Hard Dollar Webinar: Primavera P6 and HD Scheduling Integration

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Oh my name is Patrick getting in with innovative management solutions and I'm senior sales representative today we'll have Brad Barth from hard dollar joining us and we're going to review the integration between primavera and hard dollar to show you how your estimates can move into your projects and then that can give you some earn value information and better reporting than the products in the applications working on their own a few housekeeping items before we get started we're going to be answering questions at the end of the webinar and if you have any questions during the webinar please send the menus in the go-to webinar panel which would be typically on the right hand side of your screen we'll open the line up during the Q&A portion dads are all additional questions and also this webinars can be recorded and posted to the IMS website you will be sent links to that sometime in the next week so that you can access it and share it with others that's about all on that so I'll hand it over to Brad and do let him introduce himself real fast Thank You Patrick so somebody who's Brad Barth my role at hard dollar is in product strategy and really helping our customers and potential customers map their requirements to to what our product does and you know so so we're very excited to be here and Patrick thanks for for having us we're excited to kind of show you what what our integration with Primavera brings brings to the market so we're gonna keep this simple we're going to you can see the agenda on the screen we're going to provide a brief overview of what project cost management means and the terminology that we're using Brad's going to run through a couple of slides to show you what how hard dollar and Primavera work together and then I believe he's going to show a demonstration of the tools working together to get some good reporting information when we get to the end we'll open it up for questions and we'll hear from you one more there oh I forgot the IMS part so okay so innovative management solutions we're a solutions provider for the project management and project controls market we have offices in Dallas in Houston Texas and we provide services all over North America we've been a primavera partner for over 18 years we're involved in the creation of the enterprise application a long time ago and we helped many companies implement the application and learn how to use it and deploy it throughout their organizations the services we offer our software training implementation staff augmentation we can host the application we also are an Oracle partner for Business Process Outsourcing which is a recent addition to the Oracle bag of tricks and essentially it's Primavera in software as a service model and we're one of three partners in North America who can do that so that's a little bit about ims we like working in project controls and helping people see what's going on in their organizations so I'll let Brandon and his hard dollar and get on with the show great thanks Patrick and were as I said excited to be working with IMS and let's take you through really a rundown a few slides here on hard dollar and what we do and who we do it for and then we'll spend the bulk of our time in the live product and showing you all the good stuff in action so this first slide really just talks about you know a little bit of background on hard dollar we invented the category project cost management or PCM back in 2008 and since then we've really been growing quite rapidly and and really sort of having carved out that niche we were finding a lot of customers that are finding a gap between their ERP system or financial system and their scheduling system and that's a gap that hard to autofills nicely so you see some of the customers that are currently using the hard dollar application all over the world we are managing our customers or I should say are managing a very large volume of projects and are we're showing some of the larger customers here but we have customers that range from you know a few people to you know 20,000 employees enough and everything in between so what is project cost management this this graphic here kind of shows how we fit in to the rest of the world as I mentioned scheduling and finance systems as you can see in blue there are obviously key to anybody that's project focused and managing projects and where hard dollar fits in is the yellow boxes are so we provide the estimate and the cost model we also provide the ability to track progress through the project and everything that goes along with that which will we'll get into more detail here and all the way over to the far left is something that activity that goes on before any of that happens which typically is a design may be some quantity takeoff and and lots of systems out there that do those sorts of things our view of project cost management is we have to support all of that all of that data whether it's coming from our own systems for cost modeling and estimating and progress or whether it's coming from primavera for your financial system from your your design systems we need to bring all that together and give you visibility to all that information ok so so some of the things we do with that is we help you do cost models for estimates budgets feasibility studies etc we help you measure progress of the project in terms of everything from earned value to calculating percent completes and roll ups as well as forecasts so what are we what are we expecting cost to come in at what are we expecting productivity man-hours etc to come in uh skipped one the slide there so when we talk about estimating let's just real quick kind of set the stage lots of ways to develop estimates hard dollar our legacy is in estimating we started there twenty years ago and we pretty much have the book on that in terms of you know supporting just about every way you can think of to do estimates so whether it's using historical data whether it's using templates whether you're doing bottom up estimates conceptual estimates whether you want to incorporate third-party price books as