HARRASED BY OWNER at HUGE COVERT BUNKER RAF Holmpton Hidden under a field!

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah okay this is the secret vault look at him it's bloody dis car can't get rid of him right let's try that again this is the secret vault and that is a rotor bunker and we're gonna go and check it out and this is an alw exploration hello also trying to copy my camera so not having this so i'm copying him back [Laughter] there we are right cool well let's go and check it out this looks like it's going to be a really interesting day also we've got zach who said doesn't mind being a camera and mr liam lk who also doesn't mind being in camera although if i film him like that then i don't have to blur out my car anymore which is a ball but yeah let's go and check it out then and thomas i didn't want to embarrass him you happy to be on camera are you happy yeah yeah you guys happy that's all right then told me about a thumbs up don't like to get people on youtube without their permission [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] so here we are in the foyer of the bunker and we've got bits and pieces for sale [Music] anybody do or don't want to be on film not me not them okay i'll i'll blur you out i don't i don't i don't like the photograph okay i've always been like that you've been catching off okay wow coffee in bits and pieces and look an alarm there you go [Music] probably the same as before the sewage thing out the back was that because they've got like systems here and they used to feed it up and then they would spread it out no so it's not one of those um spray systems like they're having some of the bunkers where in an emergency they just fire it in the air no so they would be treating it on that thing okay just interested thank you do you want to be on film or not okay you're not too worried okay all right thank you thanks too many times now yeah thanks fight for the privilege of being in oh yeah right so straight inside straight away crane look at that and so one one floor so it might be a very large one floor then as opposed to a double floor yeah no no it looks like sink right and that's thomas who's got a channel what's your turn what's your channel called um thomas gaming adventures there you go check him out check him out like subscribe it's all right wow look photos and videos welcome there you go police forces and security guards everywhere they're well prepared for uh people that can't walk very well [Music] what he said right smoking smoking's strictly prohibited wow but i'm more interested in wow this is a pretty retro yeah it is yeah it's very long way away from the guard house as well yeah so this is sort of like a calvin hatchfield but without any of the any of this like extra frills and museum events so this is uh what a place looks like now these are interesting because they're almost i wonder if these were put here for the uh mod as well is that dehumidifiers yes keep the moisture up keep it nice and dry that's probably why it's so pristine inside and not all like corroded like the epiconduit and stuff yeah and it might be cheaper to run these than to run some of the main equipment yeah regular interviews as well yeah now i'm i'm seeing something weird here have you spotted it no there's another there's an alarm pull cord look oh yeah what what does that connect to can you see it yeah yeah we're talking about this thing here well i don't know if you should pull it i don't know this is jordan by the way yeah that's that's a yes to jordan i feel so oh god we've got netgear router hack into the mod look folks straight through to london to the prime minister it's like this had a wi-fi connection onto it yeah i think that's original those speakers on the walls might be yeah they look very old-fashioned and wooden and they're like directional so they're like triangle at let's have as a speaker each yeah here we go look there's even a little thing for a cat and i wonder if that's original cat flap wow royal air force cat yeah if somebody's somebody's trying to come through just let him go through let me hold the door there you go oh thanks very much cheers is that original that cat flap is it really no oh okay [Music] once it went into private hands had a cat ah that's fine he put some cat flaps in the desk hopefully not in the the glass doors right just in there and and this little rope thing it looks like an emergency pull cord is it for some sort of emergency i couldn't tell you about that to ask and there will be john downstairs in the plant room right or um ted our arthur in the nuclear parties right so this is a two-floor bunker then it goes down oh wow okay great excellent thank you very much thank you for the information cheers oh sorry thanks you can see how about he's in a skate patch because it goes up ladders straight at surface right wow we actually call them civilian cleaners because they're not implied by m.o.d [Applause] ham radio shack [Music] that's all modern equipment it's that yeah relatively yeah some of those ham radio things over there are from the 1980s 1970s that's a more modern one there and that's a waterfall display um uh sdr radio over there yeah well those i wondered when i saw the antennas outside whether or not this was actually a ham radio station and it looks like it is yeah so they may have people come down here to operate ham radio nights or it may just be for show i don't know but it looks a bit too professional to just be for sure sorry thank you [Music] people see a camera and they get very shy [Music] oh yeah oh wow it all lifts up this far there's like ventilation ducting stuff underneath it potentially