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♪ (upbeat theme music) ♪ - (FBE) So today we'll be playing a brand-new game that is part quiz, part puzzle, and it's called Quizzicle. - Ooh! - Ooh, okay. - I wouldn't have guessed that. - (FBE) For this episode, each Quizzicle is Harry Potter themed. You'll be playing against each other, and so whoever gets the most points wins. - You're going down. - I-- I just watched all the movies, like, twice this past month. - Since you said Harry Potter, I'm pretty confident now. - I've seen all the movies, but I never read any of the books. - I've read Harry Potter, like, 14 times, but I haven't read Harry Potter since I was 14, so... - Oh, yeah, I read all the books. - (FBE) The quizzicle starts with you only seeing a small section of the clue that you're trying to answer, and each round will reveal more. However, the points you can get will decrease each time. - I'm down. - I'm-- I'm either gonna be really embarrassed or I'm gonna crush it. - I'm rooting for you, and you're rooting for you, so no one's rooting for me. - I could root for you, man. - Oh, thank you. Really? - Not really. - Oh, what the [bleep]? - (FBE) The final rule is that you only get one guess each time, so be careful when you want to take your guess. - Okay, got it. - Okay. - So the sooner we get it, the more points we get? Okay. - (FBE) The subject of your first quizzicle is villains. - Okay. - Okay, I'm ready. - Oh god, now I'm feeling less confident. - (FBE) For 1,000 points, can you answer this quizzicle? "SL, WIT, CRA." - I'm afraid to buzz in because I don't want to be wrong. - I don't want to guess yet. - We'll see, we'll see. - It's a little too soon. - I have a guess, but I don't want to waste it on the first round. - I have it right here, but I cannot put it together. - Can I borrow some of that? I'm just gonna... - (laughing) (hitting button) - Draco Malfoy. (ding) - That was so quick! It's gonna say Slytherin, with crabs and, like, what's his friend's name, like, Boyle? - (FBE) Okay, we're gonna give you a little more to see. For 750 points, can you answer: "SL, BO, TEN, WIT, CRA, GOY"? - You got anything? - Hold on. No. - Come on, it should be easy for you. - (laughing) (hitting button) - Uh, Draco Malfoy. I saw Crabbe, and so I assumed it was Goyle, and I'm really glad that I didn't guess first because I feel like Goyle would've been a really random answer for this. - The first word is "Slytherin," and then, uh, "Crabbe and Goyle" at the bottom. (hitting button) - You just gave me it! You should have buzzed in. Is it Malfoy? (ding) - I didn't know it was going to be that easy. - (FBE) For 550 points: "SLY, BO, TEN, WITH, CRABB, GOY." - Crabb... Goy? I-I know-- I have a couple people in my mind. - The first one is "Slytherin." I don't know if that's "boy." I could get this with probably one more. - (FBE) For 250 points: "SLYTH, BO, OFTEN, WITH CRABB, GOYLE." - Okay, see, I know this-- - Oh, is-- is it-- isn't it Malfoy? (ding) Yes! (hitting button) - Uh, Draco Malfoy. (ding) - Oh, the guy from Flash, right? - No! (laughing) - Yeah, no, he's in Flash now. - (FBE) The next Harry Potter quizzicle category is places. - See, I've been to the wizarding world of Harry Potter in Florida, so I've actually experienced these places. - (FBE) For 1,000 points: "IN, THI, CO." (hitting button) - Abbey Lane? (buzzer) - How could anyone get that? - "In." Maybe "in the zone" word. - I'm ready for the next one. - (FBE) For 750 points: "INS, UN, THI, PL, CO." - Pl-- place. - I think I see "this" in there. (laughing) I don't know. - "Something fun." "This place..." something. - What would C-O-- could it be "cookie"? Do they sell cookies anywhere in Hogsmeade? - What about the brothers, like, candy shop? - The brothers don't have a candy shop. They have a joke shop. - (FBE) "BLINS, RUN, THI, PLA, OF, COI." (hitting button) - Uh, Gringotts Bank? - Oh, I was gonna say that right after you thought that. I am so mad. (hitting button) - The bank, the wizarding bank. I don't know what it's called. (hitting button) - Gringotts Wizarding Bank. - (FBE) That is correct. - I hate you. - Love you too, buddy. - Oh my god, I really-- I know the place. - I don't. Yeah, I'm just gonna guess. (hitting button) - The Goblin's Bank. (buzzer) (hitting button) - Grindelwalds? - (FBE) Close! (buzzer) - Dang. - Like, the goblin bank? I don't know what it's called. The Goblin Treasury. (buzzer) - What is it? - Okay, is it the bank that the goblins run in Grindelwald's palace, right? (buzzer) - (FBE) It's called Gringotts Bank. - Fuuuu-- okay. - (groaning) - No way in hell I would've ever gotten that. - I'm, like, scared to talk because I feel like I'm gonna give her the answers. - (FBE) Your next one is gonna be about heroes. (hitting bell) - Harry Potter. - (FBE) For 1,000 points... - Sorry, I should wait. - (FBE) ... "MUG, KE, ETH." - Okay, I think I might know who it is, but I'm gonna wait. - First one, I definitely feel is "muggle." - Is there a character named Elizabeth? - I'm assuming "mug" is "muggle." (hitting bell) - Hermione Granger. (ding) - Oh my gosh! - Oh damn it! - (FBE) "HE, MUG, KEEP, ETH, AN." - You know what? Whatever, I'm going with it. - Harry Potter. (buzzer) - I'm gonna go Hermione? (ding) - Oh, I should've gone for it. - I'm just gonna guess. Um, is it