Harrison Ford - All Movies (1966 - 2020)

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paging mr. Ellis paging mr. Ellis boy no sir Charles Ellis room 607 sure yes sir what a tasteless thing to do fire fighter damn it fire I'll take a look at it yeah steady aim fire [Music] ready aim fire you know I hear there's a street down there by the river that really lives me for that me too I [Music] suppose you run away oh you run into a bad one ever now man very good teacher not yet Jake almost not yes sir nothing just I just have a few people over why don't you come on in Perry and you got to thank god damn friend years away from me because next time I see him I'm gonna bust it Oh what no Philbert what did you see Nick about 10 minutes ago man he's crazy he's trying to get me kicked out of the art department for subversive painting [Music] hey baby what do you say I understand but he's not here this afternoon matter of fact he's out of the country he asked me to get the tapes from you and give you the money don't get involved in this mr. go this tapes are dangerous Oh is the convention of wire terrace excuse me surveillance and security footage 15,000 bucks it's not bad for a day's work as mr. come fast chip you've never heard of the Millennium Falcon should I have it's a ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs well he ain't gonna be around long enough to tell anybody about us get out that way looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route maybe you'd like it back in yourself I don't hear from you for I don't know how long you call me up you show up here you start telling me how to run my life st. the army you know no kidding yeah been planned down to the last detail the last thing we need her a couple of passengers major matter it does have a certain amount of experience I wouldn't doubt it you came back for Milla but you didn't come back for me did you know we didn't have what happened to you he bit me and all the excitement the hell would you like a cup of coffee yes sir I'm sure that none of us would like to miss anything I have to add sir except I don't have anything to answer so there's nothing for any of us to minute [Applause] have you ever seen this gentleman before met the general or myself yes you've heard of Colonel Walter E Kurtz when you find the colonel infiltrate his team by whatever means available and terminate the Colonel's command please don't have your attention please now I want you all to stay calm and listen because I'm only gonna say this once I'm pretty hungry of $200 on the bar you know where the next one's going [Music] like a narcotic substance to me it's one lousy joint oh come on man you got nothing better to do than hassle long hair I like friend I love my work come on imagine things am I then why are you following me Fredo is gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss I can arrange that I saw my son Star Destroyers coming right at us [Music] you're not gonna find it without this who can tell us about these markings meet me at Omar's be ready for me I'm going after that truck making this up psycho [Music] it's quit when I come in here Brian I'm twice as quick now wake up time to die this is for Zara this is for Priss who are you you tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth forget no such pleasure for life quietly there might be more of them out there [Music] why don't you know do you [Music] water water water water I just work here that's the attitude we accept some things fall apart but they don't have to last forever we eat when we're not hungry drink when we're not thirsty we buy what we don't need and throw away everything that's useful why are you in charge now mother if you are just say so can you survive in this jungle can you get us out of here you and your wife have you to Paris before yes on our honeymoon did she seem to know him or are they talking together should notice anything else what kind heroin cocaine opium what do you care it matters I've got the this thing you want what do you want me to do just go no I promised myself that when I saw you I would get to know you good thinking well fly down to Memphis in the morning and feel them on big Jack come out to play so do you and who's gonna come to save you jr. I told you [Music] don't call me junior dad we're well out of range a good investigator I'd rather somebody on this side he's working with the Prancer the most damning testimony comes from an abused and frightened child who overcame his fear and his pain to tell you but nobody could have prevented mr. Matthews suffering except mr. Matthews [ __ ] day come on give me your wife you may break away I just want to pack a cigarette you bought a dog I thought I could go back to my life but I don't want to I was quite a bit of money you suggested [Music] I'm a janitor I do what I'm told you change those orders know what you mean you switched the samples after lens died [Music] through this whole house even though the breeze comes from the general direction of the garage how do you say I'm looking at what I want whatever he loves her Oh Sabrina is he packed yes is who packed you are just one bag wait a minute you packed my clothes you went to my apartment [Applause] [Music] [Music] well if you're going be 20 30 minutes you're gonna stop acting like a lunatic pardon me where'd you say your ass is too narrow and your tips are too small I'm sorry