Hands-On Power Apps Tutorial - Beginner to Pro 2024 Edition [Full Course]

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welcome welcome we are excited today to have you on board today we're going to build an app and I see people from all around the world joining us if you don't mind as you're joining us say hi and to say where in the world you're from uh love to see I see people from California from Florida from from South Africa some some from Asia all over the place so thank you thank you thank you for joining us today so we what are we gonna do today well we're gonna build a series of applications and my name is Brian knight from pragmatic works and I am here to uh hopefully teach you today how to build these style of applications let me start with a few slides to introduce myself and also I want to introduce uh Ace who's with me as well Ace in the background say hi uh she will be uh working on uh uh some of the questions from you guys in the background she'll also star your questions and uh let me know when I should uh help you out as well and then also my team I've got Marshall as well hey Marshall uh he's been working on the uh raffle that we doing later today Marshall is my marketing team and he'll be working through uh a lot of the logistics behind the scenes also so let me get my my one or two slides I have uh we have a very very Hands-On day my name is Brian knight from pragmatic Works my email address is on the screen right there as well as my Twitter handle or X handle I guess uh I'm a power apps MVP which basically means I make a lot of content around the platform uh make a lot of YouTube videos written a lot of other things as well on the founder of pragmatic works we focus on uh training around the Power Platform and the Azure stack and other things like that I've offered about 18 books when we used to have books uh I've authored about 18 books for those that know me I sell those books outside the abandoned Blockbuster on videos on weekends I sell them next to the guy who sells the pit bulls in case you're curious you'll find me there in your town here soon as well and I blog at pragmatic works.com or you can also find me on uh on YouTube as well and other other social ways so what our agenda for today is we're going to walk through building a number of applications uh one of the applications we're going to do is building a time card system to where you can log uh any kind of hours that you want to build to a project ace and I brainstorm for a while and we we we do these things called hackathons at pragmatic Works where we teach people how to build with their own examples and one of the common ones we've seen over and over again is some type of approval system right where where a request comes in like a time card request uh somebody approves it and then it's now approved ready to go so we're going to build two applications today we're going to talk about these terms in a moment but let me hop over my slides and talk about what types of apps we're going to build well there's four types of apps we can build in power apps each of them have their own licensing consequences around it and each of them have the reasons why you would use one over the other uh by by the way we are going to do a break about an hour and a half into this also right around 12:30 East Coast time for about 10 minutes to let you stretch your legs but this is a full course we're doing today we're going to build two applications a data verse setup tables if we have time we'll do a bonus application power pages also just to show you how that same data can be provisioned and used all around your ecosystem now to start with though there are a number of styles of apps we can choose in power apps the first and most common one is a power page power P Sor sorry power apps canvas applications excuse me canvas applications allow you to connect to almost 1,200 data sources as of today at least and they're adding more data sources all the time they call it a canvas application because it is a blank canvas you can do whatever you want to on it you can drag drag and drop things two pixels to the left or right and it looks that way on your application also anything you do works crossplatform on an iPhone an Android a Mac or a PC or even a Chromebook doesn't matter there's a native application on your phone or tablet or you can also use uh the traditional web browser if you wanted to as well the big markers of a canvas application though they're prettier generally they are responsive from the first moment and um it is also connects to 1200 data sources one of those data sources is data verse and we'll talk about data verse in a moment but essentially in short it is a database that is a a SQL Server database behind the scenes and allows your business users to create tables and Define security systems and create columns and store data so it makes it where anybody that was a SharePoint person or anybody that's built an Excel spreadsheet can build a data verse table the other app Styles so canvas app can connect 1200 data sources including data verse however every other app I'm show you does require uh data verse be somewhere in the puzzle model driven apps are best used for a a audience that's that's a a more technically proficient audience so Model D apps will be used for uh the connected data verse and allow you to build out applications quickly matter of fact our Model D app once we create our tables today we'll be able to create those in less than 30 seconds or so so super easy to build so model apps are much more about forms and list of data and then a whole bunch of options around it these can be a little more intimidating for a a user that's not used to a lot of high-end type stuff like having too many buttons might intimidate them if too many buttons intimidate your users go canvas if your users are Excel users then go M it's very very awesome option for you okay so next there is is power apps for teams this is a free a freemium version of power apps if you have a teams license you own this today it allows you install a two gig version of dataverse inside of each team that you wish that dataverse table can have up to a million records inside of it and it allows you to build these beautiful canvas applications right from within teams your users will use teams to access the application and your developers will use teams to build the app application it is identical to a canvas app largely however it's using data verse and it's hosted in teams and the last app style is called Power Pages used to be called power apps portals so it skews the old slide here power Pages allows you to go out and connect to dataverse and show this amazing data that you've built in dataverse on a website instead if you want to expose this application that You' built to an outside audience maybe to contractors or to parents if you're a university and you want to build a a a portal for your parents or your students power page this is the way to go it gives you like a a CMS a WordPress kind of feel but with showing data verse forms and data verse lists so those three slides are our only slide we're going to show today from this point forward we're going to get our hands dirty now this is a first question we get always asked I'm sure Asis already feeled this quite a bit is um um we probably have a a bunch oh me go and hide that thank you for that I appreciate that that was uh somebody asked me to show hide my screen my my share option thank you um what we're going to show here today is the ability to build a number of applications in a data verse concept now in the chat window you're going to see the directions step by step I built a little tiny ebook about 20page ebook to walk you through the why uh but you're definitely going to watch me to do it uh this session is being recorded so you'll be able to hop around pause me and do this in your environment now whether you have access to do this is up to your it team but in a moment we'll show you how you can also access it through the developer plan so the first app we're going to build is a dataverse application to do things like managing the projects that you want uh seeing all the employees that are entering the contract the um the U time cards and the actual time cards coming in this is where I can open it up I can approve certain ones if I go over here and say yep that's approved uh save and closes I'm done so there's other ways of doing approvals also but we only have three hours together so we're going to kind of keep our options a little more limited this is a model driven app notice you have a lot of options up top and this is what I mentioned it might be intimidating for some users where our other application which is a canvas application again this was it's going to be built in just a couple hours hours we didn't spend a whole lot of time on Aesthetics here and making it pretty but this simple application allows us to go through select the project we want to build to say uh you know learning session I'm going to book uh three hours today towards that and when I hit go our new session will now be logged in here working on training boring meeting and so on and so on learning session right there we can of course uh uh Tim stamp this we can order it so we're going to do a number of steps like this the thing to keep in mind in this casee is as I go through this and delete things and edit things there's only so many things that your users can do and that's where canvas applications Excel they and a user looks at this they can see well I'm going to go ahead and do this or I want to do this there's only so many things to click right with three things they can click on inside of here so what we're going to do next is we're going to build this from the scratch we're going to start by building a data verse table we'll get your environment all hooked up make sure you're ready to go we'll also go through let me go and clean up this real quick we're also going to go through and create your data verse tables and then We're Off to the Races so let's begin to start with you're going to want to go to make. Power apps.com and again I have a word doc that's going to walk you step by step through it and it covers a little bit of the why but I going to explain a lot more why in this video session also so I'm going to make power apps.com once you're there and again if you don't have access you can sign up in uh if you just power apps developer plan there we go uh Ace is going to be kind enough to put the developer plan in the chat window also but if you don't have power apps today or you don't have access to some of the premium features this this uh P this plan right here this white link you're seeing right here is going to allow you to sign up up for the developer plan the developer plan if your it allows you to do this allows you to have a permanently free environment does not cost your company any money or any capacity and you can do whatever premium features that you want to do in that eni environment if again your it allows you so once you click on that white link you'll just click on the sign up for community plan it will ask you what country you're in and when you hit accept it's going to spend a few minutes creating the environment for you sometimes this week I've noticed I've had to do it a few times to finally get that environment up here You' you'll know it works when you see like Ace's environment like this it again it might take up to 15 30 minutes to do its thing again you can always just watch me if you don't want to play around play along with me absolutely fine here but this environment is a developer environment which is forever for free for you you can also create developer environments in the admin Center uh and the admin Center you'll notice is in the gearbox right here under admin Center again this is at make. Power apps.com and that admin Center allows you under the environment panel on the left side allows you to create new environments once you click on environments here you'll see the new button and there's an option right here under new to get the developer plan here so again I hit the new button up top and you'll make sure develop plan is selected here again that's a free environment forever for you okay so with our environment all set up and again please feel free to pause me I'm going to close this little side panel so none of that kicks gets in away here we're now ready to play so our steps to creating a dataverse set of tables when we're building a Power Platform solution we always want to start on Solutions so I'm going to pick my environment up top okay I've got a fresh new environment called learn with the Nerds okay so you'll choose that up here so pick your environment make sure that environment does not say the word default so so no default okay so make sure that that's the case uh so the word it may say default or something like personal productivity likely you will not have access to do that in that environment okay so I'm going to click on Solutions on the left side if you don't see Solutions you might find it also under but we're going to select this right here to go to our next step okay once we're there this is a very clean environment I created this environment about 10 minutes ago 15 minutes ago right before we began what a solution is is it is a container of everything you need to make your system work this environment which we talked about we didn't really Define this environment is a almost like a server at Microsoft everything you want is is in this environment your users your apps your flows your work your workflows your power page stuff your everything you want is going to be in there typically an environment is like Dev QA and prod you'll create one for each for your entire company or your department we have other sessions on YouTube or also in our learning management system that walks you through Best Practices around that also so if I go to Solutions this is going to be a container that everything I need to deliver my time card to you in the uh in the zip file that was provided to you you'll find in that zip file there's a word doc which is my step-by-step instructions and a zip file of my final solution as well so that final solution is one zip file and all you have to do don't do this now but all you'd have to do if you want to get all my stuff over is hit the import solution it's one zip file that you don't don't decompress don't uncompress everything you want is right there you would import hit browse point to my zip file and everything you want is there now don't do that now let's go and just build this together and have some fun though so in this case I'm going to build a new solution so the step you're going to do is you'll hit the new solution button right here once you have new solution checked I'll call this like learn with the Nerds and we'll call this a uh time card something like that call it ever you want though you're the only one that's going to see the solution name you as a developer and your other developers in your team as well would see that solution name now right below this is something called a publisher and a Publisher's job is to say who is responsible for this solution a publisher should be either a department or a company but it should not be Brian the reason why is because everything I create in this solution is going to have the prefix of my