it could be yeah it all comes up like each bit of it yeah and unlike some of the bunkers where you have like a little hatch and then you have to crawl along it looks like all the floors come up everything comes up yeah look this is where the wire goes when in fact oh yeah yeah yeah was it for escape then do you yeah but like that you couldn't actually do anything with it because it's tied off oh you know what it is in the dark hold on to the rope keep pulling yourself along in the smoke so you don't you can't see but you can just keep coming along until you feel that in the smoke yes to help you navigate get that and go in with it yes to get people out i didn't ever thought of that oh my god yeah it's actually quite smart in it yeah basically quite effective old-fashioned technology so they don't have to buy smokehoods they just get a bit of rope and just like just walk along in the dark hello there how are you doing i'm fine thank you good good it's solid we're the we're the crazy film crew with like far too many cameras this is the best way to work our way and then down second as last is it shot video in there about 10 minutes okay just giving you insight about this okay if that's copyright i won't put it on here but yeah okay thanks very much um and these floors that were outside you know the ones that flip up oh yeah yeah are they um just for servicing cables and things yes yes yeah we've seen these ones in other bunkers where it's a crawl space you can actually crawl all the way along is it yeah yeah okay great thank you so it is a two-floor bunker after all we didn't think it was when we first came in but now we can see it's a it's a rotor bunker within a rotor bunker sort of thing yeah it's intercom wow could you imagine down into cotton that is just a tape recorder what in a big box yeah but i mean you might um you might use it for recording interviews in a in a cell or something but they're normally two tapes but you never know so here's all the keys safety key box and look well my suggestion is it might be a good idea for us to split off because from audio purposes you know we just end up wrecking each other's audio otherwise there's a bow fang there yeah i'm not i'm not saying anything i'm not saying no no i can't believe that there's about fun there yeah yeah go this way this way bloody hell it's a bit it's a bit armored up isn't it well i'll be like decommissioned for weapons i won't but are they real decommissioned ones or just um show pieces a lot of them have decommissioned ones right and [Music] the rest oh great never seen arms in a bunker before like this i've seen but they have got nuclear weapons in hat green and they've actually got a trident missile and bombs but you know yeah but no not all these you know would have been in the bunker at the time hello all right oh wow goodness it's getting bigger bigger stuff and this as well bloody hell look precision precision aiming on the back you've got a little little range thing to lift and lower the gun and angle angles so that's like for either sniper shooting or distance distance and top loading as well you know to make it easier for you when you're operating in this mode top loader yeah it's a missile it's a russian russian missile hmm yeah hand launch hand rocket launcher slightly more modern these i look believe there's just a bow fan on the side there yeah and there's something that somebody's working on here perhaps wow and it says firing ranges open i wonder what they mean [Music] right so do you want to split it off so that we uh we can get all get a bit of cleaner audio if you are i know and we'll meet at the end or something or halfway through thank you now i can tell you about the roof the rope the rope oh yes we kind of had a guess that it was if it was filled with smoke you'd hold on you'd hold on and you'd walk your way and continue to take you yeah that's what we like is good mystery and then we get it solved so yeah and is that actually a breathing thing at the end so that somebody can put it put a mask on and come in to help people because there's actually a little little box at the end as well sorry mystery is being solved all the time here you know it's always good i believe that one person would hold would have the room so it's nothing it's just rope yeah it is just rub yeah so that you've got you're attached to the wall and you are you can go then in yes you've you're still attached here yes you've got that bag so you've got your lead out right back into your corridor makes sense i didn't want to like pick it up and start looking at it but yeah now that makes sense great thank you thanks very much oh my goodness oh yes they've got the floor projectors wow they've got the floor projectors that's amazing almost all traces of its rate are years associated wow this is really cool so you can actually walk down from over there and get down onto this and then push the stuff around on the uh on the screens yeah this is this is a bit more authentic isn't it the bucket was internally remodeled to fit with its new role for the first time may have personnel to survive in the bucket in a post nuclear strike environment so these are status status indicators for probably for the first aircraft beds were brought into the bunker with areas allocated to officers by regular male and female staff the kitchen and canteen and all these seats here as well you know for people who may be in control or maybe it's because they bring this screen down and they do briefings the observers collected information on nuclear detonations and radiation levels from other buckets in the royal circle network and used this information to advise the