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so you dudes probably remember like two months ago Stephen made us a map a challenge map this time the Dom has done hello dolphin Dom boat can I call you boat your boat okay let's do it so he has made eight different level okay Dom what do we got here huddle I mean let me Nate can i name this can i name this yeah that's a good name I appreciate it also uh he put use coats on dxt in the fork knife fork knife shop also I use code dolphin Dom because he is lit - okay and also we got a nice little light goal here Dave that's what but your thumbs that's like a decrepit walking beside like a big is that dude wrong is my phone the super duper heckle it Pham squad dabbing light goal is to do - did you do because I really like to like like twos all rhyme so here's the deal if you guys want Dov to make another one of these maths later on depending on if this is good or not hit that like button down below - - do you also use code Sunday XD or dolphin Dom in the item shop let's do this eight rounds Dom please don't make me cry Dom do do I have to I don't want to go down there you have to sorry if you catch this football I don't have to go down there yeah number one so there's eight right yes there's fam lit hint Oh check Oh Oh dag was that this booby dude why are you so spoopy if I can't be oh gosh I don't like it okay fam lint fam lit hit the thing he doesn't have anything to do with the other thing pretty good here right dolphin were you dropped on your head as a child oh wait a couple times okay in phosphonate hold on I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this Dom I got this dawg okay so throw this and throw that why is it throwing me that way due to my am I on the right path here I'm on the right path don't you lie to me don't you like I can smell your foot what I'm not lying not lying here we go so I gotta throw this jump and throw this oh I was I definitely got to get up that hole let me look around before I start you know before I start going crazy ooh what Chris shut up so I just got it I got a time it right hold on so if I do this jump do this oh I got it I got to write for it Dom tell me I'm a genius tell me I'm smart genius say it with a menacing voice ready you're one-eighth of genius cause it's one-eighth one-eighth of the map and I already beat it oh dude go dude all right if I make it on this attempt you guys gotta hit that like button [Laughter] one utility later we have three hours of 41 minutes left we had to restart the map because he used up all 33 hours oh definitely all right number two fam lit hint number two the thing he does have something to do with this other thingy you were dropped on your head as a kid weren't you aliquots okay so on this side we have a three and a one so there's three paths and on this side we have a two what I let's go over to the tube what is that noise why is that a thing ah nice booby hold on hold on over here I'm hearing a difference hold on hold on hold on wait wait number one and number two are the same no they're not I don't choose on the opposite side I'm going to go down low is there a reason why I for number two specifically because on that side by itself thought process of unit number two is on that side by itself three and one are on this side table you did it that's my reasoning get over okay I'll go into we got it we got it we got it we got it easy yeah if you want I can be your little test oh no no I got this I got this I got my last resort this is easy easy easy easy he's easy top sort of a foot I'm not afraid wait what is son of a foot be like a toe I think actually no a son of a foot would be a toenail because toes give birth to nails nailed it dude I'm out I'm an old dumb cheese on that side why did you put two by itself if it was wrong he's no reasoning that is not the reasoning remember like when you hit that thing and then I had a Simon that thingy does it have anything to do with this thing oh throw a football at it wow cheater this is one it's one so you mad stuff this sound good dum dee-dum 200 IQ minus 200 could use dropped on his head as a kid oh okay dude if your mom watches this video she's gonna hate me whoever beats this Matt first you gotta subscribe to their YouTube channel burden that this second whoever beats the second level person you have to subscribe to their YouTube channel [Music] go step - Dom - you go show Dom some love go subscribe you lose foot yay okay fam lit hint number three you don't want to be a dolphin PS boats float bow go get in the water I'm gonna jump on you BOGO get in the water man jump on you and he's dead Oh hold on Dom I'm trying to read that sign over there give me a minute that's Justin everything to do it what you need to do hold on I'm trying to read that sign it's not working I'll give you a little bit of a starting hint okay you died how is that a starting him wait I hit up I hit a thing hold on I hit a thing you did oh wait why are you floating because it's an applied for oh you gotta jump from platform to platform to find him I found it through dollar genius call me a genius Tom call me Sam you're two eights of a genius listen boat I'm creative know if we're not dead with the look 3 ok hold on alright Bo you choose the next one you choose the next one how'd you know this point I really don't know where to go okay follow me follow me follow me it's straight its straight its straight Dom you got a file you got to trust me here I want to read that side if that sign doesn't say something awesome about liking this video subscribing I'm never gonna talk to you again okay hold on right there Oh what oh no I don't know where to go I think it was this way and then it's diagonally to the right I heard it's not dum-dum it's not a wait I think I should keep it if you see this remember to hit that like button with your forehead why are you like this okay I think this one is diagonal yeah yes okay I got it I got I got I got a hit dude I'm almost there Dom can I use the teleport button No well found it Oh go okay okay non Fernet if you see this remember to hit that like button with your bow hat dumb wear that if there did you know terrifying that is being this far oh dang is non front we're gonna have to go that way aren't we okay just keep following the path oh wait what how dumb I hope you fall on a foot so this is where I died okay but why I don't know maybe you don't know you really close the edge this is okay it's right there how can I make it can I make it look you're right on the edge technically oh goes all the way there we did oh no that was miserable dude don't ever do that again for fam lit hint number four skirt skirt this isn't a hit I just wanted a reason to say skirt skirt skirt you were dropped on your head as a kid weren't ya okay I can do this I can do this is easy this is easy this is easy I've been training is it I've been training is it ready