publisher you'll see what I mean in a moment here so I'm going to hit new publisher because you'll notice the two solutions that are two Publishers that are already here are Microsoft Solutions I don't want to put it in their I don't want to give them credit I'm going to hit new publisher right here and I'll call this just pragmatic Works call it your department name or your company name my name is going to be pragmatic works again with no spaces so again this is going to have uh whatever you want to show to to your other developers again no spaces here and the last part is a prefix right here for the prefix put some type of two-digit qualifier inside of it like your department name two or three letter qualifier ignore the choice prefix that's for drop- down boxes will not matter 99% of the time so so what I changed I put pragmatic works I did out spaces here and I'm going to put the pre prefix right here now you'll notice that when I put the prefix on it every table that's created now will have PW underscore the table name or object Name by doing that it allows you in powerbi to group all of your assets together if you're a SQL Server person this is like a schema name it's basically a prefix that every object will have on it so it allows you to find find your stuff much faster I'm going to hit the save button the first time to save my publisher and then I'm going to select that publisher from the drop-down box right here so my final screen should look something like this and I have my display name my name without spaces and then my publisher name has been uh highlighted right there and then I'll hit create okay we are going to go a little bit fast because we're doing so much show Fast here also we're going to get through hopefully two maybe three apps done in this three-hour window so we got a lot of a lot of heavy lifting you can imagine if you were to build this uh build a a time card system yourself Inn net or some other mechanism it might take you weeks if not months now this is going to be a very basic application but we're going to do this in three hours and then you can go live potentially in just a couple of days potentially so this is what we do in our hackathons we build stuff like this with their own own data like this let me close that down l in a moment here also all right our solution is now created and in our solution we've got a whole bunch of assets here now anytime you're working in the Power Platform you never want to do something without a solution you can always retroactively bring your stuff in by hitting add existing if you ever wanted to bring your old stuff into the solution at some point it's going to make it easier so much easier for you to move all those assets sets from Dev to QA to Production Solutions also though turn on features that you don't have normally we'll show some of those features a later also so we're going to start by creating two tables in this so these two tables we're going to have one table for all the projects and then one table that's going to have the actual time card itself now of course this time card solution would normally be much more complex and a lot more inside of it but once you do three or four columns you're going to get the idea so we're not going to go too too deep on that we'll let you kind of see the see the few tables move um and then you know beat your chest a little bit and we'll move on the next step but of course in your company this example will be much more com much more uh enhanced so we're going to go ahead and start by hitting the new button now again I'm in my solution if I accidentally ever got out of the solution like this I can always go back to Solutions and hit that that little learn with the Nerds time card right there always get back to it okay I'm going to hit the new button right here where I can see all the types of assets that I can build in my case though I'm going to select new table and table now while I do this real quick I'm take a quick time out we're going to select new table and table all right and once you do that um it is you may have noticed this external table right below it also external tables allow you to bring in stuff like SharePoint list and SQL Server uh tables just name a few options right into Data verse so it looks like a data verse table but if I were to delete a record it will push that delete to the underlying data source it doesn't actually store any data in datae just the metadata that describes the columns and the the ways you want to see that so tables from external data we're not going to use use right now but they allow you to kind of really have your cake and eat it too so I'm going to hit new table and table again not the table from external data okay once we do this our first table will be called project believe it or not you are done you can hit the save button down below for this table in particular and just watch me for a few seconds if you're playing around you might have got an error at that point saying you do not have permission to do this or the new option was grayed out or the save button grayed out if that's grayed out it means you have an environment selected that does not have access to power apps or to to data verse create data verse tables things like the system customizer role uh security role would allow you to do that so find a new environment and try again that happens to you or ass sign up for the trial plan with a with a personal email address but in my case I do have access so I typed in Project always always always make sure whatever you put here is singular so if you put uh so no plural names it will mess you up later when we go to Builder applications if we type in projects so if you look at your table right now and you see projects not project right here then go ahead and delete that table and recreate it you'll notice right below below it it does pluralize it right below it additionally something called a primary column we'll come back to that in our next table so I'm going to save this one so again always always always make sure it's singular over here if you made that mistake I'm going to hit tables one more time if I made that mistake I would hit the three Dot and I would delete it uh remove it from my environment here okay but you'll notice that once I clicked on it it came here we have no more work to do with this right now other than one thing so again if you're not here you want to go ahead and look over here and click on the word project right there now once you have this open you'll notice if you slide to the right a little bit you can see all the columns that Microsoft has created so we can add other columns right here hitting the plus button here or looking at the other columns that are out there again we're going to come back to that a little bit later once we build our model driven app to show you what it looks like Okay so so next step I'm going to do I'm going to select tables again right here few ways you can do it I'm going to select tables right here and then we're go up top again and create a new table just like we did last time this one's going to be a much more elaborate example where I'll go file sorry new table and table again this table is going to be called time space card okay notice below it has pluralized it so make sure again sing ular here each time now there's a few things you want to we want to look at here as part of this the first thing is what is this primary name column I told you I'd come back to it Now's the Time the default primary name column is name now primary name column is what represents a unique record uh now it's not a system uh record it is how you and I are going to communicate so if I call you about a project what is the best way I can convey that to where you can pull that project up in that case it's probably the Project's name right the name column in our time card case hey I'm calling to get this time card approved think about what you would what what does this mean when I'm reading this over the phone to you if this is best described as a project name then you you keep the name column that you have right here type type in Project name or whatever if it's best as a a number instead then let me call this time card number like that in this case I'm going to use time card number and that is going to be a Auto number that we're going to set this can either be an auto number or it can be a text string like we have here uh time card number though does not have to be a unique value okay somebody's honking their horn outside over and over again all right so uh in this case it is going to be an auto number we'll do the auto number in just a moment we have not defined it as an auto number yet but we're going to Define that a little bit later let's go back to properties again so I was just over in primary column now I'm going to go back to properties notice here let's explore a few more options that we don't really need but I'm going to explore these just so you can see additional information that you can do on this table first thing you'll notice is we can enable attachments right here by enabling attachments this allows you to go through and turn on attachments so you can upload hey this is a client signature for this or here's a PDF I was working on here's my artifact that I created during this time block we also see this used for storing things like CAD drawings or uh images or PDFs or your inspector all the images of the flaws of this if I go over to Advanced options we can see behind the scenes the name in SQL Server of this table and as we scroll down I'm also going to turn on creating a new activity right there under Advanced options so when I check that box you are safe to hit the create button now okay at this point we're done making changes that's to kind of show you a few more things on camera that you can do okay so don't do any of these changes I'm going to click on I just clicked on create new changes and I would normally hit save but I'm going to show you a few opt extra options one is the option my favorite option here is to audit changes the data so as Ace goes through and changes their their amount of hours they booked from 40 hours to 40 to 4,000 hours we can log the fact that Ace made that change on this day they logged in the application they went to the screen they changed it from their salary from $40,000 to $400,000 they hit save and all that is logged so that's one option you can do we can also log these large files into SharePoint every time I create a new client or in my case a time card it will create a folder that I can store those those uh files into so that way I'm using the space from SharePoint not the space from data verse there's lots more around that that we can discuss but just a heads up on that one piece creating a new activity what this allows us to do is it allows us to to when we look at a time card we can start conversations about that time card we can log phone calls log emails about the time card we can log appointments about it all those things can be logged on a given record so those are the big highlights here I'm going to hit save here and our second table has now been created now as we go through and create this table we have a number of columns that we're going to knock out now let's start by going to columns a few ways you can get there one is you can expand time cards click on column the other way is click on columns in the middle section here so whether you're more comfortable expanding the left or go in the center you do it works for you okay and you'll notice there's a lot of columns that Microsoft has created for you in dataverse this is one of the advantages of dataverse it has things like row level security to where you only see your own data it has things like business unit level security where you only see your data and any customers or any anybody else in your department potentially it also has hierarchical security where a CFO can see her her department and any Department underneath her it has all that and it has column level security where I can lock down the salary column to where only HR is allowed to edit it and only finance can see it potentially so you can get really granular on your security I have yet defined a scenario where data verse cannot handle the security Concepts the brilliant thing is it's simple checkboxes to knock it out and they're making it easier you'll also see that it has tons of auditing built in this like who created the record who modified the record who owns that record which may be different than the Creator now for me the first thing I always do when I get here I don't want to see all this junk that Microsoft created I just want to see my junk so I'll select right here where you see the name column right here and I'll say filter by now remember that prefix I created earlier it was called PW in my case I want to hit filter by and type in PW and then hit apply now I'm just seeing the two tables or two columns excuse me that I created in this case one is called time card number and one is called time card ID now time card number is my primary name column about how you and I are going to communicate where time card is a unique identifier that is guaranteed to be unique across our environment this is how all of our link links will have the time card ID in that link so up top when you look at the URL it'll say you're editing time card ID equals and we'll have this long long string goid behind it now I mentioned before I wanted this to be an auto number so if I select time card number I hit the hyperlink right here for it it's going to open up a side Pane and we'll see at the as I look at this the data type right now is a single line of text I'm going to change that into an auto number and you can also add descriptions on it and all those kind of goodies and as I scroll down we also though can put prefixes on this so if I do a t for my prefix look what happens every row underneath it will have T100 10001 and so so on and so on why would I ever want T 1,000 in that it's like a Terminator uh robot doesn't it so if you want to if you want want to identify what type of record it is a good pre a good option is to prefix that data imagine you're an HR Group and you have somebody calling about T1000 you immediately know that because they said the word t or letter in front T in front it must be a time card where I call about a1000 I'm calling about my application for employment so this allows you to kind of look at the data and find one that works for you I'll I'm going to save this and it's going to now change this to an auto number right now it's a single line of text that will then become Auto number in a moment there we go now we're going to go through and create a few more columns and again this is all in your word doc you'll see right here I have these columns listed right there Ace if you don't mind would you mind putting those in the chat window for the team so they can go ahead and uh uh copy and paste if they so chose but Additionally you can also go through and do that yourself if you like as well so my first column up top when I'm in columns I'll hit new column and I'll call this column um how about I call this one project what project are you building time to so I'm this data type notice all these data types are available to you again the goal was to make it to where anybody can build these tables out so my first column I want to