[Hands-on] Collaborating and Communicating with Wardley Maps part 2

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good evening morning afternoon night whatever it is and welcome back to another virtual dvd meeting with me is marco and christina from virtual dvd and ben welcome back again and a lot of other people in the room today willing to do wartling mapping with us so last time we went through a couple of approaches to worthy mapping and eventually did some wartling mapping and this time we thought let's turn it around let's start with the worldly mapping and take that approach and which will be the small group diverge converts so that means we're gonna split ourselves into three groups one will stay in the main out and two will go into the breakout room we're gonna all model the same problem inwardly and you will get to see the ones that's in the main breakout room with ben and marco and then well then we come back in well let's say let's start with 20 minutes 15-20 minutes sounds good what's the domain or what's the problem so the domain today will be um home chargers for electrical vehicles and i'm very excited because i've never done a wadley mapping in person so i'll bring some questions and some answers about the domain and let ben explain the method no pressure for me huh no excellent all right well i'm excited to get us started here yes cool so um i'm going to open the rooms and i'm going to set the timer 20 minutes on neuro what's the problem so we now have we have if i have the domain a big one fuzzy one but what's the problem well then i would say the problem is the user needs to have electricity to charge this electrical car that could be the problem is that what you're good after or yeah let's let's map the problems and find out out 20 minutes what everyone did yeah yeah yeah just jump into it just jump in and that's the experiment a bit of anarchy in her head yes just energy you can go swimming in an empty pool right let's go have fun 20 minutes let's take care with the charger if you are jumping oh my goodness i think i'd only want to jump into a an empty pool with a a car charger wouldn't want the other way fat working um that might be a short map all right cool okay so let me share the screen so that the audience can see what we're doing now i hope this works how this works wonderful so yeah um this is our map um it's an empty empty thing and i have no clue what we're doing so ben could you love me excellent okay so a worthy map is a model of the world and so it's going to have less things in it than the world but it is going to look kind of vaguely like the world and the way we structure this model of the world is we think about who is getting value from a system presumably it could be a market system like an entire market it could be just our company and what's happening inside the company it could also be just me as an individual or you as an individual so kind of like right off the bat we want to pick a scope and um the way we can do that is like focus on up on someone who gets value from the system so we could go with the person who's charging their car we could go with um maybe a property owner who is installing this for uh their their clients or their their renters or something like that hipster car owner sounds awesome so all right tell me about this hipster car owner a little bit so yeah the hipster car owner is a young programmer in the valley right living in america and the bathroom the valley following every trend on the market taking only starbucks coffee listening to spotify music watching netflix and driving in tesla of course to see like you don't have any feelings about this at all i'm just i'm just messing with the stereotype so um so yeah hipster car owner is someone who is really living the valley life and then driving a tesla and um problem is right it's it's a vast country and um you can't only charge your car in the in the company parking lot uh you in your home want to charge your car overnight um so of course you need a home charger for your electric car that's that's the only way to be really hip okay and then you can visit all your friends who also have electric car chargers and then you can go over the country excellent yeah um okay sounds good do you think this person so this look they live in the valley do you think they own a home or do you think they rent one or what's where where is this thing at that is a very good point um well in the united states if i if i remember correctly people own homes right they don't rent that much i mean in germany you would rent um most of the time um nobody tell them i'm not sure nope we can't afford it okay yeah well welcome to welcome to this generation right okay so yeah renting houses like in europe um same thing so uh yeah it's it's a rented home of course and um yeah that's a problem because in a rented home you can't just you know tear down the wall and pull some new cables through the ground you need to be creative and find ways so a home charger needs to be kind of plugged into the normal electrical grid some probably um that makes sense to me all right so we got a little bit of context we like okay we've got we've got a hipster car owner renting in the valet you know drinking starbucks all this fun stuff okay what do they need from this situation and and maybe this is gonna be hard to ask because like it's gonna be tempting to say well they need to charge the car but i'm gonna say that's not good enough like what do they need from a charged car what does it enable for them oh we're going deep philosophically yeah we're going we're going deep i think worthy mapping's about ontology and understanding states of being so we'll we'll see if i'm right in yeah i would first of all i would invite the whole group oh my god we have three people okay so yeah if you have also ideas just post it post it right um yeah let's be a bit chaotic in exploration here um i think what is the need what's a deeper need um autonomy free freedom i think that's the the deeper need right like not being uh not having to go to work to charge your car but being able to do it in front of your home something like that all right autonomy yeah love that one excellent okay this is great and this is gonna be really excellent for us because i think it's to set us up to make a fun map like what's always funny is like the the thing that we want to focus on and we need to place it inside the next biggest system and so we're kind of playing that game right now it's like oh this is this is in a system that is producing autonomy and you know helping with trade-offs around environment and costs and things like that so now the question is what are the capabilities in play that are coming together to produce those needs and i this is usually a really vague question but it's like don't overthink it it's like what's going on here like what are the parts of the system like if there's a black box sitting in the road and if you open up the box you're like oh yeah all those parts are coming together to produce autonomy and transport like i got that's inside there so yeah so uh picking the trade-offs between environment and cost right it's uh if you pick your own electricity provider um without changing hardware or with without changing actual physical distribution you can just choose to take green energy pay a little more probably but or maybe even not who knows in the future but yeah you have total freedom in changing a provider because they all use the same infrastructure um yep even as a renter i can do that right so uh the capability would be uh the freedom of provider choice yep and what we're doing is just kind of creating some buckets of concepts that we can dig into later it's almost like creating options we don't want to get too deep too fast we want to kind of keep things shallow and get a nice breadth of understanding about what's what's here and then we can kind of i keep using the term double click but i'm going to i'm going to keep doing that apparently today we can double click on those things and zoom in oh what's in here interesting yeah okay so autonomy and transport what's that um yeah as long as there's any kind of oh any kind of electricity that means even i can be self self sufficient um possible so i can put solar flare solar panels up or wind energy in my garden possible self-sufficiency it's a capability i gain with this what about um like the technologies that are involved here like obviously like autonomy and transport doesn't happen all by itself like do you like is it are we assuming it's a car are we assuming that it's that kind of autonomy where you own a vehicle or rent one or something along those lines because autonomy and transport could probably oh yeah yeah amazing that's a good idea so yeah we set a home charter for electric cars but we didn't say we need to use it only for ourselves right so we could actually um it could be another need we could earn money with it and provide a service um sure able to provide um so how the charging service charging service for others so um our friends can come to our place and charge their cars now we could even we could even you know take back energy from the battery or put it back into the battery so um it can go multiple ways you can use many many people's cars and you can suck out the energy you put in not to what kind of service you would provide with that i'm going to empty your battery for free who knows maybe there's something for that um no i mean if there's an energy shortage bring all the tesla to the cable that's a good point yeah um they can power our our workbenches or our air conditioners or what have you which i hear isn't so much a thing in germany but um let's let's think about the other like kind of basic parts like we've got a power grid right we've got a or is that an assumption that i'm making batteries it's a theoretical progress i would say i mean there's uh the commodity underlying would be the national power grid i don't know if it's a national thing or