Hardcore Apple Fan Returns Apple Vision Pro.

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as someone who cried during the Apple Vision Pro presentation because I realized how incredible this technology was going to be I am returning my Apple Vision Pro and I'm going to be telling you why in this video now some important things to note as we get into this I'm a big apple nerd I have a Macbook I have an iMac I have an iPhone I have an iPad uh I even have old Apple things like this iPod Nano just because I I I love apple and and so me returning an Apple product is a pretty big deal and also Al useful information to know is I am a full-time Creator uh I edit videos I'm on my computer a ton I also game a lot uh and don't necessarily watch a lot of TV shows or movies I'm more of a gamer um and so for me with purchasing this device the idea in my head was I'll be able to use it and cast my MacBook screen up be able to edit videos with this I can have all these multiple screens around and then when I get back home I can also put this headset on and even though I know there is isn't necessarily gaming it wasn't really advertised you could do console gaming I had a whole plan with this to use like a capture card and different things like that or even just cloud gaming on this was part of the the wants on this so for me there'd be a lot of time I'd be spending in this headset and having all those multiple screens it would actually be a good deal for me to get this because now I don't have to have multiple monitors set up I can take my monitors with me and I get this ridiculously big screen for playing video games on and when I do watch a movie or a TV show I've also got this adjustable screen I can take with me so I had like multiple use cases of of wanting this and because I'm a Creator this would technically be a write off so that' be awesome too so yeah let's uh dive into the issues with this headset the first and foremost that people need to understand is the field of view on the headset there's probably quite a lot of you right now watching all the fun videos online where people have screens pinned across their house and ooh there's Cool Sports experiences or someone's a DJ doing cool DJ stuff and you'll see all those and it looks like wow you are really immersed you you just look around it's just like you're looking around in real life and you see all these things that is not the experience you see and what the cameras show when someone screen recording is not what your eyes even see uh when you're looking through this headset because of the field of view now I actually did a video on my main Channel covering the field of view as it relates to video editing but basically you've got got your screen that you can resize and you can make it gigantic but with the field of view you have this black outline if you ever worn a Quest 2 or any kind of VR headset you know what I'm talking about there's this giant black edges going around the screen and it's just kind of like a spotlight that you can see through and turn your head around in but not only that but on the headset outside of those black big circle of the spotlight that you have to look through about about like 10 to 20% around that black spot is blurred and warped to where all that's in focus is directly down the center of this headset so if I make a big screen for video editing I literally have to turn my head around the screen to be able to look at the different elements whereas with a computer if I'm just looking down on my computer I can just move my eyes around the screen and be able to look at all my different editing elements for this because of that field of view I literally have to turn my head to look at everything and it's just not a good experience even if you're watching TV shows and movies and you want to make that giant movie theater screen again you're going to have that same problem the center of your video will be clear but the corners and some of the sides are going to be blurred out and you'll literally have to turn your head to see the different parts of your TV show or movie as they happen so make sure to actually go into a store try it on see if you like that field of view put on a quest two see if you like that field of view because it's pretty darn similar to that that I've got a quest two over on the shelf and I it doesn't feel necessarily too different than that the next count we can talk about is weight and don't don't don't go and think that I'm going to say what everyone else has said I actually think that this is very usable with weight on your head like it feels like a quest to it doesn't feel like oh my word I have neck pain and all these problems like I'm not that person but I am using the the double strap and I think that is needed but I mean weight in the sense is that you are wearing a headset on your face and that weight is noticeable and I can definitely wear the headset for a while and not be an issue but I am going to consider what I'm going to do because there is going to be that bit of weight on me versus like I could just use my phone and look something up on Safari versus going on my headset and opening Safari or like if I want to look something up on the computer like if I'm looking at a car to buy which I was doing I went to my phone or my iPad or my MacBook to look at cars I didn't naturally go to this it was my second thought oh why don't I try looking at uh buying used cars through my headset but it was a whole lot more steps and I have to deal with this weight on my head and I also can't you know it's kind of weird to talk to my wife in the headset like the weight isn't bad but it is noticeable enough to where now it's like if I'm going to edit in this edit videos or I want a game or I want to watch content I'm going have to deal with this little bit of weight on my head which is it's just going to feel present there and I'm going to have this field of view issue and then the third problem here is that when you are connected to a Macbook and you are casting your screen up there's there's actually two issues with this the first is is that the