♪ (upbeat theme music) ♪ - (FBE) So today we'll
be playing a brand-new game that is part quiz, part puzzle,
and it's called Quizzicle. - Ooh!
- Ooh, okay. - I wouldn't have guessed that. - (FBE) For this episode,
each Quizzicle is Harry Potter themed. You'll be playing against each other, and so whoever gets the most points wins. - You're going down.
- I-- I just watched all the movies, like, twice this past month. - Since you said Harry Potter,
I'm pretty confident now. - I've seen all the movies,
but I never read any of the books. - I've read Harry Potter, like, 14 times, but I haven't read Harry Potter
since I was 14, so... - Oh, yeah, I read all the books. - (FBE) The quizzicle starts
with you only seeing a small section of the clue
that you're trying to answer, and each round will reveal more. However, the points you can get
will decrease each time. - I'm down. - I'm-- I'm either
gonna be really embarrassed or I'm gonna crush it. - I'm rooting for you,
and you're rooting for you, so no one's rooting for me. - I could root for you, man.
- Oh, thank you. Really?
- Not really. - Oh, what the [bleep]? - (FBE) The final rule
is that you only get one guess each time, so be careful
when you want to take your guess. - Okay, got it.
- Okay. - So the sooner we get it,
the more points we get? Okay. - (FBE) The subject
of your first quizzicle is villains. - Okay. - Okay, I'm ready. - Oh god, now I'm feeling less confident. - (FBE) For 1,000 points,
can you answer this quizzicle? "SL, WIT, CRA." - I'm afraid to buzz in
because I don't want to be wrong. - I don't want to guess yet.
- We'll see, we'll see. - It's a little too soon. - I have a guess,
but I don't want to waste it on the first round. - I have it right here,
but I cannot put it together. - Can I borrow some of that?
I'm just gonna... - (laughing) (hitting button)
- Draco Malfoy. (ding)
- That was so quick! It's gonna say Slytherin,
with crabs and, like, what's his friend's name, like, Boyle? - (FBE) Okay, we're gonna
give you a little more to see. For 750 points, can you answer: "SL, BO, TEN, WIT, CRA, GOY"? - You got anything?
- Hold on. No. - Come on, it should be easy for you.
- (laughing) (hitting button)
- Uh, Draco Malfoy. I saw Crabbe,
and so I assumed it was Goyle, and I'm really glad
that I didn't guess first because I feel like Goyle would've been
a really random answer for this. - The first word is "Slytherin," and then, uh, "Crabbe and Goyle"
at the bottom. (hitting button)
- You just gave me it! You should have buzzed in. Is it Malfoy?
(ding) - I didn't know it
was going to be that easy. - (FBE) For 550 points:
"SLY, BO, TEN, WITH, CRABB, GOY." - Crabb... Goy? I-I know-- I have
a couple people in my mind. - The first one is "Slytherin." I don't know if that's "boy." I could get this with probably one more. - (FBE) For 250 points: "SLYTH, BO, OFTEN,
WITH CRABB, GOYLE." - Okay, see, I know this--
- Oh, is-- is it-- isn't it Malfoy? (ding)
Yes! (hitting button) - Uh, Draco Malfoy.
(ding) - Oh, the guy from Flash, right?
- No! (laughing) - Yeah, no, he's in Flash now. - (FBE) The next Harry Potter
quizzicle category is places. - See, I've been to the wizarding world
of Harry Potter in Florida, so I've actually experienced these places. - (FBE) For 1,000 points:
"IN, THI, CO." (hitting button)
- Abbey Lane? (buzzer) - How could anyone get that? - "In." Maybe "in the zone" word. - I'm ready for the next one. - (FBE) For 750 points:
"INS, UN, THI, PL, CO." - Pl-- place. - I think I see "this" in there.
(laughing) I don't know. - "Something fun." "This place..." something. - What would C-O-- could it be "cookie"? Do they sell cookies
anywhere in Hogsmeade? - What about the brothers,
like, candy shop? - The brothers don't have a candy shop.
They have a joke shop. - (FBE) "BLINS, RUN, THI, PLA, OF, COI." (hitting button) - Uh, Gringotts Bank? - Oh, I was gonna say that
right after you thought that. I am so mad. (hitting button) - The bank, the wizarding bank. I don't know what it's called.
(hitting button) - Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
- (FBE) That is correct. - I hate you.
- Love you too, buddy. - Oh my god, I really--
I know the place. - I don't. Yeah, I'm just gonna guess. (hitting button) - The Goblin's Bank.
(buzzer) (hitting button)
- Grindelwalds? - (FBE) Close!
(buzzer) - Dang. - Like, the goblin bank?
I don't know what it's called. The Goblin Treasury.
(buzzer) - What is it? - Okay, is it the bank
that the goblins run in Grindelwald's palace, right?
(buzzer) - (FBE) It's called Gringotts Bank. - Fuuuu-- okay. - (groaning) - No way in hell
I would've ever gotten that. - I'm, like, scared to talk because I feel like I'm gonna
give her the answers. - (FBE) Your next one
is gonna be about heroes. (hitting bell)
- Harry Potter. - (FBE) For 1,000 points...
- Sorry, I should wait. - (FBE) ... "MUG, KE, ETH." - Okay, I think I might know who it is,
but I'm gonna wait. - First one, I
definitely feel is "muggle." - Is there a character named Elizabeth? - I'm assuming "mug" is "muggle." (hitting bell)
- Hermione Granger. (ding) - Oh my gosh!