support command staff as to which areas say to dispatch supplies to the bucket during the 1980s was maintained by only a few personnel wow just enough these red telephones over here like uh they look like they go to the you know the prime minister or something it's pretty impressive but what have they got this yeah what's this about it's like um when you start a nuclear war you can have hymns she'd be like our father in heaven please forgive us for sending tridents to russia we will now be good again you know is that what that's for it's a bit weird in there alongside their nuclear reporting however very interesting now there's help for heroes and various wreaths here so i wonder if they've had a presentation in here recently all right they're going downstairs i'm going to do the i'm going to do the top floor well there we are security and weapons issue look foreign there's a emergency light something that will flash wow you can feel the uh so you can feel the air coming in from somewhere so it's almost like as if they've got the actual [Applause] got these working it stopped now it was on but it stopped security is your responsibility so yeah you can go in these rooms but not not too far not too far in this is what you should do if you are out of doors when the morning suns take cover at once when you hear wow [Music] so yeah this is where you would be getting patched up and mortuary for when you smelt one of jordan's farts yeah that's where they put you oh all right listen air force control room no admittance to unauthorized persons what what what they serious are you serious you're not actually allowed to go in here no it's locked it's locked control room i wonder what's in there then what the hell oh there we go here we go now if you've watched my other videos you should recognize these over here these are the telephones that are connected to the handle network and the handle network was this dual wire system which means that if one wire got cut from one direction another wire would connect and it was for for the um reporting of nuclear launches so that we were at war and you'd have two telephones to listen on and one phone to ring back to headquarters to to ask any questions there we are like it says wire broadcast system there you go and it actually says up there it says handle i didn't reckon i didn't see that handle bt marshall michaelson heath so there we go so what's this then coding and encryption so look you've got a proper [Music] proper thing there you know and the people inside can can see who's outside look so they can check on you before they let you in it's a very important room this is where they keep all the equipment to uh decode messages and provide keys to radios and computers so that they're encrypted this is where all that work would have gone on so that's amazing there you go [Music] uh little information wall yep what's this then priority message it says ops guard room royal worsh to his world worship the right horrible captain hebel sir to me and it's oh yeah secret audrey's originator's number w7 so it's a bit of a bit of a joke when really oh look oh my god look at this i know what that means i know what that means up there let's just have a it says have a little candle look from ministry of defense conrad cop info raf hq pss uk hqp ss uk was hq pss hq pss is hq provost and security service and the hq pro provost and security service was at rudlow manner caution yeah very important place caution yeah even though they used to play it down so they didn't do anything and there was nothing happening there oh yeah it was we know they lie oh these rooms on the corridor were the executive office for the higher ranking personnel in the bunker the rooms to the right were the registry admin and muller radar systems when the bunker was refitted for the support command role in 1980 this whole corridor became the officers sleeping quarters officers rooms were equipped with overhead overbed lights and electric razor sockets wet shaving would not be allowed in wartime to conserve water are we allowed to go in oh apparently not no so we can't go into some sections bit of a shame oh no and we've got a cat flap cat flap so this is probably like somebody's house then i suppose it's a shame we can't go in some bits oh we'll have to ask and see whether we're allowed so they allow us in here but this doesn't look very exciting but this is allowed so but we're not allowed in here this is very no not allowed in the showers quite right too i might want to have one i might want to take a shower that would be not allowed yeah so here's the old station bell i need to make sure that my 360 camera is now working because it made a funny noise just then i need to find out what's going on with it so this is the cafeteria area and these are rations ration packs and of course what what good nuclear war would not be complete without warm tea yes so let's just uh i'm just going to check my systems a second oh situation room and executive office so situation room and executive office so this area contains the accommodation for executive officer for the bunkers commander the situation room is where the commanding officer would brief his staff during wartime these rooms as we see them today date from the 1980s support command refit wow here we go so i would say basic utilitarian but not exactly modern um they didn't the the mod they don't seem to want to spend the money to kind of like really jazz things up it's not like the united states where this would all be sort of like you know mad custom stuff and i mean even the lighting is kind of very very british let's just put it like that very british very british