connect this table to my project table so I'll call it um uh again change single line text to look up and look up so in this case my column name is Project I'm going to go look up and then look up again with that done it's going to ask you which table do you want to connect this to where it says related table right here I'll click inside of here and type in project and hopefully it will go out there and find my project table all right with that done you can hit the save button your First Column has been created our next column is what employee is logging time now there's a few ways we can do this we could look up against can can store their employees email address we could also connect that into another entity for example like the contact entity or the user entity so I'm going to create another column again I'll call this employee and this is going to be a lookup again and look up again this time though I'm going to connect it to the contact table now there's a few options I had here again I'm gonna I'm gonna freeze here a second zoom in I change this this and this what are my other options here well I chose the contact table why would I have my employees in a contact table the contact table is a table that Microsoft has created for you to store all of your all of your people inside of there's already over a hundred columns inside that table and yes you can extend it and add your own columns to that as well there's also tables like the user table the user table store stores any user that has a license of power apps in this environment the other table is aad users this stores a link to your active directory and all the all the uh active directory users that are there so if I hit the drop down box I would see Marshall Ace and every Everybody in the company right there live so why did I choose context instead of one of these other two tables if I chose one of these other two tables it would automatically have a list of those users the reason I chose contacts though in this case was because I want to not not Corner myself into a corner here or put myself into a corner I want to make it where I can eventually store this data and have my contractors come in through a power page even though they don't have a pragmatic Works email address I want them to be able to come in without being authenticated into my active directory and log records so if I have contractors I have a consultant coming in I want them to be able to to to log into a power page eventually and log their time card also if I put this data in contacts contacts will eventually also hold that contractor's username and password so by using using the contact table in this case I am no longer in a corner this is not just going to be an externally facing application but also potentially an internally facing application so I'll hit the save button here all right that one is now done all right so our next one is going to be an interesting one also so we have our our our employee now logged our project now logged our next one is going to be the description of the work they did so I'll hit new column I'll type description this one I'm going to make a text column but when I make it text I'll this little right arrow and I'm going to make it multiple lines of text I'll zoom in again again here in case you have eyes like me I'll go plain text text and the description column here now you can also use Rich Text where they have a full word editor to kind of maintain and make any kind of changes that you wish but in our case we're choosing to use this route to uh because I don't want to have all this HTML stuff inside of my uh my my information so I'm G to keep I'm GNA go with plain text because of that so again really simple description mult mul line of text and then save you're almost done we have three more columns to go our next column is going to be how many hours you worked so I'll call this hours worked this is just going to be we can make it a number but make sure you make it a decimal number not a whole number in case I worked a quarter hour or half an hour or something I should get credit for that so I'll make this a decimal you'll also notice by the way under Advanced options that you can have a whole bunch of data validation like can you do a negative hour no you can't do negative hour so I'll make that a zero right there that's a minimum value can do you want to do column security where only certain people can edit that you can check that if you wanted to let's definitely not do that right now but for salary columns that's a really useful option I'll hit save all right two more to go what date was this build we have the date it was recorded but that may be different than the date it was recorded so I'm going to hit new new column again we'll select uh build date this time this is going to be a date column a date only I don't care about the time you logged it just the date you logged it now in this case so make sure this says date only it's going to save you some work later but one more piece I want to do because of the time zone challenges here I'm going to hit the advanced options and I'm going to change this user uh uh local here to date only also that is one more little gotcha so again I changed uh Bill date date and time date only and date only the reason why I had the stuff down below is because of time zones if you don't do that it's still going to prompt you for a time in many of the applications so by doing it this way you're only prompted for the date not for the time so I'm GNA ahead and save that now now why this is saving a few things also uh as Ace wow already 300 50 chat messages already thank you Ace for covering those uh as as they go through and and and do that the more you chat and more you uh Converse in that chat window we have a raffle we're going to do do two Raffles today one at the break at 12:30 and then one again at the end of the presentation where you'll have a a chance to win a free subscription to our on demand platform and we'll show you it looks like later today um and we're going to draw that from those that are conversing with with a asking questions talking or doing saying how cool things are whatever you want to do how how bad things are whatever doesn't matter so if you if you if you're if you're uh chatting at all it puts you it gives you a uh a a entry in the raffle later today all right sorry Ace I made your 350 messages now 900 messages probably all right so so to start with here we have one one more column do was this approved or not approved so think about this app application we could if I'm a contracting company or consulting company I can have all my Consultants log this these time in the application the internal application using canvas my external folks my contractors can use the power page and my uh my customers can approve that time potentially in the power page also so let's go ahead and create a simple column called approval status all right the drop- down box for data type this time will be choice and choice and for this I'm going to go ahead and scroll down and you'll see new choice right here so make sure it says it's Global choice I think other applications might need this this drop down box eventually also so what I'm doing right here by creating a global Choice I'm creating a drop-down box that any application in this environment can also use so I'm going to select new choice now one of my rules of thumb here is I always like to go ahead and um approval status and I'll put the word choice at the end this makes it easier for you later to find this so always put the word at least my standard at least is to always put the word uh choice at the end of any choice that you create I'll create three choices here one will be called uh pending next one will be called approved and I'm hitting new Choice each time time and the last one is rejected again all I changed was this approval status choice and I create by hitting this new Choice button here I created these three choices right here never before in your publisher you had that that uh that choice prefix these are the numbers right here that that came from that in case you're curious now you're ready to hit save here just note that you can also do things like change the color of these choices if you so chose and by you by you're doing that the application can later interact with that if you wanted to also and and see that color overlay on top of your choices I'm going to hit save though for the time being and set the default oh sorry I'm GNA go ahead and select my choice this is why I've named it choice if I click inside of here and start typing in the word choice it comes right up and I can see my my options right there we can also set the default uh whenever somebody inserts a record I'm going to make it pin right here all right so let me Zoom it again approval status choice right there for data type then I'm going to say Global choice I created my Global choice and yes we can always edit it later if we wanted to and then I set my my default to pending by making that default is pending or uh it will every new record will have pending on its status type hit save to go ahead and commit all that now you'll notice as soon as you did that there there's going to be a new area on the left side here and it's going to have in a moment here there it goes and oh it's going to be here in just a few seconds here um we'll have a choices section over here also there it is take a while for it to show up here so that's where I can go and edit those choices anytime I want and again any of those choices I edit will reflect across any application using it in addition you'll notice on the left side I've got contacts here why is contacts here I didn't create a contact tape the minute you went ahead and referred to the contact table it is it went ahead at that point and it is using that as a stub where you can extend it if you wanted to so this contact table you'll notice that if I go to columns here there's nothing here but there's tons inside the contact table this is just showing a stub of everything I I I need in this case so if I want to add new columns to the content table I can most certainly do that if I want to change the columns that are already there I can add an existing column and then add my and then click on it and then modify it if I so chose most common application for that would be things like uh adding in like a contact type this is a teacher a contractor an employ or whatever so those kind those are ways you can do that now for some reason I'm spinning out of control right now this little hourglass so I'm just going to refresh my browser see if it comes back now in this case Okay so we have now created all the tables that we need in all the columns in those tables we're now ready to work on our model driven application our steps for creating a model driven application are first of all to create our tables which we just did create our views to see the data and our forms to enter the data we're then we lastly we create the applications on top of it so we're going to start with this time card table so what I want you to do is go to time card expand it and go to views first right on the left side you'll see time card and then views if you don't see that go back to your solution and then go pick the right solution you'll find it there by the way you can always also select views up top and switch between views and forms here if you so chose also now there's a number of views that Microsoft has created for for you okay so I'm in the view section right there some of those the most common view you're going to be messing with is active whatever your table name is this active whatever your table name is time cards will show you all the records that are presently active that are not been archived where the inactive ones are going to show you deactivated records that you may want to soft delete meaning you're archiving The records there's other ones here we do have a whole class on M and apps we show you more about each of these and you can also create the perfect view for yourself right here if you so chose I'm going to choose to go to the active time cards right here and we're going to create our own view here now again let me make sure I show this one more time for those that may have missed that I'm under tables and time cards and I clicked on views you can also access it in the middle section right here you'll see views right there as well once you're there click on active time cards this opens up your designer and this designer is going to allow you to kind of manipulate things just like you do in Excel spreadsheet you can go and if I zoom in here just like an Excel you can drag those make it smaller bigger you can say I'm G to remove that and and I don't care about that column by hitting by right clicking on it and removing it there we go you can also see on the left side there's a lot of columns here what I'm going to do is I'll hit this drop- down box right here where it says the filter icon and I'll select custom once I do that once I set custom I'm only gonna see the stuff that I have created and all the Microsoft stuff goes away at that point so I'm going to go ahead and select um um uh I'm G to put the employee how many hours they worked on what project and when did they do it and has it been approved that's good enough for now we can also add other columns keep in mind this is not you're not trying to show every column here you're just trying to show a high level information and they can click on that data to go deeper on the right side you can sort it and filter it or you can filter it and sort it by just hitting the columns and saying sort and filter we can always drag things around just like this you can resize things or you can hit the down arrow and remove things at any point in time okay or you can rightclick either way if you forgot to add a column you can also add columns by hitting new table column right here also with that first table done you now have created a way of seeing the data hit save and publish in the top right this going to take a few seconds to save and publish and what's happening right now if we did that in the application using this View and you might have an employees view with tons and tons of applications 20 applications all using it if I modified it changing the way the data was sorted or changing the filter adding a column sorting it whatever I want to do if I were to do that every one of those 20 applications would also reflect that new change That's The Power of data verse is you do it once and it rolls out for everything and all all my a lot of my business logic is in data verse I'm as soon as it saves and published I'm going to hit the back button up in the top top left all right ace you're you're busy right now 500 questions again there's anything that you think that would be useful for the other people feel free to start it and I'll answer those questions in the uh in the chat window also or verbally here as well oh there's one our first cominging again all right so uh question here again what if you didn't want a default Choice great question so if you didn't want a default choices question from Tom coming in then just leave it alone if you say none it will that that option will be null for you as you do that so no worries at all if you so to chose that thank you Tom great great one to fly there Ace thank you so much