Hampton Preachers Conference 2018 Morning Preaching Session

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[Music] giving the praise give them the glow of ready [Music] today that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad enter into his gates we're giving and into his courts with praise be thankful [Music] thankful be thankful be thankful under him and praise His name for the Lord in school a witness in the house for the Lord a fool if mercy is everlasting all generation let's just give him the plane he's done so much for me I cannot tell it Oh bless his name before you take your seats I just want you to turn to your neighbor and smile church folks have a difficult time smiling turn to your neighbor and smile and say he's done so much testify to your neighbor he's done so much [Music] so much [Music] halleluyah halleluyah you may be seated bless the name of the Lord last night heaven came down and glory filled our souls we give praise to God for his servant our president the doctor the white Riddick let's give praise to God and celebrate his servant for the man of God the awesome Word of God that came as a source of inspiration I'm sure each of us in spite of our pain were inspired to keep on preaching in spite of our pain we were inspired to keep on singing in spite of our pain you've had some pain you remember the last time you cried because of but in spite of it we got to keep on preaching we've got a point our people to God our Savior our president has a book entitled reflections life lessons I learned from my dad and we want each of you to take a copy of his book home share it read it and then share it with someone else in fact some of us need to take two or three copies home and share it with those in our circle our spiritual circle so that we can share some of this wonderful inspiration that God has blessed us and exposed us to doing this week Hampton amen I'm on in prayer shall come from the Reverend dr. Janet Sturdivant who is the presiding elder of a South Philadelphia district of the annual AME conference and she will be followed by the reading of the word by the bishop Maureen Davis who's the presiding prelate of the gates of heaven Assembly of Churches Incorporated was also one of our outstanding pastors in the city of Philadelphia here either let us pray great and gracious wonderful and kind our Father and our God we come this morning just to say thank you thank you God that you woke us up on this side of the Jordan thank your father that you gave us traveling mercies to bring us to this place one more time thank you for the blessing of last night the message of last night thank you for this president who has served for great years thank you for his family in his church and we lift up his wife right now thank you for the chaplain who reminded us to touch the reset button thank you for this board that has put this assembly together but God right now we want to thank you for you we want to thank you for your grace and your mercy we want to thank you for your unfailing love we want to thank you God for those who were able to get here some on broken pieces but we know that even if we came broke we won't leave broke god we want to thank you for those who may have calmed sick and body mind and spirit but we knew if we made it to Hampton we wouldn't leave the way that we came we thank you God for your power and for your anointing and we pray God that you use the preachers and the lecturers God to lift us to places we've not been before not just to get a sermon title but all God that the word might meet us where we hurt God that you make minister to us from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet that touchless till we preach different touch us till we live different touch us till we run and ain't nobody chasing us touch us till we shout for joy touch until we act like we need you and we're watching God we thank you today cuz you've been so good to us you mean matter to us then we've been to you or to ourselves now God we submit to your will we submit to your authority we submit to your way we submit to your word we submit to your power we submit to you let's show will be done [Music] [Music] the reading of the word is found in Jeremiah chapter 20 verses 7 through 12 o Lord thou has deceived me and I was deceived now what's stronger than I and has prevailed I am in derision daily everyone mocking me for since I spake I cried out I cried violence and spoil because of the word of the Lord was made a reproach unto me and a derision daily then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay if I heard that the faming of many fear on every side reports say they and we will report it all my familiars watched for my halting saying free adventure he will be enticed and will and he shall prevail against him and we shall take our revenge on him but the Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail they shall be greatly ashamed but they shall not prosper their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten but O Lord of Hosts that try is the righteous and seize the reins and the heart let me see thy vengeance on them for unto thee have I opened my calls this is the word of the [Music] there's a worship song that we have been singing at home this year and it was lifted in the concert on last year all is well all is well no matter what my eyes may see I know His grace is covering me all is well all is well just touch your neighbor who's the person sitting next to you and just say all is well all as well we'd live 12 months that we can come to this holy ground and no matter what we left back home no matter what we got a face on our return home we're testifying this morning all is well oh come on let's say it together all as well all is well no matter what my eyes may see I know His grace is covering me all is well that's a good place to say hallelujah all is well the preach word today our initial speaker for this morning is the Reverend dr. Philip L pointer senior he is the senior pastor of the st. Mark's Baptist Church in Little Rock Arkansas where he has served as a senior pastor for the last 10 years he is one of the outstanding anointed voices in our country and we ask God to anoint him afresh one more time that we may receive a fresh word from the Lord I want you to raise your hand and point them toward our preacher and just repeat after me send your word Lord send your word Lord fill my cup Lord and let it overflow anoint this your servant dr. pointer after the semanek solo by Minister Chris house we were here the word of the Lord by dr. Porter and let's receive him as he comes let's stand and receive the servant of the Lord [Music] and to ash you I live to worship you I live I live to worship you [Music] ah [Music] - giddy worship father whoa Oh and [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] every