Hashtags: #MarchDadness
Video Statistics and Information
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Views: 2,303,842
Rating: 4.9518714 out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Hashtags, #MarchDadness, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, tweets, twitter, dad, dads, dad glasses, sunglasses, dad jokes, pizza, puns, large plane, sean connery, samosa
Id: sHP0qmZr-iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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