any as much as you want to that no problem at all all right so we've now got our view now done we have our columns now done now we need to wait for our users to edit and insert and delete the data so to do that we're going to create a form again you can select right here under views and go to forms that way way or you can select forms on the left bar whatever is comfortable for you now again there's three forms here the one that you're going to care about again another forms right here the one you care about is the main form so yours might not be the third form here so look whatever one is Main and as soon as you identify the main one go ahead and click on the word information right there now you may have noticed there's more than just forms and views inside of the left side there are also dashboards and charts you have things like relationships how you relate tables there's keys for looking for duplication of data there's also things like uh uh business rules you can create also so uh great question here from Jeff so the question is what happens if I remove a column does it also delete all the data within that or does it not allow uh you to view that so if you delete a column within that view so I think the question that Jeff is asking is I'm looking at the view here okay if I were to remove it from here it will not delete the data or change the the actual data in any way it just changes your view on the data if I were to delete the column from the column list then yes that data will disappear at that point it's so great question Jeff thanks for asking that go and hide that now uh so two different ways of thinking about I'm not sure which one you're asking but well make sure I asked the right one there also all right so cool to create our form I'm going to go back to forms and I'm gonna click on the word information under main Now watch how fast we can build a form okay right now East Coast time it is 1153 I'm going to hit the drop- down box again to say only custom and then you see where it says time card number right here this little panel here I want to click on time card number and make this read only so I'm going to select time card number on the right side I'll check read only this puts a little um a little locking key next to it so again click on that and then Mark it as read only by doing that it will auto number I don't want my users to feel like they have to go in there and type a number into there if you do not make it read only the users will feel obligated to type something in and they will mess your data up so keep it simple additionally on the left side I'm just going to go through and go click click click click click all the way down on my columns that I created and you'll see it went ahead and moved it around you can then drag and drop them however you want and I'm basically constructing a form here we have trained tons of business users tons of of users that are technical I very rarely found a problem where a business user can't figure this out very easily usually within a half an hour they are building forms for themselves it is amazing to watch now this owner is who owns the record and I can click drag and hold it and if it turns light purple up top you can also move stuff up to the top header right here so when you're done hit SA and publish up in the top right it is now 11:55 2 minutes have passed and you have now built your first P data vers form model different form in this case this form we just built will be used in model driven apps and in power Pages The View we just we built can be used in model driven apps canvas apps uh Power Pages uh every type of app you want to build it will work working there for you all right so it also works in Excel on those kind of areas so change it once reflected across the board now just to kind of take a quick timeout here we have you're done so you can save and publish and then hit the back button you're done but I just want to show you again on the left side here you can create your own columns right here if you wanted to again you can hit the up top here it says components this allows you to add new components like new tabs see now I have a new tab right there it allows you to build new tabs and I can go through and do other stuff as well so if I want to create a new tab here and I want to put any kind of attachments of this I can drag this timeline over don't worry about doing this doesn't matter we're not going to use this at all so this timeline right here lets you go through and add things like activities notes uh appointments phone calls calls emails about that given time card we can also go over and select the tab and rename it to you know notes something like that again I'm not gonna none of this matters I'm not GNA actually keep any of this stuff there's powerbi integration where you can bring in powerbi reports there's AI integration there's lots more components you have at the bottom as well if you're a coder like Asus we can also go through and add things like JavaScript libraries to this we can add business rules to this without JavaScript we can also securitize this is that a word securitize it is now we can also go to form settings and say all right who can access this form anyone or just people that have a certain security role so lots of options you have in here and when I save and publish this it is now pushing that out to all those sources out there so it is now done I'm going to hit the back button just like you and oh great question question here from Elizabeth what happens if you accidentally remove a column from the column list is there a way to uh retrieve it if uh uh treeve the data lost yes so if I go back here again and I if I accidentally delete a column by hitting the delete key or hitting the pro the U the pro the uh uh delete button right here also this little Trash Can button when I do up here see to the trash can at any point you'll notice that my project should be back here again you just simply click on it again or drag and drop it and it will move that right back for you so at any point it's almost impossible to mess this stuff up Elizabeth so it's it's you can do it of course but it makes things a little bit easier as you go through these to do that all right I'm G GNA save and publish make sure I did that and then I'll hit the back button again all right let me hit that back button W almost 600 comments now you guys are rocking thank you Ace Ace is uh keeping busy now it is the top of the hour we're going to do a break in about a half an hour here but it is exactly top of the hour right now look at your clock watch how fast we can build this model driven application all the hard work is done we have got the form done the view done and the columns done all the business logic is is inside of here so now we're going to go back to the all section right here we're going to hit all we're going to hit new new app and model driven app so I went to all new app model driven app name this app whatever you want to name it doesn't matter and once you do that uh we're going to go through and we're g to modify the application so I am going to start building this right now file new and modeler an app we'll do a canvas one next also I'll name mine uh timekeeper admin maybe and then I'll hit create of course you want to put a description on it and of course you can put things like uh we can put things like icons on it later as well we'll call this timekeeper admin this application we're building will work on your phone on anybody that has a link through a browser or a PC Mac it doesn't matter all right to create our application simply hit the new button here here or here either way I'm going to hit the one right in the middle here it says add page once I hit add page notice we can add things like dashboards we can add canvas stuff to this as well that's our canvas items right there we can add links to this web resources our HTML Pages URLs dashboards all that stuff is right here I'm going to point to our data verse tables where I'm going to search for my contact table my project table and my time card table the one the three tables that we have used so again you search right here for time card contacts and then lastly project okay or project excuse me once you do that hit the add button now you'll also see this is grp all these tables right here are grouped together if you want to change that group on the left side you see new group we can select that new group and give it a give it a better name like uh time cards or whatever okay there we go what changes that right there so I somebody selected it on the left side change it on the right side believe it or not you're done it is now 1201 based on my clock at least and at 12:01 in about two minutes there we have finished the application so go hit the publish button the top right we're going to come back to this in a moment we're going to I'm going show you some additional things inside of here you may notice that I have some sample data in here as well if you don't have sample data I'm going to show you in just a few seconds how you can add some sample data also my sample data is only in the contact table but in the projects or time cards I have no sample data so to do this what I want to show you is some additional things that you can do notice that when I select projects on the right side it's showing me all the the uh views that are available to your users should they be able to hit the drop- down box and see archive projects that's up to you you can hide it by just setting the three Dot and saying remove and it will hide it from this application you might also have like the contact table look at all these my goodness so you may not want them to see all these views or they don't pertain to your application just just hit the three Dot and remove it in addition we can see things like uh any kind of automations you have in place you can do other stuff in this application also but most the business logic is in those tables nothing more to do so far but hit the play button so I'm G to hit that play button right there and it's going to open up the application question from Julie adding powerbi to this it will allow us to create a graphs to show where the the where you're spending your time can we also go through and use a use a plan view tool or some other third party tool application like that so yes when I open up the application we could have powerbi reports in this and dashboards in this powerbi dashboards to see our data if you want to access for a m of an app plan view for example your best bet is to build powerbi reports on top of plan View and then link to it here so you would have a dashboard button right here and then Julie what you would do is you would one of those reports would be your plan view report so you have one version of the truth there you can also though when I'm looking at a view at any point hit visualize this View and it will then open up a powerbi report about the view that you're looking at right now this is more of an ad hoc report hopefully juli I kind of got you started on that we do have some videos that show you more information you can also weave those into your forms if you so chose also okay so once this once this opens up it's done right now and it builds basically an ad hoc report this takes about 30 seconds we're not going to show too much about it but I just want to show you that you can ad hoc build whatever powerbi report that you so chose takes a few seconds you can then check on different things like the email and it will start to open up those oh goodness it's taking his time isn't it all right well in an effort to save time I'm going to close this but just note it would be a powerbi report showing you the view and helping you slice and dice that data all right so what if I don't see any data right now well if you don't see any data let me show you a little backstage way of adding the sample data if you want to I'm going to hit the gear box the top right and go to advanced settings it's going to open up a new tab for me and this advanced settings is going to let me see all the backstage stuff for power apps I'll hit the down arrow we on settings right here and then go to data management so again the down arrow and then data management boom and then boom then I'm going to go through and hit sample data now in my case the sample data is already installed which I can remove at any point in your case though you'll you might see install sample data it's not required for this session but if you click on that it's going to install some companies and some contacts for you in my case though in an effort to make this a little better for myself here I'm going to hit the new button under contacts when I'm playing the application and I'm going to build a a user for me Brian all right night there we go and then I'll go through and add my email address in here all right perfect and I'll I have other stuff inside of here as well okay that's good enough all all you want to do right now is add your your first last name and your email address in the application we're going to use that later if you want to add a coworker that's your prerogative also you can hit save and close up top to leave that if I want to go and add like a Devon Knight for example o all right and then I'll put his email address in here you might have guessed what his email address might be I'll hit save and close and now I have two of them there's a few neat things you can do here also as you're looking at uh these records you can also hop around very easily you can export all this data to excel you can also import this data from Excel as well and on the left side we'll see projects you can kind of hop around here very very easily I'm going to also go through my projects here and add one or two projects that I can play with here so I'm going to click on projects hit new up top and I'll call my first project here how about I call it uh new HQ building all right save and close then I'll hit new again and I'll create another project here called um I don't know um AC's new call it um uh Dynamics roll out call it whatever you want none of this matters I'm just creating a few projects here a shortcut you could do if you wanted to is you could hit the three dot right here imagine you had the project list already inside an Excel spreadsheet I can hit the right arrow next to export to Excel and say open in Excel online this will show you your data my two projects in Excel online where as I type in Project two project three and so on and so on it is actually going to write that back to the database so I can copy and paste from Excel into this environment and all right Aces new Lambo all right there we go as I hit save and save right here at the bottom it's going to start to load that data now into the data verse database it's going to look for any kind of problems and I can watch it do it by hitting track progress I can see it each step along the way and hit that little refresh button every so many minutes seeing it's parsing the data now then it's going to transforming it found five rows it also by the way handles deletes and updates for you as well so all that is handled automatically for you when you look at that uh uh that Excel option not it's not a must do here it's it's taking it sweet times I'm going to leave that real quick but again to get that you hit the hit the three dot export to excel