Harley 2022 Street Glide CVO KST Punisher Bars Install - Harder than you think?

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hey welcome to the channel again next upgrade for the 2022 cbo is steel blue is new handlebars i want to keep this look but i can't deal with these stock bars i mean they're okay they don't they don't drive me nuts but i'm putting on a pair of 12-inch kst uh punishers a little bit different let's see how hard it is i did the kst path uh kst spearheads on my road glide and i love those bars let's see i don't even know how these look yet i haven't taken out of the bag so uh we're gonna take that out and try to put it on here and uh let's undo that fairing don't want to do that but i have to so let's roll the intro all right i'm gonna be smart with this bike i took chances with the roguelite now i put cover on the tank and i put a cover on the fender i learned from uh from my mistakes so uh let's get moving here okay tools that we're gonna need for this are uh torx 27 torx 25 9 16 and a half inch socket i normally used to use my um this thing the torx bit but i don't want to strip anything i don't want to strip anything i want to take it slower do it by hand do it right again i learned on my road glad i made some mistakes not making us mistakes this time so let's get started i'm also going to put a apple air tag hide it somewhere on this bike i'm not telling you where because you're the one that's gonna steal it um just a little added security so if this bike does get stolen just trailer put it to the back of the trailer or whatever uh i'll be able to track it and um if it's local having one of these kind of helps so anyway let's start by taking the uh the outer shell off so let's start with the torx 27 and you got four bolts here one two and then two on the other side okay i lied i'm using it but i'm not going to tighten it with these okay i'm going to use it to get them off plus my torx wrenches are too long so it's a little easier i use it to get it up i'm not going to tighten with it that's promise i'm not going to video taking all this off it's going to tell you what i'm doing step by step a million videos out there on how to take this shell off so i'm just going to tell you what i'm about to do do it no need for you to sit there and watch it okay okay i highly recommend that you get one of these magnetic trays and uh you keep everything from the fairing the shallow let you keep everything in one spot so you don't lose it and if you're doing smaller projects you could have different metal trays it works for me now we're gonna remove the two the for the cap there's two t25s here we're gonna remove those and then keep going okay moving on to the windshield t27s we're gonna pop all three of those out just make sure you either leave the little the middle one in for a little bit uh but when you release that one the outer shell will move forward and then uh you just gotta unplug the headlight so i'll show you how that's an actual video this part back to my power loosen a little bit first because i don't want to strip this in any way i don't think i've ever stripped the windshield bolt not that i've ever had to replace a whole speaker pod assembly because of that no not me [Music] i want to lose the washers [Music] stay also trains bearings not to move stay [Music] okay i should now slide forward and i can disconnect the uh the headlight can't really get in there basically it's just a i don't want to take off one hand in here it's just one little clip that holds the headlight on it doesn't want to come out oops come on it's so new it doesn't work i'm so glad i covered those so anyway you have the little clip it goes right here just take that clip off and do what you want with this i suggest putting it in a place where you don't step on it not that i've ever done that wow this is pretty come take a look at this the inside of my fairing on my roguelite roglide is a mess i have so much crap in there with amps and extra stuff this is pristine it's pretty this is where the uh jumper goes for the apple carplay but they changed the shape for the 2022 so you can't use that yet until they come out with a new one and i'm waiting for that because the pain they asked use apple car play with the uh with the cena okay let's move on okay final steps well moving on you have a it's a half inch acorn i believe you take that off underneath that there's another one down here so you got two on both sides below that is a 9 16 nut i believe that will release that it'll allow the fairing to move forward so we can move on to the bars that's the next step so what i did was i put it on my floor jack just to keep it just barely touching the floor so i could move this around if i need to very easily so i got the uh the two half inch acorns off this slides off and there's your 9 16 oops and there's your nine sixteenths okay both nine nine sixteenths are off on both sides just to get this out of the way it's just a little clip here and then plugs just get this out of the way you don't want to scratch it up okay with all that done just want to pop this off now put this to the side and now the fairing will move forward we want to unplug the power the throttle by wire and i have the power for the heated grips and the switch harness so okay this is the uh uh yeah the the the you have two red two white two black you wanna disconnect this it's got a little pin hole you gotta press we'll come back to that you got your left and right hand side wiring harnesses it's one watt one white wire and then uh four wires on the left so these these two got to come out and then this one's got to come out and then this has got to be unplugged okay they look like disconnected again you have the two to go right up here one that goes here this is the heated grips on this side so that's those they suggest moving the clutch cable i don't think i'm going to try it without it so i'm going to do now is release the uh fairing and and bend it back to me bending is probably the wrong word let's say flexing oops i should have taken that off first new clock work shield don't want that uh scratch yet okay so i just want to get access to these [Applause] just want to pop it up and bend it back okay i'm gonna lower the jack a little bit still a little off the ground this bent back we have access to the bars we have to release these eventually and play around with it so let's see how we do that okay we have to take off these perch clamps one or two use a t27 i'm gonna pop these off protect it now this is where everybody on youtube goes out and buys a bottle of crown royal even if they don't drink