Has The MoonSwatch Finally Jumped The Shark?

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well hello there and you join us here today to talk about the moon Swatch perhaps perhaps last time has it finally jumped the shark if you're looking for an Omega that is an actual Omega you'll find plenty over at watchfinder.com Tom there were highs there were lows there were very odd moments in between there were people standing out in the rain and the snow all to pay 250 pounds for a plastic watch interesting ride it was a fun experiment is the experiment ongoing do we know I mean are people still queuing out in the rain they're still doing them every time the moon is up they're gonna release new exclusive ones right in different cities is that still going on that's right yeah and that's kind of what I wanted to talk about because we went through a period where the the Moon Swatch was launched and people thought they could get it and then they couldn't get it and then they couldn't get it a bit more and then they could start to get it again and then this moonshine Edition came out every full moon there would be a new moon Swatch with a gold second hand and people queued up and and got this watch and it was all lovely and then they did it again on the next full moon and but they made slight tweaks so I think the next one had a three engraved in it the one after that had a um a pink tip in the second hand and the one after that has floral Engravings and you weren't aware of it I was barely aware of the floral one it seems like this has finally tipped off people's radar the Moonshine gold chronograph hand was kind of a little bit tenuous enough as it was to Warrant more hype and now to just be just very slightly tweaking it even further is a little bit of an anti-climax it sort of feels like it's Treading Water a bit now it's faffing around on in in you know queuing up in the Moonlight with just for a gold chronograph hand that you can only see in the light of the same moon on which you queued up for it it's just ridiculous it's the third Encore the last tube has already left we're all tired we want to go home yeah so I think world weary people are already sick of not being able to get things and to not even be able to get the little fun side to not being able to get the things they really want is just too many doses of sour grapes I think I think it's interesting the way it started out as um trying to be you know a bit disruptive and going against the grain of what the watch industry was doing at the time like the CEO of Swatch he was like oh when we announced it everyone was at watches and wonders and they were all you know exclusivity and stuff and we we came along and we made something that everyone could enjoy and I mean that wasn't the case because it was incredibly hard to get hold of and then now suddenly they seem to have sort of Fallen quite nicely in step with the rest of the industry by making all these timed exclusives that are really hard to get hold of so it's a little bit of a shame it'd be nice to just be able to you know arbitrarily collect them all and what have you and but yeah it seems a little bit redundant now do all roads lead to scarcity is that how it is yeah if people want something does it become something they can't have is there any world where we can simultaneously want something that's also available or is it the scarcity that makes us want it yeah I'm not really sure but I what I do know is that the Moonshine the various editions are also hard to get hold of and have become increasingly less desired whether it's because people still want them but they're frustrated that they can't have them yeah and you just have to take a look at the comments on the most recent Omega Moon Swatch post to see what the level of tone is there people have had enough it is a shame yeah I wonder if you're right does does scarcity equate desirability I think that's the that's the model a lot of watch brands seem to be going with isn't it um I wonder if the time you spent queuing for a moon Swatch you could actually spend working and for the real moon watch that'd be interesting to find that out but I can just walk into the shop and buy one of those so yeah there's no fun in that you need to suffer yeah you need to suffer for time a watch is only worth buying if you feel belittled in the purchase process yeah it seems that way Tom Moon Swatch um all is not lost I don't think what would your what would your approach be to Reviving it to making it what it once was hoped to be put it put it for sale online that'd be a new story wouldn't it that would be newsworthy they they did what they what everyone thought they would do in the first instance hooray we've got thrown a bone that would be nice wouldn't it I think that would create some buzz it would be great to go back in time and somehow nibble in the ear of uh Nick Hayek and persuade him to sell these online and see what kind of a journey we would have had if they had just been readily available online from the start I wonder if they would have been anywhere near the hype there certainly wouldn't have been the queuing outside the stores they wouldn't have been the flipping the high prices all of that hot Buzz um I'm not sure if they knew that was going to happen when they did it but certainly the questioning over whether or not it would be online or Not by themselves very publicly certainly seem to be in reaction to this hang on a minute this scarcity seems to be working for us what do you think would have happened if they had released it readily available online well yeah I I imagine none of that would have happened I imagine it would have sold out I don't think they would have been able to meet the met the demand I think there would have been a different kind of hype you would have hey that's that's fun and interesting and I can just get it with a click why not I think maybe there would have been that aside to it but I don't blame them for going the direction they did because the the buzz the the storm that they created was quite interesting quite fun um not for the people that were queuing for it that didn't look like fun but my I anticipated a sort of a trajectory where when interest did start to tail off and there weren't any more cues and the buzzers subsided that's when they would be like right well now we can launch it online and and it just be a normal watch that everyone can buy yeah so I still anticipate that yeah after the moon Swatch moonshine we've found a dirty Penny on the floor and rubbed them together Edition yeah um I also wonder as well the hype effect was a lot around the negativity of not actually being able to purchase one as much it was around the positivity of an affordable homage to the Speedmaster in an official capacity yeah and it goes to show doesn't it that headlines these days often need to be very explosive need to be negative in order to get the eyeballs and that a sweet little story about a little plastic watch that that could probably wouldn't have made the headlines so there you go I suppose it's a product of the times there's no such thing as bad hype as the relatively new saying goes Andrew so coined right here right now from the mouths of not babes well there you go dear viewer and listener those are our thoughts perhaps the moon Swatch has finally jumped the shark with the various editions of the Moonshine what do you think are you done with it are you hoping it does come online and becomes readily available or is it just a goner now have you gone to a migrant purchased a real Speedmaster instead let us know down below please do like and subscribe and check out watchfinder.com as well goodbye foreign [Music]
Channel: Watchfinder & Co.
Views: 49,617
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Keywords: watches, watch, watchmaking, watch review, review, rolex, asmr, satisfying, luxury, expensive, swiss, best, high end, men, mens, expert, reacts, gq, smart watch, apple watch, law owe pin, luxury watches, swiss watches, watchfinder, lifestyle, men's fashion, Omega, swatch, moonswatch, moonwatch, is the moonswatch any good, should I buy a moonswatch, how to buy a moonswatch, moonswatch buying guide, moonwatch vs moonswatch, moonswatch mars, moonswatch moon, cheap, moonswatch review, moonshine gold
Id: ZNYJpHzdRrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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