Haunting Murders of Archibald Hall: Scotland's Notorious Serial Killer |Murder Casebook | Real Crime

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Paul was a man of Untold evil yetil was conducted to himself like a perfect gentleman Archibald Hall was a con man and a serial killer that would stop at nothing to get the luxurious lifestyle he desired this is just an animal he is he's kind of a human to do these things because he showed no remorse whatsoever Archibald Hall was one of Scotland's most enigmatic serial killers a man of multiple personalities who used his charms to seduce and deceive within a period of just six months Hall was transformed from con man into callous killer murdering no less than five people including his own brother I want to learn more about the man who became known as the monster Butler [Music] I'm Fred dynage and I'm investigating Britain's most notorious Killers I want to know what motivates someone to murder sentencing themselves to death or a lifetime Behind Bars [Music] the monster Butler Archibald Hall cultivated a life of Glitz and glamor using names and plot lines straight out of Hollywood movies The Man From A working class background made himself High Society but to what extent have the facts become lost in fiction what's the real story behind this serial killer one man who's re-examined the case in the hope of discovering the truth behind the fantasist is author and lawyer Alan Nichol according to him he was a sort of potential folk hero but when you look at his story as toudry it's not attractive at all he was not anything of a hero in fact he was the exact opposite I think what makes him stand out is that he only killed people he knew um most Psychopaths kill complete strangers it's only if you actually knew him even grave Danger Archibald Thompson Hall was born in Glasgow in 1924 to a working-class family he was the eldest of three children and heavily resented being named after his father insisting on being called Roy instead I think he was brought up by two caring parents but I don't think they acted together and bringing up whole I particularly think the mother certainly enjoyed undone meaning um whole seniors authority over the boy and she certainly indulged them as much as she could Hall was a keen movie fan and the Silver Screen of the 1940s displayed Grandeur and wealth casting actors as Suave and debonair Rogues an appealing role to the teenager in order to achieve his dream lifestyle Hall became involved in petty theft and house breaking in 1941 the law caught up with a 17 year old and he received his first prison sentence judged mentally unstable and sent to a psychiatric unit but this did not deter Hall influences on the early life of a serial killer can determine the adults they will become and someone who studied Archibald Hall's teenage years is criminologist Professor David Wilson Hall doesn't want to talk about that because I hold the adult man wants to pretend that his life is glamorous and aspirational and is something that should be desired so he doesn't want to draw attention to the fact that actually he's been satisfied as insane on at least two occasions that part of his history gets rubbed out and other parts of his history if we can believe him are brought to the force such as his sexual magnetism Paul spent the next 10 years in prisons and mental institutions he put his time to good use though he studied etiquette and learned about the aristocracy he dulled his Scottish accent and taught himself elocution Archibald Hall had become Roy Fontaine the perfect gentleman Hall realized that if he wanted to play this kind of upper-class figure that he had to change his glass region accent he had to soften the accent he had to become more anglicized so his first day in prison rather than changing his behavior just made whole realize that if he wanted access to this lifestyle that he craved he had to change his behavior accordingly Halls did determination to gain the lifestyle he desired was never dulled by his time in prison resisting any sort of Rehabilitation he formed new strategies of how to make his money when his mother gained employment as a housekeeper Hall realized this was a great position of trust within the home and of course the male version of a housekeeper is a butler and Hall very quickly puts two and two together so that he realizes that if he becomes a butler he'll have access to a house access to valuables access to bank accounts that the owner of the house might have and realizes he can use this position of trust to abuse that position of trust to steal and to make his way as he would like over the next 25 years Hall transformed into a professional Butler conning his way from job to job how elaborate was he as a con man was he good at it he would certainly have you believe that um in his book which is called a perfect gentleman um he goes through and describes the various coins that he himself thought up and then perpetrated um for instance um he goes into a shop attending he's an American businessman and he carries it off perfectly and everyone believes he's a businessman with great credit Etc he also had the scam whereby you go and look at a ring he would claim he had a ring made up that only cost 100 pounds but this was this ring was worth a thousand pounds and then he would definitely swap them and Jilla wouldn't notice the stealing was Archibald Hall's favorite crime but he wasn't very good at it he tried his hand at forgery breaking into shops and swiping jewels from the rich but Hall was regularly caught by