Harakiri: Blades of Honor DETAILS!

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thank you to gamework create for being a channel partner looking for a kickstarter game you missed or 3d printed minis gamework create has a huge selection available all at a fair price use the link in the description below to check out all the gamework create has to offer what's up rockstars today i have the pleasure of talking to you guys about a deep dive first look into hierarchy blades of honor by synergent games if you've been interested in this game at all from since i've first kind of announced it or if you are maybe just seen this for the first time this is probably the video to watch to get a good sense about how this game is going to play out so without further ado let's go ahead and get started [Music] now as always first and foremost a huge thank you to my patrons and youtube members it's through their financial support that this channel is possible it's because i take no money from any game developer so that i can give you my honest opinions not my walt's opinions it also gives me the freedom to talk about any game i want in any way i want so if i get excited about a game i can do it and not have to pester them for money instead i just do a video for you guys so you guys can all benefit from it even if they can't pay me because i don't ever ask for it if you can give to that and you feel called to do so there is a link down below and i greatly appreciate it you also get like an audio log update every single week various polls messages stuff like that there's even some play sessions coming up here soon for chronicles drinagar there's a lot of cool stuff in there if you so choose and i greatly appreciate it but if not though that's fine i totally get it i understand a thumbs up or a just a comment on the video saying that this video was helpful helps me out a lot it makes me realize that i'm doing uh videos that you appreciate and i can continue to do so so thank you so much for that with that out of the way let's go ahead and get started on this again this is a i i'm calling it a deep dive because i that's what i've done traditionally in the past and i've done several of them before but it's been a while so if you're new to the channel and you haven't seen me do this every now and then i like what i see in a game that's kind of far off and so then slowly as they kind of give more information out i can then tell you more about the game so that it's not just pretty pitchers or miniatures or something like that there are companies that actually advertise a game without just showing you pretty renders and so i like to celebrate that a little bit and focus on the actual game because at the end of the day i play board games i like minis but i play board games and so i'm very interested in the actual gameplay there's going to be some mini talk towards the end of this but the vast majority of this video is going to be about the mechanics so let's get right to it first of all i want to talk about the cover a little because i haven't talked about this enough first this is a freaking sweet freaking sweet cover like this was this is instantly like you go into a game store and you see all these games this is the one i'm walking towards instantly i'm like what the heck is that so props on that i need to see this guy though don't tell me this is just art there's a mini here i know there is stop hiding it from me synergy games i want to see it uh looks sweet uh this whole thing is like i want to be that guy fighting that yes please let's find out how you do that though huh now first of all setting um this is kind of like a dungeon crawlish style game you got your skills and you're rolling dice and you're fighting monsters and all that stuff however it's much bigger focus on more open areas so while dungeon crawl style it's not really a dungeon or a crawl and you're you have a lot more area as you can see here there's a big focus on there's some indoor spots and some tight places but for the most part and there's going to be some actual like fully indoor areas and they'll reveal those in time but right now they really want to kind of hone in on the fact that you're going to have these beautiful japanese landscapes to kind of go over and navigate and so as you can see these tiles are very big and there's a lot of area you can go towards so you can fight and kind of with the rice place area or inside the building or whatever maybe you're investigating something uh and i think that's super great additionally one thing i wanted to note here is that all the points of interest are going to be built onto the map they're not here now so you're not going to see any right now but entrances to buildings or places you're going to have to interact with are actually going to be on the tile it'll they they're really big on trying to get set up time to be very nice which again as somebody plays board games i appreciate so anything that you need to interact with or know about is going to be right there on the map for you uh this will lead to probably more map tiles than some other games but it means that once you get the map tile you set it on there and you're good to go i'll talk more about more map tiles in a bit here uh but spicy to say again very focused on japanese like just just how beautiful that land is and how cool the monsters are and all that kind of stuff and there's coming there's all