(HAUNTED TUNNEL) Abandoned in the Middle of the Tennessee Mountains

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dude is there freaky tracks around here [Music] what is up guys it is John here and I am back with another adventure and I wouldn't be here without my boy Tim breaking the shell shell yeah so guys we have come back to a location we promised to come back to and that is Nemo turtle and yes we are gonna walk through this you hear the water running behind us it is flooded here its Lahey now this tunnel is very old and has a dark history a lot of people's died creating this tunnel it is very long so you've probably seen videos of people driving through it we're gonna walk it guys we're gonna see what happens tons of reports of people seeing shadow figures and people standing in a tunnel and disappearing so we're gonna see what we can catch that guys follow us all right guys I've discovered that I made that vision to Bill see all this I don't know if you see there's a number 24 on the placard up there this is part of the original railroad that came through Tennessee tunnel number 24 let's enter to the unknown here this go into this tunnel do this sinking mud in here oh we hear that echo whoa I'm sinking way up mud what guys I go it's getting better tall this is do you see how far he is over in front of me yes I'm coming beeping water now make sure you keep your buds and guys and listen there's the end we're just barely in here you know if you see or hear anything yeah guys I don't want to get out here early because it's sinking but maybe very flooded it's like this mud in here is like sectioning my shoes to it Garrett yeah it's very unstable it's not like something within eternal that was this okay we're barely in this tunnel we're hearing strange sounds already we're gonna bet your own into the tunnel and town here back into some water again it was close alright I'm gonna let you walk as much as that it doesn't sound like that normal dripping it's a normal day just let's keep going man dude that's not far behind us Oh way to go dude we just started let's go must carry on expand so railroad spot it's pretty cool what the heck is that is you hear that sounds like for your train Kevin dude that sounds just like okay it's louder room dude dude is there freaky tracks around here [Music] no they're like a mall away that sounds like it's coming around the friggin tunnel dude dude that something now it's going away it's gone yeah we found some more grass spots here thawed so many sounds coming from everywhere this tunnels so great be [Applause] I do hear that it's got so cold in here man oh my camera's just blurred there's somebody here with us who thought we needed a jacket Jim it's like a fabric that's so weird let's try to make it through this thing man okay guys we found some more dry land here I hear another room I keep hearing these phantom sounds like there's almost like a train driving through here bring get ways in here now hello who's hat we're being followed some kind of bad or bird that keeps flying at Tim's head I've missed it he was filming with you could she get out now that's pretty funny he's just saying flying 30 I don't know man but you were always gonna take my birds or something some kind of hubcap somebody's lost place I grabbed him a seviche food here didn't work out too well for their hubcaps laying here that's probably some of their bumper laying back there these holes honest I go deep bruises secret asset I mean this is a very old tunnel and it's very creepy you imagined the labor they went into building this because they didn't have that technology back there it was out pickaxes man chain gangs so I built this I just saw a lot of times it's like something luminate it for a second it went away just saw it up it was weird I don't think many people go through it nah but it's definitely possible this is strange-looking cross not a whole lot of graffiti in here though there is some people mainly painting their names from the wall but not a whole lot of like graffiti like sometimes we've been in it's getting pretty dry in here now yes we're not waiting to a lake yeah we're probably somewhere in the middle by now for several hundred meters in as we've been welcomed quite a ways we are I don't know four and a half way through eight or nine woman Allegra adjust my camera just got really blurry did my cameras like blurry well there you go straighten back up now I was weird near lot just blurted back and not this and definitely this tech mental it's the only way you can see thing it's so big because I shouldn't not vision as if you see or hear anything please let me know in the comments down below although right here tell you about here with us every time I have something your head bang are you working did you build this time you know the spirits here see people drive through all the time but they don't get a chance to communicate my walking through here judai building this tunnel the sad thing is on the chain gangs and stuff when they died they buried them no they either buried them in the tunnels or up on top of the mountain above the tunnels a lot of times so their bodies are still here died early young autumns young men who the immigrants that's my name that's weird right here it says John then right here it says Heather will you marry me dude I just heard that banging again selling something just ground and in the bank it sounds like the train coming again that is in this freaking town oh man there goes the freaky train whistle again dude there's somebody playing a prank on us my hand [Music] and it's just quit I can't I heard was yeah me too neither one of us is recording maybe I did it again kitty-kitty-kitty what if it's a bobcat in some wild cats came you know I can't yeah when I think I wasn't mad I didn't think I was cat but there is just get on that I hear just too many weird things happens in this tunnel it's definitely lived up to what we thought I'm just looking at it it's freaking creepy yeah step on a stick huh Tom's trying his best get hurt I do not want to have to carry creepy smiley face Kilroy Was Here it says Kilroy attend to mr. Roboto by the states my best things my Stig's Tim we've been here for a while dude I'm ready to get out of here I'm ready it's the thing is once you get to the end we got to find the right guys I know you can't tell we got more water but the end of the tunnel is just ahead I'm glad to see it but we got to walk through the woods for a long way to get back to her car see how deep this Warriors [Applause] xxx we have successfully walked through the entirety of Nemo tunnel every train freakin coming through it I can't believe that man there's a lot of debris here we are back I'll do this sides much more decayed it's like this I could cave in at any moment alright guys we did that we walk our way through Nemo me and breaking the shell now we gotta make it back to our car we got a long way through the woods ago so guys join us on the would walk on the would walk doing this on a walk through the woods in the movin I'd been there done that guys we got a lot of walking through the woods here to do so let's get busy with it [Applause] goodbye Nemo it was nice knowing you you freaked me out that was a good at least a small patio that was a long way we walked through there I'm really glad to be out of it but I'm a little nervous because it is summertime and we're in the woods there's a lot of wildlife here including bears wonders big cliff hearing animal sounds because I like this yes you know kinds of sounds out here just say we hurry up get back to the car yes this is actually really cool trail it's just unnerving my phone keeps going off I get signal out here it's as good good good there's like a waterfall up here some oh man that's pretty cool can't really tell there's a little bit of waterfall coming down right there on that cliff coming down the right there take your curl did little Carl that we got a lop melting lops Mountain lobster it's pretty cool but I didn't Bey he's probably freaking out right now trying to get under a rock I think what the shell yeah way up in there too it's a good place for some wildlife just stay over here I don't want to go up and disturb anything if it's taking a nap that's so far affair though so man just these cliffs and stuff here it's pretty majestic now the sounds were hearing from them about top it's almost like something stalking us up there Timms give me that freak out lunch it's beautiful through here though guys here's some maybe just woods noise but not too creepy okay guys this is a long trail get some exercise in today wow guys we made it we actually conquered Nemo tunnel dude the train sounds the sound like something was following us at some points I mean it was very creepy but we do appreciate you guys coming with us thank goodness we made it out alive please like share subscribe go check out break in the shell I'll link em down below in description also there's a link to some history of this place so you can look at it yourself thanks for watching guys I love you until next time you know I've wonderful
Channel: Exploration Unknown
Views: 74,235
Rating: 4.8493261 out of 5
Keywords: exploration, unknown, abandoned train tunnel, haunted tunnel, abandoned railroad, old train tunnels, most haunted tunnels in the world, nemo tunnel, abandoned places in tennessee, haunted places in tennessee, ghost caught on camera, full body apperition, ghost train, expedition unknown, most aunted place, hauntings in tennessee, ghost hunters, ghost adventures, paranormal activity, evp, scarriest place in tennessee, most haunted place in america
Id: rF7-9fZMoYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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