hit the right arrow and then open an Excel online there's also Dynamic worksheets that can do the same thing for you after about five minutes or it takes about anywhere from two minutes to five minutes to do this after it does that simply hit the refresh button and you'll see your new rows now out there so lots of options you have inside of here I'm just going to refresh every so often and I'm getting impatient I'll come back to it later we'll see those projects in there the time card what I want to show you in the time card piece that you don't have to do is if I hit the new button here you'll notice in my notes section here just let me just create one little time card here I'll put Brian Knight the project will be the Dynamics roll out whatever don't do this guys it's just I'm try showing you something really quickly here and they worked three hours on that project and when I save this This Record I'm going to go to notes I'm going to save the record notice that the timeline lights up where I can hit the plus button and you can see all the details about all these right here if you so chose okay back in projects there's my projects now loaded now from Excel this took it about five minutes or so to load those your first app is done awesome now we're ready to build our next application which is going to be a canvas this is going to be the application we're looking at here uh is the application for the administrators but the application we're going to look at in the other interface will be for the employees the ones that don't want to see all these buttons up top that's the application we're going to create next so I'm going to go over to time key I'm gonna go back to the the uh the previous tab we had open and hit the back button to get back to our solution if you don't want to do that you can hit the you know you can always come back here again again make. power apps.com then go to the learn with the Nerds uh what whatever your environment was go to Solutions and then pick your solution either way it gets you back the same same environment all right next you can hit go to apps and you'll see there's your app right here select new app and then canvas applications this time is a little different last time we did the model driven we went to app new app and canvas this time just like last time name it whatever you wish so I'll call mine uh timekeeping application you call it whatever you want notice I'm making this tablet friendly at first these applications will work on a phone device also so just because I'm making it tablet here doesn't mean it won't work on a phone it is going to be it could it can be responsive if I configure it in such a way to make it responsive to where it works on a phone tablet automatically by default it will just compress the the application down to where it looks good on a phone but you can make it look as large as you want and actually do that as well all right so I'm gonna hit the create button all right so question here from uh somebody in the audience here all right the gist Lobby all right nice name there so uh question was for time cards would a user be able to create multiple time cards across multiple dates and just one absolutely we're going to build it just that way we're g to make it where they can do just that that that's our that's our goal for today all right when this pops up right here we can go ahead and say don't ever show this again and click on skip it might not show up for you that's absolutely fine so the application this is power apps canvas environment and the first thing I always do when I first get here is you may want to go and hit the save button in the top right just to make sure you have one the option saved for you so that way autosave will kick in going forward now what we want to start here with is we're going to build a thre Zone application our for a four Zone app we're going to have up top here our little header all right here we go on the side we're going to have a list of our projects over here all right uh then we're going to break the right pane into two zones we're trying to squeeze as much as we can into one screen so there's less clicking for our users time cards are a pain in the butt for users right so because of that we want to make it as condensed as possible it may not look the prettiest but it'll be functional and our users will thank us because they won't have to go to five different screens to do this up top we're going to build an app we're going to build our form to enter new time cards so let's be for insert edit of time cards okay on the bottom we're going to list all all time cards for the project selected okay so these are our really four zones of the application to manage these zones we're going to use something called containers and containers allow you to make a responsive application that will slide left and right right based on on on this the user screen here so hopefully now you'll see screen one we're going to remove that in a moment don't worry but on the left side let's kind of walk through some of the navigation here on the left side you'll see your tree view here the tree view let me I'll expand this so you can see it here there we go all right the tree view is going to give you a listing of all the objects inside of your application right now I only have one object and that's screen one right now the insert view shows you a list of all the objects you can add to the p application so I can add a text label it's dragging and dropping if I wanted to don't worry we're going to delete the screen you can drop in a a rectangle or whatever and you see how it feels a little bit like power about like power um um Power Point excuse me on the left side but next to that you'll see data this is where we can add our tables our connected connections to other data sources like plan view all those things can be added here our logo and other types of images will go under Media power automate is how you'll go through and Link things over to workflows so you hit submit I'm going to now send this out for approval at that point variables self-explanatory these are how you can add and create variables and and other and collections later also we can do there Advanced tooling you we won't come into this until you get to be a little little more higher level this is where you can monitor the application and you can also search down here as well now I first thing I want to do is go to our tree view okay I want to collapse this this icon that you see right here we're going to hit new screen and we're going to select the the three uh three prong one right here the sidebar template so again I went to treeview I hit new screen right here and we're going to go ahead and so right there and we're going to select the sidebar piece right there okay once we do that it's going to create a new screen called screen two oh and let me I got to close that teams there it keeps on popping up there doesn't it let me go ahead and quit that teams like you can't quit me all right there we go so for this we have screen one and Screen two let's go ahead and delete screen one by hitting the three dot next to it and selecting delete so now we just have our one screen here and it's called screen two now at any point in time you can also rename these objects you can double click on screen two or select the three Dot and hit rename what I like to typically do is have a a threeletterman3 is it makes it to where um if I type in up top like just check this out I'm just GNA I'm going to put some in arbitrary here to ignore what I'm doing right now if I put this button up here and I put in something like navigate which navigates me new to a new screen and I open parenes see it it knows I see the scr are obvious screen names here so it makes it much easier to kind of find my stuff ultimately so doing that makes a a much easier to navigate around the next thing I want you to do okay so the your screen should look something like this just three little panels here these are containers where I can move things around a little more navigation help also notice up top we have a navigation a little pane here it shows me whatever I select here it shows you what is in context of whatever I have selected okay like changing your theme or whatever on the right side here you'll see your properties window this is showing you what properties you have uh currently selected so I hit my container right here I'm seeing all the properties for the container speaking of properties I'm G to have you over and over again go to something called the property dropdown box up in the top left once you select something your property drop-down box is going to be called right here so when I say go there you are going to forget this I promise this I'm going to refer this to the property dropdown box up here okay a very fancy name but that when I say that go there now there's also a setting section right here where we can go and set the settings the size the of the application all that in lastly you'll see a play button in your top right as well as your save button and your publish button we could be working on version 20 of this application by hitting save save save 20 21 22 each time we hit save however nobody can see our changes until we hit the publish button okay that means that that that every Everything rolls forward and the minute you publish it now shows up on your phone and other users that have access to this that you shareed this with will also change the play button allows you to preview the application you can not only preview it but you can try the application on different kind of devices here as well okay so also as you preview you'll notice that as you exit it's going to say hey by the way did you know that you can hold the ALT key down and interact with the application we'll see that later today also so the first thing I want you to do is click on the settings button right here the settings button will show you all the settings the icons that you want to use Auto saves turned on all those kind of things what we're going to turn on though under settings so I hit settings right here yours might be in the bottom left of your screen looking for a little gearbox icon there so if you don't see it up top here hit the three dot so settings might be hidden underneath the three dot or it also might be in the left panel on the very bottom what I want you to do is toggle This Modern controls and themes on this is going to allow you to go out and notice as soon as I did that it's showing a whole bunch of new themes that I have access to right here uh it has an insert button where I can have a new controls available to me so this gives me a lot more options I can play with now okay let's first of all get things kind of laid out the what we want though so I'm gonna first of all stay in tree viw I'm going to select this right section remember the right section we wanted to have two bars here we want to have the form up top and we want to have the old records down below so to do that I'm going to create a a two more containers container within a container it's like Inception man it's crazy all right so anyways I'll select the main container I'm gonna go hit the insert button here or you can hit the plus button right here either way it does the same thing I'll go to classic and I'm going to search for vertical container right there so again you can do it by hitting the plus button up top insert search for a container or vertical whatever and I'm going to click on vertical container once and then hit it one more time oh but before you do it one second time make sure that you have main containers selected from the Tree View if you don't do that let me make a mistake here I'm gonna screw this up here I'm gonna hit uh I'm gonna hit the um uh insert again and do container again I'm going to screw this up don't do what I'm doing about to do here it's gonna screw things up I'll do vertical container again notice what's happened is it built a container within a container within a container now we're three levels into this dream big time Inception now we we didn't want that though we wanted it to we want it basically to have this container right here part of main container so I'm going to delete that okay make sure I slip the main container and then I'll say insert um and then I'll do vertical again and then select vertical container now we have it what I'm looking for see now you've got a plus button here A Plus button here so now we truly have four zones in our application every so often you're going to want to hit the save button up top right or hit contrl s if you want to save in a faster way every so often all right so I'm not gonna not you could also publish it every so often also so we have about five minutes left before our break let's do one or two more things inside of here so one of the questions coming in from from Howard is it possible to directly use uh data in a table from an external SQL Server uh to a form Howard great question data ver or not data verse but canvas apps allow you to connect to almost 1,00 data sources so not just SQL server but anywhere out there so as you do this the data verse has some advantages we do not have to go to data verse to build this canvas application though we could go right to SQL Server right to SharePoint right to Excel and start building the data right there inside of that so most certainly do that Howard hopefully answered your question if I did not just re ask it a slightly different way there all right so let's build our header first before we go on break so to do this I'm going to hit the plus button here or I'm going to click on the header and go to insert here either way does not matter it does the same same exact thing then I'm going to go to Modern and you'll see a header option already here built for you there's header right there make sure you're under modern when you do that and when you go to Modern just hit the header button and there's our header all lined in now this header lines up with um the the U the theme that we currently have selected has a few things you may want to do you'll see right now I've got uh you know my my logo in place which we can change on the right side you'll see the logo is right there simply upload your logo and you can add it there later don't worry about it right now we can also see that it has scr entry that's a terrible name for a screen what we can do on the right side you'll see it say title right there let's go ahead and Select Title click on the word title on the right side while the header is selected and then it's going to show me in the property drawing drop down box that you selected title I'm going to remove this code that you see right here this code essentially showing that's going to show the current screen name which is scr entry instead in double quotes I'll put uh time card entry screen or something like that and double quotes once you do that it reflects that inside the application well I don't want to have this blue color I want to have a different color one of the ways we can we can do this we can build themes on the left side under themes okay that's nice and dandy and as we do this but what about my own theme what if I wanted to create a Brian theme that feature is not available yet however if you want to build your own kind of logic like that I'm going to go to uh this little option right here the treeview