the police and frequently spent time in prison in 1973 he met David Wright a small-time crook who'd have a big impact on the life of Hall David Wright was a criminal the hall met at long larton jail in Evesham and Worcestershire when he was serving another prison sentence and this Hall would talk about he sort of fell in love with right right was an attractive handsome younger man and of course within prisons there's often situational homosexuality no Hall knew how to use his sexuality to get what he wanted so when Halls released first from longlarton prison and then Wright is going to follow to where Hall is Hall's determination for wealth and fine living drove him on after each stint in prison his ferocity grew and he quickly set about looking for employment seeking out bigger and better Rewards in 1977 Scottish landowner lady Peggy Hudson was looking for a new Butler the man she hired was cultured knowledgeable and would work for low wages but was he too good to be true Scottish journalist Frank Ryan covered Halls hunt for fame and fortune you were one of the few reporters if not the only reporter to talk to Lady Hudson in depth that's right and what did she tell you about about Archibald Hall and what he what he was earning he said well she said she had gotten through an agency and she had got a reference from a Mr Wooten who was in fact his father-in-law but purported to be a businessman or some person of authority who could give a reference so she was corned by that um he earned 20 pounds a week which was very low even them and she asked him why he was prepared to work for such a low salary when he could have been earning money either in the jewelry trade or or in London and he said that um he loved living in the country and he was prepared to sacrifice a salary for the life at turtleton but for con man Hall it wasn't a sacrifice it was all part of his plan what about the interesting relationship between Archibald Hall and Lady Hudson I mean he was going to rob her wasn't he yes I think so and he was also organizing a robberies of big houses County houses in the area but he liked lady Hudson he said in his autobiography written in jail a perfect gentleman that he had sex with her just for Charities and but that could be boastful you know because it was very prone to Fantasy and boasting the monster Butler was in position and had set up the perfect con Archibald Hall was out to make a killing I'm a friend dianage and I'm re-examining the case of the con man turned murderer called the monster Butler by the age of 53 Archibald Hall had been in prison 10 times a theft forgery and possession of firearms he was obsessed with Fame and Fortune he would do anything to obtain the Hollywood lifestyle he so desired Archibald Hall had gained employment working for Scottish landowner lady Peggy Hudson he'd smoothed his way in as her Butler and made himself her perfect gentleman holes young Lover from prison David Wright had been released and decided to join him in Scotland lady Hudson took an instant liking to write and he became her odd job man this proved a problem for con man Hall Wright knows the hall really isn't a butler but somebody who's going to steal from Lady Hudson so quite clearly there was tension between the two of them from a very early stage and that tension it mounts and mounts until eventually according to Hall Wright stole a diamond ring from Lady Hudson that whole then has to get back and replace before lady Hudson realizes what has happened their relationship reached a crisis point when right returned after a night of heavy drinking and fired a shot into Hall's headboard as he slept he then hit Hall around the face with his pistol causing his lover to bleed Wright begged for forgiveness Hall decided enough was enough solicitor Len Murray heard firsthand what happened next from the monster Butler himself the following day out they went shooting rabbits um Wright with a shotgun and Hall with a .22 rifle Hall counted very carefully the number of shots that right had in his gun he had this Turtle of eight and when he had made sure that eight had gone he lifted his .22 and pointed at a rabbit and gradually swung around and shot right in the head and they shot him not once but he shot him four times one in the head and then three more in this torso an extraordinarily cold killing at the age of 53 conman Hall had committed his first murder what they do know for certain is that he took right's body he placed it beside the stream he covered it with clouds of Earth and he kept going back and covering it up and covering it at up and he ended up taking lady Hudson's Labrador for walks just to see if the dog could detect him as a body then and eventually the dog didn't even notice Hall explained rights disappearance by informing lady Hudson that the young man had been offered a permanent position in Torquay and had left Hall it seemed had got away with killing his lover he remained as lady Hudson's Butler um for some time but by that time she had her doubts about him and she had a local policeman check him out he was given a police escort from the premises and he ended up in a hotel in Gretna that night undeterred Hall continued with his criminal ways he traveled to London and conned his way into another job as a butler for the wealthy elderly couple the Scott Elliots once again someone else had fallen for Hall's perfect gentleman Act Professor David Wilson has invited me to find out how and why so many people were caught out by the effectiveness of Hall as a con man Fred con artists rely on their