sorts of stuff we'll talk about that but as you can see nice big open areas that you can hear you're not you're you're trekking through this beautiful garden as opposed to you know some you know third basement level of generic dungeon number three uh not doing that that being said they're also focused on date night cycles and so you're not just going to be fighting in the day like like 24 7. like you know how like you get these words like if you're outside it's it's sunlight or always at night in the dungeon and it's dark instead you'll actually have these various areas but sometimes it'll be days sometimes it'll be night again that probably means more tiles but that's also because their points of interest might change too they have a lot of variety they can do through that so maybe you're interacting with this big statue here and maybe another one you're trying to find which one is that it's up to them to design it i'm not saying that's exactly what it's going to be but either way you get these nice big areas multiple times of day everything kind of printed on the board for you so you know where everything is and what you need to do and you need to set that tile down and start playing on it that sounds cool to me and i like the visual variety uh tiles are something i focus on a lot in reviews you've seen me do it before where i talk about the scale of your mini compared to the skill suffer because sometimes you're like i could never fit in that car the car is the size of like my lake right so you feel like you're giants on a playground uh i i've always been a big proponent for focusing on the actual tire art or the the blanket that you put all these minis and cards around right i mean at the end of the day i'm staring at this for a while and i want it to be pretty and my opinion this looks beautiful so really excited about this especially the focus on big open areas like that i dig it i like it a lot that seems cool let's talk about some actual gameplay let's talk about how we're gonna be playing this game let's let's talk about the hero board okay so the hero board has your health down here your health track and each class or each character will have kind of a a different setting on this which is pretty typical we're all pretty used to that you're also going to have your skills over to the right again that's also fairly common there's like these kind of shuriken attack symbols here this symbol right here is a range symbol that this means in other words this is uh says if the attack deals damage distribute four extra damage among other enemies in range of two right and so you can do a kami's punishment right um and there you have the multi-form where you spawn another haikuru uh illusion adjacent to you that has three action points and shares your stats it cannot use skills and cannot receive damage but you activate it after your turn and remove it at the end of your round so you just duplicate and then you can actually do actions with them and stuff like that uh you have kami's blessing where you add one to all of your blue dye in your reserve area so you can actually uh up the dyes you can see by the way there's a stylized dye here so it's like we're going to get sellers die nothing by the way is final they have not delivered a product until it's at your door that's the final version this is just kind of their their renders and prototypes and them working kind of through it so just fyi on that um there's a menacing shadow you can form a range three attack if it causes three plus damage you can tap the target's initiative card for this round that sounds great i freaking love tapping cards as a magic player i love tapping cards let's tap all the cards no but but that that's cool i dig that uh then he can also do a heal where he removes all negative effects from an adjacent ally and himself and both also heal based on the amount of activated dye and as he sees one to two three to four five and six so kind of scales additionally you'll notice there's these traits like in passive or mystical so sometimes you'll gain a trait based off of your skills and that just has other gameplay stuff we're not going to dive into the trait system quite yet maybe in a future video let me know let me know by the way if you do want to see another future video with some more gameplay details i can focus on more i'm trying to make this one kind of quick though kind of quick though we'll see um this is your armor slot you'll have armor i'm just gonna just quickly pull over here you can see some of the armors and items that you'll get you'll get some story-based items you'll get some other you know weapons and stuff like that like there's all sorts of items you can get there'll be cards and stuff like that but your armor will kind of go here and you'll actually have an armor value that's based on that and that can go up or down depending on different things you'll see that in the enemy card which i'll show i'll show soon you also have a kami uh ranking kind of here where it shows kind of how close you are to the kami and to give you an idea of kami you may have seen izanami and some other games or some other art or whatever well this is theirs uh i would suggest staying on her good side she is not a happy camper she's not glad about her circumstances and uh looks like she's ready to take that out on some people so i might want to be on her good side now how the comic it takes place in