you can see here our s means Richardson's etc quotes from subs and suppliers all of those data sources can be leveraged in hard dollar in order to create a cost model and ultimately take that into an estimate of any level of accuracy when we get into scheduling we integrate with Primavera we were really raised the bar back in 2006 in terms of creating a a dynamic two-way integration with Primavera we did that because there's a lot of things that if you're going to create a true cost model there's a lot of things that you need to know about the schedule of the project in order to develop a true model of the cost so we wanted to and recognizing that that process is iterative you know we might get a what we asked the question what comes first the estimate or the schedule you get different answers but oftentimes you hear well they kind of both happen simultaneously and as you advance one of them than the other advances and they continue to advance each other so we've created this very dynamic it's really a synchronization between the schedule and our cost model to make it easy to do some of the things you're seeing there on the right we can create for example if you've done an estimate you want to create a schedule from that it's basically the push of a button if you've already got a schedule and you want to drive that into an estimate again with a single click you can do that we can resource and cost load schedules from estimates we can utilize the same structure within the to estimate and schedule or let them have their own structures we often get the question well sometimes our schedules have more or less detail than our estimates so we do have the ability to split and roll-up and do those one-to-one or one-to-many mappings and then we can also keep percent completes in sync as if you're using our dollar and a timesheet system for example to record progress we can pass those percent completes automatically into Primavera if you think about hard dollar and Primavera we both work off of a tree structure or a hierarchy and there's a really nice mapping we approach projects very similarly so from a cost perspective resources activities and all the way up through the WBS you can see there's a nice nice overlap there really the only difference is what we call a cost breakdown structure Primavera calls a work breakdown structure we call it a cost breakdown structure or CBS just because there are often things in the cost model or in the budget that you won't find in the schedule things like contingencies and overheads and and those things that do contribute costs but are not really part of the work itself now as far as getting information in as we start getting into the progress side and you can see here lots of ways to get progress into hard dollars we may move past the estimating stage we're into tracking progress we can do that by entering progress directly into a hard dollar so by that I mean you know actual quantities actual man-hours etc you might use a spreadsheet to get that information you can feed that into hard dollar you might have a timesheet system that you want to use to feed that information into hard dollar or your ERP system your financial system you can see some of them that we work with over on the right and this whole slide here is really the topic of we have a webinar coming up on July 26 to talk about how to bring all of this stuff together so really really and that's webinar will focus more on hard dollar Primavera and ERP all working together okay couple more slides here and then we'll jump into the live product we do have a hard dollar does provide a very dynamic very graphical web reporting capability so you can create dashboards kpi's any sort of reports graphs charts that are mashing up if you will the hard dollar data along with the primavera data so you can get things like CPI graphs SPI graphs cost versus budgets forecasts all that type of information can be reported and made available to your viewers folks that need to be able to access that information on the fly instead of about sending reports back and forth through email we have the ability to create a self-service web reporting so who uses hard dollar you kind of see looking around this wheel the types of folks that are typically using hard dollar mostly on the left side there you see estimators and anybody involved in project controls so project managers schedulers cost engineers analysts etc then we do have sort of secondary use by folks like controllers who might be looking at maybe resource needs across projects and procurements what do we need to order a lot of that information if you trace it back it all starts on the estimate starts in the cost model okay so a lot of different kinds of people a lot of different roles of people that are using the hard dollar application and lastly you know we do one of the things that we do is we bring the owners and contractors together so there's you know we have part of our of our benefit is that we can make it easy to share information so as we have contractors and owners using the same platform it's easy to share information cz to share estimates it's easy to deal with changes easier to deal with progress payments earn values all those types of things and recognizing that you know the bulk of the cost of a project happens after the estimate is done if you looked at that as a graph you know everything spikes when you get into the execution stage and a lot of that time you know we recognize is pulling together reports whether it's you know cost a budget reports whether it's forecast reports status reports a lot of the costs let's say the overhead cost of a project is focused around reporting and so part of our integration with Primavera is to make that easy to bring all that data together to simplify that reporting process okay so let's go ahead and jump into the live product now and go through some scenarios and we'll talk about some use cases that that the integration facilitates and just close down a few things here so you know one of those one of those things is the the abilities we talked about to create a schedule from an estimate or vice versa okay here you see you know inside of the hard dollar