powers of persuasion their charm their ability to seduce you and their confidence to carry the con off now what I'm set up for you today is just a little experiment to see if you can work out who the con artist is and who's telling the truth you're going to meet five guests one of these guests is a multi-millionaire they have their own food business they made their first Million by the age of 18. and I want you to ask them a few questions to see if you can determine who's telling the truth and who's telling you a lie okay let's have the first guest come in to meet you Hello Lucy please have a seat hello now Lucy Fred's going to ask you one or two questions Fred what do you do for a living um I make natural food products originally recipes by my grandmother and I sell them in the UK and supermarkets here and I've just started selling them in Australia as well let's have our second guess who's going to meet you what do you do for a living um we run a food business um it's a it's an old recipe handed down from your grandma what sort of recipe it's for curry sauce is this becoming more complex yes it is because when I say multi-millionaire have you got some stereotypes in your head you kind of build a picture of what a millionaire might look like uh and of course that didn't necessarily be the case at all I own a jam company called SuperJam a jam company how did this start it started when I was 14 years old so my grandmother taught me how to make jam one afternoon and I started making it as a hobby and selling it to the neighbors and at farmers markets and now we supply all the big supermarkets we're the best our best in Edinburgh I run the Hawthorne company which produces organic chutneys that use the finest natural ingredients we're based in North Hertfordshire how many people do you employ are we employ 20. where are you based I'm based in the Northwest in the Northwest whereabouts um up in a little village up there what's it called it's called Darwin where's it there it's near Blackburn you've met our five guests tell me about them what did you think of the five people that you met who's your who's your money on dude my money in fact is on the gentleman I met with the homemade carriers why have you chosen VJ Vijay just seemed to me to live the part he felt to me the real thing there was a confidence about him there was a sort of knowledgeable thing about him to me he just fitted the bill so when I say multi-millionaire do you mind gender is it going to be a man as opposed to a woman is it going to be somebody who's afro-caribbean or Asian or as opposed to somebody who's white somebody who's middle aged or somebody who's young yes no I mean it could literally be any one of these five but you're still sticking with Vijay sticking with my man okay well Fred VJ is not our multi-millionaire I never liked Vijay and therefore let me give you a second guess my second guess then is going to be the gentleman in the middle the young man in the middle I've just got a funny feeling about him well friends yes Fraser is a multi-millionaire wow it's incredible and all thanks to your grandmother yeah yeah she's delighted to see It'll take off and she still goes into the supermarket and rearranges the jars to make sure they're all facing the front and incredible great great success story congratulations to you Archibald Halls trick of the trade was he he looked the part he was very smart and he talked the talk but you don't even have to be that anymore do you no I think obviously cultures change from the 50s and 60s people who wore a uniform in the 1960s had Authority now when people wear a uniform we tend to think of them in the service capacity so Hall was playing on stereotypes when somebody said that he was living the high life he had to wear a suit like Matt he had to have his shoes polished nowadays look phrases are company owner who's a multi-millionaire very casually dressed so we're playing with stereotypes all the time but the key thing was if you're a con artist you deliver those Cons with confidence you have to be persuasive you have to use charm you have to be believable and after 40 Years of practicing as a con artist Archibald Hall had his act well Polished in November 1977 he'd worked his way into the lives of Mr Walter Scott Elliott and his wife Dorothy his position as Butler would give him access to their prized valuables they were very wealthy people he was a former MP and she was Indian by birth the daughter of Village Indian Merchant and when I went to London he meant top with Mary coggles Belfast Mary as she was known and Mary had been a lady whose virtue was comparatively easily overcome by money if I may put it that way and she introduced him to Michael kitto Michael kitto was a small-time crook from London who drifted from job to job he'd been in prison three times when he met Hall in 1977. Hall was looking for his next con o was in awe Hall had only been working at the Scott Elliots for a month when he and kitto went out one night to discuss how they were going to rob the elderly couple but their best laid plans went awry when they returned to the Scott Elliott House looking for more wine they went and rated the the Fantastic Wine Cellar the Scott Elliott's had and the way down Mrs Scott Elliott unexpectedly they thought she was out came to the door and she asked what was happening and whole said that um Kettle sprang forward um assaulted the lady she fell and she was found to be dead another con and another murder Paul dreamed of ending his days with one big job courtesy of the Scott Elliots