screen resolution does not look 4K when you are casting your MacBook screen and making it bigger for video editing or productivity or anything like that if I put a Vision Pro app like Safari or messages or anything next to my MacBook casting I think the vision proos apps look like 4K whereas the MacBook casting screen looks like 1080p so like the icons on the bottom of the screen all look pretty blurry um the the text can be somewhat difficult to read depending how far away that uh virtual screen is from your actual eyes like it it is not razor sharp when casting your MacBook and making it a big screen and then problem number two is you can only have one screen casted from your MacBook I can't have a three video monitor setup of just my MacBook I can only have one of it and then I can open up Vision Pro apps next to it but that's it um so if I want to have my finder window and I want also you know Chrome or Safari open so I can add music in and different other elements can't do that I can only have one window open in front of me and one of the main reasons I got it is because for my work for my job as a content creator I'm editing a lot and that's where that would have been useful but it wasn't built in there or maybe just the M2 Chip can't handle having three adjustable MacBook screens all hooked up so I'm locked to one screen it looks like it's 1080p I have a little bit of weight on my head I've got the field of view problem you can see how all these problems start to add up moving on to problem number five is that for gaming I had a whole thing where I was going to do a capture card connected to the MacBook because uh when you are connected to the MacBook and you're editing like it's fluid it's very responsive your your mouse moves really quickly you don't notice lag or anything so I thought if I cook took took my Xbox and connected it to my MacBook with a capture card and then cast my screen into ample Vision Pro I would be able to game constantly and there was lag so I wouldn't be able to actually do that so then I thought oh well maybe I'll just do cloud gaming for Xbox turns out you can't do that as well when you go into Safari and you try to make the Xbox cloud gaming app and you know do the little add to home screen like you do on an iPhone or an iPad or anything like that it won't allow you to do it you cannot add it at add it to your home screen there's no app for Xbox cloud gaming so you just can't do Xbox cloud gaming there is there is steam linking uh and people have done that but even if you go to cloud gaming route and even if I did get that hooked up you're going to run into the same issue where if you don't have incredible internet it's going to be laggy uh if you're not a fiber internet person which I'm not uh and I have used cloud gaming you're going to have that delay uh which is going to affect your gameplay and that's just not going to be pleasant uh when I did game on uh with mobile apps on the Vision Pro and had a controller hooked up and was just doing some of the Apple arcade games like ocean horn 2 um or the Sasquatch game like those were really responsive um and it it felt amazing to game on that but if I'm going to be spending this much money on this like viewing experience I want to be able to console game with this headset and right now it does not seem feasible unless they figure out some way of getting an HDMI to work with apple Vision Pro I don't even know what that would look like but with all those reasons it's like I can't do this on my regular day-to-day of work I can't count counil game on this so when am I wearing this headset and then even still like this is like a $4,000 to $5,000 device okay because you're not going to buy this without Apple Care and Apple Care is 500 bucks plus you got to pay taxes plus depending on who you are like you're going to buy the additional storage not just going to do 256 gigabytes you're probably going to get 512 or a terabyte before you know it you're going to be close to $5,000 for this device that is giving you all these these negative things and in my head it's like for like 600 bucks I can get a steam deck and play all my Steam games and take it wherever I want and it has its own battery um and it's portable cool if I really want a big screen uh for watching movies I can buy a projector like a Samsung projector for 900 bucks that's portable and I can take everywhere with me and a portable screen if I want all for under the the the price of of the headset and I get it the reason this is expensive is because it is so Advanced and you're controlling things with your eyes and touching and for that it's incredible like this is so far ahead it's an amazing device uh and I give Apple credit for that because this is literally the future it will be the future even if it's not there yet but for me it didn't have enough use cases and you know what to be honest I'm I'm going to say this you can technically order the Apple Vision Pro and you have 14 days to return it so if you want to just get this try it out for a bit if you don't like it return it you can do that because that's what I did I pre-ordered it came uh I got it Friday it's been about like 3 to 5 days now now um and now I'm returning it uh because it wasn't for me and I had a ton of time to try it out and see if it was applicable for me so maybe at least do that if you are considering getting this device and you're watching this video on someone who's returning it maybe just get the device try it for a few days and you can return it uh and get all your money back uh with no stocking fee uh because it's Apple so yeah maybe maybe do something like that or do the demo in the the Apple store before you actually hop on this device let me know thoughts in the comments if you want to see another example of me using this I'll leave that video link down below so you can go check it out uh and with that we'll end the video
Channel: Collin Michael (Part 2)
Views: 6,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j9LEPjif6yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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