Handmade Custom Doll VS Popular Fashion Doll! 🤩 EASY PAPER CRAFTS by Imagine PlayWorld

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wee this is a BL who the cutest SL huh hi Sammy what is it oh it's a new doll stop look oh hey I'm the one who ordered it it's mine hi what's going on here my avastar doll has arrived wow let me see and play no it's my doll I'm not giving it to anyone oh yeah Samy follow me we have a new challenge we're going to make our own cool doll oh I'm gang so pretty let's dress her up oh there's so many options and you want a craft one give it a try you'll see Nancy it's going to be an amazing craft that's right Sammy now what do we have here great the torso's ready how are you going to put on her pants and skirts forget it my doll's already got a wig Stacy's going to let me wear the wig of course just wait we still have to finish the doll here take the foil for the head frame oh thanks Nancy check this out what do you think huh keep molding bestie just look how lovely my doll's face is I have to speed up and make her jaw drop here I finished wow she's quite good uh-huh let's attach the head oh look how funny it's Spence catch oh jumping head look out I'm going to get you stop be down intient close your eyes sweetie oh oh will'll make you a scared face um is it even here terribly pretty my precious and my Do's legs aren't functioning try to put it on this pin then it'll work just fine oh thank you Sammy what do you think now Nancy H I'm beginning to like this doll too she and mine could become besties cool and we'll let her wear my doll clothes um I I can't it doesn't fit and we make you a new outfit first we need to make measurement now we need the material clay clothes are the most durable I don't even know how it's going to work look we'll mold it right on the doll dexterity and no cheating huh what where's the bag it's weird you don't get it Sammy it's the latest trans what one no no no no no hey hands off I'm a designer not a model oh no my doll's half is gone help don't panic I'll find her and bring her home this is all I have what should I do hey we can play with the legs separately put on some fancy shoes and the perfect look is ready I should make it for my doll too she'll walk proudly down the street oh I mean the table my doll has many different looks get as much inspiration as you want I also decorated her shorts with stickers we can mix outfits for a whole fashion show uh-oh silly me I need to mold her pants um do you have a warehouse in there come on so fast how my doll will be watching your every move here we are F on a way out my super strong helper will get her yay thanks I think I'll glue the legs to prevent further escapes yay let's get her ready to their first meeting I want to dress her up again look how well this color suits her we can finally play wait you got me inspired to design an [Music] upgrade H well then we'll dress up some more too that's it oh we should defo try this get the clay Sam I need up a rock jacket all you need to do is craft it I'll make it even better than you thought now we'll add some pink El friend uhhuh H will it fit for my doll too playay outfits are the new trend hey I'm your best friend let me wear it shall we arm wrestle for it let's go I'm going to beat you huh H I've got an idea come here hey what are you doing my hair check this out amazing it doesn't work with mine though I'll figure something out too h a a super cool headband uh-huh H maybe I should make one for my doll first give her a haircut then we'll see so how is it going are you ready to choose the best doll no Sammy time out a new hairstyle is on the way oh when when when are you going to do her hair shall we make her hair out of threads or paper no and no it'll be hard to attach and they'll tear quickly what's taking you so long I have an idea yeah like gray but more flexible yay this will work while your girlfriend is at the hair salon we'll try on some new accessories check these out excuse me we're making a surprise see you later fine we'll have it all to [Music] ourselves uh-oh we have to hurry I haven't pied out a new look for you yet oh let's not forget about the wig there it is and a headband has the Finishing Touch we're ready but I'm not done yet we need to add some stickers I chose these eyes and lips you're about to see our doll come to life give me those stickers wow they look so cool don't get upset here you go take whatever stickers you want oh it's nice when you get along Let's test them right away we don't need these anymore okay wow what a makeover H there's still some of my stickers left what should I do with them I know check out this cool fashion Nea yeah she's so cute yeah you should decorate your doood stickers too oh thanks Sammy what a great idea check out my pretty girl avastar and my doll too which one do you like more oh it's hard to choose they're both gray but I have a trump card up my sleeve H show show what are you hiding up there uh-huh look what I've got can you guess um more clay what is it for so we can make more accessories check out this purse not fair there's no purse in my set wait I've got the best idea ever our dolls can share stuff they're friends now deal deal we're both in thank you let's have a friendly fashion show