application we're looking at a particular project and you can kind of see the structure of it over to the left and you know what we have there is is a tree structure so if we were to open up the Sybil section you'll see we've got the next layer down there caps concrete excavation if we were to break out open that up I should say then we have another level so if you're familiar with Primavera you know it's a very similar structure in terms of you know it's just a hierarchy everything kind of rolls up to the top you can keep breaking things down as to whatever level of detail you want and you know so as you can imagine if we had a Primavera scheduled already that has this breakdown structure for it in the project we could very simply create a new project right in here by pointing to an existing Primavera schedule okay so we can we can drive basically everything you see on the screen here by pointing to a Primavera schedule that can load up this whole structure for us and from then on as we put things into the estimate they can flow into the schedule and vice versa it's probably the more common scenario that we see is folks using hard dollar to create the estimate initially perhaps doing the quantity take off working through you know at least a preliminary estimate to the point where we've got some costs as you can see here and then using that to go the other direction let's use that to create the initial schedule in Primavera using the same structure and then perhaps refining that structure once we get into Primavera so this whole structure from the hard dollar side can go into Primavera and create the schedule okay but regardless of which one comes first the beauty of this is that they are in sync so this this schedule icon right here is going to give us the ability to keep the two current we can update at any point with a click we can update the Primavera schedule or with another click update hard dollar from any changes we've made to Primavera this particular view we're looking at as you can see the structure of these various scope items we've turned on a few columns much like Primavera our dollar gives you the ability of control you can choose from hundreds of columns that you want to use in your view so here we've just got a few columns turned on you can see for example this scheduled column which of these things do we want to show in the schedule which is which of these scope items are actually linked to Primavera okay so if it's you know something like a contingency and although it adds cost it's not putting a bar into the schedule so it's unchecked as I mentioned different roll-up options here's our estimated durations we also have a what we call a plug duration so you can show different durations in the schedule than those durations around which you've based your costs or they can be the same a lot of different options many more than what I'm showing on the screen here in terms of how we control what goes back and forth between primavera and our dollar one of the major use cases though for this integration is you know if you think about any estimate or any cost model there are going to be things in there that are if not everything in there you know as a function of the schedule so some very simple things that we'll focus in on for example at the top you see escalation you see job management if we go into escalation in our cost model and our dollar you're going to see a standard table that we're putting into all of our estimates as a user we're saying hey any work net happens in 2013 is going to be escalated right and if we get into 2014 it's going to be escalated so if you look at this 2013 escalation we've come over to the right and we've said we're gonna escalate everything by 10% anything that happens in 2013 we're gonna escalate the labor cost 10% the equipment cost 10% you can set those separately I've just put them all to 10% as we get into 2014 you can see they're all 14 excuse me 15% okay but right now there's no work going on in 2014 so there's no escalation dollars in there so how do the questions how do we know that how does hard dollar know there's no work going on in 2014 and obviously the answer is the Primavera schedule tells us that okay so primavera gives us visibility so when the work is happening and therefore our cost model can take that into account and you'll see as we start making some changes if our schedule gets pushed more work will move into 2013 and then to 2014 and those escalation values will be triggered likewise if we look at job management in our cost model we may or may not want to borrow the schedule for that but in either case got things like engineers project managers maybe supervisor or secretaries etc that maybe we want we we know how much they cost us on a unit cost basis or an hourly basis or a monthly basis but we need to know how long they're gonna be working right so in this case we're going to show you an example of where those work hours in this case 3300 work hours or 416 days that is coming back into hard dollar from primavera so as the schedule gets longer or shorter back here in our cost model in the estimate our hours for our engineers and project managers are going to go up or down accordingly we don't have to worry about it okay so as you can imagine going through the constant changes as you change the estimate well then we got to go change the schedule we change the schedule then we got to go change the estimate every time there's a design change every time there's an assumption change the beauty of this integration is that you only have to make those changes once and they go into Primavera or from Primavera back to hard dollar ok so let's take a look at the Primavera schedule that's linked to this particular project so if I go into Primavera now normally if you had a good-sized screen or if you have 2 screens you can have a hard dollar up on one half and Primavera up on the other half and see them both at the same time we're just I'm going to just toggle back and forth between the mirror to use our screen but here's the schedule for this particular project and and you can see the costs are in there so hard dollar loaded the Primavera schedule with all of these costs and