- Oh damn it! - (FBE) "HE, MUG, KEEP, ETH, AN." - You know what? Whatever,
I'm going with it. - Harry Potter.
(buzzer) - I'm gonna go Hermione?
(ding) - Oh, I should've gone for it. - I'm just gonna guess.
Um, is it Hermione? (ding) - (FBE) Let's jump to 250 points. "HE, MUGGLE, REN, KEEP, TEETH, AN." - Okay, I know what the words are,
but I don't know who it is. - What are the words?
- Should I tell you? - Everyone else that had
to do with the word "muggle" is, like, just Hermione,
and then Malfoy made fun of Hermione for being muggle-born. (hitting button)
I'm going with Hermione Granger. (ding) - (FBE) Last chance, for 100 points: "Her muggle parents keep teeth clean." - Is it Hermione Granger?
(ding) Yeah, her parents are dentists. - Oh, right! Her parents are dentists. - That was a bit harder. - (FBE) The next topic
is magical creatures, and we're looking for the species. - Oh, I don't remember
any of the species names. - There's goblin, there's dragon,
there's hippogriff. - (FBE) "HA, HO, NE." - I can't make any words out of this. - I might know what it is. I have a hunch.
- Press the button. - No. - "Hagrid," which doesn't narrow it down because he has to do
with every single magical creature in the story. - I'm thinking of the bird.
Uh, what's the bird's name called? - (FBE) For 750 points:
"HA, LE, LF, HO, NEE, BO." - Uh... - Um, um... Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue. (hitting button) - It's what Dobby is.
He's a House Elf, right? (buzzer) - I don't know what to guess. - The only creature
that I'm really thinking of is the one that, like, broke Malfoy's arm. It had a horse body with wings,
and an eagle face. - Yeah, that's the bird
I was talking about. - Is it a hippogriff?
(ding) Yes! - Is it a hippogriff?
(ding) Actually? - (FBE) For 550 points:
"HA, EA, LE, LF, HO, WHO, NEE, BO." (hitting button)
- Hippogriff? (ding)
- Ah! "Half eagle!" - Half eagle!
- Dang it! - I don't remember this.
(hitting bell) A pegasus?
(buzzer) - Griffin?
- I'm stealing it. Is it a griffin?
- (FBE) It's not. - Yeah! I got scared. I was like, if you stole that,
I was gonna be so mad. - (FBE) So, for 250 points: "HAL, EA, LE, ALF, HOR,
WHO, NEED, A, BOW." - I don't know this! Gryffindor?
(buzzer) - (FBE) The answer was "hippogriff." - Oh my god.
- I wouldn't have ever gotten that. - (FBE) Because Bryson
got the answer so early, Leah, you need to answer
by the 550 point round or you lose. - Wait, I took the lead that easily?
- Yeah. - I'm leading by a lot. - (FBE) So, Carson, if you get this,
you win the game. Eric, you need
more than 250 points to win. - Is this the last round? - I mean, I said
I liked an underdog story, and if you come from behind
after two losses, this is even better. - (FBE) This category
is spells and potions. - Oh, okay, here we go. - I'm very confident in this one. - The only way I can win
is by getting this potion right here. - (FBE) "LE, HE, RIG." (hitting button)
- Leviosa. - (FBE) Do you know the full name?
- Oh shoot! - Wingardium Leviosa?
(ding) - Was that actually it? - Hold on.
- I think I won this one. - Yo, slow your roll! - I'm seeing a word that would give away the whole spell if it's right,
but I don't want to say it because then she'll know. - Lumos.
(buzzer) - Wingardium Leviosa.
(ding) - Of course.
- Yes! - Wait, um, um, I might
actually know this. (hitting button) The Blanket of St-- Stealth,
like when they make you invisible? (buzzer)
Uh, okay. - (FBE) "LE, ATI, SP, HE, RIGHT." - Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
(British accent) Wingardium Leviosa! - NO!!!
(ding) - (grunting) Hermione's not the only one
that got that right. - (FBE) "LE, ATION, SP,
HERMI, GE, RIGHT." (hitting button)
- Wingardium Leviosa. - (sighing)
- It wasn't that hard. - I give up.
- (laughing) - (FBE) Leah, you lose
if you don't guess right now. - Guess, dude!
- No, but I can't. - Are you at least gonna fight,
or just take the L? - Wingardium Leviosa. She teaches Ron how to say it correct. Wait, did I just win?
- (FBE) Yep! - (laughing) Are you gonna take the L? - (FBE) Seth, you won.
- Yeah! - It was fun, but I'm kind of sad
I'm not good at it. - No!
- Woo! - Dang it, I wanted a comeback story. - Good game.
- Good game. - It feels good. Like, it shows how much
of a Harry Potter nerd I actually am. - This is stressful. Um, it's a lot harder
than I thought it was gonna be. - Give me some heroes,
give me Nickelodeon, Disney, all that stuff. I would beat her in a heartbeat. - Don't get too ahead of yourself. - Thanks for watching Quizzicle
on the React channel. - Don't forget to subscribe
for new shows every week. - Be sure to comment below
what topics you want us to take on next. - Bye, everyone. - Hey, guys, I'm Katie,
a React channel producer and resident Hogwarts student. Thank you so much for your support and watching this
new episode of Quizzicle. We really appreciate it. Evanesco!