Handmade shoes factory Vietnam

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we ever wanted to know what a family-run Vietnamese business looks like no well I'm gonna show you anyway there is a four-story building right opposite where I live where they are manufacturing shoes and God knows what else so I have here with me today a Viet Nam's greatest translator who is going to help Harold investigate a genuine Vietnamese family business I believe it's about we don't know yet but all right let's go Oh check it I'll have it a chicken fight oh this place is happening it's right up here it's the bit that looks like our other installing electricity here's the building right here alright that let's make first contact all right we have made contact and we're now we're going to do a little tour and a little interview to investigate this what I think is maybe a family business is it a family business so she said we can go upstairs and film everything great great yeah I'm very very curious to ask you some questions about what they're making are them they're making shoes are they making like what exactly do they make here you know yep this is the final product yes so this they make flip-flops down here and they make shoes upstairs that allow I don't go it's a and you know you think you know we can whining on you can do it or making my so down here they make down a little part you know like the soul like the range like what is he making here right now it's Vista I think it's the frame this is like the frame yeah they tell me to lock the bike okay okay I see so this is for for the taupe yes so that they're all all one big family here yeah no yeah so family yeah family business Sam how long had I been doing this for how many years Oh Mike you've never know my god yeah thirty years thirty years two years how many shoes do they make in one day okay yeah yeah Tommy [Music] so they depends on the customers if say they order buddy's shoes and we still make steady shoes that they were order 100 shoes they're gonna make 100 years I'm sorry okay so people come to them with orders yeah it makes this she doesn't make the so they don't just make the shoes and send them to the market no no no it's all on orders yeah they're manufacturer just like my company but I'm we chose you okay it makes more car down here and they put it all up upstairs okay so all this is a smaller part for different different different flip-flops so they specialize in flip-flops yes yes yes I've seen they make belts there too I think or no no I mean yeah yeah so they don't make no bail oh yes just flipped off and juice yes okay thirty thirty years thirty years it's the business going up this is this is up and up and up every year you know they don't become he's getting better and better and better okay Wow so they have had they're always been here in this house that they have they always been in this house or it tells to go up okay they're filming everything okay great great hey you and your iPad you're watching cartoons you should be making shoes yeah all right we're going up stairs everywhere here is it's geared towards shoe production you go first you are the you are the they'll be scared if they see an albino come up the stairs you know going to home they say yeah come on by every go and my team haha recall to avoid anything we did I supplement yeah yeah also this is the shapes and everything and the soul can you ask him if we can have a closer look at how they're how they're doing this I think you could touch them oh no no okay yeah yeah hello can I have a look at your your shoe here [Music] all in and we're going down together all ladies shoes yes Oh Lydia see so what kind of machine is this so these are different different sizes are so what it this is a six can you ask him what he is doing here [Music] well I think it's pretty easy that they are making the the shape of the shoes right how many how many hours do they work here I see them here late at night I see to me early in the morning can you ask them how many hours they work for day goodbye the 17-hour 17 oh I see them even home even on Saturday night I see them from my window they never stop dr. McGee Oh a boy all of my Anna come on 500 here per game 500 pair shoes for that yes and how many people work in the whole building this is it I guess how many stuffs do they have when you get yeah as I hear they have 10 people out there by 5:00 today I have a look at this true Oh ladies shoes how many how many hours do you think it takes to make one shoe so as I have to guess they make 500 shoes per day and there's a 17 hour book so divide that and have a look at what you're doing here all right whoops I feel I'm tell them I'm very grateful for being allowed to see this [Music] there's going to be a woman's sandal I want to have a look over there - whoops tomayto first foreigner to come in here and see the factory all right I'm the first what's he making over here other brand so okay so whatever brand the customer wants he can make it what is the most popular brand [Music] okay another [Music] like Malaya is known just every kind of brand all right okay great great thank you thank you you say thank you in Vietnamese I'm gonna try come on oh so tough gum Campbell come on yeah yeah okay thank you guys Dumbo all right oh this is one more floor no but I thought you have to change your thank-yous and your greetings according to who you're talking to if the younger if they're older it's not like that do you have anything else to ask no that was it that was great a little little tour I wish them good luck with their business and what I'm very impressed with with the hours they work generally nobody no way no maybe if they don't know Norway Sweden it may be gaben gaben 3d yeah all these will will eventually be like this right they don't know no way but when I say Sweden pick up all the hell Sweden oh yeah alright thank thank you and women good luck with the business I'm very impressed with the hours they work and they're there never seem to have a break so I think that of course are doing very well yeah they're growing I mean you can see all the the science of of growth area so she's the boss ah she's the boss okay thank you very much boss thank you 500 shoes per day impressed you can do you can do a study on them for your for your for your education shoes yes this is out back you can see a science of many issue as well what kind of brands did they have in their every brand you didn't want to be specific right look like you had like you said counterfeit I like that Mike is charging way too much for their flip-flops so okay so it's one two I see from my window even on the third floor there is a production going on and like you said 17 hours incredible hours I'd rarely see them have a break I mean I never see people outside here relaxing or or doing nothing check this out so it's now 9 o'clock just came out of the shower and I hear some hammering noises across the road I can only mean one thing they're still working hard still making shoes and never see them have a break outside so they meant it when they said they are at it 17 hours a day they meant it just the business activity in this street is a while loud this guy is coming by with his bicycle I don't know what he's selling but unreal entrepreneurial spirit the spirit of capitalism is is alive in Vietnam I was talking to the translator about that and he also said a lot of these businesses when there's small-scale you can't actually just if you own one of these buildings you can just start selling tea out the back and there's gonna be no no one bothering you no taxes nothing like that problems occur when you grow very big it's gonna attract some attention and and there's going to be some some red tape but for small-scale businesses for average Joe we just want to put up a sign and now my shoe repairman or now I'm in that coffee or tea business you're good to go with pretty much no licenses or permissions needed which is the way it should be so this is this is how Vietnam is outpacing everyone else in in terms of economic growth you said 7% he's told me that this city is about money-making if that is why everyone there is specific last year growth rate you'd be afraid is seven point zero eight but yeah seven person impressive in the West we'd pretty happy if we can get to all right that was a look into a little little family-run business here in Vietnam thank you for watching and thank you to the way to sponsor later Vietnam has ever seen take this out the loading after the shoes look at the bike it's riding pretty low [Music] you can drive like that all right good luck Oh No must be a thousand shoes in there I'm gonna try and invade their home later I'm gonna check into my place first
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 267,655
Rating: 4.8692431 out of 5
Keywords: Vietnam shoe manufacturer, shoe factory vietnam, family business Vietnam, Saigon shoes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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