Harvesting beautiful Snowball onions and oversize pink Armand turnips for making Cornish pasties.

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hello welcome back to veggie plots today we're popping up to the allotment to harvest some onions to plant some onions and some various other plants which i've got here some hollyhocks and leaks and things but i've got lots of watering to do as well and also there's something else turnips that's the other thing loads of turnip to the harvest they're looking a bit sad so yeah what with the watering should be a nice little morning it's so calm up here today it's so peaceful there's no wind and there's nobody up here and it's sort of the calm before the storm although there isn't the storm and it's just the heat let's uh open up the shed and crack on right let's pop this open right not the watering cans but um because that watering butt is practically empty i've had to bring up a new hose fitting attachment for the other one so i'm just going to clip this on and fill these watering cans up there you go right so another 200 uh liters in here it's about 250 275 gallons so that one's all but empty so we're down to our last water apart from that one and anything else i have to bring up right that's all of them done which is good because normally we have so much rain here but because we have enough rain for ages just want to make sure they get off to a good start but the other main thing today as i mentioned earlier is i want to harvest the onions and back in the autumn i was given some snowball onions which i've never grown before and these are they and i think it's now time to harvest them some are a bit small but others like this are quite large so i'm just going to get my trowel yeah like this i mean you know if you haven't grown onions before onions tend to be ready when they start to collapse when the tops flop over um but they haven't all done it but i'm just gonna have them all out anyway because i think with all this weather it'd be great time to start drying them off now i believe it's quite good but i'm just pulling up your onions to get something underneath them a bit like garlic really just to loosen them to help them out the ground but yeah look at this one this is really pleased with these he's fantastic look at that beauty isn't it i've never grown these before you can see why they're called snowball can't you yeah extraordinary anyway i should get all these up and then we shall get them home oh bit dropped up uh get them all home hang them upside down like this to dry leave all the roots on and so on when they've all dried out um yeah she'll get them into storage but yeah look at that and that's fantastic amazing and this one too look this is a i think perhaps the biggest one i've grown i should pretend i think we'll grow these again next year look at that it's a whopper absolute whopper [Applause] look at them amazing i love beauties fantastic look hit the camera yeah really pleased with those fantastic right let's get all the others out these onions down here we've got some red onions uh and again a lot of these well a few have sort of collapsed so i'm going to have all these up as well these i think are red baron i'm not 100 sure as i can't see a label but i think these are what i put in here they're there not too bad some of them are okay some are a bit small so not the best but uh it's not bad so it adds to the ladder doesn't add to the pantry things to store and eat later right let's get the others up right let's put these in the basket with the others it's a nice basket of onions i think pretty pretty pleased with that lot there's some of them average sized and there's some really big ones in there but i shall get these all home and then hang them upside down somewhere to dry out and then they can go into storage so really pleased with that lot right next thing is turnips which are over here which as you can see they've got quite large um yeah so i'm going to take all these out the foliage is looking a little worse for wear so i think they're probably coming to the end let's just pull this one up yeah look at that oh that's weird look at all those worms around the bottom oh yeah interesting i don't know why that is probably a lot of food coming off the plant perhaps or maybe it's rotting or something interesting anyway as you i think it's time to get these out looks quite good though didn't it nice one right let's go and get the other container for them and uh um i'll be able to load them up i just brought down a plant tray for putting these in so what i'm going to do is i find that if i leave the foliage on they dry out quite quickly and go soft a lot quicker so i'm going to get out the trusty pen knife and uh chop the tops off as i go i think all that can go on the compost and then we're just left with a nice turnip i should put these in this tray they're supposed to be um harvested when they're a lot smaller like just a bit bigger and golf ball size but just had so many haven't been to keep up with them but i could be using these in [Music] cornish pasties i think that's what i'm going to do i'm going to chop them up nice and small dice them up put them in the freezer and freeze them in chunks and then they can be used throughout the winter when we make pasties and things so yeah look at that one that's a beauty in that one lovely [Music] that's what we've got from this bed not too bad quite pleased with that so head over and uh go and pick the others now from we'll harvest the others from in between the peas see what we've got here oh my goodness i think this is the biggest so far on the tiddler look at that goodness me how long that route is oh let's get rid of the tiddler excuse me swinging you around that route going all the way down there you see why this one's the biggest can you a monster what else we got there's another lovely color on that it's a perfect purple isn't it these are turnip armond uh that one and they're all planted out at the same time oh golly it's heavy actually it really is quite heavy but yeah but that's what we've got today turnips turn up our mind please with these and uh there are some more big ones down here to harvest but i'm not going to do that today because the main problem is uh processing them all so getting them home peeling them chopping them all up before they go too soft so anyway i'll deal with these a lot first and then we can deal with them another day great please for them i'm just going to put these down here and go get the onions yeah it's been a great day so far all this good harvest look at that so far today i need to put all this stuff on the compost heap so i think what i'll do is sort that out first all right let's go and get that let's just go and dump it around the compost tape pop this in here spread it about a bit an awful lot of greens in in here at the moment i need to get some browns in soon so i'll give this squash a little bit of a dousing these are the australian butters and they get really big i'll