Harvesting Peaches & Cream Corn

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hey guys what's going on welcome back to the misunderstood garden it is me sheree and guess what i'm doing today yep i'm pulling some corn and i'm gonna make this quick because here comes the clouds again i can hear some thunder somewhere around here so i don't know if this coin has been out here too long if i'm pulling it too early but i think it's been out here just a little bit too long um because of the rainstorms two of them have completely snapped and the tassels have turned brown on them so i'm going to go ahead and pull them today and of course y'all know i'm nervous i'm always nervous i need to go and join the scaredy cat crew over over with container crops so y'all move over i'm coming i'm coming over there but let me see if i can pull you i thought this was a good spot so i'm gonna see if i can move us just a little bit closer because all of these um pumpkin vines and things are down here by my feet but um i'm going to see if i can get us just a little bit closer and we're going to see what we got we're going to see how it turned out so hold tight guys so i think this is a good angle i hope you guys can see this pretty good i'm going to start down here with this one on the bottom and we're going to see what we got all right here's the first one the tassels have turned brown on them so this is what we're looking at so here goes guys let's see what's on the inside it's got some red bugs crawling on it i don't know if you can see that i know y'all saying hurry up girl hurry up we don't want to see no bugs y'all let me tell you something i can already see some kernels oh my god elbow cloud 20 baby check this out i did this hold on let's get it out first don't get excited oh my god y'all check this out look at this i did this i did it i did this can y'all see this i'm sorry look at that it didn't get pollinated right here on the tip but i'm good with that chop that off this is my peaches and cream this looks so good i cannot believe i did this myself in my backyard guys in my backyard look at what i got can't nobody tell me nothing yes oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay i need to calm down i need to calm down i grew me some corn i gotta calm down all right guys let's do one more there's my silks let's just do one more oh my gosh okay let's pull another one i have to pull one more i'm eating this tonight let's start look this is one in the bottom that um that's real small it's real tiny look it let's see what's in this because it's nothing up here it's nothing so let's see what's in here what is in here look a little piece of baby corn look at that yeah this one's at the bottom so oh well maybe i can save it for some seeds or something check that out but it's still pretty it tried yes you did it tried so that just means i have to pull one more one more and then i'm gonna let y'all go and then i have to go and celebrate but you know what y'all gonna want me to taste this too y'all gonna want me to taste the piece so let's see what it tastes like on camera because broke don't want to know fam gonna want to know what it tastes like everybody wants to know what it tastes like so let's see raw corn let's see if it has that milk yup it has that milk on the inside that's what everybody was talking about can you see that let's see what it tastes like [Music] oh my god it's sweet this is really sweet i did this look ma i did it i did it oh my goodness y'all i'm telling you i feel like a little kid on christmas is this what it feels like i'm growing corn for the rest of my life yes peaches and cream i don't need to cook it i don't need to cook this i can eat it just like this oh my geez oh my heavens i'm sorry i'm pigging out but i can't let it go to waste i'm sorry okay let me pull one more y'all excuse me just one more okay let's see let's do this one let's end it on the on the note good or bad good bad in the good the bad and the ugly out here in these gardens see i was told to make sure it looks like this i learned this from watching you guys and let this start getting just a little brown so that's what i waited for not really that i even had a choice because of all of the rain but let's see what this one looks like [Music] i don't know this one feels a little weird the tip did not get pollinated but that's okay look for my first time you know experimenting the tip did not pollinate at all but we gonna cut that right on off and we gonna do what we do with it baby we gonna eat this baby we gonna eat it chop it right oh no all right guys so that's what we're looking like right now let's see hold on let me tune y'all back up yep so i am super excited right now yes i grew some corn in my backyard it's not perfect but it's perfect for me all right guys i'm not going to hold you anymore that's what it's looking like my next video i forgot i had a bucket of potatoes that i still have out there so i'm going to be getting those but right now i'm gonna continue to harvest this corn i've got about uh six more well eight more to pull and um i'll let show you the complete harvest at the end of this video so guys until we meet again you guys stay safe and grow something take care guys check out the roots on the on the end of the corn hold it up look at how those roots formed from this one seed one seed all right guys take care i'm out
Channel: Ms. Understood Garden
Views: 2,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Video.Guru
Id: E9q4CO7AiBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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