let's reuse these seats we don't want to get rid of them they've got some they've got some value so here we are domine and jet stream resources number of aircraft available serial numbers of aircraft regional and zone air squadrons right damage and casualty reports this is and search and rescue assets in the uk so yeah and they they list good old raf saint athen which is in south wales which is where i used to live so yeah so what about that smoking not prohib is prohibited in this room but yeah i like the old uh like the old royal air force logo up there sure sure saves the uh expense of getting a video projector hey raf but it's interesting to see this is how it kind of was done um but it's not as modern as you would think is it really isn't you know they would they were kind of doing things in a very much more you know sedate way not too not too upmarket and there we are and the boards there they can move around put information on the boards good map map on the wall of different yeah the main road route system nw north east wales w district east district southwest district southeast district main roads and they would we wanted to keep these open whilst all the small roads they probably didn't care about but there we are and this would be one of those rooms that we couldn't see because that corridor was closed but we can see it here now it's actually visible and uh just a small bed and it's kind of hard to see in there because we can't get close but yeah you know you've got your books bookshelves and a suit hanging up on the door there we are look wow what's this then himmel hempstead oremwood it's like london orpington it's a map of london and the postcodes of london so that's what's on that okay wow let's have a look then right so that's the kitchen which is closed look this is a key to get you into the floor spaces so these uh crawl spaces in the floor that would be to lift those up to get them to get them out so here we are look ask about joining offices of the civil defense corps ask the nearest fire station about joining the auxiliary fire service you know it makes sense what's this this is something you put around your arm so that you don't get shot whilst everybody else gets told what to do in an emergency they'll be telling you what to do if you've got one of these on your arms you've got special privileges oh here we go it doesn't say well it's obviously it looks like a kitchen but with a private table in the kitchen it should be a bit noisy really when you think about it wouldn't it if you did have a private table in the kitchen cooking the food hmm but yes who knows and there's the rest of the kitchen yeah and there is an alw exploring and thomas yeah you're enjoying yeah good stuff it's quite surreal to be in a realtor that isn't all smashed up well that's true yeah and uh yeah it's a it's a very complete it's quite interesting so right we'll continue this with that okay we'll see you in a here we minute folks as i said it's one of those because it's been altered so here we go we've got um various maps and plotting and uh this is something where they report this is reporting for uh contamination and chemical chemical uh biological threats which have been detected and they've actually got a flowchart here of what you're supposed to do if you detect certain type of things you follow through the flow chart and that's a basic again ends uh nbc nuclear biological chemical suit but you wouldn't really survive with something like this because it would get through you've got to actually have a plasticized suit which wouldn't uh allow things in and this is looks like uh geiger counters or something like that geiger counters and yeah silver balls yeah an electronic um yeah electronic warning system it says here that 600 silver ball remote detectors were built costing 30 000 pound each okay raf hometown which is where we're at was meant to be the center of control but the project was scrapped in 1998 at a cost of 28 million so the system was paid for was ready to go in and then they just not interested anymore and it would have involved these devices here the silver balls hmm [Music] either public or private telephone way to keep the noise out when you've got lots of crazy uh noises in this room it'll make it a little bit quieter to make the core [Music] going down the bunker [Music] sorry thank you cheers okay here we've got a plotting uh plotting glass and you can see where you actually write on right on things and draw stuff on this side and you've got the map is actually on the other side and it it lights up it's actually illuminated so you can kind of see the important stuff on the map and yeah [Applause] and they've got little stickers here which they would have peeled off peeled off and put like there you see they put those stickers in various positions but okay and we've got a hand operated uh hand operated siren and we've got the old famous blip boxes which is the handle signal which would um yeah there'd be a warbling note followed by a spoken message which means attack warning red and a high pitched tone is a warning of fallout okay so yeah there we are chemical biological agents plotting display yes this is where they would have put with this sort of stuff on the map there you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] this bloody thing not only we did not record yesterday it's now overheated nice new firmware thank you for the new firmware that now overheats and won't record have you been in the cinematography no all we did was uh okay we'll do i'll give that a go in right let's make sure you're recording [Music] downstairs as well right okay cool i know there's a lot