HARD TINT JOB 4 SHOPS TURNED DOWN. FORD F-150 Easiest Headlight / Tail Light Tint To Use

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what's going on guys all right so today I'm here to wrap some Ford f-150 headlights now the customer came in I mentioned that he went to three or four different shops and they said they wouldn't do them now that's probably because they're using wet application film to do these headlights in what application film is going to be quite difficult now because we have this protrusion right here which is very difficult actually but today I'm gonna show you how to wrap these headlights and I don't turn down a job because I always I'm always up for the challenge today we're using Vivid's air released headlight tints tail light tints and I'll put a link in the description below to where you can buy this film and some of the tools that I'm using today so today I have a have a magnetic tape measure that's just a soft tape measure I'll put a link to this also and you can actually contour it really well and it doesn't scratch the paints or anything like that so it's very soft so I know that these headlights are less than 30 inches and I know that they are about their pouts 12 inches tall 13 inches tall so I'm gonna cut I cut the piece already about 15 inches tall and 60 inches long because we're gonna cut the length of the film because vivid air release headlight and taillight tint comes at 60 inches which is amazing so we can actually get two lights out of one 16 inch or 15 inch strip and because they're actually considerably less than 30 inches is about 25 so it gives us plenty of room on the ends now we're gonna prep this and then we're gonna wrap it alright so it's actually quite warm right now he just pulled in I'm hoping to get these done in about 45 minutes or so to do these in what application would be it is next to impossible because of this because we're gonna be using dry application filled with air release this is going to be possible now so that is really cool because we can push the limits of what we can actually do with wrap with technology that's built into wrap nowadays so let's get to it I'm gonna I'm gonna prep the surface I'm gonna mask off the exterior so I'm gonna mask off the exterior right now so what we want to do is we always want to mask off the surrounding area this just helps because that when it's very hot like this the film is going to get very sticky so whatever is around the outside it's going to it's gonna want to bond to or stick to you right away what why we want to put masking tape here so that we can alleviate all the tension on the edges when we go to before we cut it's very important so actually also zoom in for you so you can see this protrusion here so give me a second here now I know just from my experience I know that the vinyl is gonna hit here right away okay this this actually sticks out from the headlight the headlight is back about an inch at two inches or so so I have to mask off this pretty good because I want the vinyl I want the tint to slide off of this area when I go to route so I just want to mask a boat there so now it's not gonna stick to this bottom edge as I pull it in it's a very important thing to remember to do so you want to always mask off the surrounding area you might ask why I don't have the hood open I don't need the hood open because we're just when we trim we cut right along the edge it's it's a translucent film so we don't need to worry about wrapping all the way around the edges and stuff like that because we're wrapping it over a clear clear lens right so we're not gonna actually see any color variance around the edge so don't go too nuts as far as like how far in you're gonna wrap all you want to do is trim it around the edge we will get all into that when when I start wrapping it it's like 9 million degrees again here today so we've got a bunch of work to do actually so but because it's just been so hot I've been set behind stress the leaks looking good I can't believe it's this hot and in Toronto right now but it is so cool that's about all we need to do as far as that goes when it comes to prepping the surface I use isopropyl alcohol 70% now if you have aftermarket lights this can crack the the plastic gets cheap plastic so we have to be careful when we're doing stuff like this Vivat does have a actual cleaner that's a little bit less abrasive and it's it's great for aftermarket lights so you can actually use it on that and it'll be totally finding it's called blank surface remover I'll put a link in the description below again so if you want that again this isopropyl alcohol I'll put this in the link in the description below too if you want it you can pick it up at Walmart's or wherever so we're going to clean it thoroughly I'm also going to go around the edges afterwards because I want the edges to be contaminant free also I have to bring my heat gun over I didn't bring that over yet so obviously we want to get off like insects and stuff like that right because it's gonna show through cool so I'm just gonna do a video on the one light possibly show you what they both look like when they're finished but we only need to do a video on one since you'll be able to get the