Harvard i-lab | Creating Your Minimum Viable Product with Abby Fichtner

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I never recall this trading where MVP United is really unsettled NL very significant better um tonight was about five minutes ago I realize that validates attacks would have been cool zombie color film I might change it to that kind of a thing I feel like what can you do to validate your idea before you go out and build it so without further ado do you individually here actually for conferences of years second and emerged very specifically for a conference and just immobilized upon the stage before and even thousands of people I was an entrepreneur there he said you're another family might get to put them confused which there's a lot of similarities women all right first off they're both we were planning on having a real time there was really easy to River and they work off a ton of money that's really when you consider an opportunity of getting a road one but here's the concern with a business you actually make more money than you do so the tester make you be asking your publisher from Minnesota is thinking about a certain to start is here set up going to do business or is it going to be happy so one thing I do like about this mission Minimum Viable products you can affirm is really over news it's a school of what we're kind of off of here so the way I kind of think about it as one of the Venn diagram is the goal of doing the bio positive to figure out where your vision how you're going to change the world in our quest what reality actually economy and a really good example of this is a sort of made a sort of compass points and they're kind of idea of big vision with the harness productive power if all of you belong and I'd also if I came so whether you're raising money organize any people or time to influence change if you can't do it alone you can do it on the place over three voltage and right in this opinion power where's all the people internet to make all this change but we're totally unfocused reviews for anything from political activism to court cutting multinational corporations to people together a further get something for them great answer what I'm gaining captain that has actually wake up one of the co-founders and it was about to director the speaker kind of set back content is there anything about my mission is working and isolating that getting people to go for equal time og3 on what was working and as a from familiar because you know with education and because that you will group on which people about the friends will be ever so um a year to have a second thing now but I really love with anything oh yeah what injure making so we'll be talking about this page they go from 453 five principal one minute the biggest mistake we made what the point was was being kind of completely encumbered by this vision of what I wanted it to be and taking ten months to to build the product and making all these assumptions about people want what people would want that we lens with the next ten months backtracking on instead of focusing on the one little piece of the product that people actually liked so if there was any advice I have it's your you're way too dumb to figure out whether your idea is good it's it's up to the masses so build that very small thing and and get it out there and keep on trying different things and eventually you'll get it right people don't if any of you our way through them figure out whether your ideas so don't seem like everything was don't get so encumbered by your initial vision that you go out to do spend ten months Chinese or concentrate yeah so the ideal is so the point we can use to like a bunch of people get together should cut them cut an outfit for an office city one first people together to say v1 accountant PayPal others working so yeah it was kind of very different from what his it so ideally I thought would use it turned out that one little bit works great so so yeah don't don't get so encumbered just kind of go got one little thing and get it out there to the masses and you can kind understand and eventually look at it right so these always have a Minimum Viable Product and like I can ascertain solely to earlier I'm going to this like this term because I feel with it for years for way too many things becoming a Missouri um sometimes curious like what are some of the ways that you guys have heard and you don't have the hardest economy yes and I'm market a little bit okay this Pisani customer go behind on before thank you and we also carry a alright so there's a concept that you can get something out to customers are down respond to them yeah okay like that valuable useful and beautiful behind here is a visitor all right the minimum product you can do a little test whether the pain point you're trying to solve is a stick for is really okay disorder so might be two different entities one is it I just wanted it all yeah like simple emergently valuable to a customer and go very good yeah are you obviously know it's a very iterative process of coming together and learning from it when I get again which is kind of information with you in case you but you're all awesome you decide definitions or what I like about mineral Bible College I don't like when people like oh I'm going to use a few stickers build happy products right but don't like bad connotations the other stuff I do like we and how I sort of thinking of it is not even so much as really a lot a bit of proper box or a hardware product but just what's the smallest thing that I can do it can help me figure out if I'm going business or talking there so the thing about the pop-up put related to is it's very iterative right like a puzzle person entirely neutral or there is an incremental some people may just call it nothing but what retailers really like appears that one specifically that I can walk you through here but two headed in the spirit of operative work in very odd how do we go when to prefer you a bunch of things that sort of are doing taken after year was working with and and on you can