stay [Music] tuned ever had a bad hair day you comb it you brush it scrunch it and still it doesn't look right uh you didn't think our hair was that bad did you well with the fingertips groovy groomer there is no excuse to leave the house with unruly hair just get hold of a miror tile and Salon Styles will soon be at your fingertips yep the fingertips groovy groomer is a cool make that you can hang on your wall not only has it got a handy mirror for you to check out your appearance but it also keeps your Clips grips Combs and gels together in one place in these little pockets and they're all made from these mini cereal boxes okay Steve you'll be needing those thank you yes these are going to come in very handy now the first thing we're going to do is draw The Groovy Groomer's head and body shape and for that you want to draw around a dinner plate once just here then draw around one of your cereal boxes this will give you the guide of the neck just overlap your head part slightly then you draw around your dinner plate twice more at the bottom so once here and again once just there and now you want to round it off just here to give you the neck shape just like that using the plates as a guide and finally the face which you used a sourcer for so you place that in the center of your top Circle then cut the whole thing out out like that so we've got the groovy groomer shape but he's looking very bold isn't he yeah but that's not a problem because the groovy Groomer's hair is easy to make what you need to get are some nice fat furry pipe cleaners cuz these are going to be his dreadlocks then once you've got them buy some colorful beads and thread them on top to make them look even more funky and now get your mirar which you can buy it from most DIY stores and place it onto the back of your groovy Groomer's head in a diamond shape and then just draw around each Edge in some pen like that and then you can start to stick on your dreadlocks but when you are sticking them on be careful not to overlap onto that diamond shape because otherwise when you go to stick your tile on a bit later on it won't glue in place properly and when they're all stuck in place a good idea is to stick some Mirror card onto the front of your groovy cre which looks pretty cool and if you make the circle a bit smaller than your saucer this will neaten everything up and also hide any gaps around your mirror now let's stick the mirror in Place using these sticky pads which normally come with mirror tiles and if yours don't don't worry you can just buy some from a DIY store so let's secure that in place like that then turn the whole thing over and stick on the pockets now remember your pockets are just cereal boxes let's put one just there and one just there and these will hold all your accessories for a top showes hairstyle and now all you have to do is paint it what about this a cool denim jacket and we've even stuck real buttons on the side and painted in a fingertips t-shirt and check out these Pockets they're the perfect place to put your combs and all your jewelry and you could even clip your Clips to groovy Groomer's hair use sticky pants to attach your groovy groomer to the wall and you may want to get a bit of help positioning it yep I'm happy just there so stick it in place and let your groovy groomer stare you in the face what about this cool t-shirt and crazy quiff looking good so make yourself groovy every morning with the fingertips groovy [Music] groomer got a minute because this is the part of the program where we show you how to make something in under a minute using odds and ends from around your house today it is my turn to make and it's my turn to tie and this is all I need to make this incredible thing which I know you're going to love I know I always say that but this you really it very cool now I'm not going to say what it is just yet so see if you can try and guess along the way Stephen you ready I'm ready okay in three in two in one go first thing I need to do is just uh this just there and this just there like that and how long am I doing 5 Seconds gone how long am I doing how long I got okay keep going put that there and now card goes on the top just like that now bit of glue along this side H bit of glue along this side a quarter of your times now gone forever not coming back right I put this just here I can't pick it up right that goes there stick three seconds that stick this down like this now now take these bits and put these across how we doing 30 seconds half stop panicking Steven that there it's going a bit wrong okay put this like that okay now turn the whole thing over 20 seconds left bit more glue there a bit more glue there okay and uh now don't need to rush at 15 okay 15 seconds left this over there okay don't mean to rush you but 10 seconds left in eight seven more glue on the top five Panic three and can I just say exactly one minute there now it looks like some kind of book cover thing but obviously it's a one minute Mak there's more to this that meets the eye there certainly is meet the snatchers wallet check this out for this I need some money let me borrow 10 P oh look I want it back that's all right no problem so look I put the1 P note into the wallet and look it goes in loose yeah Y close it