but his plans for a luxury retirement went horribly wrong Archibald Hall the monster Butler now faced another dilemma disposing of a second murder victim Mrs Dorothy Scott Elliott I'm Fred dynage and I'm retracing one of the most Macabre murder stories of the 20th century that of Scottish killer Archibald Hall at the age of 53 Hall had killed his first victim David Wright a 30-year-old con man only five months later Hall's latest plan to Rob his new employers the Scott Elliots had gone very wrong in December 1977 Hall and his accomplice Michael kitto had killed Mrs Dorothy Scott Elliott there was now a second body to dispose of you know if it wasn't so sad it would almost be like an eeling comedy they decide that what they're going to do with Missy Scott Elliot is take her body in the boot of a rented car to Scotland and dump it and they're going to drug Walter Scott Elliot so that he's not really fully compos mentors of what's going on they're going to have Mary kogle dress up in Dorothy Scott Elliott's close and in particular her mink coat and she's going to pretend to be Walter Scott Elliott's wife Hall kitto and goggle had kidnapped Walter Scott Elliott the 82 year old former MP his wife Dorothy had just been murdered and now unaware of his fate he faced a terrifying journey to Scotland where they intended to dispose of her body he became a hostage to them and I think that's one of the coolest parts of whole story he paid the bills when they stayed over and there were several days went by where they had him with them and they kept them jumped up Paul decided that at some point they would have to kill him now Hall tries to rationalize this by saying we had no alternative but when you look at this story it doesn't really hang together he was enjoying having his former employer as a hostage it was like a sort of trophy Walter Scott Elliott was now more than 500 miles from his home in London he'd become a liability for the murderer's pair it was time for him to be disposed of in this remote Scottish landscape Hall and kitto killed again one version is that he wanted to get out the car to relieve himself and he went down just off the road and tall came down and tried to strangle him now this is an old man in his 80s who was suffering from pretty extreme Alzheimer's but it would appear as though he put up an enormous fight and he was too strong for Hall and his own and Hall had to summon kitto in Quito got a spade from the book and wallet Scott Elliott over their head and killed him virtually instantly a third brutal murder Walter Scott Elliott had been killed just days after his wife his body abandoned in glenafric in Scotland Mary koggle the 51 year old from Belfast enjoyed impersonating the wealthy Mrs Scott Elliott and remained naively oblivious to the actions of her fellow criminals Hall and kitto it's a puzzle because Mary kogel was living a bit of a dream here because she was going about wearing Dorothy Scott Elliott it's hugely expensive mink coat she was wearing a wig she was wearing the Fantastic agility that Mrs Scott Elliott had and that's all that mattered to Mary I don't think she realized the danger she was in according to Hall he became really annoyed that Mary cargo was wearing Missy Scott Elliott's mink coat he felt this was drawing attention to Mary cogle in the towns and villages in Scotland that they were passing through Hall claimed that she simply couldn't carry that kind of act off and therefore became increasingly concerned that she was drawing attention to them Hall again claims that he was going to kill Mary koggle Quite quickly but again here's part of the sexual magnetism that he always claims for himself she persuades Hall to have sex on the mink coat in front of a fire and that therefore according to Hall meant that he felt he should let her live in any event that kind of change of heartbark not killing her doesn't last very long and then eventually he's going to take a poker to her head Quito comes from behind her and holds her and then they put a plastic bag over her head so as to suffocate her even after hitting her with the poker 51 year old Mary coggle was dead kitto and Hall then dressed their accomplice up in men's clothing and dumped her in this stream here the murderer's duo quickly left Scotland heading south to Hall's sisters for Christmas in Staffordshire what hole do you think from what you know of him have felt remorse for her death and indeed any of the other deaths no throughout my dealings with him one of his trademarks if you like was the fact that he never at any time displayed any kind of remorse and it was almost as though he was busting of what he had done on Christmas Day in 1977 a 29 year old policeman Alan place was called to middleby in Scotland where a woman's body had been found he was given the job of securing the area for CID my wife and the kids who were small at the time we just sat down to a Christmas lunch when the phone went wrong this was the office a woman's body's been found in a wee button between middleby and water break so it was all hands to the pump so World collected it like a big police station and then made her way to the locus of this this body scene did you see down there when we arrived here a the body was actually just down almost in the Culvert as if it had just been tipped over so I mean all you could see was the body of what it looked to be a female was it a shocking scene was it one that stuck in your mind it sounds carless but it was just another body it wasn't a gruesome thing she hadn't been part of the pieces it was