just so they can get the bag to put this in i don't have a crown robe i don't drink crown oil so i don't have a bag i'm gonna find something else and just wrap it to protect a little uh a cloth and some paper uh painters tape uh even though i protected my tank i still just want to protect it so i'm going to remove those two real quick and then there are some zip ties that we're going to have to cut around the outside here actually no we don't even have to cut any my my row glider is zip ties that one here i guess i don't know so that then we're gonna be able to pull the uh the wires out and once that's done we could go to the riser uh pop this out and the bars will come right out these i would recommend using a hand tool on when you start using those power tools and they miss a little bit you're gonna you're gonna tear up the uh the screw and it's gonna look like so use a hand tool if you can on this just gonna loosen these all four of these and we'll be done with that one okay now that those are off we start pulling these wires through okay if any of them are giving you a problem you can lift this uh up a little bit because you don't want to you don't want to rip any of these connections so if they're not coming out you might have to either manipulate it a little bit better or i got one that's sticking a little bit it's kind of hard to do with my camera all right all right let's try this on both sides to get it out which is what i just did come on so i just did that i lifted it up to get it out so if it's cinched in there just lift it okay that's everything there it goes okay that's everything okay all my wires are out my wiring harnesses the throttle by wire and the uh power for the uh heated grips which i'll probably never use being in florida they're all out okay now turn our attention to the riser quarter-inch allen head i'm gonna pop these four out this is one of the reasons why you protect the tank if you've never done this before when you pull that last one out the bar is going to be released so expect that on that last nut if you don't protect your tank at least catch it and slowly guide it down but i would always protect the tank for you lesson learned from a previous encounter so now that's off these will pop right off let's take the top plate off of this and should be pretty uh easy to grab oh i still have that one zip tie i got to do once through the zip ties it's off so it looks like with that off this is off so some more work to do so let's get working all right you have two zip ties one here and one here it holds the clutch and brake lines a little tighter we're gonna do is cut those give us a little bit more slack to go with the increase in the bar size and then we're going to move i'll show you that part next okay we got to move this clutch this clutch cable up to this side so to do that we gotta we gotta move the fairing the outer shell okay this is the clutch it's sitting in this right here you gotta pop this out of here so we have some room and it's not gonna let me do it so easily okay that gives us a lot of room right now this has just got to run up here that's all we got to do okay we just want to disconnect this it goes from the throttle by wire to the uh heated grips so i just want to pop that off now we need to take these out before we do that we're going to loosen these up and turn that around take those off this has to come off first so let's just pop it up and push it out come on there it goes it feels like it's going to break and i'm surprised it didn't with my luck so i just want to pop that out first we want to take these out with t25s i believe i happen to have a t25 right here let's see yep it's gonna be a t25 okay when you pop off these don't back these all the way out you just want to back them out enough that you can remove it from the switch housing but not lose the screws they're still in there you can back them out but don't do that get yourself another one of these magnetic trays start putting your stuff in there separately because i kind of like separate parts of the job okay before i remove this i'm going to remove the uh throttle by wire the heat um the heating element uh remove the wire here jesus christ okay i got that or not but this just pry it off with a tiny little screwdriver there's a plug in here the plug in here has got to come out needle nose it's gonna be hard to get this on camera but i'm gonna try very close came right out nice even easier okay then take apart this grip i mean the switch housing this is just again using your little screwdriver just want to release it from here that's all there is to it this pops off this pops off and zip zip it is done okay what you want to do is kind of work it as you pull this you're pushing that one into the bar and then through it's a very hard process i'll try that video as much as i can now of course the video died battery guy just was getting it out but basically this is what you're dealing with here i'm going to pop it out and do the same thing on the other side heated grips um this has got to come out also the same exact method you're just going to push it through uh almost done pull that all the way through okay everybody want an old bar a brand new old bar okay i tried for last two hours maybe three getting the uh the wires through the bars the kst bars the way these are shaped these pathfinders it's almost impossible to get this through i've tried everything wires wire flume all kinds of everything you can imagine so i can't put an idea i'll take some solder solder wire tie a little nut around the end all right you let gravity work for me i put it in i kept moving the bar around banging the bar i got it through i was then able to string through this uh this from an old install attach it to my wires now if you don't have this you could just probably use a fishing line might work really well that's my next guess or the wire and just attach it through and i'm gonna try to pull it through now let's see if it works i think this is actually working this is unbelievable how could nobody think of this yet i might be here a millionaire all right i got it through wow i think almost yep i gotta throw okay i was about to ge i was about to give up and send these back and buy dominator bars but i got it through the install continues all right i put my glasses on see the wiring all right after a a battle of a few hours i will never do this again i'm going to get pre-wired bars next time the only real way around this is you have to d-pin some of the plugs from the harley wire wiring harness that's a i never did it before i guess there's an easier way to do it i had a hard