line of duty yeah did that come out of the hole is a very good opening line yeah who is h yes living in california yeah we know what prince charles is planning to do for the jubilee what's prince andrew planning to do that's the uh oh he'll be getting pizzas in money what's the latest bad news for prince andrew oh he's been stripped of some more charities yes he has been removed as patron by nearly 50 organizations um over his links with dead pedophile jeffrey epstein um although according to the sunday telegraph a few felt unable to completely severitize um as he hasn't been charged or convicted of any crime instead of formally parting ways they removed his portrait from the wall deleted his name from their website and in one case concealed the plaque bearing his name behind the plant that's what all these trees are for when we plump [Laughter] the tree belly is such good news for prince andrew keep him planting meanwhile what has the queen's cousin prince michael been caught doing oh it has something to do with russia isn't it yes he's been caught in the channel for sting apparently offering access to putin for money he also offered to endorse what he thought was a south korean company appearing in a promotional video for them for just two hundred thousand pounds what else does prince michael do for money is it all right yup that's one of those people got down here i'll bet me give you that that's prince princess sure no i think he all oh come on he also endorses dog food specifically a dog food called the rockster on their website he says i believe rockstar is a remarkable super food for dogs and would not hesitate in recommending it to other owners meanwhile what wasn't put out on monday what wasn't put out oh my god my recycling yeah is this panorama yes it is oh yes it was a bbc program about the princess diana interview yes and whether martin beshear at the time had fake documents and conned her into it that's right but the program was pulled after the bbc said they had a significant duty of care issue on thursday what did the dice inquiry have to say about how former bbc director general tony hall handled the matter at the time they're very critical and said it was a cover-up it said that the investigation was woefully ineffective and the only person who was punished was the the graphic designer so he got thrown under a bus and it's taken 25 years for the rest of them to um admit that yes actually they did fake it as well wow this isn't dyson the vacuum man no this is another dyson is he baron dyson this is the dustbuster one it's not the dustbuster i'm just having fun anyway he's not sweeping this one under the carpet it's said that the bbc had covered up martin beshear's deceitful tactics while martin mashir said it is an action i deeply regret he's been off on sick leave and on friday he resigned as the bbc's religion editor on health grounds the panorama was pulled from the schedule the following monday uh finally see if you can spot the shadowy figure behind us interior secretary deb harland let's take a look seth considering the fact that i was sworn in by the very first woman vice president also a woman of color that was i'm sorry secretary i'm going to interrupt you real quick you have a staffer who fully crawled on the carpet behind you and it is the greatest thing i've ever seen sir sir we know you're behind the desk okay um i would love to pretend thank you very much for a moment i thought that was donald trump returning to the oval office he never left yeah at the end of that round it's two points each yes and so to round two the hot spot of news hot spot of news that's right fingers on buzzers right buzz when you know where it is here's the map where is that great britain scotland you're the scotland but i need even more specific than scotland is it glasgow it is what's going on in glasgow well somebody's had a biscuit in glasgow and and such has been the lack of news this week uh it's made headlines it's a biscuit factory in glasgow mcgee's are no longer making chocolate hoblobs and that's probably right is that right they're on the verge of closure please tell me they're still making chocolate hotdogs so is it all biscuits there they're worried they're very worried about closure why are they considering closure well people aren't eating as many biscuits as they used to that's right bosses are describing the uk's biscuit market as mature the problem is that people who buy biscuits are getting old and soon there'll be nobody left to buy biscuits that's a problem um despite a rise and sale of biscuits during the pandemic there's been a decline in biscuit eating one people are just storing these biscuits yeah they're hoarding them they don't know what to do with them people have forgotten how to use their mouths yeah according to the office of national statistics the average person ate 214 grams of biscuits per week in 1974 but only 159 grams in 2019. and nothing in between yeah so weird what's your favorite biscuit richard well this is going to be very controversial go on uh jaffa cake okay it's not biscuit which people say it's not a biscuit but of course it is that's why it's called jaffa cake well listen it's called a cake for sure yeah what do you mean you know sure what's it short for biscuit but bonnie tyler is called tyler but i wouldn't let her grab my bathroom yeah you know what i mean well you know what to be fair i would no i would but jaffa cakes are in the biscuit aisle if you if you had a kid's birthday party i'm sometimes in the biscuit i'll don't make me a biscuit yeah you're a little bit of a biscuit what are your favorites no one asked you thank you yeah yeah thank you it's the megan question how are you thank you it's been a lot of people on the inside have not asked me that actually it's ginger nut thank you now a recent poll of britain's favorite biscuits and sunday times of course put the chocolate digestive in second place first was the kit kat but even more worryingly and we will discuss this in tenth place is the ribeta crisp red bit drop yeah unbelievable imagine that building material um also this week and i feel we've dealt with it somewhere where they probably still enjoy biscuits that is the link ashworth grange care home in west yorkshire our residents there have become the new stars of tick tock uh what have they been getting up to are these the new masters of drill there's there's two very old blokes in a retirement home who've taken the uk drill scene by storm the uk drill scene yeah talk us through drill music ian drill it's a sort