up Snap My Fingers give it a blow and now look it's trapped underneath the x that is so cool isn't it ah now let's show you how it works right because your friends are going to love this we've made this one with elastic band okay so it's like a book which means it can open this way but the cool thing about it is it can also open this way so it has two hinges which also means when you get some money that's it you put it inside like this and you close it up both sides try to grab the money so if I close it up here you'll see look both the horizontal stripes and the X try to snatch it but the X always seems to get it that is very good now we've seen how to use it so let's show you how to make it again first of all you get a piece of card slightly bigger than a bank note and put some strips of paper laid out like this across in the middle and some horizontal lines then put another piece on top of this and run some glue along both edges then fold over the horizontal strips on one side of your card and and the cross strips on the other side then you want to sandwich another piece of card on top there you go thank you Steven and turn your wallet over and then put some more glue down this side and this side and fold your remaining strips over so there goes the cross and the horizontal lines too then if we get another piece of card and sandwich that on top there we go you will have your completed snatchers wallet it's as easy as that a better check it to make sure it works come on there we are we put the money inside goes in loose we close it up and hopefully it should be trapped fantastic that is so cool and you can make it in under minute so see if you can beat the clock now come money back now Steven Steven [Music] Steven hello hello Mr Maker here at home what have you been doing today I hope you've had lots of fun I'm looking forward to getting creative and having an Arty idea you never know when a good idea will hit you wow it's my friend Dodge calling me perfect timing hello Dodge hi Mr Maker how are you I'm well thanks are you okay I am but Mr Maker I need your help anything for you dodge what's up well I think teachers are brilliant I agree and they work so hard yeah but not just the teachers of course everyone who works in nurseries and playgroups and schools everywhere they deserve a big massive thank you yes and all the grown-ups who teach children at home too you're right Dodge so how can I thank them well you could sing a song for them that's a great I did hit it 1 2 3 [Music] 4 sh oh no I need to do something else something a bit more personal that I can send to all the teachers and staff in schools everywhere to say thank you dodge I just had an Arty idea I know what you can make really make it Mr Maker make it Mr Maker let's make a lovely thank you card making a thank you card is lots of fun simply start with a piece of paper or card like this you can use any color you like fold it in half and then you've got the beginnings of a thank you card o how are you going to decorate it Mr Maker well let's find out Dodge I've torn out a strip of green paper and I'm going to glue it to the bottom of the thank you card to be the grass I'm also sticking down this Lolli stick that I've painted green but of course you can use any colors you like finally I just add some pretty pom poms for petals can you see what it is Dodge a it's a beautiful flower what you think Dodge a beautiful thank you card ah it looks great now I just need to make lots of them to send to everyone who works in every school in the whole wide world you're going to send a thank you card to every teacher and staff member in the whole world yep it might take me the rest of the day you know I think it might take a little bit longer than that Dodge but you get started and good luck my friend I'll see how you're getting on in a few days okay thanks Mr Maker bye now H where did I put those pom poms bye DOD oh it was great to see Dodge he's got a lot of thank you cards to make and send out but that is so kind of him you know I just I just um oh what's that noise it sounds like snoring and it's coming from upstairs who Could That Be I know who it is it's the shapes circle triangle square and rectangle all snoring away with the sh shapes asleep it means no shape dance today and no singing to I am a shape it's a real shame but I suppose the only way we could do those things is if I put on shape costumes and I do the dance myself but we can't do that can we come on Mini makers let's dance with the shapes I am a circle spin around spin around in a circle on the ground spin around spin around I am a triangles clap your hands in the air triangles everywhere CL your hands in I am a square everybody draw a square draw it here draw it there I am a rectangle bounce everybody bounce like you just don't care what's it going to be wait and we will see a shape for you and me I am a square now let's make something to celebrate our friend Square first ask a grownup to help you find four clean dry Lolli sticks and glue them together like this to make a square when the glue is dry paint your wooden Square any color you like and when the paint is dry you'll have a square frame you can decorate this however you like perhaps with old buttons and Beads and bits and pieces