option click on the word app and then I'm going to select from the drop down box formulas formulas are like Excel formulas allow you to to to write code build it one time and then bring it over over and over and over again into your system so hopefully Ace can go a and copy and paste this this Le two lines of code into the chat window but I'm going to type these out my case I'm going to build a formula called con primary con primary is going to be equal to the color that I want is my primary color I'll make that primary color color value because I'm going to basically do a um um I'm gonna go ahead and um have a hex code of my color inside of a parentheses now and inside of Double quotes I'm GNA do hashtag or pound sign 0 aa9 FF all right let me zoom in so you guys can see that double quotes close a parentheses and put a semicolon at the end what this is doing is creating a formula that whenever I say Co in primary it's going to run that code right here you see called color value and as I hover over this we can see that color value is going to give us a color that is equal to that hex code right there you can also put whatever code that you wish in there whatever color you wish in there in my case though let me do one more for my secondary color this one will be called uh Co in uh accent or secondary or whatever and that's going to be equal to a color value as well all right you can also use rgba as well but we we'll start with this one for time being hex code all right this one's an easy one 67 6767 oh I did not type it easy but I messed it up somehow 67 6767 and then double quotes and then close that parenthese make sure you end with a semicolon formulas again what this has done is it's made it to where anytime I refer to one of these words it will run this code for me we'll come back and play with that a little bit later too and we'll use it but it makes it where you don't have to write that code over and over and over again lastly select your header and you'll notice on the right side it says base pallet color if I click on that word you'll see it also in your property dropdown box now I can type in Co n primary oh is it going to happen and there it goes so it's worked now to basically show it's putting a darker version of this color right here but if I want to lighten that up I can make it neutral or I can make it uh lighter or whatever but it's taking a gradient of that color that you see right here and it's making the darker version because it's a header color but if I were to change that then to co n accent we'll get the gray color instead of the blue color so this is a way of build holding it one time and then referring to it over and over and over again so these are called formulas now we are ready for our break time make sure you save now we're going to do a 10minute break I'll put a a a 10-minute clock on my screen look like this here in a moment but a few things to note Marshall can I bring you on camera here again all right so uh yes sir bring me on hey there we go I hear you I don't see you though um there we go can we bring you on camera and let's uh let's take a look at let's go and draw our first contestant for the day so hey there we go all right that's that's been a better image there that that oh my camera not working I guess huh actually you know Brian I think you wore out your camera uh oh okay no worries no worries we'll get that we'll get that working during that break here so Marshall uh we'll just do branch realquest and you can go ahead and uh I'll talk through you now stock puffy there we go let's go ahead and uh draw our first draw this will be for a our on demand learning we'll show what that looks like in a moment here after we get back from break we're going to take people from the chat window that have already submitted a question or a comment or anything in there just just uh talking with people go ahead Marshall let's go and draw our first winner here we go good luck everyone oh here we go and the answer is oh what let's do it again that's us we won we swear top I guess we did have the most comments one more time here let's do it one more time that means Ace has been busy there are and hey inch yes there we go how how would MH hatch claim their prize absolutely uh please send an email to marketing pragmatic works.com and uh we will get you set up with a free uh annual subscription to our on demand learning uh program please go do that and um real quick speaking of that uh Brian if you don't mind I'd like to remind everybody that we do have a special right now on our uh on demand learning uh for the next uh through Saturday or Sunday actually uh you can save 50% on an annual subscription if you use the code CT XP launch so be sure to go to our website use that code and sign up for your own annual subscription to On Demand learning excellent all right so uh let's take a 10-minute break right now it's around 12:32 East Coast time I'll put 10 on the clock uh I think Marshall has a video maybe want to show but I'll go ahead and start that timer now I will see you in 10 minutes stretch your legs get some coffee and we come back we will see you then take care guys hello project managers and I'm here to invite you to sign up for our next month learn of the nerd session on Microsoft Project we are going to walk you how to create your own timeline how you can start your project from zero including all the tracking capabilities variances baselines and so on cost very important and we're also going to show you a complete project and how you can track the progress of that project and we're going to have a Q&A session so hopefully we'll be able to answer all the questions you might have if you interested make sure you sign up and I'll see you there soon enjoyed your small little break there uh a few things that we got asked uh uh during the during break also one of the big things we got asked is is the calendar invite we sent out was for an hour and a half our apologies you guys get bonus time so you get not just time with me for an hour and a half uh again this is all being recorded so you can't make the hour and a half last hour and a half where we actually get uh into the canvas app side have some other fun stuff then then you always watch the recording you're just going to miss out on the fun raffle we do at the end of the time also speaking of the raffle we mentioned before we we um um we had this open a moment ago this is what uh imatch just won so we have a on our on demand site you'll find us at pragmatic works.com when you go to pragmatic works.com you'll see in the top right it says start learning once you're there uh there are about hundreds of classes out here you'll see just just tons and tons of content around power apps powerbi and all those kind of things why we're giving the sale this month so we just launched this this this option here called search XP it's where you're trying to uh learn how to uh get certified right not not a pragmatic work certification a Microsoft certification or a comp to1 or those ones we have a lot more coming out with this we're starting in our beta launch with these three and we have two more we're launching next week two more behind that and so on and so on so I'm going to try the pl200 which one the uh the Microsoft ones we wanted to find a way to gamify it to where you felt like it wasn't a chore to get ready for a certification so as I go through this you can see I started down here I failed a few passed a few and as I go through this if I if I hit that little continue button we'll see a few things first of all I I have ADD I'm I'm just going to tell you straight up I am um I'm I'm I have some challenges around like reading long questions this is a relatively short question but if I were to go and hit you can hear it actually reads a question to you how many data source we can say hey it's over a th data source this goes to a question actually right now from uh s s's asking a question could you import an Excel spreadsheet form or an an access form well the good thing about dataverse is because the way data verse operates uh you can import data very easily using things like data flows or you can copy and paste um you if if you want to import dataverse if you want to use uh Excel or access directly in an application I would recommend not doing that Excel is not a database and it will go a little bit a little bit crazy if you try to treat it like one access unfortunately is not covered by that but this is related to your question you saw a moment ago so when I hit submit it will tell me I got the answer right and it let lets me know why I got the answer right also so I can see here that the answer is good and keep on going the next one and you can hear we go going through I'm going to get this one wrong on purpose this time and hit continue but see this question here this a typical question for for U A certification right long long question it makes your eyes crossed you get you guys get tired of looking at it so this is the way you can kind of look at that and and and auto and find find this the next question here for my favorite uh uh uh name of the day here is from spider poop poop all right my four-year-old is just giggling up my four-year-old uh myself is just giggling right now I want to hear that so let me stop her right now sorry about that so uh for the question from from spider poop pop uh is um uh in this case do you have to install a client agent in order to connect to SQL server on Prim yes to do that if you want to use data verse or want to use SQL Server to connect to that you would use something like the not you would use the on-prem data Gateway you download it for free you install it on one server and it lets you access that on Prim server from the cloud at that point this it's the same Gateway that's used for powerbi and for Azure and power automate also so absolutely you'll find it right over here under Mo and you'll see um as you look at that you'll be able to download that that inside of the connected connections and if you hit discover all to find it there okay also when you create a connection I get a question a lot about the SL connection connectivity questions look at all the data sources we have here and one is SQL Server to answer your question spider uh when I select SQL Server it's going to ask me first thing as I scroll down on hey uh how do you want to connect to it and I'll pick SQL server at the very bottom there's a Gateway that's how you basically connect to an on Prem data source so yes you can just note it will be a little slower to connect to those sometimes also as you do that so again the the uh CT XP uh we have it as as half off this month Marshall when you show the code one more time uh this will this this discount code you're seeing right below me will give you uh will give you the 50% discount for the next step I think it's next uh little bit here uh there we go uh so it's about to expire so make sure you do it quickly and this will give you uh all of our on demand classes C XP all that stuff in one foul swoop here for you okay great questions all right let's begin again so back when I was starting again let me go over here again and open up the application I left off when we left off we had got the skeleton of the application done we had the M mol app done and we also have um the the zones kind of all ready to go here as well now our next step speaking of the SQL sort of questions we're getting asked on the left side you'll see that database icon on the left if you were to select that database icon on the left and hit add data we're can go through and add the tables that we wish notice data dat verse though is showing right up top here so I can search for in my case projects there it is and click on projects I can hit add data again and search for contacts click on it again there's contacts then I can search for it again and look for time cards there it is click on it and there's time cards so I added the three data source that you're seeing right here boom boom boom and I can at any point rightclick on those and actually go right to the data if I wanted to so if I want to add more projects no problem I can right click hit edit data and start adding more projects not important right now though additionally to my SQL Server people in the audience you can search for SQL Server there it is and it gives you a little icon right here this little premium button here means you do require a license of power apps to to run this not just an office license to run it but a full power apps license okay so my goal again just to refresh you I'm going to put my list of projects over here on the the right side I'll have a form to iner data okay and on the bottom here I'll have my old my old time cards down here so those are the zones we're going to work with let's start with this left sidebar right here for this sidebar here I'm going to hit the plus button next to uh the uh inside this container and I going to search for vertical Gallery so I'm going search not in the modern one but the classic one you'll see vertical Gallery right here so again my steps were I click on the plus button I'll hit vertical Gallery make sure you're in classic though before you do that sweet now a few things to note here as I do this it first thing it's going to ask me is which table do I want to go to I want to go to my projects table so I'm going to click on projects right there I also by the way could have done this on the right side by selecting projects on the left side either way there's about four ways of doing this to get the same thing the Third Way Is Up top the items property for the gallery is set the projects it's all doing the same thing I don't have a picture for projects or a time for projects all I care about is the name of the project so while I have the gallery selected like you see right now or you can go to the treeview and make sure the gallery is selected this way once you do that go to layout on the right side and change it from image title and subtit title to title instead this little down arrow right there and just Select Title instead notice your gallery is called just just simply Gallery one right now now there a little bug right now that we have that well Microsoft has in this case that whenever I select selected that notice the the box is a little bit wider than it should B right now that's not great right so if I select the container and I hit the drop down box for property dropdown box what I'm looking for here is the width property and you can see right now what they've done the why the bug exists is for this Gallery one I'm going to go to width and right now this width that you're seeing here in red has been hardcoded okay so this is hardcoded right now so we want to go ahead and change that to where if you're on a phone device it it skinnies itself down automatically so I'm going to go ahead and change at 640 to parent. width by me typing in the P it kind of gives me all the information I'll click on parent. width it finishes it up parent. width means hey this is my this is my H Gallery right here look to my parent which is this container right here and do its width the parent. width looks one level up and says what is the width of this of this object so in other words the parent. width of of this is going to be the width of the container right below it the container's parent do width is the width of