be better equipped through and he's called about what is going to be cool so um a cool thing about what I've been doing last two years what doesn't work with hundreds of really since products which is really awesome and I love it and then the number one problem that I see you can treat a part of me that makes is it well to do this that number one if L defining it problems for solving and so what they often look like is something like this that people get also dunya awesome idea for productivity don't get me put up on our website and not a single person quickly sure the way what did we learn from that test your friends do you think that's possible but it might be actually an awesome product if you just don't know how to mess it up right or it might be that you marketed it to the totally wrong people or it might be a horrible product right hopefully kind of going to places all that you really learn I see is this something isn't working in place yeah people toward other people as well because don't you have to apologize for the three helping them so we were thinking about it yeah definitely one I mean yeah get it done on or even significant to you but it doesn't really matter how cool your technology is are you an expert on problem for someone or not and exactly this is a matter what doesn't work right so so we didn't really really beautiful and if experiment which unfortunately happens way too much this isn't the question is there a faster way to learn that wasn't going forward so we kind of just put there was perhaps for the late someone slippery fish not available right okay if we had some gently behind it the Pacific kind of zero people that click three we would have learned to success without having to build anything and so perfectly viable but I'm guessing you guys can be pretty cool than anything to just flip the page so that we're going to get anyone even is a certain category right so I'm probably throwing a class vl' country example buffers there's anybody narrow buffer can call anybody like next to eat a whole lot or just post official media in general you've got your social media posts is because we've all kind of spilled over not for you you don't get your followers by waiting for them to go from you not for you to remember today and because this is not very pretty so they started the founders all had this idea and you said I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in the ski on myself so he just put up this before indicators and cheat it out so I'll do anything today is that the first version of product was clip very important much later it depends to see I'd take this year buffer and we're going to do that little people operating them you just put this page up with different internet to do between you two if you will click the plans and pricing button on there then you got to escape right you kind of people are already but if your English is pretty mail address and most you know when you're ready so because of that people came to the page is potentially putting the address and he said you know what that's anyone I don't need you like a billion if you have to prefer to be a team interest so any message they're like oh how about 1 million people giving you email address but I mean if you have any other 1 million emails unless you're selling them or something right so a lot of range is asking for a signal there was a good signal that people interested or not so people came to the page so people effort email deficit let them go in people benefit right services here they decided okay I'm going to use and next I am anything I'm saying I wanted a guest already did next hold them login Libertador town it would be good company the next audiences so that they're willing to see yes actual prices exactly so it's really money for people are interested right before the prisoners ever take you actually learned opinion money so all even was had one page it said hey here's our breaking point I think I'm at a pretty free on but he has paid plans to look some of the city in sort of accessibility TV and ask people coming to the page yet to in career most 100 foot three but come on pretty quick I thought you know what does enough to do like an initial place to describe this is but also really single pretty fast you're basically looking to interview turn left work hard perfect simmer goes right right so it's Italy but still it wasn't like you know he was going to do something for 10 months he probably needed more validation thank you come about then additionally good enough validation I cycle some signals here someone other might be spending my mom we're interested enough so he sent a week's people the initial version of this and within 30 days you had I forget the number we do it 500 or so you have a big number of users so he was already bringing in some open which is also another time but he came from and I'm four degrees you've got really amazing because ever feedback is he other again these are solving it based on how real people are using it so I really like that simple so landing pages are really good schools but anyone who ever hears anything a page full of like lunch around rundown so these are really simple to alert and including it all to just put up a simple any page and it's a really like one drop and then I don't know why but they came here to be like inside minutes you can have a landing page that looks great and it's like 500 bucks and usually I'm not working very well so I'm still trying to find another such as hearing um but if you've ever wanted remain occasional Google Images if those constantly exhaust coming out kick off labs it's pretty decent you can do a free free one is pretty simply so it's just like a couple of minutes you just come get it here's would go buy one on my page there's a little more if there's a little picture of the will and then it was here are introduced and it's going to do something more fancy as you're going to pay for unbalances fantastic let you do multiple pages let me do put all day to try different messages the key thing that you're looking for here is