it's a commercial thing in the u.s but um in europe we have a national power grid so all the cities provide a power grid like the cables are not owned by a company i think um okay but yeah then then all the companies rent into that okay so we got a power grid and like let's let's let's connect the gap right here between like autonomy and transport and the power grid like there's there's a series of things that are connected by dependency and what enables what else and so let's let's find out what those things are and i like kind of tracing from the bottom up so what does a power grid enable first sorry how is the power grid to capability it's um in in worthy mapping terms like we kind of have sort of a set like a typology for what can go in a map and i tend to like ignore it entirely but as a guide it's a useful kind of thing to think about and the typology is activities um so these are things that you do um which also includes things like power um or compute or uh shoveling or whatever it ends up being or driving like these are these are things that you do a power generation is an activity uh in this example it can also be practices which is how you do them so um when i write software for example the how might be i use agile practices or extreme programming or something like that for strategy my how is worthy mapping but i could use porter's five forces or something like that like that's a different set of practices yeah it can also be data and knowledge and so data just being how you measure it and knowledge being how you understand it i think when we're mapping like this when we make models we're producing knowledge and so our conception our understanding of a thing is also going to be kind of like our understanding of how the power grid works is its own independent thing from the power grid itself you know there's a difference from the knowledge from the uh the actual activity yeah got it okay thanks so yeah like i imagine like there's a vehicle in here somewhere uh obviously somehow so i mean i'm a car owner at least okay so there's a car in there so okay it's a car and it's an electric car right of course okay and then i imagine there's some sort of like between the power grid and the car how does the car get charged because i think that's what we're there's there's a there's a charger i see that and it i guess there's probably batteries too right oh yeah the uber usb charger wasn't meant as a thing to power the car that's a service that the the station can provide charge your car but of course i mean you have you have an electric car and an electric charger you can also power your laptop or or your phone with it um it just gives you more freedom it doesn't have to be constrained to car uh car loading got it so um yeah excellent um so it could even power your house uh when when the power grid is down let's say you have a lot of storage there it doesn't doesn't just have to be instant power grid to car battery it could also be a buffer battery um storing energy at night when it's really cheap or depending on your on your contract right so you harness a cheap energy and during the day when your solar cells are collecting energy you also recharge it um so yeah storing energy makes a lot of sense and if your car is is um for a long time no no you have to write because i'm babbling um oh you're right if your car is um if your car is out of out of use for a few weeks if you know that you're not driving you can unload the battery to 20 so it doesn't you know take damage over time and yeah that's a good point like there are practices for battery longevity yeah i know don't hold me to the science of twenty percent i'm just making abnormalities yeah there might be data and then you can you can adhere to that data absolutely that makes sense also i found another need for the same let's let's just stay with the one user right now i found another need for that uh it's not being vendor locked in so of course when you have an electric car you buy a tesla right that's the first thing that comes to mind uh there's this t-shaped cable i guess and you put it to your car and it loads but if i get an apple car i also want to be able to load it i don't want to you know get another box into my house uh i want to have a universal power charger for electric cars uh with with interchangeable um plugs okay so there's like um like uh so my need is to not be vendor locked another capability would be uh interchangeable power plugs um got it so like there's a there's a plug like oh okay so here's here's what i'm starting to see like there's a plug there might be a plug adapter for the interchangeability yeah um and then there needs to be a converter because they have different voltages different amperes and you need to be able to deliver the maximum amount that any company would want and then you need to be able to convert it down to whatever voltage they accept absolutely yep that makes a lot of sense okay and then somewhere on here is like the the charger itself i guess it is what what do we call that the charger pack or the whatever i don't know it's a what's the charger itself you mean the the thing that puts out of the energy grid into the car i think so yeah what should we call it is charger fine or is yeah i think that's the common name right yeah yeah okay transformator truffle charger transformer oh yeah they all work i mean if you have a plug and a plug adapter then the transformer would be the thing in the middle i guess unless it's a box if it's a black box you can call it the charger thing um okay but also also sorry oh go ahead what are we gonna think so what i also want is that nobody else can use my charger i don't want people to drive by at night plug in their car quickly charge it and then keep on going because i don't pay for that yeah so i want some kind of either physical or digital security um oh and now when i have a protocol i also want to be able to see uh i wanna i wanna see how i've been doing so um see let's see usage data okay yep okay we've got a lot on the board and so what we need to do is start making sense of it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take everything that we put down here i'm going to copy it to the right onto the section that says value chain and now what we need to do is sort of um like in worthy mapping there's kind of a couple different steps one is like understanding what the basic parts are and we've kind of taken a first crack at that here and now let's start understanding relationships and worthy mapping you like composes these parts in terms of something called a value chain which is just a user at the top depending on the needs that they have underneath which then go on to depend on different capabilities and there's an arrangement of dependency from one thing to the other and we just need to sort out what that is i think if i'm gonna guess the power grid is probably closer to the bottom here just because power tends to be an underlying sort of invisible thing that enables a lot of other things so i'm going to run with that for for a second here so you're putting basic dependencies on the bottom and yes what are dependencies on top basically yeah so from top to bottom what depends on what else and again the secret that i always like tell people okay is when you draw a relationship or whatever you should be able to say the word like enables or depends on whenever you read that relationship so hipster car owner depends on autonomy and transport and say that all the way down okay so yeah the batteries depend on power grid obviously yeah the plugs depend on the charger oh the other way around yeah the plugs depend on the charger of course and the black adapter depends on the plugs and so plugs charger goes more down oops always fun when we we need things to be locked down right now okay that's my content excellent okay so yep i think you're i think you're right there the plug adapter depends on the plug itself because that's what actually adapts it to the car's interface so the security is depending on the plug adapter um yeah there's probably like um an implementation question there like if it's physical security then it might be the plug adapter could even be like a lock on the fence around the house or something i don't know yeah okay power converter depends on the charger no the other way around the charger depends on the power converter and the power converter depends on the grid gonna say the electric car probably the batteries batteries oh yeah we need to find find out how the batteries connect in to this that could be both ways right so electric car depends on batteries i think that's right but then batteries depends on oh there's two different kinds of batteries in this case um that's true we have the car batteries here let's specify that that's a signature mapping move disambiguation and then we have thank you and then we have uh the home thingy batteries have no better name right now excellent let's roll with that name i love it okay joke so the car batteries the car depends on the car batteries and they depend on the power grid well that's actually not true um they depend on the charger or the plugs yeah i think they depend on the plug adapter actually yep and then or on the security part because basically you know you need to make sure that uh you have access i would agree yep so of course there's something between here the car batteries don't plug directly into some kind of security but there's a car plug so there's two ends of a plug right you have the thing in the car and you have the thing in the um in the charger okay so the power converter depends on grid but the home thingy batteries uh brain do stuff the charger depends on its own batteries so yep that way oh yeah that's right and it also depends on the power converter and that depends on the power grid excellent this is looking really good and then um thinking about the protocol the ch with the charger itself like is is the protocol and depending on the charger in order to provide usage