of places but i wanted to go and see these um dorm quarters for the offices and it's all closed aren't they downstairs no there's at this floor on the right hand side there's a doorway it says like this just be the quarters for senior staff and all that sort of stuff yeah anyway lk computers folks liam lk check him out right now we've got cinema room so cinema room there okay i don't know what this is this looks interesting all right emergency exit caution glass and we've got the back end back end stuff okay and that's the recirculation fan room right and that's the female toilets down there female toilets in this end and here so you are just as safe in your own home area as anywhere else in fact you are far better off at home because it is the place you know and where you are alone right so is this open i bet it's not nope it's what's in it oops daisy emergency exit okay oh is [Music] [Applause] yeah what's going on it's like kids kids all over the place for the facts goodness them folks wow what the heck what the heck's this of all about yeah so look you get used you walk down literally walk down these stairs get into the separate section and it's a gallery it's got somebody's uh [Applause] somebody's artwork which i'm assuming you might be able to buy so there we go so we turn this bunker and that's the door up into the section we've just come from and turn this section into an art gallery [Applause] and uh here we are overlooking overlooking some of the uh some of the lower rooms which i don't know whether you can get into or not which we'll have to see oh yes there's a stairs didn't realize there's a stairs over there let's check this out here we go whoa so on this side we've got telex machines oh telex and other stuff as well so it looks quite nice and it's just lots and lots of teleprinters and telex's look so let's go down and check it out properly then oh you can't go into this room like you're not allowed to go in the telex room on the radio room so there's some areas you can't go into right right lots of uh notes lots of notes and messages being left by people [Applause] all right so we're into the ventilation spaces which is beneath the floor so basically a lot of this floor's been pulled up and this would be the original uh the original setup for it here you can see all the vents very much like uh saint twinnels but not messed with actual complete proper nice to look at and also as you can see above us the ventilation shafts ventilation shafts there looking quite good condition actually so there you go yes somebody's making a really good opportunity of putting their paintings on display so and why not if you've got your own bunker why not yes [Applause] [Music] i think that's world war three world war iii has just started you all right no i haven't done that but yet let's check this out so we have a steps up into another section and so i don't know why they pulled all the floor up maybe the uh mod when they left they wanted to make sure all the wires were out and everything was taken you know so they ripped everything up like this and then didn't put it back and maybe that's why maybe that's why it's kind of how it is as we see it now yeah and we are like senior aircraft woman senior aircraft woman trish altoft senior aircraft woman janet levsley she was uh she was here in 1967 age 17 and she worked until 1972. so five years she was here yeah so there's various people who visited the bunker these are people who worked in the bunker okay and actually came back to check out what it what it's doing now so that's the wall of everyone who uh everyone who worked here that's quite interesting we've got the recorded voices at this end of people who worked here [Laughter] extendable extendable uh antenna and it was not this way for people coming in telling you you know what to do [Music] we've been to bunkers like this look at this look at this look at this look at this you know where that is don't you you know where that is folks that looked like raf twinnels that looks exactly like say twinnels amazing here he is what's that it looks very like the saint twinnels bunker that we went to in west wales there was a there's a thing showing showing what it was like to be inside here [Music] um [Applause] [Applause] oh look dsio room control cabin number one wow look at this folks who'd have thought that eh who'd you thought this would have been down here what the hell what the hell look how swanky this is look oak panel walls or something similar wow get yourself a point folks get yourself a paint look [Applause] wow [Applause] people playing games down here as well [Music] people actually playing games [Applause] [Music] yep all the mod cons [Music] [Music] folks who just hold that [Music] [Applause] record records well this is where the raf used to hang out folks this was it so i used to wind unwind and relax in between their shifts whilst being overlooked at all times to make sure that nobody was being in any way naughty by her match your majesty yes you know it she will watch you he'll make sure you're not naughty make sure you follow those orders yeah and don't drink too much you can go into some of these rooms then slightly yeah telex messages there we are gpo government government post office issue telex machines here we go so this takes you out up the stairs to the top floor so that's where we saw earlier on so we're not going to go up just yet oh because there's a corridor let's take the other way to the corridor but look this is a drainage pump engineering only authorized persons allowed to enter and you cannot see anything oh dear that's a shame isn't it here we go look main plant room main