Hermione? (ding) - (FBE) Let's jump to 250 points. "HE, MUGGLE, REN, KEEP, TEETH, AN." - Okay, I know what the words are, but I don't know who it is. - What are the words? - Should I tell you? - Everyone else that had to do with the word "muggle" is, like, just Hermione, and then Malfoy made fun of Hermione for being muggle-born. (hitting button) I'm going with Hermione Granger. (ding) - (FBE) Last chance, for 100 points: "Her muggle parents keep teeth clean." - Is it Hermione Granger? (ding) Yeah, her parents are dentists. - Oh, right! Her parents are dentists. - That was a bit harder. - (FBE) The next topic is magical creatures, and we're looking for the species. - Oh, I don't remember any of the species names. - There's goblin, there's dragon, there's hippogriff. - (FBE) "HA, HO, NE." - I can't make any words out of this. - I might know what it is. I have a hunch. - Press the button. - No. - "Hagrid," which doesn't narrow it down because he has to do with every single magical creature in the story. - I'm thinking of the bird. Uh, what's the bird's name called? - (FBE) For 750 points: "HA, LE, LF, HO, NEE, BO." - Uh... - Um, um... Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue. (hitting button) - It's what Dobby is. He's a House Elf, right? (buzzer) - I don't know what to guess. - The only creature that I'm really thinking of is the one that, like, broke Malfoy's arm. It had a horse body with wings, and an eagle face. - Yeah, that's the bird I was talking about. - Is it a hippogriff? (ding) Yes! - Is it a hippogriff? (ding) Actually? - (FBE) For 550 points: "HA, EA, LE, LF, HO, WHO, NEE, BO." (hitting button) - Hippogriff? (ding) - Ah! "Half eagle!" - Half eagle! - Dang it! - I don't remember this. (hitting bell) A pegasus? (buzzer) - Griffin? - I'm stealing it. Is it a griffin? - (FBE) It's not. - Yeah! I got scared. I was like, if you stole that, I was gonna be so mad. - (FBE) So, for 250 points: "HAL, EA, LE, ALF, HOR, WHO, NEED, A, BOW." - I don't know this! Gryffindor? (buzzer) - (FBE) The answer was "hippogriff." - Oh my god. - I wouldn't have ever gotten that. - (FBE) Because Bryson got the answer so early, Leah, you need to answer by the 550 point round or you lose. - Wait, I took the lead that easily? - Yeah. - I'm leading by a lot. - (FBE) So, Carson, if you get this, you win the game. Eric, you need more than 250 points to win. - Is this the last round? - I mean, I said I liked an underdog story, and if you come from behind after two losses, this is even better. - (FBE) This category is spells and potions. - Oh, okay, here we go. - I'm very confident in this one. - The only way I can win is by getting this potion right here. - (FBE) "LE, HE, RIG." (hitting button) - Leviosa. - (FBE) Do you know the full name? - Oh shoot! - Wingardium Leviosa? (ding) - Was that actually it? - Hold on. - I think I won this one. - Yo, slow your roll! - I'm seeing a word that would give away the whole spell if it's right, but I don't want to say it because then she'll know. - Lumos. (buzzer) - Wingardium Leviosa. (ding) - Of course. - Yes! - Wait, um, um, I might actually know this. (hitting button) The Blanket of St-- Stealth, like when they make you invisible? (buzzer) Uh, okay. - (FBE) "LE, ATI, SP, HE, RIGHT." - Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! (British accent) Wingardium Leviosa! - NO!!! (ding) - (grunting) Hermione's not the only one that got that right. - (FBE) "LE, ATION, SP, HERMI, GE, RIGHT." (hitting button) - Wingardium Leviosa. - (sighing) - It wasn't that hard. - I give up. - (laughing) - (FBE) Leah, you lose if you don't guess right now. - Guess, dude! - No, but I can't. - Are you at least gonna fight, or just take the L? - Wingardium Leviosa. She teaches Ron how to say it correct. Wait, did I just win? - (FBE) Yep! - (laughing) Are you gonna take the L? - (FBE) Seth, you won. - Yeah! - It was fun, but I'm kind of sad I'm not good at it. - No! - Woo! - Dang it, I wanted a comeback story. - Good game. - Good game. - It feels good. Like, it shows how much of a Harry Potter nerd I actually am. - This is stressful. Um, it's a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be. - Give me some heroes, give me Nickelodeon, Disney, all that stuff. I would beat her in a heartbeat. - Don't get too ahead of yourself. - Thanks for watching Quizzicle on the React channel. - Don't forget to subscribe for new shows every week. - Be sure to comment below what topics you want us to take on next. - Bye, everyone. - Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer and resident Hogwarts student. Thank you so much for your support and watching this new episode of Quizzicle. We really appreciate it. Evanesco! (poof)
Channel: REACT
Views: 2,090,657
Rating: 4.8903613 out of 5
Keywords: Quizzicle, Quizzical, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, HARRY POTTER QUIZZICLE CHALLENGE!!! (New Show: React Special), reaction, react, reactions, reacts, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, FBE, video game, VR, gaming, walkthrough, letsplay, lets play, PC gaming, console gaming, viral, funny, comedy, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, staff reacts, kids versus food, do they know it, lyric breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2016
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