something that's going to be able to get a branding page up really quickly it on cinema time on it and then capture analytics for you so the main things is actually a large rocks report but the main things interested in eight years michael mckubre able to get to come into a set up so then how do people to be Delta prime time is it'll oscillate in soon enough what they're signing up so as a good right there four out of ten people signed up literally they provided so you the conversion rate forty percent and then the last thing here I don't know people read it at the stairs so it gets really important well done how many get go not only find out so we're so excited about what you're doing the actual experience of others that's going to help you understand light I'll get into this a little bit more later but you really want people who are really excited that you're going to solve this problem for them and so the number of spirits can really get indicator about sitting for integers will distribute analytics for years often to do the email addresses that are kind of like a no-brainer so easy to do and if you want to do something a little more complex and downside a blog a lot of offices on them in cages so okay anything can be really nice to validate the people are interested and even willing to pay you money but what's even cooler than that it's about making you money before you deliver right ticket better is often putting if you have no cuddles familiar pillow should always met lessons coming out now this is like I guess alone on the first one but it's like you follow it rushed to the structure and I'm going to ask us system like in your peg for example strictly computer or evil people modified a bit organized in staples so especially with something if you're doing with the hardware products there's a lot of mine wait to go way to products so you want to first click on my phone is okay Pat really nice to know people accidentally before so cuddle and a lot of places on your clip started sort of a rotor system saying okay if anyone to be willing to treat whether my lot yeah I'll put a goal so they set a goal of two thousand dollars if you can't click on dollars we don't have enough money to make it or maybe just happen or for a while you know whatever number make one if we take the gold and people give us the money and we come in lashes but we're cool at that level is staying out over hundred thousand dollars but they were the largest takes forever and it's over four million dollars and I like that like a number masovia is a really basic questions later um another interesting thing Racine with Kickstarter is using to kind of contest what a big base point is sometimes it's really hard you're like okay I want to build this about us but I'm not sure how much people are willing to pay for it and I'm going to get hard for me to figure out if I can make enough money from it back to another viable doesn't run all right so the guy Justin Wilcox was talking about litigation gives you in the council something called self starter it's an open source for exhibit Carter so you can kinda like roller on Kickstarter and you can be things like testing in it so he's put it up there and put it one version for $5 and other version for $10 he's very history analytics on one that's what was interesting was it $5 1.4 percent of people persist a $10 will take seven percent of people per judge so kind of a lot for I gonna surprise you and add it up for $20 right like a sense it was realized so there's a mark that number is evaluating some of the new people are paying $10 for it but it'll stick you use it it's not only get the orders that office see what it gets ice cream so Kickstarter and sort of an alternative Brenda yeah this is why really don't like that to the minimum vital place because I feel like doing the Kickstarter have called within would've ended years but you're not pretty product will just put herself in the NBC weird charming I'm a virgin oh I mean I know preferred where in general you can do things like prototypes or the capable one Africa jumped in the jeans he rear-ended on something learn about my residence and we got there like for emergency responders who are like when I go into a room that might not be saved at all so there's all these when I throw in it was there to save it save it and take pictures but you have cameras all around it it'll take a 360 view of the room it's a to go in there because aegis I've used before you printer right create the ball in some of the question our sources say the three hundred people visit and the Ableton is coupled with law enforcement some exciting things about so there definitely things you can do in hardware the other term is what really drawn to the help so then I feel like I would be remiss indicated that something about kind of the most famous probably under he was a drop off so you guys have heard about the Dropbox videos put up a previous video on companies and overnight this is risking our energy a little more than any but you can see there's like a kind of you know they put the strap on my grenadiers and over ninety once on 5075 Mountain City so another variation Olympics video um you there's a kind of the characters are elected locally for the obvious energy tools that you hear about a lot right I think we kind of need to step back for mountain so you know it's really easy there's so many people down here like I'm down for it starter that make it really needed is building you know their mutations or text learners but um and again putting a $75 fine exit one night right having you is your pebble and you raise 1 million dollars a Kickstarter project this for context people literally last 30 dated very familiar these 30 days from 59,000 backers I had no idea that soon ending 10% of people who came but mine which I doubt it was even uh hi that means they had at least six hundred ninety thousand people kinda go ahead right please get three tables your page you can get a more interesting lesson part of what does it really mean is you have to really know your customer extremely