idea after one light so we're always ensuring those edges are super clean or it the edges in the end if we have tension on the edges that's like that's bad to have tension on the edges but if you do have a bit of tension on the edge and it's not clean you're it's certain for failure so all right let me grab my heat gun and I thought the vinyl already cut give me two seconds here [Applause] perfect alright and they grab the piece so this truck is not magnetic whatsoever I'm not sure if the the bed itself is but I don't believe so so actually let me just get you in here so you can see this protrusion and see how drastic this is this is a really sharp angle all right that is a pretty heavy angle look at the drop down on the front right it's very it's very steep we can't just bridge that gap and stretch the vinyl in it will fail doesn't even matter if it's air released hint or not so I'll explain what we're gonna do this comes down to more technique so what I'm going to do I'll zoom in a bit for you guys is lay the vinyl in up to this area and then stretch it over the sides are not so bad I can actually draw the film into these sides as I stretch it across so we're starting from this side and bringing the film this way this will make a tremendous difference in its durability so number be afraid of failure right we don't want to be afraid but we do want to make sure that this lasts you have to try to push limit what we don't want to do in with this film also is put our hands behind the actual vinyl because it will show our fingerprints all right so you can see I've have some of the backing on still just helps and now what I'm going to do push it right up to there see now I have zero tension in this area exactly what you want this I can fix up afterwards so I'm actually just gonna flatten it out a little bit perfect what I'm gonna do now heat the film alright [Music] [Applause] I'm not so focused at the end here I want I don't want to heat too much near the ends of that of the light itself right so another trick to this is what I'm going to do is is lift the bottom up and then lay the film in like this from this side so I do need to heat it a bit more also a good post heat we can't heat too too much it's plastic but a good post heat will also help ensure that the vinyl doesn't pull back [Applause] [Applause] now could I do some kind of an inlay or a senior could probably try I've never tried it with the tints so but I'm not going to [Applause] so again I'm pushing the film in here and it's coming in from the bottom right because I'm alleviating attention [Applause] [Applause] err at least works well [Applause] then we're not putting our hands behind the the film bad bad idea [Applause] over here we gotta really got a release attention [Applause] have no movement in the film which is exactly what we want let me get to the edges and now let's do the top this is really so what I can do here is actually relief cut right and I have a tape there to protect the outer area also so not only does the tape allow the vinyl to slide off but it also protects the area all right so it's super hot [Applause] again we're going to the same thing over here we're gonna hold the vinyl up [Applause] just work it around slowly okay [Applause] honestly a few content if you can tint these lights your your master I would say I'm not calling myself master but these are these are hard tip these are hard headlights to ripped it since they're not easy if you could do these in wet application oh man like all the all the power to you alright so I'm going to pull back a little bit here I'm not liking so much where it's at there we go [Applause] try to use my finger because it's a little bit softer and gets into that that crevice there a lot a little bit nicer than the squeegee and then once I get it going I can use a squeegee perfect you see why you want to leave yourself a little bit extra on the edges because you need to grab them and not put your hands behind the film [Applause] I could've I could have left a little more up top [Applause] until Gamera coming in from the bottom first we're going in to that recess first [Applause] what am I like ten minutes in I'll even that bad all right pull back a little bit to wash it out all right let's just finish this off if we can all right I have one last bend over here [Applause] I have to stretch it around the bend of it so that I get the pull in at the top this little top section right here again before we cut we're always we're always alleviating the tension on the edges so I've got the tape right that's some air stuck in there stilts get it out there we go it's easy just squeezing it out that's it I just dropped what wrap stick flex all right so we're gonna trim this so we can get our relief all right so I got some tension right in this area here all we want to do is just like lately with a fresh blade run your blade along the edge of the edge of that okay it's not it's all rocket science you don't want to push hard pushing hard will end up cutting through the tape Andres grazing it with a fresh blade [Applause] okay these are these are wrapped right now so this is wrapped I'm going to go over the edges with heatin so especially over here make sure nothing