ready Oh cramp cramp whoever gets up there first is gooder gooder admit was it no I said no I said I said no I said I said I said no drift boards has got to go what what was that Dom did you have a mild stroke when you were typing this listen this is your map if you can't beat it before the player oh my god Dom no family so we can't use drift boards on this next one because you had a mild stroke it FEM lit hint number five boom sauce what is wrong with you oh this is easy oh I get it oh here we go here we go check this out check this out check this out ready ready easiest number of my life dude [Music] yeah I did it on a first try number four it took two tries like you even did number five on your first try so it's definitely easy go try it in why did you beat this one at one try dude what happened why is it's taking you two tries do it won't we turn the comment section I see you now Russell Gannett there's a bee Russell's gonna edit everything out except for this part that's your family this entire challenge puzzle map and you're failing I had one try alright number six whoa quick why are you shooting at a family number family hit number six sneaky sneaky pew pew you have to die oh I don't want to die huh do you fan if I sneak wise if I sneak if only that was still thing so what do I do let you die you instantly died Nicky sneaky sneaky sneaky I can't build you view when you say a gun wait hold on you thought sneaky sneaky did it work your pew I have to die now sneaky sneaky wait watch how does that work it's cuz when you spawn you have like a minute a little couple seconds that's like vulnerability I took a bullet to the knee okay okay okay I have it voter building I have a voter ability how long do you have invulnerability for not too long not too long that is sick dude okay here I go here I go out I made it yes okay I'm going up I'm out of here I'm out of here oh no my dad I thought I was gonna give me fall damage fam lit hit number seven there is no hint ok so just drop it this is why Dom okay so I just gotta drop it oh no I draw four why oh I don't know what okay gotta go here gotta go here gotta go here easy easy easy easy easy oh oh wait how big is this thing not too big have you beat this yet yeah once in the past but perhaps you mean like twelve hours ago what is that is the blue is the blue layer at the bottom the end of it mm-hmm Oh close make sure you hit the little thingy at the bottom oh so you're not gonna be one happy camper yeah they launched the jump pad is it a jump at our bounce pad is it a balance pan it's a pinball machine is it is it it is dang Dom tested and proven to us induce rage yeah I can see that oh no you didn't make it you made it of course I did no you did it I did oh dude I was close now where's that pinball machine thing you'll see all right here we go whoo go I got this this this attempt right here I don't No do you go straight okay okay so I gotta go I gotta go left and then go straight okay I see it I say so I gotta go straight and then go back oh dude this is easy Davo to beat this match if I beat this map right here you guys got a foot somebody gets it crap you guys don't have to put you guys don't have to put my try this side you beat it on this side so this sides obviously easier that's just Matt is it really okay I made it to the green okay if I can beat this one dude you have to go to every single one of my videos and like them okay it's a lot of effort dude just you got you it's the math yeah here we go here we go here we go dude how do you get enough momentum to go that way oh right when you get to the green no I'm going straight I'm trying to go forward huh it's ro no it's not wrong correct you're wrong this is your 5% there's two little things oh oh so I go left okay we gotta gotta gotta got I got I got I got to do this is gonna be a this is if it's it if I beat it this chart turn you gotta hit that like button Wow okay okay that one down one didn't count that one didn't count I know he's a lot hurt okay okay right here and have to wait gonna go right go left oh I almost got it dude oh this is quick man quick maths okay here we go if I get it this time you guys gotta hit that like button not again because if you did it again it'll unlike the video drop down then hit right done why do you hate me I just hate love torturing you that's nice drop rate here hit right hit left hit left hit left oh oh dude this is sick I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it are you dumb if I make this you got to give me $200 okay hold of you oh dude okay so I was on the W tract about my a I need it can you can you put boost in my a key um that's how it works trust me download a crazy craft okay okay okay here we go I keep hitting my shoulder dude can you remove half of my shoulder - you just make just make me small oh here we go here we go boys we're in all day get free get ready um yeah right do it again I'm so glad I hit that so this is the last one right yes fam lit hint number eight bruh I'm totally making some map game out of this is this is that a hint Oh storms oh no I already did a parkour map like this doing it yet okay okay okay so you got to go to this side I remember this and as soon as it hits you run so you have a full path to go and hard okay got it got it nailed it nailed it nail it and then oh it was close what is this one just a whole long hallway up do okay so it restarts on that side okay okay soon as that goes I'm running Dom follow me no ha and then go and then go to the right go to the right what's it resets that is so stressful all that it oh crap now I got to do it all over again Dom you're sadist I don't hope you I hope you trip on a Lego it's easy that's about it easy your foots easy oh no dumb Oh alright I'm gonna do this I got this I got this I kind of like this is he's pretty cool and go [Laughter] [Music] that was still a stressful winter winter you smell like my dinner that last challenge is to come in a dolphin or boat emoji in the comment section hehe or code Sunday XD in the item shop 1 you know what do the last one again get out of here it is just coach dolphin Dom in that in the item shop is also acceptable alright alright Damas these days listen we're gonna add this here if you guys want dog to make another one of these and make them better because Dom I can make good things hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button movie and eat of our channels hit that little bail are you gonna make it up you're gonna make it [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,933,807
Rating: 4.9255829 out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, sunde, ssunde, sundee, fortnite, fortnite course, fortnite impossile, cizzors, hard fortnite, fortnite impossible course, fortnite solve, fortnite puzzle
Id: q8NussILWuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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