Harry James & Jerry Lewis Dec 10, 1958

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we're very happy and proud to present harry james and his music makers [Music] uh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] harry harry harry harry harry harry chair harry harry harry you're the end the most man it ain't the lowest to come on but you swing jack back up and lay it down man because i'm gonna pick up on those tracks and get me some whatever it is they say in the band [Music] you're the you're the master the champion oh father of great mouth pieces oh master of king trumpets which means maybe we'll get another one harry i want to play the trumpet more than anything in a while well that's very nice jerry but you see you don't look like a trumpet player do i look like a jockey what do you mean look you have to look you mean there's a way to be well trumpet players look like trumpet players oh i see what you mean now yeah you have to look like a trumpet like red norvo i know what you mean you say uh for instance when you hold the horn up like this you must look like a trumpet well let me see it's just perfectly straight right straight out here all right i hold my hand perfectly straight i ran in so fast i hit the door and i got a horn that banned dizzy ginsburg gave me this horn but i got my reely here could i play another that's a pretty one oh this is a stunning number i got this at i j fox let me ask you could we play a number together boat really two of us yeah well i'd like maybe you should have help from boys town back here yeah quickly sure oh let's do it harry i'm real to death [Music] wow [Music] this [Music] [Music] me [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the greatest musician that ever lived since francis scott key larry it's just it's so exciting i love the band it really swings man it rocks and it makes you feel like your leather should really clump down you know could i lead your band maybe since i played no what i said no you see i lead my band jerry i've worked very hard for many years to learn to conduct the orchestra and i like to conduct my own band oh well there's no offense i understand you never lend your car or your band i understand this power of the band see it uh all right yeah you'll work with your band yes and i'll go get my own is this a fair exchange sure that's all right go ahead you want to be a nasty person with a disposition with a bent bow tie it's your business thank you very much ladies and gentlemen and now for our next number we'd like to go a number from our capitol album [Music] there you are smart alec you have your band with 16 plain men and i have 50 with caps some on their teeth and i'd like you to know one thing i'd like you to know one thing hair show yes not only do i have the navy band with cats but if you'll feast your feeders over here we have walter slayzack in the back see we have 38 men here [Music] [Applause] i have this entire orchestra i have that orchestra i have a set of bands and you have one now if you want to combine and be a part of the really big group why don't we really whale together voltavolska what are you saying harry harry i'll start i'm starved wait let's choose and be fair harry harry and joiner [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Chuck Par-Due
Views: 8,755
Rating: 4.8273382 out of 5
Keywords: chuck par-due, harry james, jerry lewis, john audino
Id: n4CEcPDNm_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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