data or how how is that arranged do you think i haven't thought it through the idea was to see usage data you need a protocol of information and that's basically the yeah i would say the charge the plugs don't really matter unless you want to actually um figure out which plugs have been used because there may be like an api layer here that that we should separate out from the charger yeah probably i'm not i'm not a genius in software stuff so i'm if i do something silly you'll have to tell me i mean anything anything can have and use an api but yeah it makes sense so let's keep it there um and then again the api has probable or possible connections to the plug adapter let's make that dotted line and say we're not really sure here and to the plus as well this could be it could even go to the power converter to actually log the conversion rates or whatever possible connections just going to connect us all the way back up to autonomy and transport and hipster car owner and we've got like not everything is connected and that's okay we've got at least some decent guesses of the first pass of how most of these things are connected so perfect timing awesome nice cool so i'm going to stop sharing the screen for a moment to say hello to everybody oh they still have a minute to come they still have a minute to come back let's quickly use that minute yes so what else can we do um freedom of provider choice oh the usb charger that's pretty obvious that's depending on the charger um here oh yeah awesome so that goes directly into here and you're our normal line and that provides me i don't know none of my needs is fulfilled by that but i wanted to have one great it's a technology in search of us of a problem yeah okay great somebody else returned yes 10 seconds they're coming back yay welcome back everybody hey everyone um kenny you're mute so in case you're talking yes i was talking thanks five euro five euro oh and now you can think all of a sudden christina because we talked a lot about the problem we never didn't do any i think it's not a good word but we did but we thought a lot about charging and needs and lists yeah would you like to show us your map no okay i accept that okay we can of course i mean it's public it's on youtube now so we can surely do but it's with disclaimer yeah it could always be the mirror let me share the screen so you are group number one right yeah that's true i should always say uh through your model never trust a a shiny worthy map only trust the messy ones christian what do you say would you like to yeah we'd go from the top i mean [Music] the central user would be the electrical car owner you can imagine other users but we went with focusing on the car owner and of course he was needs to charge his car and there was some consideration that it should be cheap and it should have a good ecological footprint and it should also be safe it should be hassle-free so easy cheap ecological safe and of course in order to fulfill that need you would need some electrical charge so that's the charger equipment and in order to get that charge you don't need to install it and we were thinking our mindset here is that we are a company that installs these things we're not producing the charger but we install it and we need to plan with the car owner when we can come and install it and we might also have to dig in this ground to get some cabling connected and on the long run we might need to send technicians out to repair it or troubleshoot it if that were i mean just imagine like it was your internet connection and now your router was broken or something but it's not working or it's too slow you have some complaints you can always also complain about your charger that it's something is is wrong so for installation you need technicians we move them over here because we went out what's the difference between those lists and value chained but in order to install the thing you need some technicians to install it and you also need planning you need to get permission to install it from local authority maybe especially if you need to dig in the ground another concern is electricity of course that's a commodity everyone can get electricity but maybe you need software so the user can choose from where he wants the electricity we also need software to plan all those technicians who are doing what and they also need to document the installation so there's some quality control domain involved in all this but i guess that's all the time we have exactly we didn't get until the evolution but we discuss it and this would be solar panels and not some electricity factory yeah this is our improvement spoiler alert no spoilers it's worth the map it has to have a future idea i mean the interesting thing is that this company could be a internet provider but now a cable tv provider but now they want to move into another business area because the competitive advantage is the army of technicians and they're very good at planning and handling this customer interaction so now instead of staying in the streaming domain now they want to move into this home charging domain i was saying i i also thought that perhaps this could become an electrical utility play where the electrical utility installs chargers for people with electric vehicles and the value they get is not only the subscription revenue but also it's balancing out the electrical peaks on their grids yeah electrical grids and they end up getting more out of their infrastructure because they have all these battery buffers installed but not sure well it's very interesting how different this map is from ours i'm excited to see the the second one okay so um group number two um do you want to guide us through your model andreas or matas do you want to yeah sure why not um we just skipped a step of copying over and kind of um fluidly went to the value chain by connecting the dots so yeah at the top we have the electric or electrical vehicle driver um with some needs and amongst those are having fun because why do we use a electrical scooter or something because we said it's not only tesla or the like but also hoverboards electrical scooters e-bikes right everything all of those are electrical vehicles and you want to get to a place simply get to a place while being lazy so without physical effort so get from a to b and different ways to say it when we talk about tesla though or other modern cars in the same class then driving safety might be [Music] a concern for you you might want to have those advanced autopilots or other driving assistants that just improve the safety while driving and to do that you need a electrical vehicle of course and then we get to the part where you um yeah actually need to charge your electrical vehicle most probably and most of the time i guess at home [Music] also while you're on the road but this was out of scope because we're home chargers and yeah you need a charger connecting wire some standard socket also those connectors um at least some older ones they are highly hackable so you could just access the car internal buses by just connecting via the connector that you can access from the outside um maybe nothing for for home charger because you might be in your garage but if you park outside then maybe this is also a concern yeah own parking space because where is the connector if you don't own a home but our kind of a renting in a residential property um an apartment or something like that then where do you charge i don't know if that also belongs to home um and towards the end um we also talked about hey if let's say if you're a homeowner and you have solar panels you might use that power today that's easily possible but also resell it and allow others to charge the car outside and then we just mentioned briefly then there's also the needs for some billing system and the like but we didn't dive more deeply into that one and kenny maybe you can take over and tell something about the crow eb market and the other red stickers rather yeah so we also want if you want environmental friendly that was the question that is actually asset question i was thinking if you want to grow the ep market you need standardized sockets but isn't that part of the evolution part of portly that was a bit of oh wait yeah i never thought ah now it gets so that we just put it down there and well maybe she asked it here right but if that's why you put it on red to well that's not dive into that uh hole yet but uh yeah and one thing to add is what i've seen in the neighborhood here is that yeah people put their their home charger on public charger right and that's the thing cool i'm very excited because as a newbie to waterline mapping i have no clue what the evolutionary part of worldly means so i'm excited to see that step um yeah let's go quickly and look at our uh model oh no we were group here the main group um so yeah we picked a user a hipster car owner and the needs were autonomy in transport and paying traders between environments and cost being able to provide charging services as well and not being vendor locked in with apple or tesla cars and yeah we we did the copying over like ben told us to um but yeah um it was uh was quite chaotic here to figure out what the actual value chain is but i think we figured power grid is kind of the base dependency and we have power converters of course that we need to be installed there's can some kind of charger that has some home thingy battery um so if if nighttime energy is cheaper or something like that or you have solar panels you can actually store the energy until the car wants to be charged um and yeah the car wants to be charged um you have battery longevity practices somehow there's some kind of software involved right um so the home thingy batteries can you can actually take energy back from the car back into the battery system um if you don't want your car to be fully loaded without being used so you have car batteries and that goes into the electric car and that's um that's the dependency for autonomy and