No are you really gonna shoot that old man yet that shotgun pointed right it and what were you thinking you'd do about me well at least you try are you trying to be funny no not anymore you [ __ ] with me if you don't like that word don't use it what I want really it's just to find some way let her go you are so brilliant yep Madame Curie Jonas Salk Norman Spencer yes you're overreacting don't tell me how to react with your voice I will not go through with any of it but then she she disappeared in the history of the Soviet Navy no sailors have been given such a boat as k-19 these 120 men are a crew now because they achieved something together that they did not think they could do next time when it is not a drill they will go to the edge and past it and die it's necessary because the reactor repair yes at any moment we could have an explosion which could set off the warheads write this down cheeseburger well-done she has beautiful eyes your daughter [Music] hundred million dollars wow that's a lot of money it's a good plan thanks we like I get my family tomorrow morning when the banks open I'll let you know where I'll be you got it pal [Music] must have been plenty of women for you over the years there were a few but they all had the same problem yeah what's that they weren't you honey [Music] better do it before they blow the lunch whistle all right let's go compadres let's do it let me tell you about my father the great American to be I was wondering why I wasn't in her personal effects any corner better get yourself a good criminal attorney counselor that's all nobody's paying attention to this work half my grants don't get approved I don't have the money to make my theory into a usable medicine I don't care about money I'm a scientist I care about more important things than that so sugar high the enzyme is breaking down the sugar and their muscles the medicine is working yeah then why are you here well it's funny that you should ask away the program is in the news department Ukrainian news is a sacred temple and you're part of the Cabal that's ruining it what horseshit suppose I don't have standards sure you do when you got your pep smear on air you wore a silk robe okay let me tell you how it turns out you end up with with nothing I figure you owe me that way know maybe that reward on your head it'd be a more attractive proposition I could just shoot you in the chest cut that thing off your arm I'm gonna bring a Negro ballplayer the Brooklyn Dodgers I want a player who's got the guts not to fight back you can get out there and yes you could get on basis and score you can win this game for us there's something unfair at the heart of the game I loved and I ignored let's put together a team for Adam design engineering and receive and get some DoD funding issues well it's not the roof that matters Adam it's the warm fuzzy feeling of the shut up nothing what a convenient tool an empty vessel I filled you with piss and vinegar told you what champagne and you lapped it up I walked through his eyes listened through his ears I'm not telling you he's the one we threw everything we had of the invaders and in the midst of that decisive battle a legendary hero who emerged when the war is over we can have the luxury of debating the morality of what we do but it's over what will be left of the boy what does it matter if there's nothing left at all we've gone through four wives I have six or seven kids that haven't got the time to tell I love them and you mr. Burgundy I'm gonna be the first lactose-intolerant anchor mr. Burgundy yes you're fired come again fire well you see there's the thing when there's an early moon I almost feel like a stallion again I don't give a [ __ ] what his name is I don't like him I want him as bad as you do this happened on my watch you this is it this is your evac team short notice yeah very short where's your team wait your drama Oh team this one's off the books I'm not even here you got a tank problem pal do something about it Bonnie I'm sorry it's just you look exactly like this old friend of mine Adaline Bowman the scar the same scar I stitch it myself that I could have no greater ambition in life and with him to be the best possible husband I could be for her and I'm still working where's the pilot I'm the pilot you know it's true we're the only ones on board you can understand that thing and that thing can understand you too so watch it come on out of there it's true the force the Jedi all of it can I try that I like this thing Walker we're here less luck we're gonna have the shields I have an idea about that he reads that's good me too how much else to do around here at night anymore look I don't want to hurt you but you're not making it easy I know you're here I came alone it's not it's dead kylo Ren is dead know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it that's mine hey thanks [ __ ] what's his name hey the river ice is gonna break up any minute you fool the dog is trying to help you keep my life [Music] he's still the same dog with me but I find it hard to imagine him back in civilization
Channel: Snooper
Views: 142,919
Rating: 4.9031549 out of 5
Keywords: Harrison Ford, Harrison Ford 2020, movies, all movies, all films, history, filmography, Indiana Jones, Indy, Han Solo, Jack Ryan, Snooper
Id: 0THhODSSb3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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