Hannity: Biden was a cognitive mess during CNN town hall

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americans held hostage abandoned behind enemy lines day 69 welcome to hannity this busy news friday night 69 days americans held behind enemy lines thousands of green card holders siv applicants there are families we have no idea the exact number all suffering in silence under taliban rule i know the rest of the media and joe biden have quote turn the page we won't do that many are already dead but during last night's town hall on fake news cnn joe biden didn't make a single mention of afghanistan or the men or the women and children and americans and green card holders and allies he abandoned after 13 days prior saying he wouldn't do it not a mention not a question not a word nothing wow now it's possible joe doesn't even fully remember what what happened in afghanistan that's way back in august and for him that's you know 400 lifetimes ago it was a whole three months ago and let's face it joe biden's not particularly doing well and that was on display last night that he is everything we've been telling you a cognitive mess every day it seems to get worse and worse it's scary it's not funny anymore predictably last night well the town hall became a train wreck take a look 55 corporations for example in the united states of america making over 40 billion dollars don't pay a cent not a single little red cent you know if you're in real estate major real estate ask them they know they should be paying a little more than 21 we can pay for this whole thing i haven't written in a card here but i won't bore you with the detail the question was on the the on community colleges which which was a big campaign promise that that you made you talked about that on the campaign trail yeah and i'm going to get it done and if i don't i'll be sleeping alone for a long time i'm going off to cop 26 in scotland uh and uh and i don't know i guess it's two weeks or a week i'm losing track of time 40 of all products coming into the united states of america on the west coast go through uh los angeles and uh and uh um uh um what am i doing here is it long beach long beach thank you so what i have said you're shaking your head no but let me tell you something jack it's the truth uh uh well what am i doing here long beach yeah yeah yeah thanks for the save long beach at one point biden seemingly forgot about his own hands and just stood there like this for an extended period of time does anybody know what he was doing like that what was that all about and of course throughout the night biden offered zero solutions for all of the crisis that he himself had caused i have solutions bring back the trump policies on the border on energy on afghanistan peace through strength on the economy lower regulation lower taxes that all work you know but according to joe's spiking gas prices they're not going to be getting better any time soon and he blamed opec it's not opec's fault it's your fault joe why don't you call texas why don't you call oklahoma north dakota alaska why don't you hire back the keystone xl pipeline workers you fired and maybe take back that waiver you gave gave your friend vladimir who pays you whose country pays your son millions with no experience you know saying there's nothing i can do about high gas prices wow that that's so reassuring take a look what about gas prices because sometimes gas prices relate to a foreign policy initiative that is about something that goes beyond the cost of gas and that's because of the supply being withheld by opec and so there's a lot of negotiation that is there there's a lot of middle eastern folks want to talk to me i'm not sure i'm going to talk to them do you have a timeline for gas prices when you think they may start coming down my guess is you'll start to see gas prices come down as we get by and going into the winter i mean excuse me in the next year in 2022 i don't see anything that's going to happen in the meantime it's going to significantly reduce gas prices the supply is not withheld by opec you joe biden you artificially reduced the supply of energy in the world because you are married to the biden bernie new green deal socialist green new deal manifesto joe biden you killed the keystone exile pipeline you're making the hostile actor putin rich again you're the one that banned oil and gas exploration on all federal lands you artificially reduced america's and the world's oil and gas supply and now the united states once again now you're begging opec countries that hate us for the lifeblood of our economy and we're paying a buck 50 more a gallon and paying more for every single thing we buy and paying more to heat and cool our homes under donald trump we were the world's number one producer of oil and gas for the first time in 75 years guess what we were energy independent donald trump at the end of his presidency wasn't importing one single barrel from saudi arabia now anymore instead of begging texas why don't we make them i'd rather ask you can ask texas you don't even have to beg oklahoma alaska north dakota they'll help you biden you're blaming opec that is a cop-out and frankly it's an all-out lie like most everything else that comes out of your mouth and according to the former ceo of mcdonald's biden's oil and gas policies are the cause core of of inflation in the country and the current supply chain fiasco the labor shortage also is playing a huge role but joe biden he is now vowing to make that shortage even far worse if he does what we're about to play and it happens with nurses and teachers and first responders and our military uh you think the economy is bad now it will go down precipitously right into the sewer listen to joe should police officers emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not should they be stay at home or let go yes and yes [Applause] oh fire them okay at this point i'll take let's go brandon i'll take brandon and the nascar driver over biden biden went on to mock americans obsession with freedom wow now is he going to do you're going to do that joe is that going to do it just spit in the faces of millions of americans they're not going to listen to you joe they're not going to listen to flip-flop pouchy they're not going to listen to the ever-changing you know rules of the cdc or the nih you caused this vaccine hesitancy all of you and by the way because of that and because of the mixed messaging and because of the