try and put a picture on the screen but big yellow pumpkin squash which lasted really well and i thought because they were so big might be a little bit bland but they were delicious just like sweet and with chestnut flavor when you roast them so that's why i'm growing these again and we've got some fruit coming but um no male flowers i'm not sure they're going to be pollinated but oh look watch this didn't think we'd have one of these so quick this is a courgette and i thought look at that oh what a beauty i didn't think any of them were ready yet look it's a bit fat but it's not bad not too long yeah lovely look at that great all right that must go in the box take home with us i didn't think we had any causes just yet and they're all coming slowly but uh i hadn't hadn't noticed them growing it was a nice surprise and you see that's the first courgette of the year i just want to uh make little hollows around the base of the beans and then i can water knowing the water's going to go around the roots let's go after what i do so i think we'll plant these fennel down where i grew them before because they did quite well so let's take them out and take these down here i've dug some holes i'm just going to put them up along the edge here where the onions were just on the sides i've watered most of them because the ground is really bone dry and you can see actually i was noticing that the level of the compost since i filled these beds which was right up to the top has dropped a good couple of inches so you can see how everything sort of rots and compresses down so i'm going to get some more compost in here in the in the autumn right let's see if we can get these out yep not too bad roots on that not too pop bound give it a little wiggle pop that in the hole just filling around firm the soil in and then paddle it in just give me a little squeeze pop them out yeah roots are ugly on there nice so hopefully this will do well here i did last year put it in firm it in give it some water there we go right that's those in uh i think now i'm gonna go and get the hollyhocks and put them in over on the flowerbed ground's quite moist at the back here in this flower bed it's one thing i've noticed actually with all these dahlias if you saw my last or one of my last videos might be video eight i think in the daily video i showed you about taking cuttings and taking the tips out to make them uh bush and send out lateral side shoots and and grow more flowers and i haven't done that on the allotment yet so i'll do them here before we go actually and then you can see what i mean again you can see this dahlia here i can't remember which is it's probably a label somewhere but uh it's got these lovely big stems really chunky but as a result we'll just get one main flower coming off the top here and we don't want that we want lots of lateral side shoots to come out where say these are here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to count up several sets of leaves like one two three four i'm just going to take the tips out here so i'm going to take that tip out seems odd doesn't it but there you go and then what this will do i mean from these sort of joints where the leaves come out from the stem we'll get lots of little side shoots and then we'll get far more flowers i'm just going to do it for all of these i've got one two three four it seems seems so awful doesn't it cutting these lovely big stems off don't mind they've all got to go all right let's move on to this black jack lovely dark foliage on this plant but again we don't want these tips so i'm going to take all the tips out right let's get all the daily cuttings done something about dalias i really love the smell of them i don't know about you but when you prune them it's just gorgeous anyway this is all going on the compost the only things i've got left are these two pots of leeks they're looking a little bit sad but what i'm going to do is put them under the netting there with the red cabbages and come back and do them another day so i haven't got time to do them today well that's been a lovely morning look at these turnips these turnip ons they've done really well this year i was intending to get them as little golf ball sized turnips as i said but just going to eat them all quick enough so decided to get them out the ground now uh this is that really big one almost as big as big as my head so yeah really really pleased with these then we got the snowball onions these did really well these as i say were just given to me are some spares from the allotment neighbor and never grown them before and these have done wonderfully well uh really really pleased so i shall take them home hang them upside down let them dry out and then when they're all dry flatten them all up and put them away and store them one other thing i do do with these is i slice them very thinly and put them in the dehydrator if you've got a dehydrator you'll know perhaps if you slice them up and let them dry out in the dehydrator and then when they're really crispy you take them out and then grind them up in a grinder and then you get this onion powder which makes them really really easy to use another thing you can do is chop them up now while they're fresh put them into little silicon cupcake molds put them in the freezer and then freeze them and then you just peel the silicone cupcake mold off put them into a container in the freezer and then you've got sort of ready portions of onion for when you want to cook just go in the freezer grab one out and just use it straight away straight from frozen uh first courgette of the season now this was the surprise find it's kind of chunky isn't it it's not normal long thin one which i was expecting but there you go i have to see what the seed packet was for these because i can't quite remember so that was a lucky welcome find before it got too big and then these red baron onions i sewed these as well with the snowballs in the autumn they never get that big for me and never managed to go red onions but at least they haven't gone to gone to seed which is a relief so i thought i'd get them out now so again i shall hang these upside down let them dry out and then store them for the winter so it's been a lovely day thank you very much for watching hope you've enjoyed that got something from it um please do leave a comment below if you've got any suggestions for how to do things better or perhaps if you've got ideas for turnip recipes maybe anyway until um next week perhaps if you want to like subscribe and hit the notification bell for future updates uh that would be great i'd love to see you in the next video okay till then see you soon have a lovely day have a lovely week and see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: VeggiePlot
Views: 621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowball onions, onions, turnips, onion harvest, turnip armand
Id: ZXkbf0bpB5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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