HAUSER - Now We Are Free (Gladiator)
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Channel: HAUSER
Views: 5,393,521
Rating: 4.9559832 out of 5
Keywords: HAUSER, Hauser, Stjepan Hauser, music, classical, Classic, violin, piano, crossover, orchestra, strings, instrumental, acoustic, culture, cello, cellist, 2Cellos, Two cellos, beautiful, isolation, Croatia, Andrea Bocelli, Bocelli, live, concert, water, nature, beauty, sea, Alone, Together, performance, Theme Song, Dubrovnik, old town, city, Alone Together, song, soundtrack, main theme, cover, symphony, classical music, film, movie, trilogy, Now We Are Free, Gladiator, Hans Zimmer
Id: z_7MGy6SaMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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