Harry Potter: Can You Answer These 25 Trivia Questions?

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[Music] [Applause] did you know on October 30th 1492 Sir Nicholas deeny porpington met lady grieve she asked him to straighten her teeth but instead she grew a Tusk for this mishap Sir Nicholas was executed the next day with 45 wax from a dull axe earning him the nickname nearly headless Nick now let's see if your wits are any sharper as we start off with some easy Harry Potter trivia questions what house at Hogwarts does Harry belong to Gryffindor Slytherin Hufflepuff or [Music] Ravenclaw the answer is [Music] Gryffindor who is Harry's Godfather Peter pedigree Remis Lupin Sirius Black or Severus [Music] [Applause] Snape it's serious black what position does Harry play on his quittage team keeper Seeker Chaser or beater [Music] [Applause] it's [Music] Seeker What is the name of hermion cat crook Shanks fluffy hewig or [Music] scabbers the answer is crook shanks [Music] which spell is used to light up the tip of a wand lumos nox Wingardium Leviosa or [Music] expelis it's [Music] lumos who is the author of magical me an autobiography re AA gilderoy lockheart Dolores Umbridge or Betha bagshot [Music] it's gilderoy [Music] lockheart what potion allows a drinker to assume the form of someone else Felix felicis poly juice potion amortentia or [Music] veritaserum it's Polyjuice Potion [Music] who teaches defense against the dark arts in Harry's first year gilderoy lockheart s Snape quirinus quirl or Remis [Music] Lupin it's Professor quirinus Coral what magical plant screams when uprooted wng Willow devil snare mandre or ghilly [Music] weed it's [Music] mandri our crystal ball reveals a path paved with Harry Potter and other trivia wonders subscribe today and let the magic guide you on this enchanting Adventure which item is not one of the Deathly Hollows the Elder one the invisibility cloak the resurrection stone or the sorcerer [Music] Stone the answer is the sorcerer [Music] Stone what does the spell expecto patronum conjure protection against Dementors a blast of pure water a burst of fire or an animal [Music] Guardian it's an animal [Music] Guardian what is the core of Harry's wand made from Dragon's heartstring unicorn hair Phoenix Feather or Vel hair [Music] it's Phoenix Feather which language allows one to communicate with snakes Elvish gobbly go parcel tongue or [Applause] mermish the answer is parcel t which spell races specific memories obliviate confundio imperio or [Music] expelis it's [Music] obliviate what is Dumbledore's full name Albus peral wolfi Brian Dumbledore Albert Brian Cornelius Dumbledore Albus wolfi Brian seus Dumbledore or Albus peral ignacius birdie [Applause] Dumbledore it's Albus peral wolfi Brian [Music] Dumbledore which spell is used to conjure the dark mark Avada kadavra MOS MRE spectum sempra or Mara ascura [Music] it's Morse [Music] MRE what does amortentia smell like butterbeer freshly moan grass and new parchment burning wood and trial tar or it has a different smell for everyone the answer is it has a different smell for everyone who owned the Elder one before Draco Malfoy SRA Snape Lord vemer Albus Dumbledore or Geller [Music] grindal it was Alba Dumbledore in which book does Harry first speak parcel tongue philosopher stone Chamber of Secrets prisoner of asban or Goblet of Fire it was Chamber of [Music] Secrets What was Tom's Riddle's mother's name Bellatrix La strange mopee Gant nyora Tonks or Helga [Music] Hufflepuff it was mopee [Music] Gant what is Luna love Goods Patronis a hair an otter a stag or a [Music] horse it's a [Music] hair who does Hermione try to impersonate using poly juice potion in her second year at hog aarts melison bolstr pansy Parkinson Daphne Greengrass or Susan [Applause] [Music] bones it was melicent bolod what are the effects of the spell farra verto makes an object disappear produces fire turns an animal into a goblet or produces [Music] music the answer is it turns an animal into a [Music] goblet what is the name of the textbook that was property of the Half Blood Prince magic drafts and Potions Advanced potion making Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them or a history of magic it was Advanced potion making [Music] what type of creature was aragog a theral A basist acromantula or a centar aragog was an acromantula okay quills down everyone remember missing a few questions doesn't mean you need to take a trip to aaban subscribe now to be notified when we create a trivia challenge for each of the Harry Potter books
Channel: FAQs And Facts
Views: 494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Harry Potter trivia, Harry Potter quiz, Wizarding World, Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Harry Potter fans, Harry Potter questions, magic spells, Harry Potter facts, Harry Potter challenge, Harry Potter knowledge, Harry Potter books, Harry Potter history, magical creatures, Trivia, Trivia Quiz, Harry Potter Trivia Challenge
Id: r-n_3JmqsMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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