Harissa Roasted Chicken Recipe | Ep. 1339

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Sure hope you're ready for this! I's going to be delicious! Hi guys, I'm Laura Vitale and on this episode of Laura in the Kitchen I'm - by the way, that's Laura in the Kitchen, a lot of people think I'm saying Lauren, my name is Laura. Welcome. Benvinuti, if you haven't met me before, piacere. Listen, I'm sorry, I say that really fast and a lot of people think that my name is Lauren, but it isn't. It's Laura in the Kitchen. Now that we got our introduction out of the way, I'm going to share with you how to make a delicious, beautiful, juicy, perfection Harissa Roasted Chicken. Harissa is sort of like a - it's a North African Chili paste, it's got a lot of different chilis in it, usually infused with cumin and lemon and oil, phenomenal, and you can get it anywhere now, how I know this? Because even in Italy they have it! So I feel pretty confident telling you that you can find it anywhere and you know that the interwebs is your best friend, so let me run you through the list of ingredients because it's not very big, but they're all the right ones and this will make for the most delicious roasted flavorful, spicy yummy chicken ever. The ingredients you'll need is some chicken, I like skin-on, bone-in for this. I've got some thighs and drumsticks, and like I said skin on bone in. I've got a couple of pounds here, here I've got some roughly chopped peppers, red onions, and a few cloves of garlic that I have just left whole. And then for the marinade, you will need your harissa paste along with some honey, I just put it in there so it's easier to get out, I've got fresh thyme, parsley, garlic, you'll need lemon, salt and pepper, olive oil and that's it and that's all! Easy and simple, you're going to love it because I know you will! First thing's first, before I get my hands dirty in any way, I'm going to add a little bit of olive oil to the veggies because I'm going to let these marinate, because it's all going to marinate in the roasting pan, just so that it makes my life easier when I go to pop it into the oven. Salt, pepper, olive oil, veggies are done, I will toss those in a second, let's build our marinade. Really easy, you need a couple tablespoons of olive oil, to it you're going to add your harissa paste, lovely and spicy and so full of flavor. Great color as well. You need your parsley and your thyme, and I like grating in my garlic because I like quite a strong garlic flavor. I like this, see this is a Microplane zester but it's not the fine one, it's the one that's a bit more coarse so that you don't get an actual paste, you kind of get a fine chopped garlic, if that makes sense. I like it! Add that baby right in. And then you're going to add a really good pinch of salt. And some pepper. And you're going to stir all of this together - oh, hold on. Hold on! Almost forgot a very crucial ingredient, we need some lemon, I'm going to do the juice of a whole lemon, you need a couple tablespoons, this is a small lemon but if your lemon is big fat and juicy, then a half will do. Stir all of this together, and this is your - it's like your miracle, right? This is going to give your chicken an insane amount of flavor. You just want to make sure that it's just really well coated in that marinade. And then what I'm going to do, once I'm sure that everything is really well coated in the marinade, I'm going to, well I'll show you that's what you're here for. It's what I'm here for I should say, you know? Let me just add all of that chicken in there, coat it all around, and it already smells so phenominal. Okay, now you take your chicken, I'm just going to switch to my hands because you know what? I can. Make sure it's really lovely and coated in that marinade, and you put that right on top of your vegetables. You can add potatoes to this but I'm actually going to serve this with some couscous which I'll show you later on. I'm going to do some couscous with some golden raisins in it for some sweetness to balance the heat from the spiciness of the harissa. Beautiful! Just make sure that your chicken is coated, you don't want to lose any of this marinade, so once your chicken is in the pan, you just take whatever is left and you just put that on the chicken. And now you're going to wrap this up and pop it into the fridge for a few hours. You can do this the night before, by the way, a lot of flavor that way! You be bringing the heat alright! But a few hours will do, I'll probably do about four hours, mamma has lots to do today, lots of videos to film, lots of exciting things to share with you, so I'm going to pop this into - wash my hands, I'm going to wash my hands then wrap this up, pop it into the fridge for about four or five hours and then I'll show you what it looks like before we pop it in. Alright, this has been in the fridge for about four and a half hours, I"ve got my oven preheated to 425F, I'm going to pop this in and it's going to be in there for about an hour, I'm going to show you what it looks like when it is done, your house is going to smell incredible, and we are going to make a really quick and easy couscous to go along side and it is going to be the most delicious flavorful dinner, I can't wait to eat! Story of my life: What am I going to have for breakfast? As I'm eating breakfast: What am I going to have for lunch? From lunch as soon as I start eating, until I eat dinner, the whole thought is 'hmmm, I can't wait until dinner, hmmm what am I going to eat for dinner?'. Hmmm I can't wait! I'll show you what it looks like when it's done. My chicken was in the oven for 45 minutes and it looks incredible and it smells even better and we're going to hit it with lots of fresh parsley, it's more than just a decoration, the fresh parsley once it hits the heat, it really becomes one with the chicken and the sauce, I don't know how to explain it. In here, what I've got is my couscous. All I did is I took some couscous, a pinch of salt, some smoked paprika, a little bit of lemon zest and some golden raisins. I put that in a bowl, I covered it with about a half an inch or so of water, and then I'm going to fluff it up with a fork and I just cover it with a plate but you can also use some plastic wrap. The golden raisins add a lovely sweet note to this, which is lovely with the spicy chicken, so it's kind of phenomenal together. If you serve this with a dollop of delicious tangy yogurt, or even some creme fresh, it would be heaven. Which I'm going to do yogurt because that's what I always have on hand. Look at that! I really need a non slotted spoon. Mmm! I'm going to borrow this fork. Look at this! That's a dinner I want tonight! Tomorrow night, the night after, you know what I'm saying. Smells divine. Kind of falls right off the bone, so. Easy! Mmm! No words! I need a chunk of pepper though. A little bit of onion. Little bit of couscous. I like to have a bite of everything together, do you know what I mean? The spiciness of the chicken is so on point, it's unbelievable. I will just embarrass my self if you keep watching me eat. That is like heaven on a plate for me. I love everything about it, I love the ease of it, I love the flavor, I love how the chicken just falls right off the bone. I love the spiciness of it, the sweetness of the couscous, it's a match made in food heaven. LauraintheKitchen.com has got you covered with the recipe. Please give this a try this weekend because you will love it. And if you don't like things really spicy, take the heat from one tablespoon of the paste to one tablespoon and it will be perfect. I hope you have enjoyed spending time with me and I will see you next time, bye.
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 115,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, harissa, roasted chicken, one pan, one pan recipes, baked chicken, one pot wonder, one pot recipe, easy baked, easy chicken, easy recipes, easy recipe, recipe, cook, cooking, how to cook, how to make chicken, harissa recipe, easiest baked chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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