Harvest 2018 is a wrap!!

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okay so she going today well today is gonna be the day that we're done combining I hope unless both combines burst into flames with if that happens and I'm giving up so but yeah no I'm just dumping a hopper here with the 21 there's lotsa chaff and dust just because the straw is so rotten I mean you turn the fan up enough to keep all the chop out and you start throwing grain over so I guess I'll take a little bit dirty over leaving some in the field so but it's not too bad it looks worse than what it is just because we're parked with the wind blowing out us right now but anyway Antoine I guess it's finished the piece up over there and then No let's left here 25 or 30 acres so we should be done here before very long so has run a note pretty good on all we're from 50 or 60 bushels an acre somewhere in there I'll tell you when we're all done and figure it out that way but there we go I'll get another one not a huge chunk laughs but a little bit anyways quality looks a lot better to than what a you'd think it would look like after what happened to its old and I mean I saw that than all the people had left it standing with the snow it's flattened it right out onto the ground so they're missing a whole bunch when they're trying to straight combine it and some people they're all the heads are shelling out and breaking off so they're losing a whole bunch because a lot too so I don't know what's better or worse I mean at least when you've got it in a swath it's all still there it might not be as might not look as good but I mean even standing it's still gonna get bleached out so whatever could be worse I could not be getting any of it at all at all periods so take what you can get better than the kicking ass or the frozen boot supple and then clean the combines up I guess and do some harrowing and a little bit of a little bit mark elevating maybe and that'll be that for the year really nowhere to hold the camera in this thing for you to see it little one about more miles and hours that's a nice heavy sloth here too most of it anyway there's a few light spots but overall it's pretty heavy crop she's just stuff just stop pumping in there anyways but I'm gonna keep calm binding here and I'll talk to you guys here when we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel it's a race to the end who's gonna win mother I don't know I think it would appear that way he's gonna get the last sloth oh because we don't have room shut up you liar well oh he doesn't realize he's got to take the last song they'll figure it out though maybe you own no there no it figured to do a little bit too off for the ones [Music] here we go all done Oh that's not done fruit this year I guess so I gotta go load up another load of peas on that super beat again and then go finish disking that little corner II didn't finish the other day put the 50 20 on the arrows put the 1086 back on the disk and then it'll probably be dark out by the end but for now though dad's gonna finish emptying truck selves and Kalon and I've got to bring one load home and draw it because there's some low spots and they're on the trees are was pretty tough gets all dry yet just to make sure it's good the rest I was testing about 16 5 so the air should be able to dry it down I'm gonna keep an eye on it and pull the load every now and again just to make sure it's actually drying that's the plan anyway so I guess so I'm gonna go get that done and then all talk to you in the next one so hit that like button and subscribe for Mart and I'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 8,215
Rating: 4.9801488 out of 5
Id: -eF16ykwsso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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