main plant room so we're probably going to see that in a minute so [Applause] let's have a look down here warning grumpy i want to ruin your day guy coming up [Applause] another one of those keys [Music] [Music] you don't want to be recorded okay i was hoping we're going to get a little bit of an explanation of what things were but well this is a museum there's no exploring here everybody can see everything yes yeah okay all right then you can come in and look i can come in and look but yeah we can't stop the museum activities no no i didn't expect it i didn't expect that i thought you were giving a little tour or something to chat to youtube i mean at this point you know i've been told that this is a museum not an explorer um i was told i could come in and have a look around but they couldn't stop museum activities i mean he was quite happy giving an explanation of what this room was about to the people who were in here but when i showed up he sort of said no you're not filming me and as i said i just thought that he would give an explanation um but he just left the room that was it disappeared no explanation for you sir you've got a camera i'm not interested in you so it seemed like he was picking for a fight oh you know he was just picking at me and um i think this comes back into play a bit later on um [Music] you know didn't seem very happy for some reason shame isn't it some people some people like having a chat and some people don't like having a chat [Laughter] oh well never mind he might change his mind but somehow i don't think so but there we go oh well what can we do down here then and what can we look at we can go into this area okay wow that's interesting differential pressure there you are i can hear it dripping in here actually it's still water or something going through it but yeah l sternum cone engineers the crown ironworks glasgow wow yeah right i think it's just two intimidating cameras unfortunately let's have a look around here then it says apparatus plant filter battery that's i think that's where all the filters are on the right hand side there's just a big bank of them goes down there but uh yeah oh it's a sump i assume under there [Music] yeah cool [Applause] hello sally how are you doing i'm alright yes [Music] this is the uh back into the the games room corridor so we'll come back into this room because there's a lot of kids so billeting bulleting so maybe hotbeds i did swap and uh somewhere to put your stuff locker rooms after a nuclear attack you may not be able to use your lounge because there might not be enough water to flush it might be down right let's have a look what we've got down here support support command [Music] raf scss manning state there we are oh hello he came into the room and i said oh um do you telling people about this room that he goes no no and i don't want to be on film yeah he said that to me before grumpy anyway that will get edited but yeah oh dear oh yeah telephone exchanges and communication center so what's this an expansion unit now this this stuff here symbol lock symbol lock is for encryption a symbol is what i believe they put in to kind of um put the codes in for the encryption so i think that's what it is so it's saying the manning stake here you've got abingdon bigging hill brampton carlyle chilmark jill mark chilmock church fenton cosfort cromwell finningly halton harrogate hendon henlo oh yes we know about the bunker at henlo oh yes insworth leeming linton or news locking newton lefinham oakhanger ocanga which is now privately owned and is a data center uh kwedgley sealand sealand land sea land was a place that they bloody had out in the sea you know the the pirates had it shorebury stafford st athen that's where used to live next to saint athan um hello jason by the way hello say down to athen swinton morley thatcham uxbridge valley rorton oh my god this must be old rorten raf rorton that is super old that's right where i live and that is not used as an airfield anymore it's privately owned and it's now owned by the science museum who keep exhibits that are too big to hold in london such as aircraft and tanks so that's all at rotten hereford and scampton so this is a very old list basically very old so what we've got here then we've got a bt regent regent rack mount telephone exchange there we go so yeah make it big charge them lots of money yeah merlin dx merlin telephone exchange yeah indeed so oh my 3d is bleeping at me that could be telling me it's too hot again so wow telephone exchange that's interesting isn't it telephone exchange now i'm just going to check my status of my 3d 360 at me that's okay what's it say i think it's basically saying it's too hot 22 minutes of filming and it starts on the panic attack it never used to because i have filmed all day all day on that bloody thing and a new film will release and suddenly all goes to [ __ ] it's now overheating and can't can't work properly yeah firmware updates this is why i tell people don't do firmware updates because it corrupted all my files yesterday so i lost everything so i filmed a whole event and it didn't come out firmware updates now it's overheating great thank you very much just what we needed but hopefully you're still seeing this in 360. i'm gonna look comsen com center and support command wow it's a big room wow wow this is the biz com center look wow operation pit ops pit there we go look at the they've got blue blue light blue lights don't know why they want blue lights in there but makes them feel good makes them feel cool makes them feel important why not oh what's this then briefing area so yeah they'd have briefings in this room it's a briefing