well to give you some difficulty as all know Airbnb it was an obvious I represented since we had to pay school terms a couple weeks ago instances and they really there's a third gear down so one is founders of Airbnb is not even own home we print a home it's a good round together over life you know things at Airbnb properties because we really know your home right we need understanding who they are in like what they're doing before and how the experiences as an example to you throughout the only thing of interest is like this overnight success or something but that really isn't true so when they came out they got I think within about six months again the 40,000 users which if you're doing something that quite official network when you're relying on other substance abusers is not 30 days after six months um but worse than that what it turned out was like their users were cooler not which they respond what we needed create a board and like someone's not very useful in the middle knowledge they don't need to be personal and when it spring out with you the kool-aid broke Pinterest was really welcomed Street ten children had come in my company here before anyway they're like community network of companies and developers and didn't hold all their friends in the French school their presence in your could reach 3,000 people you can listen to find out you're gonna wear this forget users or eat none of them were like crimes in the in the Midwest or whatever support it usually for interest and through it didn't really matter they have 4,000 so they're like oh he's going to reach these people who are music and you didn't know they did not know any people hang out so they decided to do with Katie behalf group they come and pay it forward and ideas they haven't even people could come notices like vision boards or something then one gets heard about in here but like a poster board was like picture is a signal it means and happy hear something right and people came and said not even like a committee became like a people seeing who were so excited about me and they told their friends and they told their friends and so I think was an important takeaway especially when you're in the really early station all over Britain under for no it was way better than suppose to run your product under people who are like yeah reason free house every because they are going to love it the night of years ago be displayed on it it was so awful personal what they going and get the funds honor and then there really interesting things for this is those will remember of Pinterest another interesting thing is he personally reached out for the first five thousand users Oct 10 2014 and in a crazy can't even imagine working that so we look at Pinterest so you say wow they really limited time they weren't a few really did a lot of work and there's really important people understanding the customer and signing a form so okay if you start to talk like a shuttle then you start seeing kind of the same thing emerging again and again so for a while I feel like I realize I don't know time sort of episode two a thing or is it be afraid and you start up your other than the same thing and then another baby comes in and you Clint ask yourself what problem are they solving so you know it's funny because you think about Susie Cerreta successful but you have to - program is its problem so he was trying to raise money for da thoughts and we're going to be singing in their life I don't know why you're even bothering in this case it's all regular getting building billion because we're sort of feather-light these are going yeah but can you use any of them so three missing is kind of you know where your target audience comes out and speech firm enough and degrade if you did a really good job as well and by really entertaining the audience is a little dispersion but make sure listen first like we're really fighting for a question and answer has anyone ever seen it in court I'll put it aside about why drop-off is so elegant on my cell right now for you guys everyone everyone using swap out the heavy stuff are really simple all these other persons out there we're like trying to do all these different things in the size you know it it can be simple and rhetoric and isn't usually shoulder muscles you can use a great employment through your um when you're in the early figures right and you've got your idea that's fantastic thing that you want to go I think it's worthwhile to kind of step back into your hey how is this is any image interpret reality economy they really like this acknowledging this was the way to do that if people familiar with that things we look at I'm not going to go into detail on it's messy but basically a lot of times when we're thinking about you know this is if I do have a lot of things we're just thinking about the Seleucid light but it looks a lot more that goes as a business and here the business model canvas is not a cupcake right six months to get a freshly baked for the timer to do it on one page kind of spending a couple hours to get it down and really really think about what is the problem that I'm solving here and he's awkward and it's serve am i solving it 400 am I got a research people right right there's little medicine kept coming is going to reach these people for it student interest and what would be different from now a kilometer so whatever people are doing today instead of heating my public and of course the solution as well but you know and also you know sort of some ways I'm gonna make money and however when I constantly try to get it on one day this was even a display is it possible to turn this audience of business we want to put a stick in together and start from the earth and then you can start doing some things I bring these undefeated to validate or verify jingle writing so it's also really fast in trees around and also Highness is a little bit overwhelmingly agree to cell phone I hope an idea I'm not sure what I'll be still done so I make an assertion and back a little from that we start with just because I have to learn