transport but of course the charger also needs uh plugs because you want to have a plug adapter for different car types you don't want to be vendor locked in with a certain type you also have some kind of security between the plug adapter the plugs and the car so that what you call hack saving group number two um same idea right you don't want other people to be able to use your charger overnight while you're not there um there should be something that you can control even without being physically there also you want to see usage data of your of your car and your battery and your charger so some kind of software api system where protocols accumulate and data can can be analyzed um to change what you're doing in the future and um yeah we didn't got much further we didn't connect everything and now i'm really curious about the evolutionary steps of worldly mapping awesome too and chris john had the question about the difference between the lists and the value chains um this this is just kind of like my very opinionated and definitely not endorsed by anyone other than me approach to mapping i like to start like really really small and just make some lists um so lists of users lists of capab of needs that those users have and then list of capabilities that might come together and then i like copying and pasting them over into the value chain and then using that second step is okay now that we have all these parts let's talk about how they're related to each other and then we relate them by dependency what depends on what else but like once you've done that once or twice you you might just skip it like you might just start go straight to value chains or you might go straight to the full blown board the map with evolution foreshadowing so yeah thanks i get it fine awesome so one interesting observation i got out of this and when i was talking to andreas is i'm from the netherlands andreas is from germany and when we're when we're doing when we were doing this andres you were talking more about well once you charge you need to pay tax well if you have solar panels you need to pay tax to uh if you return electricity to the grip and in the netherlands yes in germany it's called for child yeah yeah yeah we have the same but not yet it happens in five years and that's really nice maybe a bridge to evolution right during the context because we're thinking about batteries but probably maybe i'm not sure in germany you probably already have batteries where you could charge already by your solar panels so that you don't need to do that back so that might be the next step in evolution so that that was really interesting uh well in this setting right of different countries and different uh well environmental things yeah actually that um that fact um got a friend of mine to buy um an electric car because it's kind of in order to not pay tax you just use the energy yourself and um yeah and use an uh electrical car electrical vehicle yeah yeah we didn't make that explicit yet from these things just now started to pop up after 15-20 minutes and it was really interesting that through that mapping we got to that point ah interesting yeah didn't see that yet i hope the german evolution is uh in your direction can he and not other way why should we pay taxes for yeah yeah other this could be clear it's you pay tax if you make money off of energy you put back into the grid and that's going to happen in the netherlands too but only in five years in kentucky we will use the extra electricity to make whiskey for example this is a real good tax make it mandatory it's it's been been yeah so cool which is the good one so we have three different okay i think our our map is not a map i don't know if it's a method we have a totally different topic i have a feeling um i think that's okay though like the the reason for diverging and converging in anything is to go explore in some different directions right and then come come together and negotiate agreement on what could be one or i often like to like help have people build out multiple versions of the way things could be um before ultimately converging but i think like there is no one best answer most of the time to the problem i i don't know if ken evan is like can even speak is spoken here but like sometimes there are things that are like there is one best answer and that those things are kind of rare but they're you know it's like vending machine level simplicity right you hopefully hit the button hopefully i have a comment yeah i mean i think it's about perspectives because you you have different perspectives from me this i mean this is a real world situation where a company is doing these installations of equipment and they're moving around and because of this perspective then of course the map is different because there are different details on it and my second comment is about the evolution if we change the top need to be not electrical car owner but just transportation then you have the need to go from a to b and then the evolution could be from gas driven vehicles to electrical vehicles then there would be some kind of evolution step there i i guess mean that one mr ben but we didn't solve the same problem so what i would like to know a best practice for the technique not for the outcome we solve three different problems now we cannot put them together and it's not this is the good one this is the right one but we started with the user then stopped with one user because of lack of time then we started with the list and we have one moment we had had a very short notice about technician technicians i think technicians shouldn't be listed as uh capability because they are persons people actually they are knowledge and they their capability is the capability i agree 100 and for the for the technique itself um like i would say that like you probably do this two different ways um one is you could make a new map together using a like a mobbing approach which i think we played with earlier maybe i don't remember if we did that last time or not but now and also maybe then go into the evolution because that's something yeah so marco was uh hi i wanted to know this so yeah yeah excellent and the other thing i'll just mention too is that like um making a map does not presuppose a problem and i think that's one of the i think important distinctions here is like a lot of our techniques out there in the world like people jump to solutions and so we say hold on a second let's define what the problem is first what this technique is about is discovering what the surface area or what the mess is in order to then extract a problem from it and so in order to have a problem to even focus on you have to kind of create a common language for what all the parts are and like what does it look like how did everything relate and that's kind of the intent of mapping is let's define what the mess looks like and then we can extract the problem from it and define that problem and then we can solve it from i get the feeling here that it's uh like in many other collaborative modeling methods it's about inviting the right people right so we are a bunch of random folks coming together to learn about worldly mapping and then there's like does anybody have a domain yeah let's pick this one of course we have 25 different perspectives on totally different world views but if you come together in a company that is actually doing something in the market and then you bring in all the stakeholders customers and designers and shareholders and stuff like that and then you model the same thing i think there would be there will be higher alignment of course still totally clear different perspectives but that those other valuable perspectives because they actually matter to the business and you can actually get tangible results from there so um yeah the chaos in the beginning is valuable i i like that um and even the divergent and emerging divide and conquer approach would be valuable in a large company because you get different perspectives and you see oh wow we actually thought we were all on the same page but now that the stakeholder team and the the customer team and the developer team did their own modeling map and it's like totally divergent like yeah this is kind of probably part of the problem now let's that's an information of itself right yeah but i have a question we always say map but this seems to be a graph not a map because a place does not matter it's just a relationship pattern and why is it not called worldly graphing uh but mapping excellent perfect lead-in to the next part and you're right this is this is simply a graph that is parts and relationships and um in worthy mapping we call this the value chain and so it's a chain of needs that come together to produce value for users and the thing that turns the value chain into the map is adding an x-axis that has for some particular meaning and i'll get into that in a second um before we talk about evolution the other thing i'll mention is for us even as a collection of random individuals one of the nice things that us having diverged and gone off and made a bunch of different maps um one of the nice things about that is if we were to come together and now as a group make a map together we wouldn't have the blank page problem we wouldn't have to start from scratch we basically have created a menu of options of things to talk about and we can see each other's menus we can see what each other cared about and then that's going to aid our discussion as a group even though we're unrelated got different backgrounds got different interests it can aid our negotiation as we make the value chain again in another iteration um so it's it's really kind of a discussion aid making each of the parts each of the words conspicuous so we can talk about them yeah just like a kind of preparation so i prepare for a meeting so i'm doing it alone yeah collect my ideas and put them in on the map uh marco you failed the exam because simon said why is a map and not a graph i'm sorry no it's