if we were to drill down into an item let's say fine grade you will see in the resources section and hard dollar also resource load to the schedule okay so all of these work hours came in from the hard dollar estimate ok so if we make a change to you know to these to the s maybe use a different group of resources to do this fine grading those will flow in the Primavera automatically we don't have to worry about manually resource loading the schedule okay so let's do some changes now will do so let's make some changes in primavera push those back to hard dollar and then let's go the other direction okay so right now you can see this this project is it looks like it's starting around January 2nd about four hundred and sixteen days total let's make some changes to both of those things lets affect the total duration it will affect the start date and then go back in the hard dollar and see how that impacted some of those costs okay so let's say let's take this this first actual work activity here this the structural steel and let's just move it down we'll take it and we'll move it maybe down six months or so so we'll move it maybe into the second half of 2012 we'll put a constraint on it and then we'll go ahead and update our schedule so everything is going to be moved accordingly so remember our setup for this so now that we've moved that work down more of that work is going to happen in 2013 and in fact let's move it a little bit more so we can get some of it to move into 2014 let's move it over with the constraints on that and update in Primavera is nicely moved everything for us so now you can see where we've got some work extending into 2014 and that's important because we have escalators that we want to trigger from our cost standpoint let's do some other things that may be linked in the schedule it's still 416 days but let's maybe we'll take you know you see a lot of this earth work a lot of it's happening looks like with start to start connections with a little bit of lag let's make some of these finish to start connections and that way we'll link that out the schedule make it a little bit longer maybe we can't do those things as simultaneously as we had hoped so we'll make a few of these things finish to start instead of start to start okay so let's update our schedule now so now we're up to five hundred eighty nine days in our schedule so back in hard dollar if I come back over into hard dollar I don't have go figure out you know how did those changes affect my escalation values how did those changes affect how long I need my superintendents and project managers right you can see the dollar values for those things right now about three hundred fifty thousand and five hundred and seventy five thousand all I've got to do now when I'm ready is just update hard dollar from primavera it gives me some options here but I'm gonna go ahead and update the estimates to stay in sync and it's gonna go through and I check and see what's changed okay so since the last time I did that sync it's gonna go through and check to see what needs to be changed I don't have to remember every change I don't have to make sticky notes to remind myself to go back in the hard dollar if you can see you know since we did change the scheduled start date really all the items are changing all their start and finish dates are changing right but all I had to do was click the button and sit back and let the system deal with the changes and when that's done it's gonna recalculate the cost model on the hard dollar side and we're going to see new values in there for our escalation for our project management and then what we're going to do is we're going to go the other direction and we'll make some changes going from our dollar to primavera okay so you can see you know a lot of changes that are going on here that recalc of the cost model and we can actually work along even though that that update is still happening just let that finish still doing the updates behind the scenes here okay so once once we've got that updated now you can see what's happened here if you look at our escalation value it's up to seven hundred and three thousand dollars an hour job management is up to eight hundred fourteen thousand dollars right that's based on the fact that we drill into escalation you're gonna see there that now remember that before we didn't have any escalation happening in 2014 but now that the Primavera schedule tells us hey there's work going on in fourteen and some escalation values are kicking in hey likewise for that job management and equipment if we were to open that up we're gonna see hey there's forty seven hundred hours of those hopes that are needed now because the schedule got longer compared to what we had in there before okay but you can see it's a dynamic model I don't have to remember to make all those changes everything stays in safe now let's go the other direction let's make some changes on the hard dollar side and see how those impact our or can impact our Primavera schedule maybe now that the project has been pushed back maybe we're into maybe this earthwork we're into a particular season maybe it's the rainy season when that work is going on or it's winter and and so our production assumptions that we made for those for those earth work items let's just take the first two items there maybe we need to change those assumptions so I'm going to highlight those two items this is a typical use case in hard dollar I'm going to open those up and what we're going to do is we're going to apply a factor if we look at the productivity assumptions you can see that we were planning on doing for the fine grading 400 square feet per day maybe we want to apply a factor here we're going to maybe we're going to need twice as many man-hours per day so I'm just going to apply you can have lots of factors all those factors whatever you want I'm just going to use a generic factor of factor of two okay and then I'm going to go to that next or lecture let's go to the previous one there the Machine X Mason will do the same thing we'll put a factor of two on it okay so what we've done is we've increased we've assumed that our productivity is going to be essentially we're