Hannah Montana Forever: Miley falls in love with Jessie (funny)

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[Music] do I Know You Well you certainly should because you smiled right at me when I was front row at a Hannah Montana concert I just love her I am such a big fan yeah um I don't really work with her anymore she kind of uh messed with my head I didn't mean to well I wouldn't mean to if I was her which I'm not obviously I mean and who would want to mess with a head that's covered in such attractive rapping train rck you seem really uh weird but in a super adorable way I was going to say familiar but yeah that works too [Music] it was so good to see you again again Yes again because uh the concert right the concert Hannah Montana big fan got to go guess you got Jesse's number I'm guessing it's the person talking like this it is not cute anymore don't worry about it and stop so he asked you out he did he did we're going rying this afternoon you you mean daddy daughter afternoon see I remembered oh no yeah what are you going to do I mean you said it was solid as a rock yeah but then again paper covers rock especially when it's got Jesse's number on it
Channel: petulkamaso
Views: 1,212,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hannah, montana, miley, cyrus, lilly, jessie
Id: 5u5vg9nQEL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2010
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