it was just a body that had some head and facial injuries but other than that it would have been difficult to see without postmortem to see a point how she died but he made no effort to cover the body over down there none whatsoever why well I think it would be been opportunist it would come along here where he had killed her we don't know but presumably put on a bit of a car and come along here so the route was quiet quickly stopped out across the bridge parapet and not the minute it had been off in case anybody did come the Scottish police had a body with no name and no clue as to the Killer Paul unaware of their Discovery met up with his younger brother Donald Hall was Archibald's younger brother he'd followed in his brother's criminal footsteps and had just been released from prison having served three years for burglary but that's where the similarity ended Donald was unkempt and filthy in appearance quite different to Archibald the perfect jet Hall's brother Donald was the complete antithesis of all he was a scruffy individual a long hair thought to be a pedophile and all just couldn't stand the sight of it and things got worse when um Donald said he wanted part of the action he wanted to get in on these raids that he was convinced all was planning Hall and kitto took Donald back to a cottage they were renting in Cumbria where they enjoyed a night of fine dining and drinking on the second night Donald became over excited about the intended burglary of Lady Hudson and insisted he would be an asset to them he busted to them how you could tie a person up and render them absolutely incapable of any resistance by a very simple method of time arms and legs put the person on the front and tie the arms behind the back and bend the legs up and so Donald put himself in that position to demonstrate and haul and kit up tied him up in the way that he suggested and then his brother dry soaked cloths was chloroform and smothered him I think it's the only chloroform murder in the UK Hall not intent with just smothering his brother with the chloroform then poured the substance down Donald's throat killing him Hall would let nothing and no one stand in the way of achieving his dream of a luxury lifestyle Donald Hall had become the monster Butler's fifth victim and just another body to be disposed of I'm Fred dynage and I'm reinvestigating the horrific crimes of Archibald Hall the man more commonly known as the monster Butler by January 1978's con man turned murderer Hall had killed five people in just seven months the latest victim Donald Hall's younger brother had yet to be disposed of the Scottish police had discovered the body of his fourth victim Mary coggle but had no clue as to the Killer Hall's criminal plans to make a fortune weren't working his dream of living the Hollywood lifestyle was fading fast he and his accomplice Michael kitto made a plan they hire a car he tells kitto change the number plate on the car because three of the numbers are 999 and a whole thinks that's very unlucky so kitto did change the number plate so the number plate and the tax disk the road tax license aren't going to match so they have Donald Hall in the back of the car they drive back to Scotland they book into a hotel they claim they're about to emigrate to Australia holes glib attitude normally got them out of difficult situations but there was something about his attitude that the hotel owner didn't like and he just thought it was two club and he suspected that they were about to commit some sort of modern lodgings fraud and um he spoke to his wife and she didn't like the look of him either and it called the local police now the police turned off they looked at the the Granada he was driving and they found out that their tax disk didn't match up to the number plate Hall and Kito were arrested and taken for questioning while the dead body of Hall's brother Donald was still in the boot of the car had kitten he kept the nerve then they might have simply walked away half an hour later came back to the dinner or come back to the hotel when keto realized the situation he was in he has now went in the meantime Hall who was very good at escaping that's one thing he was excellent at and he threw away all the incriminating stuff in his pockets he flushed him down the toilet he jumped out the window in the police office and I think that's when the police took the car to the police station to and as a routine decided to just check what was in it and then to that horror found it was a body Paul was soon recaptured but faced with the daunting Prospect of prison he swallowed some pills he'd hidden about his person he was taken to Edinburgh hospital and treated quickly Archibald Hall and Michael kitto were under arrest but the true extent of their crime spree was still unknown tell me about your first meeting with Archibald Hall also known as Roy Fontaine he was brought the lockerby for questioning with regards to various Motors except that had been fountaining in the area I was one of the officers and given the task with a job looking after him while he was being interviewed we handcuffed her we handcuffed him all the time even as far as being in the cell having meals exactly the shot beside them with them handcuffed to you so what was he like can he describe him to me very well dressed and very well spoken I saw educated English accent but uh every now and again you've got the Rebecca coming through in them you know in London police officers received a tip-off from an antique dealer about some stolen silver belonging to the Scott Elliots