the application above it so everything has a parent till you get the top dog here okay if you have employees Pro this a question from Sabrina if you have employee project and historic time card entries in SQL Server tables but don't want to give all the employees premium licenses what do you recommend well that's a great question Sabrina in that case what I'd recommend is using something like power pages to do that or using data verse for teams or you could even use like Microsoft forms which then writes over to a premium data source uh but you can have your cake it too power apps for teams gives you the same kind of interfaces in a teams environment that's included in your office license today and then power Pages allows you to scale that license to people that are only actively using the application each month those are two options I'd probably select in my my case Okay so again uh one if some people are saying that did they hey I don't see uh the classic modern options again you'll find the description of this in the chat window as well as the description of the video if you're watching us later as well there's the the step-by-step instructions there but if you go to settings AV scroll down on settings what you're looking for is modern controls and themes and that's that that's described also in the directions if you so shows also okay so we have our first first gallery of data here this these galleries allow you to see data very very easily and uh and interact with the data hitting arrows to do something you can also do other stuff inside that as well there's another way of seeing data as well and that's called a data table uh there's some quirks in it right now that's why I'm not going to show that to you but it there's other ways of showing it other than a gallery but galleries are probably the most interactive way of playing with your data now I want to build a a a a form to enter the data next and also a gallery down here to see the data how we start with the gallery next so this this area you're seeing down below I'm going to put a list of all my old time cards into here so if I hit the plus button again I'm going to click on vertical Gallery again under classic okay this time I'm going to point to time cards so select time cards as it pops out here if you don't get the pop out you can also select time cards up here in data source okay there we go now there's a lot more we're going to do on this this time card right here it looks pretty darn ugly right now right I've got a time card but we're going to come back to it a little bit later but I just want to show you right now that we see the data at as it is there's a few more things we want to do we want to filter this to where you only see the time card so whatever you select on the left we want it to filter on the right so as you pick a different project filter that down that'll be our next set and we also want to sort the data so I want to filter it and sort it by my most recent time cards up top so we'll start there and then our final step at we'll do our form next and then we're going to lastly uh pretty up our form pretty up uh the gallery okay so we'll we we're gonna keep it pretty darn ugly right now so you see this is this the ugly version of it right there but we're going to add some more data and then we're going to pretty it up after we have our form in place let's start with the filter though let's filter it and sort it I'm going to select my entire gallery now a few things to note make sure you have the whole Gallery selected not just your first row the first row is your template and I'll show you an example of that later so make sure you pick the whole Gallery you can check to make sure by looking in the right here on the left here mine is called Gallery 2 and gallery one for the I would normally rename all these objects like G projects gal time cards I would not put spaces in it either but for the time being just go ahead and if if yours are not calling Gallery 1 and gallery 2 go ahead and call it Gallery 1 and gallery 2 so yours matches my name until we finish up okay so with Gallery 2 now selected you'll notice the data is coming from time cards notice in my case also I can hit the down arrow next to it and I can see the row of data that that I have in that table right now if I go through again though and I put the command of how I want to go through and filter this data well they tried to make this a low code environment so in one line of code we're going to filter it and sort it let's start with the filter command the filter command is going to filter this time card table based on whatever is on the left so I'm going to type in project I want to I want to go and say filter it based on the Project's ID so I'll say project do project now it sounds a little goofy there right project. project is a referring to the oh sorry here we go okay inside the time card table you saw right there so inside the time card table there's a column called project and in that t in that table there's another column called project remember that if the table name and the column name match that is your primary key that's what makes a record unique across all those values so this right here actually's kind of answering pavel's question right pavel's question is hey is there a way to create a unique record ID for every project that is that is uh in the link yes that is this project ID that I'm using right now this project so notice if I were to look at this uh table right here don't do this and I add that project column there it is see table name column name matches there is my guid right there okay so when I say um when I when I'm pointing over here to project table so what what it's doing here is say okay in the time card table there's a column called project that links to the other table called project and then when I hit dot here are all the columns from that table it's basically joining the two tables together for me automatically so if I say project. project it now knows to go get the ID from that project now I want that to be equal to whatever you select selected on the left side that was called Gallery one I believe right there it is Gallery one do selected not project and close a parentheses so again my data disappeared because now none of these these projects have anything associated with them except for my Dynamics roll out so what this is doing is saying all right take the guid for Dynamics roll out pass it in to uh right here and then match it up against whatever is on the time card and only show me the time cards that have that project on it I can now click on the word filter and look what actually happens it actually shows me the one record if I select a different project click on the word filter all my data goes away now because it doesn't can't find any records there so you can use this down arrow to kind of test out your code prior actually working on it you can also select certain things like this Gallery do selected right here and you can see there's a gooid being passed in right there that is the project ID being passed in back to uh pll's question I there's a lot of folks are from India right now that is crazy late your time thank you so much for joining us it is crazy uh that you guys are up at what two in the morning or or really late in the morning right now I'm impressed you guys have some stamina right now those are hardcore people uh awesome all right now if I want to sort the data I can also put the word sort in front of filter and at the very end I'll do a comma and what do I want to sort by I want to sort by the bill date so whatever date you put in to put the newest time cards up top I'll do a comma again and I'm it's going to tell me hey sort descending again this exact code is in the um the word doc as well but as you can see here what it's basically doing is is it's it's it's stacking the formula here it's saying filter the data take whatever's been filtered and now sort the data you can click on any word and it will show you down below what the repercussions of that was so I take the raw table filter it take that filter table sort it and all you have to do is say sort this table by whatever column and then ascending or descending so question here from the gist here is it is there uh sorry if there are any duplicate projects in the table with each row showing the project status would uh would the gallery show multiple instances it would absolutely do that uh gist so in this case in this case what I'm doing is I'm showing it based on prod on Project name so I may want to put some extra identifiers underneath it like the start date end date of the project or maybe some other project ID on it or something that makes that project a little more unique but yes if I had two project twos I would see two project twos here also unless I group the data somehow great question all right so we have our data now filtered we have our data now s sorted now we're ready to build a way to enter new uh new projects in here our new time cards in here so I'm going to hit this little plus button that you see right here now this plus button right here is going to allow us to add we're going to add an edit form inside there let's go ahead and select that I'll type in edit form all right beautiful now someone know where do you want to go with this data on the right side you see where it says data source I'm going to hit the down arrow there and select time cards again now what's going to happen is it's going to automatically look at these columns and say all right here are the columns I think you need what it doesn't do is add lookup columns and I don't want them to add things like time card numbers and those kind of things so let's go ahead and figure out how we can add more comms on the right side again I I I added the form right here select that white area to make sure the whole form is selected see it right there my whole form is Select it then we're going to go to fields on the right side and we'll hit for select it this is going to allow us to go and see all the fields that are involved in this for example I don't really think need to or care about the time card number so I can hit the three dot next to it here we go and I can remove that field I think they're going to care though and they should not see the approval date they should not be able to approve their own I'm gonna hit the three dot next to it and I'm gonna remove that one oh let me go try that again hit the three dot next to it there it goes why is it hiding from me right now oh they all hit for me let me try that again all right my three dot disappeared let me try going back to it again there it is three Dot and remove my zooming must have messed up there all right so I'm going to hit add field and add the other two Fields I care about I care about the employee that did the time card the description they did on that time card and as I scroll down I care about the project on the time card so I'm g hit the add button on those two so again I added I'm going to go ahead and collapse all the so you can see them a little better here these are the these are the fields that I added here uh I removed the other two and I added these guys right here these are all these are two of these are lookup columns and you'll notice that if I go to description we can change like what kind of data type it is am I am I edit is this view only is it edit and I don't Rich Text editors all those things can be modified right there but I'm going to leave them pretty much as is once I'm done and of course we can can also by the way Shuffle these around and drag and drop them so for some reason it's not letting me do it again so I'll go back to this again and now I can drag and drop it and as I move these fields around it will move them around there as well go ahead and move project first and then employee next it's a reason why I'm having you do that and we'll keep description last okay so it should look something like this the order ultimately does not matter that looks really crowded to me so you'll see how kind of proud of it looks on the right side there's an option over here to change how many columns are being shown so I'll make mine two columns oh that looks a lot better but now I've got too much stuff in here now right too much space is being occupied so wouldn't it be great instead to default some of these values to their to the proper data source so I want to go ahead and have today's date here okay I'm going to put uh my employee here information here and I'm going to default this to whatever project was selected those are my three things I'm going to go and do next let's start with build date we're going to rinse and repeat this over and over and over again so build date if I select the build date card notice this is the field and this is the card that goes around it so when you hear me refer to a card that's my that's my uh this is a control inside there a little mini control and this card is like a mini screen it has all these things but I cannot drag anything inside of here cannot be dragged outside of here this is like a mini screen and it's isolated to itself if you want to play with this stuff though you write click on the card and you say unlock this lets you now uh Drive what's inside that card for the date here if you select the little date picker and I'm going to change what you're seeing up top so first step select the date picker there then change it up top to the word um now open close parthy me zoom out here again step one step one is you unlock the field you're going to do this over and over again so I'm going to document really well here step two select your date picker okay step three make sure the default date is selected here and then lastly step four type in now open close parentheses to set that equal to today's date you can also go through though uh there's there's a today function which only shows you today's date that's what I typically would use here now we'll show you the date and the time but in my case it's stripping the time off all right common question can I hide this now it's really based on your requirements right I could select that whole thing and say visible not visible it's up to you in my case I do want my Consultants to be able to go ahead and put a time card in for a previous date so I'm going to leave that uh here as well another good question we got from Gary is hey can I now that I have an employees name in here can I filter it to where they can only see their own time cards Gary absolutely yes you can and we'll show you uh some ways of doing that a little bit later here also so we're gonna that's our next step in the out of the gate here is we're going to show uh how to do that and how do you lock those down also all right great questions guys and thank keep them coming we are already poor Ace had 830 questions so far she is they are killing it in the background right now uh and thank you Ace for doing that all right so now our next step is I may want to go through and put whatever project was selected over here and put it into this area on the right here I'm going to do the same thing again I'm going to rightclick unlock for project select that project dropdown box and then on items change this to default selected items make sure it's default selected items and not just default okay after you do that your next step is you want to go through and set that to