and what problem I saw infinity so if you take the recipe a through and the home taken under your second Alliance I guess antennas in earth but for a while in a row energy application awesome exciting during setup per customer and they say well anyone eclipse and they're like a new under this yeah because I want to be able to have the largest number dieter possible right and that deal is included we want to go after the customer base for most of our people profit all right but slowly but what come on are you robbing somebody and they say helping them find recipes so I'm gonna do in your club okay here and here can't find Russia here okay Justin called doodle right so the problem when you're trying to like go after assuming zero is here a discipline of like when you're trying to be the person that everybody likes when you're different very interesting right there's just instead of price instead highlights drill down a little bit how do you take a broader later when she was really no your problems down there subtly really really really clear here Who am I going after or what am I going after so I think there's a couple approaches you can do today um one is you can kind of really focus on the customer side and you can say to a my people who am i old really passionate about helping so hang on a specific example I just not like a real recipe person is old if I was building erected be a penis cuddling people that I'm really excited about helping and so meeting if people who really love the club but they don't like to refer jobs or something I just really love it and so I'll call them you English are going to okay that's going really help customers be people that legs you can identify with a hook for know how to reach you can start talking to a figure out what problem right now so I don't know what problem maybe they really love can be fabulously for their friends in the light thank you so you can got a Conservancy effective problem and see if something else you that well but you're at least getting something specific affinity much more interested in smell through the people or another way to approach this obstructing problems right maybe you're not quite specific on summer as yet but you know that there's often a problem so anytime you guys but I feel like everyone I have to including my problems but always find drill wait right so that's a problem and hopefully do this in return a VAR country my penalties there okay start with that as a problem because your customer you can say dieters right everybody kinda lose weight and you're kind of back to try to get a little more specific there may be dieter than college if you're a college student very sick people you can identify with so the thing that you want to keep in mind while you're doing right is that you want to be building a team color not available I just put a little in my first computer business um the only one is beautiful you're out where the hitting point is is you need to get outside the building right so if you frankly rather a customer development of the personally but all of our customers listen to our product because no time was inside the building right on the campus so you can be sitting there without a co-founder and going through another great idea but because I'm guessing it awesome right many more people so um my probably favorite only people you can call it that is a customer interview is it getting happy for me to be calm and one thing that I really like for doing that especially in the beginning when you're trying to understand the problem it's gonna call the problem interview and so the idea here is you thought was kind of story not a long story Logan 30 ticket one-minute story about like a forefront of it has the problem here touch my children who has a covered differently of and then you go to people who are in customer segments to keep going down the stairs in hellas half you go through writers and college-age must've and when we turn on the story it could be personal right to be recognized oh my sister's husband took fjord if you can make up a person we came to stay like I don't know Kelly is an undergrad and to be a nursing homes in the first few years of college or both your colleagues and so really specify that really like to leave some way should be doing their club eating under 1,400 calories a day dining halls all day no idea how to design an asteroid choices not working in a room extreme right so I'm saying this to somebody who is in college anticipating the same stories resonate with such great connects and so completely regular um and so if I feel let's go into the debater and college message resonate with you go doesn't can't separate will connect to tell that from going through or maybe not busy because iron carbonate Rob but I'm probably in like the right area so I can say Rome okay it doesn't if you does it remind you of anything and you might provide on that unit dining hall to that part doesn't respond to go to the occasion make sense over three really search understands what does automate right so once you get that you want to work with them instead of understanding within the past three problems they want to do a super deep just high level whether it has been problems with a sitting here and cutting prioritizing because that's going to help you when you start to build a product on making sure that you're addressing the top problems in the right order and then the bulk of your customer interview mistakes people should be fully okay let's rocket Esprit problem so how do you adjust them today this is really important it's going to show you two things first if they're not doing anything to justify well today it's not that big of a problem it's not a chemistry if it was a real game point then you find something if they're not trying anything what the cancers are going to like take the change on your life product alert of importance right now if they are doing something to try to solve the problem method as I think that you know what you need to do better them some favor so once you understand oh okay say one more thing enough