not next time i'll do all my pre-frontal reading and no i refuse i refuse to care about what is there isn't a map i'm sorry simon so i can hear him here like i was wondering it's autographed you see can i make one more observation so what i see in other collective modeling practices like event storming where you work maybe on one timeline as a group you sometimes get into a lock where you want to stay sync on the event storm right and i feel sometimes that people get stuck in there and then you say well can you just event storming out there and you there and there seemed to be a resistance to it because people want to stay coherent to the to the storm and what i see here with with the diverge comforts part yeah i i think that's really valuable because some of these insights that are there usually get suppressed if you all keep it in one group due to ranking and all that kind of thing so i really as an observation i think that's really a pro thing the huge richness to all of our different perspectives of how we view the world that's really it so so shall we ensemble map one two the two and then go into the yeah let's do that and and maybe um what we can do on this round is we can use the extremely restrained version of this where we kind of put a hard limit on the number of components that go into the map and that will um we didn't limit that on this first round because i think it's really great to see all the different stuff people are thinking about when they think about electric cars it's like a glimpse into each of your world views in a certain way um which is really cool but what we could do is um if i just grab a copy of the value chain uh template and i'm gonna kind of sneak underneath group one if that's okay and if you don't mind locking that that'd be amazing yes and can everyone find us down here i'm gonna just put like around two in big big words i will bring everyone to oh here you go okay so for for an ensemble map we need one person to volunteer as scribe and one person to um kind of be the coach the navigator if you will and then i'm going to scribe and you're going to navigate i'd i'd be happy to navigate do you want to anyone first of all anyone everyone knows what ensemble previously known as mob programming is so i just learned it was previously known i don't know things today i like it previously known as mob but yeah that's my own perspective go ben benjamin you want to say something uh no no i i understood the word ensemble i did not understand my friends you got to be from italy to understand i think that's my it's the same so you have one person just only able to to put things on the board which is marco which is the the the driver right the scribe in this in this case they have ben who's the navigator so ben can only talk to mark so marco will only get commands from ben and then the rest of us can discuss with with with each other what ben needs to say to marco shut i must apologize to the group i do have to drop off right soon here i i didn't build in time for two hours i hope you all do more of these activities so thank you very much thank you thank you welcome to you and then first we go into the so so you're gonna lock it then how many how many one one and a few capabilities that sounds that sounds fabulous those constraints sound enabling okay so what what what what's the problem we're doing today okay yeah that's the question but ben said there is no problem so where are we what is our status quo what we are hoping to do is now that we've all gone off and explored in some interesting directions let's come together to negotiate a very very simple version of the same thing of the value chain um and so feel free to let me know if i mess up the mob uh or sorry ensemble part of this i'm still new to it i'm still learning so feel free to be like hey ben that's not that's not the way this works um marcos describe am i the navigator and does that mean i'm asking the group questions yeah is that how okay excellent so i'm not familiar also with the official one but the way i see it you're the only one able to tell marco what to do but marco is not listening we see it he's just doing what he wants which is not at all okay okay everyone here i have a question for you of the users that you saw in each of the groups um we need to pick one of them to focus on for this minimum viable worldly map exercise that we're going to do who should we focus on oh no what's on every theme okay any objections to doing the owner of the electric car as the user okay marco let's go for it what's up sorry for spock for everyone but if you descend no okay then go with it because you could do it like in a marriage one right speak up now or forever or no oh my goodness i didn't know we were getting married kenny well you have a cat so that makes it really uh that's true i'm a i'm a desirable uh person here [Laughter] young and silly so we've got our electric car owner and um we were talking about electric chargers for electric cars and so i i i feel i'm going to skip ahead a little bit does anyone disagree that an electric car and an electric charger should be in the capabilities that that is in our list it's a good one okay so now the other question i'm going to ask is what needs are being met by these capabilities uh or rather like what one need if we had to pick one does anyone have any proposals we have no idea yet the charger i would say the cars are given but uh that's why i need a charge all right but of course it could be another vehicle but that's a detail yeah as we focus on car as a vehicle then the car itself yes yeah but we need the corresponding charger okay i would still go for the autonomy right for the needs spot okay this is like the user needs autonomy yeah it's like what's wrong any objections to that um maybe some details um what kind of autonomy um surely not the driving distance i guess at least today still but um kind of autonomy regarding what i would say that autonomy regarding the charging so i don't have to go to the next mcdonald's to charge my car oh interesting because i think i've heard two different versions of autonomy too like autonomy with the charging and autonomy with the driving but autonomy with the charging is really interesting what do you use should i need the charger my charger the autonomy in charging um kind of affects the autonomy in driving yeah so if you're kind of limited compared to um a regular car right where the regular car autonomy in driving is greater but if you have the wrong connector kind of then your autonomy in charging if that is not given or it's very little then it also affects the autonomy in driving because you get even less far okay well we can we can break the rules and do both then for autonomy and charging and autonomy and driving anybody any objections to breaking that rule and doing two needs instead of one yeah so what uh what if the car is self-driving oh now you are now marco it's forbidden only one you have already four can we can we make a retro after that uh regardless you break the rule twice okay so no i'm i i agree with these uh i'm uh i'm an ev driver by the way i don't have my own charger because i have enough public charges in the area a just one minute walk so okay and you already have autonomy in driving this is why we you never will be a customer of this company well maybe maybe i will uh because now with corona i'm not driving that much but let's say i need to drive a lot then there will be increased fear that i need to charge more and i know that at the end of the day the charges are full around here but i usually don't need them because i don't drive every day because i work from home okay so we've got an electric car owner who needs autonomy and charging autonomy and driving i'm not sure i feel about that other one oh i'm gonna be replaced here soon um so then in order for autonomy and charging and autonomy and driving we need the charger and the electric car and a connector that connects them both is that what we have so far uh something like this okay um and let's see if we can find like one or two more capabilities um any suggestions money money um it would block all these so if i don't have the money that's true all of these need to be bought and paid for that's for sure well i need an electric connection to the grid that's a good one too yeah electric connection to the grid i saw that every map that electricity came back as well i think yeah yep to some grid to any grid to the grid no just electricity power grid where it's from as long as we have electricity right the power grid yeah what's the difference between charger and power grid the charger is connected to the power grid you have to draw the line somewhere i suppose no well what what is the charger exactly isn't it the station kind of the yeah that's the station it's the station you go and then this is the charger and maybe at home in your garage it's built in to the wall right but it's inherently connected to the grid because i mean otherwise it cannot charge right yeah but only after it's built in but it's not well at the moment it's a box in a amazon package it is not connected to anything i could stay connected to my car but still needs to be built in the wall yeah so do we need to like clarify that in our the grid does it begin and end at the termination to the house yeah yeah i mean electric electricity the right word okay depends on but we want to focus capabilities and maybe those others are just too generic of course yeah you need electricity and um it's a commodity right this is yeah kind of a given if you don't have electricity in your home kind of then um it's not the typical home i would say not that it's a bad home maybe it's out in the woods and you live a great life and maybe not in the outside of the usual society or something a cabin exactly in the woods um but typically like this you have electricity just um challenging if it's too interesting to kind of put electricity in there because it's too simple maybe there's more interesting