time end up breaking the pin so i rewired it and i'll show you what i did so i just basically rewired the extension it's not the best thing at all in the world but it's for the uh for the heated grips they fail they fail i don't need them in florida but anyway i got all the wiring through got all the extensions on they came with the uh 10 inch extensions basically the only way to really do this is this is what i did well let's use this this here but i took some fishing line and put a uh basically a weight a sinker at the end of it i took a a nut and i ran it through the bars i just kept moving the bar to let the weight the sticker come through so i could lead it out i then tied some string to the end of it and i pulled the string through i then tied the string to the other end of the wire the wiring harness that had to come through you got to push and pull at the same time it's a end up getting it all in i mean i really wrestle this for hours and i put these back on make sure you put these back on you wire these the wires around the groove you'll see what i'm talking about when you open it up if you don't you gotta pinch him i'm about to try to put it back on a bike now let's see how it goes okay first time having a street glide i i was i'm not happy with the uh the way the shell comes off it's so different in the rogueline so i apparently when i pulled it up and got it out i didn't have it lined up properly what a getting it back on scratched it up a little bit too of course so i have to replace a piece anyway i got it back through i fed i fed the wires through is no problem you reconnect the four wires um you know one here one here for the power two here that we did earlier and then one here you can't even find it anyways all four are connected there's no problem with the uh slack what you want to do is tighten these two and leave these two loose so you can adjust the do that so you can adjust the slack on this i mean the the fitting now put these the uh backs back on these cover on this this you just want to use a um needle nose to put back in then i'm gonna put the clamps back on and test it all out okay i'm all done with it if you've never taken taking apart a street glide and never put on bars i would probably go to somebody else i mean i put on bars on my road glide i don't know i mean i had problems because i was learning but i tell you what a street guy creek street street glide there's a pain he asked to get that that whole fairing off and up and out of place getting back into place i don't know maybe i need more practice whatever it is that's tough in itself the bars were a you have to de-pin the plugs and then you have to run the wires through it's really hard i mean i did it it took me two days to do it and i've done a lot of upgrades i'm no expert but i did not think it was gonna be this hard so i did video put back the the uh fairing i pretty much took i mean you can see other videos on how to do that it's no different but the bars came out excellent a couple scuffs along the way um i'm gonna show you the bars real quick okay i'm gonna show you how the bars came out these are the 12-inch kst uh punisher i like them they're good they're good uh not as good as my kst spearheads but these are very good i like them so check them out let's try to look from the side they don't really come up that high which is good but one thing that you're gonna have to do see the mirrors no you can't can you they're under there so when you're riding you gotta put your head up and try to look over try to peek under it's not gonna work i got pulled over i'll tell you a minute come back to that so there's a uh an adapter that kst makes that will move the mirror down lower so your choices are either go with that or you can put new mirrors up up above quick story time i had to go over to harley because i stripped one of the bolts taking all this apart i'm on uh the highway i-95 head and harley and i'm not even driving fast i'm going 83 and i'll tell you why i know it was 83. and i was just in the hoa lane enjoy hov lane and uh i couldn't really change lanes or drive fast because i don't have mirrors so apparently fhp tried to pull me over and uh he finally pulls me over and he kept the siren on really annoying and i guess he saw my gun on my hip so um he pulls me over and he goes i have my hand down here keep your hand on the handlebar uh you have any you have a um concealed weapons permit i said i'm a sergeant with the sheriff's office he goes well i'm a sergeant with fhp you have identification so i show my identification and he still gives me well the reason why i pulled you over is because you're doing 83 and it's only 65. it's really a 70 most parts of 95. so you're doing 83 and passing people i wasn't passing anybody everybody's going 83. i'm not going to argue with the guy he's got the power to give me a ticket so he's giving me some then he finally lightened up and uh i was going to argue with him i would never do that to somebody else if i was so is another cop and i pull them over i'm a cop hey you got id no problem have a nice day and leave this guy gave me doing 83 passing people people gonna call because you got a gun on your side i'm like all right i'm a cop but anyway that was that so it's 83 miles per hour that's not even fast luckily i didn't have mirrors because if i had my mirrors i would have been you know in and out of traffic like i usually drive so that was my short story getting back to this it's a to put on if you've never done it hopefully this video helped you ask me questions if you're not sure i did it i would never do it again next time i'm gonna buy uh pre-wired bars uh it's just a the only uh difference to that is the kst spearheads are bigger bars and they're three pieces so you can actually run the wires through easily but this is not this is one piece and it's hard so that's it hope the video helps um more to come until then hit the like and subscribe and ride safe
Channel: RealRonTV
Views: 17,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harley 2022 Street Glide CVO KST Punisher Bars Install, Harley CVO handlebars, Harley CVO street glide new bars, harley handlebar install, harley handlebar installation cost, harley road glide handlebar install, harley touring handlebar install, burly handlebar cable installation kit for harley, kst handlebars, kst handlebars for road glide, kst handlebars for street glide, kst pathfinder handlebars, kst 12 inch handlebars, kst kustoms, 2021 harley davidson street glide cvo
Id: 9g1t31MyWAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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