s you know there aren't like party last numbers here and it's coming to look like in a miracle to save it but you want to like always just be kind of looking for a signal right because you've lost to know sighs probably even despise people do you think you're in your stomach five dieter College is a story resonate that remind you of anything under all I know then probably you got something wrong and you need to go back to the drawing board right you need to take off you people Haidee your customer is wrong we're amazing the survey that you're facing your problem and rom-based city if you're doing like a consumer product if you can muster block 30 people and they all seem to be kind of head nodding on yeah that's the problem you know story resonates with food um and the top three problems are about the same then you know don't keep your signal right there's only a billion people there's a pretty good to know thirty people yeah it's a good question basically know if I don't know that I had the problem I'm not going to take the kind of all your products because I don't think another problem so in a sense it feels personally with a sort of product people anybody sees micro class today also the services across here and he says going to be ten times better it was part of so whatever they're doing which is like release if you look great here let me think about instance because you know what really change sort of over goes right into grata momentum to get education anything but because he needs to connect lean startups or just came up you know the kids early tomorrow everyone heard about none of my friends are using them but why would I why would I get that time unless I had a really between point okay so once you kind of figured out all right I understand what the problem is it's really just you know that makes you included us in when you if you want to be marketing to them you know like what we resonate with some rays so the next day physically present solution which one of resonate with them and so here there is something called concierge service before sometimes Granite Company of all technology called Wizard of Oz for man behind the curtain Alden it looks like there's technology here really will be supporting them in their education video so a good example of this is aardvark so no cars are catered social service and the idea was that that sometimes there's some movies after persons you don't have good search engine right so it really what's the coolest I lab and for he talked to you about my sister my niece because want to talk to somebody you want to talk to someone because I have residents that notice out so okay great great idea how would I go this I don't know I don't care let's even one in 250 Brides embrace so they could have dislocated or familiar with mental collapse if I stand with female founder the founder what you're finding expert so it's going to take fundamentally liban after the question internet certainty now when it got to the point where they were getting like a lot of people ask questions where we go if I can real person here then we can build a 2-0 turn helper for the founders were doing from indiscriminate answered offensive themselves to kind of Swedish so yeah you know as a developer this kind of thing here in may because I think well I think okay as soon as you get to the footwear is twenty people get care girl but you have to like be able to system on tomorrow and you can't write the code in one day Wayne but your people is that are not going to pick up in a year sit over down I don't know what would you talk about being guarded by prioritize the most Android encompass but first and they got acquired by Google for like fifty million dollars so it's very normal but it works oh I also like I'm going to join lower pulsing now in the hospital Gog and the first if you're providing some kind of service so keep doing that to those graters intelligent renewable and that's what if you could say okay I decided based on the problems that I've heard that the right hand people have a problem they don't know what to eat at the dining halls in place so I'm going to years of isolation that tell them generally okay what they can eat from there then healthy right so our people interested in paying for you before you actually take the pendant build it you can just as a person provide service in Iraq okay you're good your money customer I'm going to go to the dining hall with you you can play what you like what you don't like I'll come up with the nails and for you right if you're not really going to do that when it would be highly customized and personalized and probably you're not going to be willing to pay like to know this is not very personal to be right the other thing that I really love about that is if I'm actually sitting with you are sitting with whether the customer is then I can really understand how the public works like what are the variables exploit whether like I got paid but it ain't about what happen while we're doing that and what's going on is a customer like music or whatever it is under enjoyment and even I can really work with the customer on this and figure out something like this make sense in an elegant and then when you bubble products is still into you here to get to know is that there are certain services alive there's also other things you can do and plumping them under concierge service might be a little bit right on you can do some plastic validate if you're like little things really lifting your much miracle firmer dramatically do this before I go to product so buffers is a good example were making out Sarah like first off any would exclude I use online so before and actually built a whole company around it these days they went to local shoe stores and took pictures for their food there's a map on our web page and in exchange for this whole busy store owner 15 1 by 4 okay we full pipe it right I'm not as you money I'm kinda jumped they cut pictures off and you're lucky so same Authority and very purple today political another example of this year to get around there