whatever project was selected on the left side do you remember how to do that now that you've seen that a few times well give you a few seconds to think about that and pause me if you want to I'm going to change it to Gallery one which is where you select that item dot select it take whatever record was selected on the left side project 4 oh me go I'm holding the ALT key down to select different projects here and as I select different ones my drop down box is also changing so in my case I'm going to make it to where when I select this there's no point showing this project anymore so I'm going to select the project card right here and then I'm going to go over here and make the visible property defaults so that way it disappears creating a little bit more wiggle room for me awesome the other thing might may want to do is is set the default the employee here as well so let's do that one next all right so step one for that I'm going to go ahead and do some a really Nifty thing here I'm hoping I I don't want to write this code over and over again on how to look up your information uh Gary asked a question ear this Gary I asked a question earlier about how can I default this to only my own records well we can we can see that in a moment here but the first step on how I can find out what record Gary is in the contact table so hopefully you've added your name in that contact table to find that name I'm going to go over to my tree View and then go to app where I have my formula that you see right here I'm going to increase the size of this just a little bit here and I'm going to type in how about Co n user I'll do equals and this formula is going to look up your email based on your email address your contact record so I'm going to say lookup lookup is how you can do it lookup you'll pass some information in just like filter and it will return a single record back so look up against the contacts table there it is contacts table and then from the contact table I want to find out your email address so there a column called email inside the contact table I want that to be equal to user open close parentheses. email now for those that is the first time seeing this we do have a cheat sheet on our website go to pragmatic works.com go to resources and you'll find the cheat sheets right there what this is showing us though there we go I'll zoom in so you guys can see have a little bit different resolution here look up it's going to look up a record contacts table this is my table that I want to look up against all right o there we go table uh this uh right here is going to be the column that I want to match up against so in that contact table there's a column call oop sorry I should say column in that contact table there's a a column called email this user open Clos parentheses. email is always going to pull in the logged in user email address so that actually will pull their email address their photo or their full name so that's that's how you can kind of deconstruct this this is documented though in the documentation on this uh in this pinned comments or you can also go to our cheat sheet on our website again if in case you're curious you'll find it at pragmatic works.com under resources and cheat sheets and if I go to PR uh power apps there is our cheat sheet and you'll see all a whole bunch of helpful links and there is a user function right there so kind of helps you go through all that mess all right make sure you save on a very periodic basis here hit the control s to save every so often all right so question here from Jackie hey can I add a new project on the left side we can most certainly add things like a little plus button here that adds a new project or what we can do is we can go over here if you want to be lazy Jackie you can go to the model D app and do it over here uh or if you want be lazier hit the database icon go to projects right click on it and say edit data and now you can add another project here just by you know typing like you do in Excel here hit project six and when I close it Watch What Happens all right in a few seconds it should refresh and I now have project six you can't see it because I need to I need to scroll down here but there's project six right there I need to make this higher a a tall Gallery but that's how you can do it Jackie about three different ways of doing that here um Ace would you mind unhiding that uh oh here we go I can just do it here uh oh there you thank you so much Ace all right so with that now done we have to get the employee information inside it here just like we do with a project I'm G to right click and unlock it then I'm going to select the employee and just like last time default selected items from the drop down box property drop-down box default selected items take parent. default and type in Co n and there's my coo and user right there oh Nelly there's Brian right there nice all right you want to pound it nice all right so I'm gonna go ahead and select this card and I'm gonna hide it as well now look how things are all starting to fit together now right I have all the data in one one tidy little interface and and there are some challenges still but we're getting there now right the project defaults the employee defaults the time defaults so now I as a consultant all I have to do is put the number of hours I've worked in the description done now there's one more little gotcha here for those that have been curious and they may have hit the play button you may have noticed no item to display all right I'm G to hit the escape to get out of that so what that means when you see no item display is this form right now is an edit mode and it's trying to figure out what row do you want to edit the same form can edit data and it can insert data so it's important when if if you want to insert new time cards the form must be in new mode right now this form is in edit mode it's asking well what in the heck do you want to edit right now you hav told me what to edit so what you need to do is select your entire form and on the right side you'll see default mode right there change that to new mode click on the click on the form and change its mode to new after you do that and you hit the play button hey that is the most common error you're going to see so again I'm G to show it one more time because this is a really important one when you build a power app and you see this that is why you're seeing this the form is in edit mode and you have not told it what row to edit so it's important when you're building a form that you want to insert data that that form has to be a new mode by changing the default mode to new then the form will come up beautifully at that point okay the number one gotcha we see in our classes that we have okay now what are we missing here ah you know what I'm missing a button to actually save this data so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and select this tree view make sure that I have container one selected in the tree view or whatever you call that container that's up top then I'm going to say insert and button Boop there we go it's going to put the button in the top in the bottom left corner and the reason why I did it is because it's trying to be responsive it's trying to make sure that if you um or on a cell phone that this button still works if you do not want that you can actually use a different type of container that does allow you to move it around notice by default though if I were just go up top and say insert button it just don't do this it will just kind of put it free floating wherever and I can drag it wherever I want um if you do that just a note that that button will still work even though that buttons not near the form not in the container not in the form it will still work so let's select that button of course one of the things I want to do is I'm going to change that word button to save on the right side I also want to change its color so maybe what I do is for this button I'm going to look for um its fill color here there it is from the property drop down box and I'm going to change its color from this rgba color to c n accent if you want all right give a little bit of a variation in our our app now so now we have the gray color buttons and the blue color header awesome okay so for this save button do you believe that in about 30 seconds we're going to be able to save data to this now so select that save button and look for the property Con on success and we're doing great on time I think rash going to have time to show you one more type of app power Pages at the end here oh three apps and three hours how about a mind mind mess up there right all right so we'll select that save button and where the false is there I want to add two words that are going to make it where I can save the data on this form all right before I do that notice this form right now is called form one so just kind of glance down and make sure your form is called something similar then I'll select this where it says on select I'll type submit form by type you type the time you type in Su you should see this that you can click on and it will fill this in for you submit form is those two words to do that open parentheses what form do you want to submit form one and then close the parentheses now we are done but don't hit submit yet all right what this is showing us is those two words there submit form your form name is going to send the data to the database if the form is in edit mode it sends an up update to the database it form as a new mode it sends an insert to the database now that is done agnostic of your data source so if you are using SQL Server it will send it to SQL Server if you're using SharePoint it goes to SharePoint Excel goes to excel it does not matter so this what what happens it translates these two words into how how do I do this against SQL Server oh you want to do insert into table name yada y y it actually turns that into a native query against that so all the code we've done today it does not matter what our data source is what you've learned today Works across every type of data source out there okay that's a cool thing about this one language serves them all all right so I've got my submit form done but what if a failure happens what if I have a blank or I point to a Project's been deleted or whatever you know my insert fails how do I fix that well one thing I would recommend is selecting the entire form again so make sure form one is selected and in the drop- down box here the property drop down box look for on success and for this you'll see faults right now meaning nothing happens right now if the record actually makes a database there's also on error by the way as well so if a record successfully makes it to the database what do you want to do well I want to notify them that they've done something really cool I'm going to notify them and then double quotes I'll say Bravo you know time card saved whatever you can also append in other stuff like for project ABC you can do all that in here with an and percent we'll show that a little later then I'll do a comma is it an error message a warning a success this is a success so I'll go and select that then I'll hit a comma again and how long do you want this message to show up I want it to show up for two for for two seconds so I'll just do 2,000 that's how many milliseconds do you want to show up so what this is saying I'm going to show this message as a green bar across the thing it's a success and it's going to show for two seconds awesome then you can do a a semicolon the semicolon is going to say do this now this then we'll go ahead and say Hey I want to reset this form back to New mode what happens whenever I submit a DAT record it is going to go back to edit mode even though I told it to go to new mode so we'll say new form form one this is going to programmatically do what you did over here when you set the default mode this code right here is going to programmatically do that for you otherwise it will flip to edit mode and give you the same error message you saw before okay now we're done with with the form at least save that application Play that application and try that application pick a project that works for you I'll use my D my um my Dynamics roll out I'm going to build four hours or five hours for a boring meeting boring me beating that'd be worse all right I'll save that when I do that Watch What Happens green bar it resets ready for my next new record all right I also did three hours today uh for a ritualistic beating all right and put whatever I want there hit save boom three records three time cards saved I can also go and set other projects now and go do those and set those three hours for this one hit save project five has three hours my my Dynamics roll out has this one this one has you know approved lease you know those kind of things are all done two hours for that so all this is build on today so I have one view one view that says by project what happened to day awesome and then we can build some powerbi reports onto it now check this out as I've been doing this over in my other application under time cards oo there are my three time cards right there and then one of those time cards which I think was on this one right here uh as you can see that descriptions all in there uh there it is the ritualistic beating is right there all set Dynamics projects are hard it occasionally takes a ritualistic beating to get that project over the Finish Line all right so now that we have that we've done our form now we want to clean up that uh that Gallery you're seeing down below this means nothing to me right so how do I make that Gallery a little little prettier now let's start right here where we see uh let me go get out of this now and let's talk about a few rules of this before we go all right first rule of gallery Club the first rule of gallery Club is nobody talks about Gallery Club because nobody cares about Gallery Club but the second rule of gallery Club is your first row right here if you select your first row that is your template As you move stuff around every row underneath it also moves the SEC the third rule of gallery Club is your second third fourth rows select the entire gallery so if you want to change a row only select the first row to do that okay oh I think our camera just died there also all right all right so uh so while we're doing this all right Justin would you mind coming over there we go all right so it the camera keeps on timing out there on sorry folks uh actually she's probably better all righty guys don't worry if you can't hear Brian we're going to get that fixed in just a second here
Channel: Pragmatic Works
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Keywords: power apps, microsoft power apps, power apps full course, power apps advanced examples, power apps microsoft, power apps dataverse, power apps dashboard, powerapps tutorial, power apps beginner, powerapps forms, power apps power bi, PowerApps, microsoft powerapps, canvas app, canvas power app, powerapps, power apps demo, Dataverse, Model-Driven App, what is power apps, intro to power apps, beginner to power apps, power app, power platform, powerapp, power apps training
Id: rJsHc-4w60g
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Length: 136min 1sec (8161 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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