of uh hybrid of gangster rap and grime and it's become very big i'll tell you what they've been getting up to not not drill music specifically they've been posting videos of themselves dancing to keep busy during the pandemic uh we have wrapped up millions of views um in the past two weeks here's colin doing some sean paul somebody give it to me give it to somebody give it to our girls five million and forty naughty baby [Music] this is the news that the missy's factory in glasgow could be closing the head of mcvities is putting a brave face on it [Laughter] scott of the antarctic took british biscuits with him on his ill-fated expedition to the south pole notably the two-fingered kitkat it was originally five fingers also this week residents of a west yorkshire care home went viral for their tick tock videos one of the songs the residents enjoy lip-synching to is dolly parton's nine to five or as a residents call it bedtime back to the hot spot of news fingers on buzzers teams where's this [Music] yes is that canterbury or is it london it's more specifically south london yeah but what's been going on in south london well there's a packet of uh hula hoops has just appeared on screen oh they're not closing the hula hoop what this is is that a man in peckham yes south london yes has found a huge hula hoop no i'm talking a really big one um i'm not going to ask if you want to see it because you do want to see yeah we do yeah that's right whoa that did not disappoint yes i think somebody in the factory's been having some fun there haven't they here's rowan holding the snack for scale wow yeah but we don't know how tall he is hey what's the scale it's 30 centimeters all right okay yeah seamless segway alert yeah whole base knacks to holes in the ground in siberia who are these people what are they doing what are they competing for they look like they're digging graves that's exactly what they're doing wow at the annual gravedigging contest in nova scotia oh i don't know how to say this in nova sebasque sebius is you've been there yeah you've competed the drill scene there's unbelievable you know why they do this there's no wi-fi that's reception that's one of the reasons the reasons are threefold to raise a prestige of the profession improve gravediggers work performance and attract younger generations to careers in the funeral industry wow is it televised i'm hosting it things on buzzer teams where's this [Music] yes is that liverpool it is liverpool what's happening in liverpool well there's a man there in a supermarket he's bought every single variety of powdered soup that's available in the market or pot noodles over the last four or five years and he's claimed the world record for it it's not what's that it's not that this is the excellent news yes that shopping trolleys in liverpool will be fitted with sensors that will tell you if you're about to die do you want to know why they've done this um uh yeah i think we do actually okay researcher from liverpool john moores university yeah good people are putting sensors in the handles of shopping trolleys at sainsbury's which can detect irregular heartbeats in order to identify people most at risk of a stroke what shots would you most like to find out you've got a serious illness in boots yes probably in the hospital flower shop [Laughter] nice and near some very nice and cautious answers coming here whilst the liverpool john moores university has been busy with shopping trolleys what have researchers from university college london been up to something even more important have they been working out if people have got head lice by giving them carrier bags yes but they've also been examining whether or not our brains can cope with extra body parts and the good news is they can well they really can well like an extra leg or something or not far off get more specific extra head smaller finger hand extra finger finger that was the weirdest auction i've ever been in yeah yes it's a third thumb according to paulina kyliber who led the study the brain was able to adapt to control the extra digit which was operated by the toe here it is in action what would you do with an extra thumb extra body parts can extend and augment human capabilities but while augmentative technology is progressing rapidly we're still lacking answers to some fundamental questions we also encouraged them to take it home and use it as they liked but we also found that people changed their natural hand movements which may impact how the brain represents their hands there's a lot of interest in people being given extra arms and extra fingers in japan they have a robotic tail that you can attach to your body that's the reason the japanese have developed a robotic tail and we need to catch up and peel bananas one-handed right it's gonna it's currently a fingers race it's gonna turn into an arms race [Music] thank you yeah that was worth the price of free admission doesn't it this is the great news that shopping trolleys in liverpool will be fitted with sensors that tell you if you're about to die also this week researchers have discovered our brains can adapt to having an additional digit the third thumb device has improved hitchhiking efficiency by 33 which means at the end of this round it's ian and syeda with four and paul and richard with four hmm time now for the odd one out round uh just one between you this week your four are the river nen mount everest don quixote and supermarket chain aldi there's been a dispute about what they're called there's been a story that the river which is called nen i think by one county and nene by another county and so they had a game of croquet i think to try and decide what the answer was you're completely right they've all been mispronounced apart from the river nen which has officially settled the pronunciation of its name with a croquet match i got in trouble for calling it the river neen on point this month so i know that people are very up on prince how much trouble did he get into oh you wouldn't believe it it was i was in prison prison for seven or eight years which is a bit i was in belle marshall and everyone's like what are you in for and i was like mispronunciation of the real and then and then they were like same so and after seven years you found that was pronounced belle marche [Laughter] the two croquet teams decided to go to war and it was a war it was a brutal war wow because the people of peterborough they call the river the neem yeah and uh the people of northampton call it the nen oh mate you can see why it got real fast oh