shifting change in changing standards they've made up their own mind now you can try to convince them but you've been trying and it's not working and you now you're going to fire them i thought you said you'd never implement a mandate joe fauci said it pelosi said it sake said it you all said it wouldn't happen now americans are being mandated what happened to the choice of at least getting tested do you still offer them that option or are you going to take away their their pay their benefits their pensions now of course the debate frankly in my mind is over it's not no longer in this country about vacs are not vacs because millions of americans they have made up their mind and they don't agree with joe biden for whatever reason we've had that debate that's their choice we live in a free society and their decision now there's got to be a way to thread the needle because if you have all these people willing to sacrifice their jobs their pay their benefits their pensions their careers their salaries over mandates they must believe pretty strongly in their position now make no mistake thousands of cops firefighters nurses first responders soldiers walking off the job if that happens this country will not be more safe and secure and it'll have a devastating impact on our economy joe biden and his radical advisors do not care about safety and security they only care about politics just look at the border in order to appease the radical left joe biden not only is not enforcing the laws of the land donald trump's plans worked and he couldn't implement them once again and they'll work once again instead he's decided to go out on his own and joe biden now where are we we're now at a record high 40-year record high of illegal immigrants coming into the country ironically the same time biden started construction of a giant wall around his beach house by the way it's going to cost you almost 500 grand now the southeastern border is a disaster apprehensions are at an all-time high we're on track for nearly 2 million plus illegal immigrants this year and by the way that's where 90 percent of of heroin crosses into this country through our southern border fentanyl is killing hundreds of americans a week that's crossing across the southern border joe he's just too busy to visit so he lies about visiting and says the drive-through is a visit take a look do you have plans to visit the southern border i've been there before and i haven't i mean i know it well i guess i should go down but the but the whole point of it is i haven't had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down i've been spending time going around looking at the 900 billion dollars worth of damage done by uh by hurricanes and floods and and weather and traveling around the world but i plan on now my wife jill has been down she's been on both sides of the river she's seen the circumstances there she's looked into those places this guy is a cognitive mess he's your president wow i sent my wife down to look at it and he never went there not too busy to spend nearly every weekend in delaware at your beach house right joey and don't worry your borders are kamala harris oh yeah she swung by el paso once on her way to california while she was spewing carbon emissions left and right and of course she has no plans to go back and by the way we you know we've been looking at this for months we can't find any record of joe biden ever one time visiting the border jensaki got into it again with our own peter ducey and joe biden was definitely not lying she says oh really what he did a drive-by that counts as a visit to the border take a look why did president biden say he has been to the border well peter uh as you may have seen there's been a reporting that he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in 2008. does that count as a visit he said i've been there before you're saying he drove by for a few minutes does that count what do you what is the root cause where are people coming from who are coming to the border peter the president said i'm asking i'm asking you a question because i think people should understand the context where do people i'll answer it for you people come from central america and mexico to go to the border there is a focus right now on a photo op the president does not believe a photo op is the same as solutions that may be a difference he has with republicans but that's not what he said either he said i guess i should go down so does he think that he needs a photo op is that what he's saying he doesn't and that's a fundamental disagreement he has all right the white house has any evidence that biden actually stopped and visited the southern border we'd love to see it they're lying and if joe biden had a solution to the southern border crisis we'd like to hear about that here's the thing they don't have and that is a solution i have one follow the trump plan they're not working on a solution they don't care what happens at the border and tonight they're focused on one thing above all else new green deal radical socialism packaged in this build back better propaganda talking points and bumper stickers this bill is a massive step of america the greatest wealth creating system in the entire history of mankind now becoming a socialist hell hole you know like the former soviet union venezuela cuba okay simply put it takes money from everybody that works and gives it to everyone else that is confiscation of pretty much all all of the economy in the form of fairness and government entitlements the bill raises taxes on everyone especially those making under 50 grand a year joe's lying on that too it will increase both the debt and deficit on a massive scale even though they lie and say it won't cost a single penny inflation which is already really bad is going to get worse the bill will replace reliable forms of energy you know like uh oil and gas and coal with unreliable costly forms of energies you know oh windmills and solar panels that are not proven reliable if joe manchin if you really care about the people of west virginia and i believe you do you will vote no on any form of this bill
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: on_air|hannity, personality|sean_hannity, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity monologue tonight, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight
Id: 7Wqg0IroUzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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