things it's completely valid to have like a very abstract thing and also have very detailed things it's just like where do you want to put your attention yeah exactly i think we have to co to connect these and then it is the question this charger must be able to be installed somewhere with where it is near the electricity and it is near the car because if i am living on the fourth floor then i have electricity but the cars i cannot be in the near in the car of the car so availability or place to to charge it yeah i mean you could probably not put it into your standard plug you need something special installed and are we talking about home owners exclusively or do we differentiate between home owner with own garage or like you said you live in a residential property renting style you have your apartment in the fourth floor for example and i mean what then with the the charger that is still in the package shipped by whatever company to you and where to install right because then we would need to ask question um can i install this thing in a house that i do not own most probably not right and then it should be part of the infrastructure that you rent with your monthly rent that you pay or something like that and you see this is exactly the question the charger is not yet on the electricity so we have to get it in the knee of electricity to connect it somehow this is really good so far and what we're going to do is instead of going deeper on the details or going or increasing the the surface area of this of these raw materials so far let's let's get them connected and then we can iterate through the whole process get i want to show marco evolution i'm really just dying too so um somebody treated that i want to show marco evolution yesterday i was doing uh the future backwards exercise with someone and i got to say no go to hell no meet me meet me at hell on the map anyways um marco could you um do me a favor and copy all of the things in our lists and copy them over to the value chain so one one observation about the technique with ensemble right the way i thought is well marco was i like that approach was capturing everyone's thought while i i'm not sure here lacks my famility but usually the driver tells or the navigator tells the driver what to do and now the group tells it right it's like the kids on the on the back seat are like shouting left right yeah we inverted that little thing no good i'm just saying i liked what marco did actually make it explicit but we're dd years as a facilitator as a facilitator i call this heisenberg's facilitation method so the model is always in uncertain state and only when you really try to look at it then it manifests into a certain structure but before that anything is possible so i capture all the ideas in a fuzzy state nice but you did even an evolution because you captured your ideas too and this was a little bit mine were just for jokes i mean i was just doing the mcdonald's stuff yeah never mind one thing would we to go on that would you distinct at them in the color of the sticky where you say these are just random thoughts and once they made it more concrete you change the color yeah that's a good idea i didn't do that um oh interesting i used the green ones here to uh to make a joke here and there saying the car electric owner yes eco like an eco-friendly haha this is not a valuable sticker this is just a joke so they can go away after a while but everything else is because all the ideas were fuzzy there was no hey let's commit to this so everything is the same color um when you say okay this yes this no then i either throw them out or then we could change colors if you want to keep the history but um yeah yeah and even like as far as commitment is concerned like nothing is really nothing can really be committed in a span of a 30-second discussion like so part of like what i i think is fun is you get into the act of getting it on paper and writing it out it's a tentative commitment and then over the course of the next two years as you live your life and refine this model and iterate and iterate and iterate by you know a week later you're 30 iterations in then maybe you have a little bit more of a commitment because of the work you've done but yeah i like tentative commitments a lot better than like yeah so from i mean i like this from all the ddd methods that i've used so far from especially specifically from event storming it's i really appreciate if everybody just puts out all the fuzzy on screen and then throw stuff out when you don't like it anymore when you even if after a 10 second discussion like no no this is wrong okay go away great but um i feel that uh too much upfront discussion of what to put on the paper uh just destroys parts of the model just all out there and this is when i have the role of writing stuff down if that's one person instead of other people i'll try to do that just capture everything that i hear even if it's mcdonald's and when i realized oh that wasn't part of the value chain okay would move it to the side and then throw it away afterwards that's fine but mcdonald's is part of the no i know it always is no but they have this public charging oh great that was actually a joke sorry no public public parking for free charge if you were during your eating stay healthy i'd say let's let's iterate yeah and maybe set a a timer also just to to have a greater awareness of the time of the past i was about to think that as well andreas that we were lacking that so let's take consider the time ten well maybe seven minutes because we want someone wants to show marco evolution i'm not sure who it is so um we can we can take one minute probably and draw all the value chain connections here so start from the bottom to the top and we can do this with a pen tool or we can just use the lines between them and everyone pitch in uh what depends on what else just jump in and see if you can find the connections here we're going maximum anarchy now all right and even if this is wrong i'm gonna assert that it doesn't matter that by the time we iterate we'll have something better and it'll be okay money try to take it from you kenny give me the money no because they say it's for free the charging at mcdonald's but nothing comes for free you need money to make it free okay all right so now i've i've got an evolution template copied over to the right of the value chain and all this is is the value chain with now physical space differentiated by the four stages of evolution simon has like friendly names for them he calls them genesis custom built product and commodity and um i see that you're copying that over perfect excellent and um basically science besides the visualization approach one of the things simon did was a bunch of research about um basically how things change under supply and demand competition and so evolution is descriptions of qualities that things have as they evolve and so simon's saying look this is a constant we need to appreciate these qualities some things are low failure some things are high failure some things are uncertain some things are highly certain and there's a spectrum of possibilities across that whole range of things and the way that we approach those things as a result of those qualities needs to change as well so if we can note them down and say hey this is a high failure thing it's in genesis well then we can have a discussion about how we need to make failures safe whereas if it's a low failure thing and it's in commodity well we need to have discussions about how to make things the same or maybe whether or not we're the right provider for this maybe we should outsource it is that is it always a true relationship can't there be low failure things in emerging well now that i think about it yeah thank you thank you very much robert ducking marco yeah i'm a good duck [Laughter] we all this was an ensemble ensemble and for fun um i say for fun because it's terrifying to look at down below underneath the the map template is like a big table a wall of text i i like to start with just two or three of the characteristics like failure which is the the lowest blue row um so failure is like high and expected in stage one moderate unsurprisingly frog but disappointed in stage two and so on and so forth until stage four where it's like surprising like oh this failed weird so like the power grid unless you live in texas failure is super i'm just kidding especially if you live in texas it's in commodity right it ought to be it ought to be surprising if it fails um and so we can just kind of reverse engineer where we think each of these things are and position them according to this evolution and then that is going to set us up to have some other conversations about what to do about the map what sort of moves are available to us so i saw you all like positioning stuff is there anything here and the way things are currently positioned that anyone disagrees with so for example mcdonald's free charging for potassium overload isn't custom built i have questions but by all means now i would say the charter is definitely custom built i mean it's not a product that you can just buy off the shelf for electric cars right now no i was always thinking the same thing or maybe it's moving from product to commodity from custom built to product yes i think i'd probably argue that it's custom built a product somewhere on the line there because tesla and other brands are starting they want repeatability because for at least for themselves they want to deploy things with consistency and so even if you have to go to a different company to get one then they would have to custom build one for you it seems like someone out there is starting to get some repeatability from okay so that's my that's a question i have here i mean these uh things like genesis custom build or product rental are perspective dependent right if i'm tesla it might be custom built but if i'm mercedes i might rent that from tesla so um we need to choose a perspective like we are this