the police discovered the elderly couple's home had been ransacked Walter and his wife Dorothy were missing it didn't tell many lies but they didn't tell much truth either his attitude sort of was it was it wasn't sort of against the police but his attitude was that well you tell me whoever and I'll tell you whether you're right or not and I'll tell you how to put them police officers in Scotland started the search for the bodies Mr Walter Scott Elliott was found on the 18th of January 1978. three days later Hall gave up information on his first victim David Wright he was taken to the curdleton estate to show police where his body was hidden you were there when Wright's body was found yes it well I can always remember it was a terribly cold it had been a long cold spell and it was all right snowy day and they were showing where the body was and a whole team of us and of course the chief Constable was there we went to the place which had been described and and shown person did buy a hole and we excavated the body off right which was quite something as he's been buried for a wee while and he was antique and back obviously to the mortuary he was in a bit of a state it was a bit of a state thing High not a pleasant job we carried them actually on an old door we didn't have a stretcher so it was rolled onto an old door that we found in on the kittleton estate and he was carried on ceremoniously back to kit on where he was put in the back of her a recovery vehicle on the 23rd of January 1978 Hall took the police to the location of the last body that of Mrs Dorothy Scott Elliott Archibald Halls reign of terror had ended on the 2nd of May 1978 Hall and kitto appeared at the high court in Edinburgh charged with the murders of David Wright and Walter Scott Elliott both were found guilty Hall was given two life sentences kitto was given one life sentence were then due for sentencing in England for the murders of Mary koggle Dorothy Scott Elliott and Hall's brother Donald and then Murray was whole solicitor for the Scottish trials it became perfectly obvious from the start he wasn't going to contest it and he was going to hold his hands up and plead guilty and that day was kitto's birthday and in the high court he turned from the dock as they were going to be led downstairs and he turned to the Press benches and I was sitting just a few feet away and he said to the Press oh well life begins at 40. an extraordinary thing to say Hall and kitto's English sentencing was held on the 1st of November 1978 at the old bayley Paul received a further two life sentences for the murder of Mary coggle and Donald Hall but denied Mrs Scott Elliott's murder it was recommended Michael kitto serve at least 15 years and Hall serve life what were your feelings for for this chap that you'd been handcuffed to it was more Amusement than anything else you know it bad enough murdering one person but once the whole thing had the unraveled itself you thought my God this is just an animal he is he kind of a human to do these things because he showed no remorse whatsoever as the years pass by Hall was moved from prison to prison and became resigned to the fact he would never be released during this time he penned two autobiographies retelling his life story in the style of a Hollywood Adventure movie when investigating the the circumstances of this story for the first time in my life I watched a film called Raffles with David Niven in it and you could see a hole shining through and when you look at the way Hall acted I think he used that as a sort of template for um his life and he was he was astonished that people didn't regard them as David living or Carrick and To Catch a Thief Paul really did think of himself as A Cut Above the Rest as somebody who was sexually Dynamic sexually magnetic to both genders whole lived a fantasy life but the tragedy is of course that Hall ultimately also had some deep-seated psychopathy Hall is somebody who's going to seduce people so as to take things from them and sometimes that involved taking their lives this is not a nice man Michael kitto served his time and has since been released though no one's quite sure where he is today in 2002 Archibald Hall died of a stroke at the age of 78 at Kingston prison in Portsmouth he had a shocking shocking record for theft you know by the time he died he had been sentenced to a total of 81 years imprisonment plus two life sentences plus three committals to a psychiatric hospital looking back on it now it was quite the most extraordinary case perhaps for all the wrong reasons he was probably one of the most unforgettable characters I ever met this is saying that money is the root of all evil and never was that more the case than with Archibald Hall the monster Butler he committed forgery theft and murder he even killed his own brother in order to obtain the luxurious lifestyle he so desired and his Relentless greed came to nothing as far as he was concerned he ended up with what he deserved a lifetime Behind Bars
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 159,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, real crime, true crime documentary, true crime stories, full length documentary 2023, true crime stories 2023, documentary movies - topic, true crime documentary 2023, Peter Manuel, Serial Killer, Murders, Ruthless, Killer, Motive, Fred Dinenage, True crime, Killing spree, victims, Mind of a Killer, Untold story, Murder Casebook
Id: rsi4Jpe28jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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