the game again maybe we'll show later right now just showing you the tsunami that that's that's all you're gonna get all right let's see where was i i am right here okay and then finally down here you do have your stats this is your power and that's just added straight to your attacks so this is a plus one a plus two plus three all right next is the dexterity and this is added to your movement so this is kind of movement based stuff um next is your knowledge this helps you uh actually use more better equipment and stuff like that and then this is your spirit and that helps with your uh key dice or kai dicer i'm not sure exactly how the pronunciation there is i apologize um but anyway uh your your your kind of mystical dice that you do here i believe it's these dice here but don't don't don't sue me if that's wrong if it is wrong i'll let you know in the in the future one but either way this kind of helps with your dice this kind of helps with your equipment this kind of helps with your movement this kind of helps with your attack and you can decide kind of where you're at on those to fit your your play style as as you wish all right moving on let's go ahead and go to a bad guy this is what we're all we love bad guys right now this is an example of an ishigaru but again the lowliest minion will have this and the biggest boss will have this too actually the boss might have something else we'll tease the boss later but for now let's just look at kind of the basic stuff because we're really interested in the ai of things here right um they have their kind of the basic stats here here's their health their movement their range their arm their uh defense and their armor right again remember armor can kind of vary depending on what uh different attacks which you'll see here soon so he can do a cannon shot this is an attack it's a range three and it adds a plus one to your dice you can see here's this base dice a green and two yellow white i'm assuming they look kind of ivory i dig that that's fine either way uh one green two white or if he's doing a cannon shot it's one green three white if the attack deals two plus damage then the target removes one armor so again he can just shoot you with his cannon and then you know there there goes one point of your armor uh there's an uh katana attack which is just no range at all so uh melee range where it adds one i'm assuming this is damage but i'm not positive on that and then of course there is a regroup action where he can move towards the closest as she goes in other words they can kind of go together that describes actions he can take but what actions will he take one of the interesting things i like about this is there's actually a little bit of variance here you kind of know what they're going to do but there's a little bit of variance so uh they have their regular one all right which is this right here where they actually get plus one to their armor and they'll perform a katana against inducing enemy and then they'll regroup so here's the katana here's the regroup and and then they could also do a movement to uh three range of an enemy and perform a cannon shot or maybe they regroup and recover some damage or maybe they move towards an enemy now there's also an aggressive stance it can also do in the aggressive stances you'll see a one through four and a five through six so depending on a roll you'll roll a behavior die you'll see if they're this version of or this version now this version has a minus one to their armor and they perform a katana against an adjacent enemy and if the damage if the attack deals two plus damage target gains i'm assuming like a knock down or something like that um again i don't have a full list of all the symbols here so try my best but you can you can get a sense of what's going on here or they might move to range of three and do of an enemy and perform a cannon shot which is actually the same as this so that's not too bad or regroup room cover two that's an additional recovery there and then they can also move towards an enemy uh as as well as kind of their their their group of actions that they'll do or they could do a five through six which again they get one less armor so when they're aggressive they're less defensive but definitely more aggressive this actually adds a black die i'm assuming that's bad where they can perform a katana against all adjacent enemies reducing two damage or two whatever uh move to three into a cannon shot regroup and cover three in the move towards enemies so it's the same structure but how they go about doing it is a bit different and then they might be doing you know like an aoe attack on a five through six or they might just do something knock somebody down or they might just do a regular attack so there a little bit of variance in there while still always being a shigaru um one of the things i liked about seeing this is that i can see an ishigaru and kind of know what he's going to do but not quite exactly and that's what i appreciate i don't want every enemy to be able to do everything right i want the issue already kind of act a certain way and the cop has to act a certain way and the only to act a certain way but uh really really liked that personally that's just you know my opinion here but uh i think that looks cool so let's go ahead and talk a little bit about some minis very briefly and we'll close things out um i didn't really do a deep dive on