are the car rental service where anyone for my daughter on car so this is kind of new your idea they're like I'm not personally going to get a stranger so rather than building anything at all they just wanted a small University campus it was like kinder people and make it there's a lot of people sign up season by the car or you can lose myself your products right and it's not what people is you want me to do when they work today was forwarding I think how they actually got technology where you can like Mentos thrown for years or less across New York loading so they can against about to use anymore but it was still the same company very comfortable enough place blending either partisan and everything so you can see just remember if you just do all of it and kind of I guess another boxer than at some time see is we're going to assume are these people sure it's your target audience go do it over to the friendlies or with someone because they're like a sort of advisor like a so not yet coordinated with another thank you very want to be getting it in front of your target builder partners before you go and then even when you're ready to go there's still a lot that can be done without having to like go right out a bunch of custom code I'm a developer but I still will find lated right how can I do a mash-up of the data string tools that are out there poking code is little typo completed something out there so I'm going back to resign after they dislike springing up from the point in messaging or really I'm not going to sustain acidic undergone we're literally when I could have it was a birthday it was kind of get over to take because places if they had something like research in their ideal for any clue do you get some relevant and large and community color or different type of signal right distributing our form from finality but it works um intro nothing going to do on this produces do they are and they reckon for them fillers that are colder more specific whatever you're doing but there's a lot of food out there that you can use your feet we can construct WordPress you can do a lot in that Justin's like Google Forms and we performed together and ultimately WordPress now so because I have first teacher project now Obama being afraid there's website builders there's mobile app builders out there and then the freaking lot of locals like you know polio refuse everything as : burgers business video anyway step number three keep iterating rate still don't feel as you sit right here for class or your time I don't want anyone to feel like their goal with your product to be pudding that they were right from the grill because some under the Spearman I'm getting the baby ok here is survey I'm in Vegas the biggest good if you're a startup failure and it was sticking to the initial visual space that's crazy right but we seem like we want to look through that we were writing that I do go right let's go conservatives we're not going right we're going to be wrong but we want to fix Veronica vision of what we want to do is to put a popular app so there's always little detailed you know we're set out to try different some reason I'm going to get the money to be okay with that be comfortable around and the pocket pick the roller ultimately you wanna be going for communal problems which is it radio instant problems and so it for and person other people and finally you want a lot when you're ready to okay I'm going to actually launch Mario Kart life some programs have launched when you have a quantum of utility so like this concept here is uses mantra first product the world when you have something that specifically burn so much already out there and at least some people would say well I'm glad that this cannot comply oh you have prioritize proceed and excitement I think you can also prioritize for this problem because you come from people but you want to do things that you can get this off but people don't you straighten it out and that's going to get stuck a little bit to that I get worried that people think I'm continued without a product like oh it's not the ligature regulated nobody wants to go here's your half the rocket or let's do someone really tiny little foot wearing is not there for some people to be getting excited about this ability simply specifically and my last kind of word it was them when you cannot there's only 700 post my fellow example is kind of interesting there was a protocol easy and subscriber everyone put the name on the fly but um it was done by a guy here in Boston with their grief so you forgot expenses and it's interesting an idea was a problem that they'll be to examine our email boxes right and so they're doing begin cyber easy to end dispel from all of a certain rights but hamburger is a clear problem so what they wallet for it to do the test for validation was so minimal right I get more functionality by clicking the Sandia machine oh no English so it only works so it's putting kinds of newsletters and then it didn't much and it was like a bunch of stress like not isn't anything better than what I have to say I'm not going to get excited about it for a fortune that excited stop doing it if excited network validation and wasn't usual cuz that was energized validation their idea I just talked to Bob before a beautiful December like a little painful series goes off I'm actually going to try and add another we're going to do it again but I was like wow just freaking me out there like a cottage a bit put up anything that keeps a little critters on yeah I got here too so lift sort of MBC for violent tale and thank you all so much out if you could always give me one favor if you walk out there is colder on iPad it's very helpful for us to discuss be back on what we will thought of the education can provide and
Channel: Harvard Innovation Labs
Views: 40,927
Rating: 4.8526702 out of 5
Keywords: Harvard Innovation Lab, Harvard i-Lab, Abby Fichtner, @HackerChick, Minimum Viable Product
Id: cjCCS3DxZRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2013
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