going to take twice as many man-hours as we had expected obviously that drives our cost up that drives the duration up it's going to take longer to do that work okay so back on the hard dollar side you know by applying those factors those durations have now increased okay so you can see those estimated days right there are now basically twice what they were before you can see right next door they used to be 69 in 104 days now because of those factors they're twice as much okay so again I don't have to remember to go into Primavera to make those changes when I'm ready I can simply go up here and say okay let's go ahead and update the Primavera schedule from hard dollar you know what before I do that let's add another let's just add a new item in here maybe it will add a some new scope in here we'll just call it new scope and you can see it inherited its properties it's going to be in the schedule there'll be a bar for it so when I update Primavera and we're going to see that new item in the in the WVS because of the rules we've defined so let's go ahead and update Primavera it knows the kinds of things that we want to update at this point I'm not gonna I don't need to update my actuals or my resources it's always going to update the WBS and keep those in sync so let's go ahead and do that okay so at this point it's doing it's going the other direction it's checking to see what's changed on the hard dollar side let's push that information into Primavera and update anything accordingly so now if we go back to the Primavera schedule and update or refresh I should say hey now look what it's done for us okay so it's added this new scope that new item we added and our dollar showed up in the schedule I can link it in wherever it needs to be linked my machine excavation and my fine grading have those new durations so those bars got twice as long as they were before and all of that pushes up to give us a new total duration everything's linked together right so now my job management and equipment duration is going to be longer my installations might go up because now the overall schedules longer okay so those are the types of circular iterative changes that you know that happened in the real world as we make ad new scope that changes the schedule changing the schedule affects our costs and we go around that net loop and so we've got our estimate and our schedule done now if we go into if we come back to hard off you look at the start and finish dates for all of these items we go back into hard dollar and we'll scroll over a little bit here actually let's just if I drill into any particular item let's take machine excavation we can turn on columns for the information I'm about to show you or we can drill into that item here's a nice little schedule tab here where we can see for this item this machine excavation here's all the dates we brought back from primavera so the scheduled start and finish dates early start late start those all came back in from primavera and so we can use that information to help drive lots of things so one of those things is cash flow if we go and look at a cash flow graph hard dollar is giving us visibility now to what is our cost look like which is the red dotted line on that curve on that graph I should say and the green dotted line is our revenue so one of the things we hear quite often especially from the contractor or you know consultant engineer EPC community is can we model not only cost but can we model revenue as well and with hard dollar and Primavera working together the answer is yes so and you can see in this case you know the costs are ramping up as you would expect over time based on our schedule and our estimate and then the Green Line the revenue is actually based on your typical scenario in terms of work there's milestones that drive our revenue right there's payment schedules so we get a payment upfront maybe there's another payment tied to an activity and that activity is not happening until way over here right so we don't get our next payment so it looks like about six months and then it looks like we get a big chunk of revenue coming in very quickly and then it levels off as we finish out the work so the schedule we can tie cost and revenue to various bars on the schedule and as that schedule moves around this you know these lines are gonna update right now we're looking at this based on let's say earned values and in other words you know when does the work occur if we graph it we can also graph it based on what we call cash values okay so if we if we look at it based on cash that is going to reflect delays in terms of before the contract or how long does it take us to submit our bills how long does it take to get paid okay so you can see in this case you know even though we end up where we want to be the green lines above the red line there's a pretty significant period of time in here where our cost that were expending are actually exceeding the revenue we have the income we have on this project so these you know this is the kind of thing that you know in the course of preparing an estimate preparing a budget preparing a schedule you know you can optimize these things by looking at a how do we eliminate that period where our revenue is to be substantially below our cost we can do that by changing the schedule we can do that by changing the payment milestones we can do that by changing our costs perhaps moving money around in different areas of the project lots of approaches to deal with that issue but hard dollar you can see is giving you visibility and as we address the issue we'll see it very clearly okay so if we look at those timing options you can see here as we as we look at it either from the owners or the contractors perspective you know when when is when our pay requests being made every 30 days how long does it take to process those payments 30 days in this case 10% is being held for retainage when do we get that retainage or when the for the owner when do we pay the retainage costs coming in from contractors and subs and vendors when do we pay them we're saying in this case it takes 90 days to process those and when we can even deal with interest rates on shortages and surpluses