yeah the northampton croquet team trounced their rival peterborough 7-2 in the nine-game contest the river must now officially be called the nen in all croquet correspondents here's a key moment from one of the big croquet games as you can see happily covered has had no effect on the side of the crowds loads of countries i used to mispronounce some points kiribati which is kiribati apparently an everest suppose he's called everest but they called it everest yes you're right in fact george everest was rather embarrassed that his name had been used as he had no direct connection with the mountain and never saw it in person but he surveyed it no he was a surveyor um but just not of that he just did yards stuff like that he saw it once on google maps yeah and that was it he just came around and said i don't think you're going to get damp and then charged you 2000 pounds how do people tend to mispronounce don quixote don quixote quick shot that's right according to a survey of 2000 people 44 percent of readers pronounce the night's name as don quixote instead of don quixote how do you pronounce aldi currently well i think iam pronounces it waitrose is that right according to germans britain's have been saying the budget german supermarket name wrong and the al in aldi should be short and sharp like al murray it's frequently mispronounced aldi by british shoppers wow which mispronunciations yeah yank your chain yeah i hate the way people see the words boris johnson and say prime minister finally what deliberate misspelling of care have kierstama opponents taken to calling him online is it like keith it is it's exactly it's not like i saw it i don't know but i didn't understand exactly keith the point of it was i would have gone for kia ora meets he'd have to take her name though wouldn't he yeah i think he probably would yeah it's a modern gesture yeah exactly rita starmer so she's suddenly in coronation street [Applause] well many to the political leftickie have been trying to rail some supporters by calling him keith and there are a few theories surrounding this as to why they're doing it one of them being that the name keith itself is actually just very boring i mean keith richards i mean what are they talking about yeah one label left winger said keith has come to a pit my stammers beige banality a man with all the charm of the pub ball who'd find himself outperformed by a talking potato sack um which is i think a bit mean some of us can be quite charming they're all frequently mispronounced apart from the river nen which has officially settled the pronunciation of its name with a vicious croquet match the pronunciation of the river is still hotly contested in northampton they say nen in peterborough they say neem and in the rest of britain we say no one cares to climb everest you need meticulous planning protective equipment and an official certificate of good health so currently it's easier to get to the summit of everest than have a week in corfu which means at the end of this round it's ian and saeeda with six paul and richard with four fine now for the missing words round which this week features as its guest publication norfolk nips no not that one although it is good it's the magazine of the norfolk branches of real l drinkers and we start with significant events of 1989 included the fall of the berlin wall the first satellite tv broadcast and what opening the first real l pub in chroma you're very close it's stephen becoming manager at the litchfield arms this is from a regular feature in norfolk nips not that one called interview with the landlord what did he say the usual next favorite what was what was it jane austen's favorite chief medical officer was chris whitty visit position was cowgill it's snack and cheese toasty her favorite snack was a cheesecake yes a recipe book has been found containing some of jane austen's favorite dishes which include jean monge and fricassee turnips the editor of martha lloyd's recipe book said i thought about martha living in the cottage with jane austen those were jane's most productive years can you imagine those conversations yes i can belt up jane i'm trying to frickin say some turnips here ricochet turnips is my drill name yes that's ian's safe word next people hate to be called what more than any other pet name is it matt hancock the answer is sausage uh to call someone sausage is actually a compliment it means that no one truly knows what's going on inside you next poll reveals 71 of men confident they could what nothing that's cheap they could yeah confident they could take the other 29 in a fight well the answer of course is beat a goose in a fight next leeds man finds what in his tomato soup atlantis leads man finds mona lisa in his smart suit edvard monks the scream matthew richardson found what he believes to be a spitting image of edvard monk's famous painting in his tomato soup here it is what's e.t next creator of orville the duck confesses to what other crimes against humanity the answer is yeah nearly killing david jason with a giant sugarloaf oh peter the creator of orville the duck revealed this week that he was responsible for throwing a giant sugar lump at actor david jason in a pg tips tv commercial in the 1970s that came close to knocking the actor out coincidentally being killed by giant prop sugar lump was also the original ending for the last series of line of duty and finally mr watt unveiled as new character for mr men's 50th anniversary inappropriate behaviour in the workplace you're very close mr calm mr mr khan and another one there was miss um saigon little misogynist she was good mr khan is the new character it's good timing since everyone stopped working with mr tickle and he's had to have his bathtub taken away so the final scores are in syed seven paul and richard six well done can i leave you with news that in south london there are suspicions that someone is tampering with the oxygen supply to dominic cummings underground layer as international travel restrictions ease one falkland island family makes the most of the opportunity to visit the uk [Laughter] and in liverpool the government have responded to criticism of cutting arts funding during the pandemic by opening a brand new art center in merseyside good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ViVaHD
Views: 263,064
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Id: 2h8EI2EbQ5s
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Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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