area oh that's the 360 died it has died it's a microfiche reader microfiches interesting interesting equipment so there we go this is a comm center operations control with its own red light oops daisy [Music] all right let me see what's going on with this this 360 jobby just room we missed this room over here let's have a quick look so this is to do with radiation detection and protection so they had gardening gloves and uh chester sort of builders builders costumes by the looks of it and yeah now we've got the radio radioactivity monitors down here oh yes it's a nuclear bomb look it's a nuclear bomb it's a polaris an iris nuclear bomb [Music] what every home needs every home should have one and they are teach you about teach you about what weaponry does this is national warning system so this is the old-fashioned system it's called a wb 400 sort of a call an alarm to make noises and control system here so you can you can sound a warning you should probably pull out and go down you pull these out pull them out to go down pull this out to speak and pull this out to call you know but they always latch back to the middle position so this is so you can't accidentally press them you've got to pull these out and down so there you go there's actually a uh cable duct chill cause they've lit so you can see they were actually walking on a suspended floor and here we go here we go typical view of a shopping area before bomb after bomb before bomb after bomb yeah the uk's targets list right so this is where they believe that all the bombs are going to be dropped from russia should we have a look [Music] should have a look where they said that they were all going to come down so if you were in yorkshire preston coventry oxford yeah cardiff cardiff was going to be gone that'd be me out then i would have been screwed you know but this is where this is where they they thought the bombs were going to come out then the uk targets list declassified what's that then nuclear target map this map has been on display in here since 2004 it is attributed to major murray stewart mbe this modified royal observer corp group map remains the only information displayed that is accurate and verifiable the mushroom cloud stickers have been attached to the map a genuine roc issue yeah but so why continue to display an inaccurate map um the fact that it is being modified by the rural observer core is enough for us to leave it on display it's doubtful that the mushroom cloud symbols are based on any hard data but it's fair to assume that any city or military installation would have been targeted by the soviet union during the cold war years so yeah it may be based on some real information but it may be just a mock-up of what could happen so here you go folks hmm whoa what's that what's that about folks oh my god yay and what's that then it's a flower vase that looks a bit like a nuclear bomb where have all the flowers gone painting has been belongs to sac dennis hughes was stationed on christmas island bit loud bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a one megaton nuclear bomb and he'll feel bright as rain [Music] well well i think that's nearly it no it's not nearly it just when you thought you were out of the woods here comes commander grumpy again i think that's nearly it folks there we go saw yeah and this is a dorm room and a water tank which is a 12 000 liter water tank yeah and this is dormitory goodness gracious this emergency switchboard it says all bunkers had an emergency telephone exchange if the systems failed manual switchboard and teleprinter could keep everybody in touch with the outside world until the main systems were restored so there's an old-fashioned teleprinter and that's actually got a paper tape system as well paper tape so you can record messages onto paper tape and you can feed them back in so you can you can play them many times to different places so you don't have to type them in again you just feed them back through feed them back through feed them back through send them to abcde yeah look and there's teleprinter art look concord concord and the obligatory manual switchboard yes yes yes but this is different not seen one of those up above that's that's a little bit different what's that the monitor b line monitor a line it says notice the patching on this changeover panel is not to be altered without the prior permission of the rfcom section so yeah you can actually patch things through from certain places to certain places maybe before they come in now these um these switchboards in addition to the plugs which go in the boards and the fact you can dial a number you can connect people and disconnect people and listen on that headset but see this see these things up above in this section those are little little uh things which come down when the the calls are coming in actually it's not a light it's a little rotational thing and it rotates into place and gives you a symbol so you know if a call comes in it will it will actually be it's like this at the moment so the position is like that but when a call comes in it goes and comes into place you can see it and then when the call finishes go like that so so that's what those little little things are up above interesting and that i think apart from the outside is the bunker so why don't we go and see what's going on outside there folks it's only it's only half [ __ ] turn the lights on please we don't allow any lighting in the bunker there's enough lighting here anyway once some of the rooms i needed a bit more light for my camera you do not use lighting in the bunker i explained that to everybody it's the first time i've heard this well no