and factor those in and calculate finance costs even it's one of those things affect that cash flow graph that we were just looking at okay so what about resources I mentioned that we do resource loads of schedules in Primavera and by bringing those start and finish dates back into hard dollar we can do things like well let's let's take a look at our resource utilization over time okay so we could go in for example and say let's turn on our resource utilization and see maybe we'll just look at it at a high level by resource type let's look at our labor hours and we'll graph those we'll just use this kind of goldish brown color we'll graph those as a bar and let's see what that looks like okay so now we can see our labor hours over time and again this is another thing where if we want to really work on leveling out these resources where we don't spike up in this and then have these valleys and Peaks right we can try to level those off something obviously Primavera is very good at okay but based on our our assumptions in the estimate in terms of what assembly is what crews what resources are gonna do all of the work right we had to do that in order to come up with our cost estimate now the primavera has given us the start and finish dates we can very easily give you visibility into what does that look like when are those resources needed either looking at one project are looking at cross projects okay so here we're looking at labor hours of the scale is over on the right so we can see we're looking at this by month right now we could graph it by day by week however frequently we want to do it but we can see for example in the in the month of December we've got 70 100 labor hours in there we wanted to drill down further we could go on and see maybe we want to look at it down at the resource description level let's drill down to maybe uh when do we need carpenters and when do we need Boilermakers maybe we'll give those to different colors so we can see now our gray bar is our carpenter hours by month and then we can see those Boilermaker hours ticking in towards the towards the end in blue one last thing that I want to show you that can affect that's a really nice feature in hard dollar that can can help you affect the timing of these graphs is what we call period quantities okay so we can look at if we look at let's say that machine excavation we drill into that item you can see there's a pretty large quantity on that 52 thousand cubic yards is the assumption of the scope of that work well how does hard dollar know how that's going to flow primavera gives us the start and finish state you can see it there August 28th to the December 3rd well that going to happen you know a little bit every day is it going to happen you know we're going to kind of ramp up and ramp down so we can use the cost curves you're familiar with the in Primavera or you can create your own cost curves on the hard dollar side okay so you can use our predefined curves or you can create your own custom curve and define how that spread is not going to happen or even better you can go into what we call period quantities okay so period quantities allows you to take that 50 mm cubic yards and spread it across though that that period that is coming back from Primavera starting on August 28 okay so we know what it's supposed to start we know when it's supposed to finish and we can look at this right now we're doing it by day we could do it by week by month by quarter by year depending on how fine a point we want to put on it but now we can go in and spread by percentage or by quantity so we could say maybe you know a thousand of those units are going to happen on the first day and the next day you know it's going to be 1,200 so you can get to that level of detail or you can do it by percentage right maybe we want to say you know five percent is going to happen in the first day or the first month or the first whatever it is then that's gonna go up to ten percent okay so this gives you a lot of control obviously you're not going to do this on every single line item in the cost model but for the high dollar things the large quantity things you know the the old eighty percent rule the things that are driving you know 80 percent of the value of the project you might want to get more granular in terms of how do we think that work is going to go right and therefore that will impact that cash flow that we're looking at right so if we spread an item equally you're gonna see a linear curve on it if we ramp it up you know you'll see that curve more of an accelerated curve like we see over here on the far right okay so lots of lots of control over really the timing of things like you know I really think what we're doing here is a this is the Best of Breed approach using primavera and hard dollar strengths to their advantages and as Patrick mentioned the end result of that is that we can provide a solution that is better than either system can do by itself and the big benefit against we've made that integration as simple and seamless as possible you don't have to import-export you know copy and paste it's just a matter of defining the rules and then choosing you know which which do we want to update when we're ready to update the schedule we do that when we're ready to update the estimate we can do that all right so at this point let's let's turn it back to the slide deck and I'll and we'll turn it back over to Patrick to talk about some some next steps some actions of potential auction items and and then I believe will open it up for questions so Patrick over to you okay I don't see that there it is all right so the next steps in this is if you all would like a copy of this we're going to email it out so you can see it but for more information about hard dollar IMS or Primavera you can contact IMS at eight six six seven nine nine 7800 or email us at sales at IMS - web comm either way if you call in you can ask for me in the call it be routed to me but any of our sales professionals can help you let's see where looks like there's a link you can click it'll get you to hard dollar and we can set up a custom demo for you using some of your data and reviewing your information makes a