Harbor Freights Worst Tool | Not what you’re expecting

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what's up everybody this is Brad coming at you from my workbench that is messy as hell and I wasn't planning on doing a review this is definitely an on-the-fly review but I bought some new clamps I bought this set from Harbor Freight and I bought this set from Home Depot you got the Harbor Freight brand down there and then here is the Home Depot brand here's one that's still fully packaged is the half-inch pipe clamp and what these are is they come in a set like this they attach to regular like galvanized pipe black pipe board galvanized and any length of pipe you want you can get they're able to move back up forth so if you're a woodworker or you know just occasionally at home and you want to get out cheap you can do one or two things you can just buy this pipe which runs about ten bucks to twelve bucks for a ten-foot piece you can cut it in different lengths and you can move your clamp to the length you need or you just buy multiple clamps and make you know make the links you do need instead of moving this back and forth so it depends on cheap you want to go but what I'm trying to say is it allows you a lot of options here because them big five foot six foot clamps you know if you go anywhere other than a Harbor Freight they are pretty damn pricey so like I started playing with these 2's or claimed some wood and I know there's some things that I said the public needs to know about this I have to bring to y'all's attention so first let's kind of just take a look at what holds them all together so take them off the pipe we'll bring them up a little closer to you on my hands clean for once they're fairly clean and I will see what makes each of them takes the differences in time alright alright guys first up we have the Harbor Freight version it comes in a package of these two this is the half so I believe it ran me like six dollars only about one because you know how it is when you buy things at Harbor Freight you never know what you're gonna get so first off they do have a set that's more like this with a nice big bracket and everything else I think those run anywhere between ten and eleven dollars and they take three quarter inch pipe like I said I want to try the cheaper one because the mechanisms have got to be pretty close to the same so I wanted to go for the cheaper one see how it was before I started investing in the big one so as far as this part it's the same principle you have this piece here as the light will get in there this piece is threaded this piece slides over the pipe and the threaded piece hold still and you can crank that down to clamp your piece right this piece is a whole lot different mechanism ya see here let me get a light Harbor Freight light okay I can get it see down inside we just had this little lever with some teeth on there and so this slides over to smooth the end of the pipe it doesn't thread anything you lift it up when you want to or you pull it down when you want to move and then when you go to tighten it lifts up and digs in so that's how the Harbor Freight one basically looks again it's about six dollars all right let me get this off of here look at the Home Depot Betsy bird alright so we got the Betsy version off and I forgot to mention these are both made pretty much out of symmetry this is either some kind of cast iron or some kind of a heavy cast deal so they're both pretty tough as far as material is concerned one nice thing about the Betsy is it has this plastic cover which I guess I didn't think I'm off like that little super glue to take care of that and these run I believe the half inch ones running around $12 with the little stands and the three-quarter inch ones are around $13 same basic principle is that it has a little stand which is nice teeth are inside there if I can find the right angle - okay there's teeth in there yah you're stressing me so that's about the same if I can turn this light on now here's the key difference right here is this piece you remember the Harbor Freight one uses this little thing no springing it nothing like that and I just had the teeth on the inside this one does not have teeth on the inside rather has this piece of metal right here my three pieces of metal because they're not connected they all kind of slide which I'm guessing it kind of helps with the grip of the pipe if we look down here just got a spring so I see you like it is one-handed let's try the other light so when you push down you push down and it lines up in there so you can move it on the pipe you let go gets a little cattywampus in there the three different pieces of metal dig into the pipe as you're trying to clean so that's the basic working principles of both of these I already know which one I like better but I want to show you guys so we're gonna put them on this piece of pipe and we're gonna clamp a block a little we're gonna see which one does better alright guys hopefully we can see this halfway decent so I got the Harbor Freight one pipe clamp on there and this is a piece of scrap wood 2x4 and we can see this okay I'm gonna lift up on this tab slide it forward and that locks it into place you start cranking on this we're gonna really test them I don't see why you and woodworking would you need to tighten to this tight but we're really tested and that is me hardly pulling on it at all guys let's try maybe a little more I got a little better but still look look at that it's terrible that's absolutely terrible guys if I still have to package for this thing I would take it back in fact I'm thinking about just taking it back how to shear principle and tell them their product sucks let's take a look at how it's supposed to work all right guys now we got the old Bessie old Bessie on the pipe same piece of pipe didn't even take it out of the vise let's see how this one closes oh I did was lift forward on the little three pieces of metal that you saw there nope let's start back so cuz I had the hard free one almost all the way back so there we go and let's clean whoa whoa camera down camera down see that proves I'm putting some muscle under this guy's all right back at it I should probably you know just reshoot this but you know what what's the fun in that you got to see my my wins with him failures right so she has claimed down as hard as I can Gator now I tell you what normally when you're Woodworking you won't have this an advice so this is probably clamped down more than she'll ever see clamp down again just like with the Harbor Freight one one hand two hands now let's really get accurate you know what I'm starting to tear it the little plastic piece still hasn't moved that's just a classic piece raisin so clearly there's a winner here and I know I'm a firm believer guys and you get what you pay for you can't expect to have a high quality product when you're paying half the price for it I get that and I believe in that this product shouldn't clean up as well as this product because you're not paying for it to but it should at least clamp that's my thing it's gotta at least serve its purpose half ways decent the problem that I found with this one is it just doesn't lock into the pipe when you when you're pushing this forward when you really start putting torque on it this thing just starts backing off it doesn't grow thin you know maybe maybe with a different kind of pipe it might work better cuz this is that black coated maybe this is too slick I don't know but this is typically the kind of pipe that is recommended with these so possibly with a non galvanized piece or a non coated galvanized piece of might work better but I tell you what I'm done with these I'm not gonna try them anymore and I suggest the same guys you got a choice between spending six dollars on this and twelve dollars on this just go to Home Depot spend $12 plus it's got the little feet these really come in handy when you're glowing up all right guys that's gonna do it Old Betsy wins this one there she is so I do recommend this I'll probably be getting a few of the three quarters eventually too and I just wanted to try out I wanted to compare and Harbor Freight didn't have a cheap version of the 3/4 so if you're rarely getting 3/4 definitely get these because a 3/4 and this is $13 the 3/4 and the Harbor Freight version is like $11 so it's even less of a difference so it's Brad coming at you from the workbench I don't have a good catchphrase for Brad's workbench yet but uh I hope you all enjoyed this short mini review slash comparison I know we ain't got a whole lot of you woodworkers out there but you know you never know you might want to step away from the vehicles and towards the wood maybe that should meet my catchphrase alright till next time guys like that video hit that subscribe button also don't forget go find me on Instagram Brad's workbench no 333 I left that off it's just Brad's workbench the YouTube channel we'll be changing it fairly soon - if it hasn't already and yeah guys how I taught next time peace
Channel: Brads Workbench
Views: 20,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harbor freight, worst harbor freight tools, pipe clamps, bessey pipe clamps, wood working clamps, clamps, harbor freight pipe clamps, harbor freight clamps, harbor freight clamp, wood working tools, wood clamp review, harbor freight bad tool review, harbor freights worst tool, harbor freights worst tool review, DIY, Wood worker, wood clamps, wood working clamp comparison, best wood working clamps
Id: YtaKe97U1wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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