more lighting please this is a museum i won't do it and you're not exploring this is the museum right okay but it's the first i've heard of it so i will respect what you told me but thank you [Applause] i thought it was important to explain at this point what you can't see because i'll respect the man's wish to not be filmed even though he's in a bunker and everyone else is quite happy to be filmed he doesn't want to but that's fine um then he didn't want to explain anything to me in the room that i was in fine but this he's actually sought me out he's seen me down the end of a corridor um happily filming away you know not harming anyone there's no one else in the room that i'm in i'm not shining a light in anyone's eyes but he sought me out he's come to me now to give me aggro and he's given me a direct order when i'm not being rude and it's like you will not use lights in the bunker and he's also told me this is not an explore and i need to explain to you that when he said all of this this is how he looked he had his teeth gritted like this and his his arms were out like this like that and he's leaning towards me like this you will not have lights in the bunker yeah now that is i'm afraid very aggressive behavior and i was not very well pleased by it and to be perfectly honest if you're paying money to come to a museum like that and somebody just wants to be in your face gritting his teeth leaning at you like as if he wants a fight that's not cool that's not a good public image or look um i don't know who the guy is whether he owns the bunker or he's just a tour guide but i think somebody needs to have a quiet little word because that was just completely unnecessary i mean if he doesn't like cameras then maybe you shouldn't be working as a tour guide in a museum i had asked permission from the owners or whoever answered the phone is it okay for me to film in the bunker and i said it will be going on youtube and they said yes that'll be fine and they said the only thing is don't have tripods that's what i was told i wasn't told anything about lighting or anything else but when i came at the beginning of the day i paid my money before i started filming and i reiterated i rang up and they said it would be okay to film for youtube it is that okay and the lady said to me yes just use don't use tripods we don't allow tripods and that's fine okay so nobody's told me about lights so this guy's come out of nowhere and just wants to have a go and i think you could see by the attitude it wasn't very very nice and to be perfectly honest at that point i felt like yeah okay i've filmed enough but i felt quite uncomfortable and wanted to get out to the place because that's the type of feeling that guy gave me is like i'm not welcome now you know and his grumpy behavior would make anyone have a sour taste in their mouth so sorry to have to say that but i think you need to look at your uh behavior sir thank you very much guys look he's picking for he's picking for a bloody fight money picking for a bloody fight thank you very much mate what harm does it do if i've got a bit of light [Music] god alive seriously jesus oh well here we go so that's it then folks that's it so i suppose it's time to get out here before i get shouted out anymore but there we go if you fancy a nice explorer as long as as long as he's not here because the women were lovely but there's always one isn't there [Music] [Applause] this is not a name this is not an explorer this is a museum well i was told i could film hello there again it was really nice yes i got told off though because i had my light on apparently she's like contraband [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh well they can watch it on the video see if i was being ridiculously unreasonable whatever my lights on you know the trouble is human eyes see really well in low light cameras do not see really well in low light so cameras require light but there we go yeah if i'm gonna film and make it look crap then let's not use light so i want it to look good we use light never mind okay folks never mind that is just half of the course so that's it folks we're gonna head off out now and oh hello there [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is security office and staff only office and this is the cafeteria so i might get a cup of tea and then we'll go outside and we'll have a look just to reiterate although i've shown this in order to make a point um everyone else at this bunker was absolutely fine um the female staff i met some of the other gentlemen there were absolutely fine it was just this really weird encounter that um you know it it really leaves a bit of taste in your mouth and when you come to somewhere to to have a nice day out you just don't expect that so thank you to all the other staff who were very helpful answered all my questions and boohoo to mr grumpy and i hope you can understand now looking at the video how you come across sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: TheSecretVault
Views: 32,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ww2 bunker, exploring with fighters, bunker, tunnel, steve ronin, exploring with josh, urbex, urban exploration, secrecy, abandoned, wartime bunker, nuclear bunker, underground bunker, abandoned time capsule, urbex uk locations, top secret base, derelict house, abandoned mansion, uk area 51, uk defence sites, the secret vault, thesecretvault, orange cammo, ufo investigation, frozen in time, time capsule, raf holmpton, raf bunker, urbex bunker, hull explore, urbex hull
Id: d0kyjEjZXA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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