company and then we can build a map okay that makes sense yeah and you can take a perspective that's local and work within that if that's useful so inside an enterprise company where everything is just screwed and you don't have any access to the global market basically like maybe you'll just focus internally for the first few steps but if you're looking at the tesla versus ford versus somebody else you might have to take into account the full global market and you can make a map where you just say hey ford is here and tesla's here and we're here and there's like three instances of that one thing and like this is how we it's basically a reflection of our individual buyers doesn't make sense why is the car owner a product or rental i would say generally we put the users above the map and so you can kind of consider this a non-existent like positioning and sometimes people put a user journey up here too and it's not evolution it's a process above that line but um you can do anything you want with maps as long as the meaning is meaningful and now it's an actual map yeah it's a map not yet it is oh someone says not yet simon says not yet uh-oh okay what defines a map i mean the evolution a worldly map so it is a map but it's not the wording map okay that's right what the map becomes if we have evolution so just for all the people in the audience when you say simon you mean simon warley the inventor of worldly maps right because we always say simon says and yeah but we are in a meet-up called yeah what do you mean well never assume that everybody reads up front [Laughter] so movement is what he what's missing is that right the evolution yeah the movement yeah ah yes okay so towards solar panels or towards this problem but andrea said i don't have my own house i rent one i cannot build anything there so there's a company they should target these people and would should move something in that direction of a new new kind of charger which it doesn't need to be installed in the world but a mobile charger a new charger without electricity no without the wall without the walls i you can buy them on poles right so it's just uh it's just a thing you can either install them on your on your wall or on a pole it doesn't really matter it's just not your unit you are just kidding my evolution okay then get you an evolution i would i would actually uh support christina's evolution and saying the charger that needs some strong power current or so right now um we can build one that has batteries in it and that just gets powered from a normal plug that you can find in any wall so um you can you can charge it up slowly and when the car comes in you can release all the energy quickly to quickly charge your car um by doing that maybe you can even do a long cable you can put this in your flat and then just put a long cable out of the window to charge the car that's also possible um but yeah make something that works with a household power plug instead of the high energy one high voltage one so that's that's maybe let's see if i oh sorry go ahead someone wants yeah i was i was just thinking like um instead of charging yourself maybe it's uh an evolution it could be a replaceable battery pack yeah i was about to say that as well so like the the milk delivery folks come by with your replaceable battery pack for the next morning yeah something like that with the cow [Laughter] cow powered methane yeah oh you you called it christina a a uh evolution they something where you can it's not stick to the wall but mobile mobile charging mobile charger and for that you need the battery pack right yeah i've seen i've seen these things before where what's the problem in a public garage is that there's only eight sockets available and people are there and then something is already charged but then the car owner is not there so i saw this thing where the battery is just mobile and it will just plug in and once it's done it will go to the next one it's like a queuing system right kafka okay but can we can we make it colorful somehow so that we see that it's a movement so i think mobile charger would be in a decent map then or not exactly this way so but we need to make it visible that this is our strategy yeah oh is the mobile charger replacing the charger is this a substitution play can be an additional market additional target so i think um so the problem here if we go into that route is public charges or even maybe in in your neighborhood where you can share maybe this mobile thing just pitching in here but usually when i go abroad or i because i'm an electric car driver when i go to a public station they're all full right and i don't want to own my own charger i just want it charged so i don't care where it is it's the same with the car actually i don't want the car i want transportation but let's keep the self-driving part out but all i want is to be charged and usually things here get locked up so then something to be able to move with mobile i think that's the strategy play here but how do you visualize it well i'm not sure if it's replacing the charger um here's something that i i'm wondering about like if right now we have fixed chargers and we the the natural evolution of the charger concept is to make it mobile as an inherent attribute of it are we comparing charger 1 versus charger two um where it's like here here's the new charger it's charger as a service where you open up your app and you look it up and you and you can just rent a charger for five minutes or whatever and then exchange it like that is it a shift in evolution from early product to late product for the concept of a charger that's that's what it sounds like christina's describing to me at least but i don't know i'm not like an engineer around electric charging so i'm kind of curious what you all think yeah so instead of a fixed charger uh where where you need to go to the charging point the charging the charger will come to you where you want it to be something like that right i think i hope i hope we go uh in in that direction as we had 200 years ago with changing uh changing our breakers not vehicles horses you had a horse changing and i think the only ecological way to solve this is changing the battery so subscribing for that battery pack because the batteries are terrible they have a terrible footprint if everybody owns its own battery and change it every five years this is this terrible you don't want to go there so i don't want to charge actually i would like a subscription for batteries and somebody come and change it and go away and and we we are using the same batteries all of us yeah i'm kind of getting totally hooked into that idea that to optimize this actual domain now we can we can take that idea right off of switching batteries and and you know say like the battery becomes something like a commodity or battery exchange service um but also make it a hybrid solution so everybody who has a house can own a charger that is stationary and you can register them in an app so you can go anywhere on your trip and just park at a house register with your app i'm going to charge now and then you get in half an hour of charging and you continue but you can also charge all the empty batteries if you're sitting in the restaurant anyway and eating steak or a vegetarian meal because you're driving a tesla sorry and then you can charge all the batteries and now you have extra batteries to spare that or extra charge to spare that you can give other people by giving them batteries or buy extra actually exchanging the power via cord so making the the energy itself the the thing that we're trading no matter if it's by cable wireless or by by providing a physical block of energy that should be something that is interchangeable right so we want to get into hybrid solutions where the streets can get off and can get us inductive energy while we drive over them uh we have sold up cars and non-solar cars and all this should be become a huge disorganized network of chaotic energy providers and consumers that are all kind of cloud managed but also not depending on the cloud of course because that would be horrible failures and i have a bonus for you we don't pay taxes because we don't have any energy left this german taxes you know that seems to be your stick right now but i don't care about taxes actually i think it's mindbreaking it's the wrong way to go okay this is what how would you visualize where what what do we want off to the right i thought i'd throw in a couple um tables from simon's book so simon wardley at the top is climate patterns and um climate patterns are just kind of like the rules of the game and so once you have a map you can kind of just learn about a couple as they're interesting um and see how they would play things out into christina's point like uh where's the movement where's the change um so for example everything evolves through supply demand competition is one of those and we just we just played that out a little bit we said okay a charger could evolve and become you know the other other counterpart there is its characteristics are going to change as it evolves and so what does that mean well if the chargers are everywhere well it means we could have just switch the batteries instead of dealing with you know toxic batteries that each individual person owns we could share them and it's like when we just play out those patterns what are the implications a world where a charger is in every single home what are the implications of that and so you can go through those different patterns and sort of find interesting little insights there the other thing we can look at is under the game plays accelerators decelerators um different different modes that you can take to sort of enable people to change the way things are playing out so for example user education is a great way like that that's a good play in a lot of cases just so people know how things work so that they don't they aren't susceptible to fear uncertainty and doubt that might come on your favorite uh