you can find glue them onto the wooden frame when your decorations are securely fixed in place you can add a piece of ribbon to the top of your frame so it can be hung up look this square frame is all different shades of blue as in a photo or a picture of one of your best friends and you can frame it I am a Square thank you for coming to visit me at home today we've had a great time we caught up with our friend Dodge and made a thank you card and we celebrated the shapes with some artwork and a dance keep making things and have lots of fun and remember your home is where the art is and before we get go let's visit Dodge's home again to see how he got on another busy day I think I'll just relax and listen to some [Music] music I just can't get this song out of my head oh a CO I wonder who it is ah it's one of the teachers I sent a card to hi hello Dodge it's Miss A here I just wanted to say that I got your thank you card and I love it and everyone at the school wants to say thank you do thank you dos no thank you how [Music] lovely it's ready make time and today we're going to make oh it's my lunch oh I won't be long everyone oh that was lovely sorry about that everyone but do you know what this has given me a great idea we can use this paper bag to make this it's a paper bag house and we can make it in just one minute by using these Arty things let's have a look of course we got a paper bag we have a glue stick we've got some tissue some colored card a little sticker there and a pen now do you think it's possible to make this paper bag house in just one minute no way oh really well I think I can I'm going to have to be very quick but don't worry I'll remind you how to do it at the end are you ready are you ready fantastic let's make it in a minute 3 2 1 St the clock right we're going to bring in our bag and our tissue paper and we stuff the tissue inside the bag like that now let's get our card and we're going to fold it in half and then take a pen and draw on some curvy shapes like this now this is going to be the roof on our paper bag house there we Gove drawn that now this purple bit of card we make a nice door and I'm going to draw a cross on this blue card to make a window right let's bring in a sticker now for a door knob there we go and let's get some glue right let's turn everything over and put on lots of glue some glue on there bit more glue here bit of glue on the window and some glue there for the roof right let's stick everything on let's stick on the door there we go let's stick on a window and of course a roof and I've just built a paper bag house I built a house in just one minute but if you've got more than a minute you could try all sorts of ideas how about trying a row of terorist cottages using different colored bags or you could eveny try making this haunted crooked House made from a tall bag with spooky windows and a wonky chimney paper bag houses made in just one minute why don't you try it here's a reminder of how to do it let's go back to the beginning and take another look stuff a paper bag with scrunched up tissue draw tiles on another piece of card then draw a window on the rectangle piece of card and draw a cross onto a square piece of card add a sticker for the door knob glue the door window and roof to the bag and your paper bag house is finished why don't you try and make it in just one minute and thank you everyone for being part of another marvelous mini [Applause] Mage I made it I made it high fives everyone great to see you what p picture would you like to make today boat a boat picture that's a nice idea is it just one boat no how many lots of boats nice and where will the boats be the sea in the sea that's right great ideas everyone let's make it together we are making the book this is the Mast and these are the sails I am a sh and here's a lovely Blue Sky making this picture has just given me an idea why don't you make something too get ready to set sail try making a brilliant little tub booat you will need a clean plastic tub tissue paper and colored paper gloopy glue and a brush scissors and a pencil modeling clay and a drinking straw and stickers first take the plastic tub and cover it with gloopy glue and pieces of torn tissue paper then leave it to dry for the sale take a triangle of colored paper and then use modeling clay and a pencil to make a ho hole at the top and bottom of the triangle then thread a straw through the holes now press modeling clay into the bottom of the boat and push your sail into it add stickers for p holes and a paper flag your tub booat is finished and ready to play with what a nice idea why don't you try it but right now let's see how our big boat pitch is getting on [Music] that's it we made it together [Applause] yay oo it looks windy out there I know it's F isn't it scrats don't worry it's only the makeer phone oh dear oh it's toy it's toy scraps time to go time to go oh thanks toy I'll be home soon a that's it for now my making time's over but yours is just beginning it's time to put the marvelous maker case back in its box
Channel: Imagine PlayWorld
Views: 1,070,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Cw33UI66IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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