Hank WIlliams Mother's Best Collection - Inside Music Row 1168

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thanks to time life you will soon be able to hear Hank Williams as you've never heard him before next week a news 16 desk collector set goes on sale that will give you a much better idea of how he lived his life included her 72 shows Hank recorded in 1951 for his mother's best flower shows we caught up with his daughter jet at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum to hear all about it we are here today at the Country Music Hall of Fame and we have a special special thing to talk about we're talking about Hank Williams new box set that Chet Williams here and time life has sort of teamed up and you guys have an incredible packaging and I mean how exciting this is listen thank you so much and you're absolutely right this is the 16th CD box set of the mother's best radio shows that my dad did in 1951 and the name comes from the radio show the sponsor was Mother's fest and back then he was sown the flowers these are the lost recordings that we've timed up with time life were releasing at September the 28th this year this is a vintage 1951 radio and look at the box set you turn the knob it will play the WSM jingle my dad kicked the show up and then in the box set you have 16 CDs you have a book also - a DVD that tells you the story of the mother's best let's talk a little bit about the personal stories and things that are on here because a lot of these are pre-recorded songs that no one's ever heard that haven't been released correct actually what this is as my dad did a live radio show he was not there in studios so they duplicated it and then aired so these are 72 shows you've never heard before it's a hundred and forty songs of Hank Williams you've never heard him saying unless you were listening to that morning and you get to meet the man Hank Williams because he's hosting the show he tells you what his favorite color is he sets the songs up there's some mistakes where he starts in the wrong key you know so it's just a wonderful thing as if you were at your breakfast table in 1950 these were lost they were going to be thrown away they were rescued and we've been able to release this through time life okay and how did all this come together I mean how who came up with the idea did you approach time life or where did all this get started because it's a great idea and it does it gives you an up-close-and-personal it really takes you back to that day well actually what happened was in 51 my dad back then it was they recorded it on an acetate years later WSM was cleaning out their studios they were going to throw these away they were rescued from the Dipsy dumpster later were given to me Hank June and I end up in a lawsuit together on the same side we fight get clear title and then we partner with timeline so these recordings are you know 50 years old and they're the best that our dad has ever done you get a hundred and forty songs as I said and you meet the man Hank Williams the packaging I think is one of the the best I've ever seen before and it's something we're very proud and we want to share with all country music fans as well as music lovers throughout the world now let's talk a little bit because you've worked and put a lot of time and energy into this project and tell us a little bit about what may be one of your favorites there's a lot of recordings on there tell us about one of yours well you know the thing about that makes this even more special is that my dad hosts the show and there's very little seen or heard of Hank Williams outside the masters so you actually get to meet the man Hank Williams I mean he hosts the show he laughs he tells you guy he wrote a song you know he talks about honey he talks about his favorite food so you actually get to meet him personally and so as his daughter that meant a lot and one of the special things to me is he sets the song up he's going to sing he says I'm gonna sing you the pop tune in the country the number one but I'm gonna sing it the way my grandmother used to put me to bed and so you know those little stories and vignettes really do make it because it's not you're not reading about it or hearing someone else to tell you you're having the man he himself tell you out of his own mouth there's an awful sad story to start off with this morning all about that boy down in the valley looking up at that big mansion up on the hill with tears in it mansion on the here thank you so much for talking to us today and I will make sure that everybody knows where to get this like you said go to the website Hank Williams mother's best calm or Ernest Tubb record shop and it's something that as I said I believe it's a must-have thank you so much for talking to us Chet Williams everybody thanks for listening good lord willing and the creek don't rise we'll see you again in the morning at 7:15 in the meantime put the biscuits in the oven I'll be there soon this awesome set comes with 15 CDs and one DVD along with 108 page book which includes many previously unpublished photos from the collection of Marty Stewart you can get your collector set online at Hank Williams mother's best calm we still have lots more up ahead including a look inside of my world coming up next don't go away
Channel: InsideMusicRow
Views: 24,950
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: Hank WIlliams, Mother's Best, Inside Music Row, Kelly Lynn Janson, Amanda Bailey
Id: DMNy1tE4Mjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2011
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