these mini so in my deep dive i want to do it a little bit a few things that i tend to notice uh so one of the things that's interesting here i found is how the chains are wrapped over each other luckily this looks to be a bigger miniature and if it's a bigger miniature that's great if it's a smaller one then i do i would have a little bit of concern over uh the chains over wrapping on that that's a very hard mold to do there's not really an ideal pull direction on that so i'm not quite sure how that's going to end up you'll see it's wrapped here as well let's have to take a look and see but the bigger the better obviously because the more the easier it is to get that detail and they won't the the tooling of the steel mold will be a little bit nicer and stuff otherwise all the cracks look deep and you know that's good um the the other ones i think are a little bit more interesting here so one of the cool things i liked about this is the bottom of his little dress thing here i know it has a japanese name i'm not saying it it's a dress thing um when you have the bottom of a miniature often it's flat but if you are able to lift it up just a bit you see there's a little bit of a lip there if you're able to do that then it it looks a lot better as a whole especially when it's flowed up like this in other words if that was flat down you'll see a lot of minis do that not ideal i very much appreciate that right there the hard part i do see about this is right here where he's grabbing his sword and there's that negative space right there and the hand now again depending on under the thumb as well and all that you can get some fancy with some pull directions you can get some pull direction as how how the mini goes in there and then pulls out right because the negative space matters based off that um or multiple pieces obviously as well but i'll be interested to see how well that turns out but you'll see the lip inside of the there as well either way great sculpting to do that very good and i appreciate that uh moving on to this one one thing i just noticed from him is that it's not two blades it's actually his his like scabbard that he's pulled out too so i guess he's got a detachable scabbard but either way he kind of he just pulled it out right and so he kind of still has a scabbard in his hand i thought that was cool it is flat on there but that's fine i don't care about that you paint it black it's all okay um but just thought that was pretty cool and of course the big guy himself first of all if you hadn't seen my tease of him here he is now you can see he is big and he is bad um also again i think he's smartly sculpted i commented before about the veins that are just kind of on like the tops and mostly on the side there's like a weird facing coming here i showed the art i'm not gonna show the art here um but uh this is like part of that going on there um but i really liked that there was no negative space here in the wrap a lot of times they'll do the wrap in the digital version but then you know they're gonna fill that in and so having a kind of criss-cross there makes them close that gap very smart i thought that was a very good idea to do that so you don't have a gap in between that it's nice and sturdy easy to do in plastic and well done that's it guys that's all i had so now you kind of know a little bit how the overall structure works you know it's going to be on open areas you know there's going to be points of interest you know there's going to be uh kind of light and dark uh versions of some maps or some areas um you know that how kind of your your your kami ranking works and your skills work the ai works on enemies i hope you appreciated this little dive into it let me know if howard carry blades of honor is something that interests you seriously want to know down below i can do more coverage but i'll only do it if you guys find it useful of course um so i'm interested in it though i'm really interested i think it looks great i love the japanese style um i love the like uh traditional japanese but like mystical like that's fantastic i'm all about that minis look great design wise i like the scale of them they look good there like like in the art i like it a lot let me know what you guys like and i'll i'll i'll try and answer any questions i can or i'll at least feed the questions to them and see if they can't tease us some more about maybe some of that information so without the way thanks so much for watching i really greatly appreciate it again if you appreciate this video leave a like on your way out or at least a comment letting me know that this video was helpful and i will talk to you guys again very very soon with a lot more coverage including something from the 80s i'll leave it at that all right take care guys bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The King of Average
Views: 6,084
Rating: 4.9553571 out of 5
Keywords: the king of average, Harakiri kickstarter, Harakiri gameplay, Harakiri game details, Harakiri game, Harakirir miniatures, synergic games, Harakiri details, Harakiri the board game, Harakiri boardgame kickstarter, Harakiri boardgame, Harakiri board game, Harakiri story, Harakiri bosses, board game news, kickstarter board games, kickstarter 2021 board games, Harakiri info, Harakiri, Harakiri blades of honor
Id: Iddz23dTMwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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