Hankala tonttihakkuu paljon sähkölinjoja riesana. Ponsse Scorpion King H7.
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Channel: Janne Seppänen
Views: 122,065
Rating: 4.7808857 out of 5
Keywords: ponsse, scorpion, king, h7, forest, tree, harvester, moto, koura, cutting, spuce, ergo, rottne, tigercat, sampo, norcar, beaver, cobra, fox, wisent, buffalo, elephant, bear, bison, caribou, elk, skogmaskiner, forestry, logset, john, deere, wood, felling, egolog, machines, timberjack, gopro, hero, black, sjcam, sj7, star, 4k, komatsu, ässä, prosilva, nokka, nisula, logs, saw, mills, harvest, clean cutting, final, power, strong, dji, phantom, 4 pro, 4 pro +, drone, kiesitech, roller, asmr, loggerslive, loggerman, tontti, hakkuu
Id: ScA9akQr-kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 30sec (6810 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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