there's no movement so it's actually doing exactly what I want it to shrinking itself around the edge [Applause] speed it up a little bit there's like some kind of weird line in the actual head layer itself it's like it's like it has a PPF on it but I don't think it does [Applause] [Music] about one bubble here they're released to error least to okay we're using an air release tool to get rid of that bubble again in the description below it's there for you want it [Applause] now we're going to go over this make sure it's nice and settled everything feels nice and tight over the whole thing right now [Applause] before we cut we're gonna let it cool very importance also you know I know we don't want to cut hot film that's just bad you know it'll actually drag your blade will start dragging and I'll caught up with the heat gun cord here [Applause] cool let that cool slightly and then I'm gonna trim it out and probably start trimming it out right around now depending on where I start that's go here so for a trim you know back of the blade on the edge okay simple this is not this is not the difficult parts alright super easy then we're gonna go over the edge off to words obviously we're gonna make sure it's all locked in and sealed down very important again but again this is not this is not a rocket science this part okay so I should have left myself a little bit more on the bottom here it's folded in and it's gonna be a little bit difficult to cut I can't grab it I'm gonna be able to always grab it a little bit this way I can make a straight cut there we go so we're just finding a nice space to run our blade I want to grab onto the film so I can keep it straight if your cut doesn't end up so free those you're like doing this for the first time because doesn't end up perfectly straight you actually don't even notice it because the film being translucent right so I'm going over at clear lens again you just always want to this is a good time to practice doing straight cuts like a hot knife through butter sit literally this is how easy it should be to cut through it body position is very important all right and if you have seals around the light be careful you don't want to push too hard what's up buddy what's that tinting yeah are you got a haircut he recognized here I'm just doing a video on the headlight tense here alright so we're gonna finish this off right now take your time when you're coming around the corners and stuff it's not it's not a rush it's not a race that should be all of it there we are now what do we do I take our heat gun go over the whole thing all of these edges should basically curl down we want them nice and hot curl it all down [Applause] so those who are asking what percent tint this is this is not a percentage of tints this is just there's no there's no labeled percentage of tints it's just light smoke and dark smoke that's what vivid has so this as far as blocking light output goes we're probably looking at like maybe 2% not even we use our squeegee when we can't get our hands there [Applause] awesome let's peel off the tape and let you guys have a look or in I took about 20 minutes I think but all right so this is pretty cool I'm probably one of the first to actually tint these in one piece I'm not sure how I people have actually tinted these before like I said the gentleman was turned down quite a bit we did tint them and it turned out really really good it's gonna make a little relief cut here for this tad little bit there we go there we go so yes as simple as that guys is actually not that hard once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy to tint lights so we can look at that one then we can look at the one across so you can see the difference it actually gonna add a really nice aggressive look to the front end is it legal nope but will you ever get pulled over for that probably not it's not like it's that noticeable looks awesome huh oh yeah and let's do them in so we can get in to see this area here so you can see all that all right it'll wipe off a little bit you can see that whole area right there right check it all around so you can see by cutting it off at the edge that you don't actually notice a difference where the edge ends and that's it guys so I'll do the other one right now and that's it so if you guys are looking at int your headlights it is as easy as doing it like that if you want to buy this film again link in the description below along with the measuring tape and whatever else you need to get the job done guys if you like the video do not forget to hit the subscribe button and give it a thumbs up I appreciate you watching thank you take care
Channel: undefined
Views: 446,553
Rating: 4.8465719 out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to wrap a car, how to wrap, how to vinyl wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, vinyl wrap, tint, how to tint, tint light, light tint, Taillight Tint, headlight tint, window tint, smoke tint light tint, how to tint lights, Vvivid Vinyl, Avery, 3m, 3m 1080, APA, Oracal, Hexis, KPMF, dip your car, dyc, paint protection, ppf, vinyl, wrap, car
Id: nFk0vh-tTmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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