news station or something along those lines or if you want to create a collective do an open approach around how to you know change the building codes or how to solve these problems do it in the open so that anyone can contribute and that's another kind of accelerator companies don't want to do that because then they have to share the upside maybe so there's a lot of different moves that you can take and just by spending a little bit of time with each one to learn what's out there you can kind of start to see the possibility space now that you have all the parts defined on a map i've done like a to the further to the right there's like an opportunities prompts thing it's just a question version of some of these ideas and this is one of the ways you could interrogate the map together to find out if there's an option that is being missed like could we could we make friends around one of these components is there anyone else with this concern that's what build alliances is about for example so that's kind of where you could take the map once you've got it getting here can be a pain but once you're here you've got all this stuff that you can do and then you can iterate and make it better i think if you put now not only this user but also the mission mission and vision of a company then you could become really scared if you say okay our plan was to create a different charger now we have two charges and with this we even make the world worse because we enforce this this behavior to have batteries at home but if this is what our company decided five years ago or five months ago what do we do so yeah it's like decision debt like yeah decisions made without intention exactly so marco yeah did he show you evolution yes thank you very much ben um i now actually get it i i really so um the history i've told kenny before the session started it's like i've been dabbling with worldly maps for one or two years just looking at talks looking at maps people made i drew my own map at some point i was like it was always a static map never never really the evolution part and i was always wondering like yeah it's a nice discussion starter it's it's fine but this is not really a valuable method in my eyes so thank you christina like for making us because i paid attention to twitter it was on twitter and it was my aha moment and then i get all these from everybody else everybody knows this i didn't thank you no no you were on the other end of the chain yeah yeah really really cool and oh my god these walls of text thank you for that i have to work through them now um really read through all the details uh do you have any tips on how do you keep all these maps i mean all these graphs and tables in your head when you start playing do you just take the paper with you and pick one or or do you get used to actually using that at some point what's your heuristic of working with simon's book so i i admit um because i spent so much time making maps a lot of the times the the mapping concepts play out in my head and it's not that i'm making a map in my head so much as i'm remembering that evolution is a thing that exists and oh it's affecting this thing that i'm working on oh and i can that means i can analyze its qualities and go compare out in the market how other people are treating this thing it's little heuristics like that um but the other thing i would say is just stay small um yes you can build big maps and i think that's like that's an okay goal um to like do if you want if you really really really want to have all the detail in one view but i really recommend staying small in all things like make small maps make a lot of small maps and then don't worry about consuming all of the various words characteristics tables all that stuff don't do it all at once like don't view this as an all or nothing thing just take bite off a little bit learn a little bit and then do a little bit more the game is not who has the total knowledge about how all this works the game is who has more knowledge than other people from a competitive standpoint um and honestly building competence is the alternative to competition we could be better together just by knowing a little bit more than we know today so small little tiny steps around that and uh i'll hock this for a minute i have there's a really cheap worthy mapping workbook that you can get on amazon i'm sorry to the trees but you can get on kdp um and just look for worthy mapping workbook it's probably like six dollars or something like that for most folks um sorry australia it's more expensive around you um because printing's apparently more expensive down there but it's got the tables in the front and it's got these templates that we were playing with um and i like to carry just one of these in my bag and just kind of like scratch some stuff out and throw it away scratch another one out and throw it away and yeah there's there's no like clean mapping like perfect mapping it's just a lot of messes and then you know stuff and that's okay thank you very much i i never had the feeling the the need of the clean mapping but this is a huge amount of tools and knowledge where you have to jungle and okay now i take this one no i think this one and this is um this is really i don't know how to keep the overview i think what we're missing is a lot of smaller tools like i view this more as like a giant pile of raw material and i'm hoping that more people feel interested enough in it to say oh we could cut off this part of it and pull it out and just turn that into a canvas and run that in our meetings about some specific topic i i really do think it's a a bit much to take in all at once for sure my copy will arrive on thursday june 17th so i just bought it um thank you for the tip thank you so i think this is the same as with domain driven design in general right it's for a new camera it's a totally overwhelming topic if people ask hey what is ddd we had in our in our virtual dd community we had discussions about what makes you a domain driven designer for two hours and it wasn't even nearly done and there's so much stuff you can learn there's so many many methods it always feels overwhelming when you start but there's always guiding principles of with what to start and then you get step by step you get into it and i think um i mean i'm going to look into this book that you recommended and even just this mirror board which will i hopeful uh i think we'll keep it public right um non-editable but commentable so anybody's invited to go to this mirror board and and just look at all the tables we put there to to grasp the first uh things first concepts of worldly mapping and then begin your journey by just doing mapping i think that's that's the thing with all the great methods to start doing them figuring out what doesn't work and then ask questions ben is on twitter so i'm going to invite you to spam him and all the always welcome yeah so how was it for the rest any questions from other people who are still here with us yeah i would say compared to other what lay mapping sessions it felt where we cut off relatively early i would say because i would say you even grasp it better when we kind of apply more doctrines or yeah those opportunities go deeper into that and how could you apply these what would make sense now to each one of those um capabilities that we put in there on the map and look at it how would that evolve over time and yeah there's just more to it and um to it um i can only recommend just um watch other mappings um with ben um with um cats hotel and just examples um it's um yeah you need to to invest a little bit of time but for me the examples really helped a lot and just go to another meetup with ben like i did where i had the pleasure to be a driver and navigator for a little uh for a short while but that that helps just doing it right and when like you always say just the mapping act itself not the map as the artifact just the mapping talking with other people this is kind of most most valuable and the yeah just throw the map away after just make dirty maps right um we even talked about have some coffee stains on the digital version right to just um cat talks about inviting for other people right do not look too clean it should look like you you throw it away afterwards so don't hesitate to participate it should be inviting it should be dirty and yeah to be clear you throw it away afterwards yeah and in this case we won't because then it's for sure but yeah i definitely agree with the trouble cool anyone else before we wrap it up and okay so i got a proposition shall we do a ddd mapping what's ddd what's in ddd in this format next time smaller groups would that be a nice idea why not you mean a worldly mapping of what is domain driven design or mapping of what is ddd in okay what it prepared a worldly mapping of what's domain design or what's virtual dvd maybe on what's the need of virtual ddd itself it can be used but you said marco we had two and a half hour discussions what makes us a dvd and we don't have one line or silver line and this kenny tries for a year at least to make this body mapping on ddd i think this would be it's too big i i i like the idea with virtually because you can grasp it you can you can define the boundaries and wait start and wait and easy it's so we're gonna talk about that and uh for people still watching or still watching this thanks we're gonna talk a bit more after we close the stream or not we'll see but uh well thank you all for coming and see you hopefully at the next virtual dvd and ben many thanks for sharing your wisdom everyone who participated thanks for making this happen because it couldn't be done without everyone here and have a great night evening morning afternoon
Channel: Virtual Domain-Driven Design
Views: 178
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Qu03U8s0kC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 47sec (5687 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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