Hardin Gives Tessa Her Perfect Day | After We Collided

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happy belated you've already got me a gift true but you had to Snoop around and open it without me thus denying me the pleasure of watching you react to said gift therefore Tessa's perfect day what's my perfect date well that's for you to decide whatever your wish or desire I will agree to without any snide remarks or Tantrums your time starts in three two one isn't this nice I always wanted to go ice skating great I'm loving it are you okay yeah yeah just Tad Rusty when was the last time you skated I've never skated before do you want me to get you a walker no okay oh it's okay it's okay are you okay yep do you want to stop no we're here to have Harden I have a better idea 's tension just melt away it's not the pose melting this tension always to hitch [Music] and slowly press back into your downwards did anyone ever tell you do you have the most amazing butt Now find a partner and let's slowly move into salon by sarvangasana excuse me is this beginner's yoga that was at 10 30. this is Acro yoga and then lift them up in towards the ceiling breathe together inhale lift your arms overhead and as you exhale Lean Forward allow your partner's weight to Lean Into You slowly because even wider [Music] is Yoga supposed to be a diamond are you turned on what can we leave them no that's good [Music] wait just give me five minutes okay I just need to get [Music] thank you
Channel: Amazon Prime Video UK & IE
Views: 112,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video UK, Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime UK, Amazon Video, Amazon Video UK, Amazon Original Series, Amazon Instant Video, Prime Instant Video, hardin and tessa, hessa, after, after we collided, after we collided hero fiennes tiffin, after we collided tessa and hardin, tessa and hardin perfect day, tessas perfect day, tessa and hardin best bits, hardin and tessa cute moments, hardin and tessa moments, after we collided full movie
Id: k1aTo2oqORo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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