lot more sense when you're seeing your data in there than somebody else's the other upcoming event is we're going to have another webinar on July 26 top the good the bad and the ugly of project cost data so look for that invitation or if it's something that you know you want to be invited to send us an email and we'll ensure you're on the list so that's the that's the sales part let's open this up for questions and if there's anything we can do or any questions you have please let us know and we ran out okay do we have any questions okay I don't don't hear any questions so if nobody has anything then we I guess we can go ahead and in the webinar did any comments or anything else okay well you all have a good afternoon if something does coming up come up and please let oh I'm seeing I'm seeing some things in my screen so I don't know if someone has a question or not Amanda can you hear can you hear me Patrick I can hear now yes yeah look like we did have a question that came in in terms of what is what is the cost of HD and you know maybe maybe maybe we can just maybe relate it to the cost of Primavera that folks are familiar with that already or maybe just provide some ranges but yeah go ahead I'm not entirely familiar with all of it I know that it's very comparable to bring a bear as far as licensing goes yeah I think you know folks just kind of want a general range or a ballpark I mean that you know you're you there are a few different slices to it in terms of do you want just the estimating side do you want the progress side do you want both obviously the folks here would be interested the Primavera integration there is a that's a separate module but typically you know you're you're looking at in the neighborhood of you know two to let's see two to ten thousand dollars for a user depending on what those users are going to need to do and and again I think that's very complimentary to the price of Primavera if you're familiar with that and it doesn't weigh we have question are their activity ID into nivara so that's so are the question was are their activity IDs associated with IDs and hard on yep so there is that as part of the configuration when you set up the rules you can define we have we have a field on the hard dollar site called scheduled ID which is generally used to store the ID or reference number that the scheduling system uses so it could be an activity ID it could be a user-defined field or a tag so absolutely we can we can drive those activity IDs from hard dollar into primavera or we can we can bring them from Primavera back into hard dollar for reference and then and building on that a little bit we can even map you know all of our user defined fields and tags on the hard dollar side can be mapped into user defined fields on the Primavera side again so you have all the same sorting fields and fields available for filtering and grouping and things like that and then Brad I believe you all integrate with the financial systems as well to validate and bring in costs from there too don't you yes absolutely and that's a big part as we get into the under the progress side and doing forecasts and things like that we can integrate with all the major financial systems so that we can bring back actual costs into hard dollar and and and and that allows you to really do a third we can give you full visibility into your budgeted costs obviously but in addition we can show you your actual cost we can calculate earned values for you and then we have a very robust forecasting system so once we know you know what's our what's our progress to date what's our cost to date we can use that information as well as all the assumptions that were put into the estimate to drive forecast right then we can give you graphs charts reports of all of those information sets combined what's what is our how do our actuals compared to our budgets how does our forecast compared to either one of those and then what would our our values look like and that the combination of those three systems your financials the primavera and then finally our dollar bringing everything together including the estimate gives you earn value recording that I haven't I have to tell them seeing so easy to get that information and so easy to manage so that's that's really nice and that is the true value of these tools when they're working together if you had any questions you could either in a question pane or if you wanted to open up the line you should have received an audio pin I just be challenged five nine pounds if you had any additional question I have no other questions thank you very much this is really Zachary here we have a quick question the integration between primavera and hard dollar where is happening on your demo it's on the IMS side or it's some kind of a hybrid between hard dollar and IMS or how that works yeah the integration is actually between a hard dollar and primavera it's part of the integration is actually provided by hard dollar and it's you install it on your server and it and you basically pointed to your Primavera instance it works through the Primavera API so we don't do anything you know that's non-standard we work through the standard Primavera API IMS is obviously an expert in Primavera they can assist with you know getting both hard on our end Primavera deployed and configured and helped you you know get the most out of both of those systems all right do we have any other questions or comments well I thank you all for participating today if there is anything else please reach out to us we'll be happy to address it thank you everyone for your time and will after active management solution be following up with you to you know move border and we also for continue the ten are the good the bad the ugly of project data on the twenty six and you'll get an email invitation from INF for that thank you all right thank you all don't you later
Channel: InEight for Hard Dollar Users
Views: 4,405
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Project Cost Management, HD PCM, Primavera, P6, Scheduling Integration, Software
Id: _MwAWewO_gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2012
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