worshipper raise your voice to this rule today we say [Music] let's fill this room with the atmosphere of heaven now [Music] Oh [Music] Oh thank you you are here moving in our midst so I worship you how worship you [Music] how should you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shibby so that's kind of what it is they make me while this keep right in the talk [Music] raise it show [Applause] [Music] somebody say [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you are [Music] yes you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh that is who you are we make miracle work promise keep fighting darkness that's who [Music] yes you in the darkness consume me fine don't smell it it's a sweet perfume is awesome presence [Music] Oh [Music] we're every now [Music] we bow before you [Music] so we [Music] we [Applause] we're average the gym [Music] she soften our ears today becoming better something a hostage let's not say you did not do it all let's honor him now somebody bow your posture [Music] yes [Music] we say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] presence of the father is here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's why we simple time No so without clapping our hands let's lift our heads now as we reverence and honor the presence of our King Halloween thank you for this time and your breath soften our hearts so that we hear from you and it's the kingdom the power and all the glory is yours be strong in this room forever and ever and all of the grateful people who love Jesus sinning [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you whisper words of prayer with me as we asked the Lord to bless our time the word together [Music] gracious and loving God what a privilege it is to be here in your presence here with your people to know that you have spared our lives and graced us with another moment an opportunity to be strengthened and sharpened for the word to which you have called us we collectively ask one simple thing speak Lord your servants are listening I beg of you Lord to please pour fresh oil on my head give me clarity of thought and precision of speech use me as an instrument in your hand you know the frailty of my flesh and so I pray that you gather the scattered fragments of my strength and breathe upon me and we collectively pray for listening ears receptive hearts and most importantly responsive lives help us to leave better than we were when we came we pray your rebuke upon any potential distraction help us to focus on the scripture as it reveals your son and for all things that happen that are good we covenant together not to celebrate any flesh or to praise any humanity but you'll receive all the glory honor and praise we thank you for these things in all things in the wonderful and strong name of Jesus the Christ and the believing community said together a man and a man if you love the Lord can you clap those hands once and just thank you for the privilege today [Music] honor and praise to God Christ God's Son our Savior the Holy Spirit our comforter and guide to our president who blessed us in such an amazing way last night dr. Riddick dr. Hagan those who make up the cabinet of this great conference to those as presidents who are present and all of you my father's children it's good for us to be here it is my great joy and privilege to be a part of this expression of the Lord's grace to us it's called the Hampton ministers conference and I'm grateful to our president for the opportunity to share in these moments I like you and wondering how did I get here but thank you brother president for your trust and this awesome opportunity let me thank God for the greatest preacher I know he's somewhere in this room my father is here and my father in life and in ministry is somewhere in the room and so I'm grateful for dr. Kerry Epona jr. thank you Dad everything I am as a preacher is because of him Jeremiah chapter 20 beginning at verse number seven the English standard version Oh Lord you have deceived me and I was deceived you are stronger than I and have prevailed becoming laughingstock all the day everyone mocks me for whenever I speak I cry out I shout violence and destruction for the word of the Lord has become for me a reproach and derision all day long if I say some translations say then I say it I will not mention him or speak any more in his name there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones and I am weary with holding it in and I cannot I hear many whispering Tara is on every side denounced him let us denounce him say all my close friends watching for my fall perhaps he will be deceived then we can overcome him and take our revenge on him but the Lord is with me as a dread warrior therefore my persecutors will stumble they will not overcome me they will be greatly shamed for they will not succeed their eternal dishonour will never be forgotten I have a very simple tag I'd like to put on this text and with your help and participation in the preaching moment I'd like to talk from this thematic thrust you can't quit you can't quit there's a champion greyhound racing dog that ran around the tracks of Europe undefeated record-breaking speeds this dog became renowned in Europe and around the world as a unique and dynamic athlete he developed a following around the world in one particularly rabid fan in the US ran to the paper weekly to watch for the exploits of this champion greyhound racing dog to his great delight he discovered that the dog's owner was bringing him from Europe to the States to race and so he saved up his money for a couple of months and packed up his car and drove four states over to the track to watch this undefeated record-breaking champion greyhound racing dog he got to the track that they got out of his car walked up to the betting booth put his on the counter and told the betting booth operator he wanted to place his bet on that dog the betting booth operator said I'm sorry sir the dog isn't racing today disturbed he asked the betting booth operator I'm sorry there must be some mistake I have the news clipping right here you don't understand I've saved my money I packed my car I've driven four states over the dog is racing today the operator said I'm sorry no the dog is not racing today angrily he asked why is the dog not racing betting booth operator shrugged his shoulders and looked at him and said I don't know sir you'll have to ask his owner he stomped over to the owner put his finger in the owners face and said listen I followed your dog's career I know that the dog is undefeated I packed up my car I saved my money I've driven four states over to watch your dog race tell me why your dog isn't racing today the owner shrug his shoulders looked at the man and said sir I'm very sorry I don't know why the dog won't race you'll have to ask my dog the man stooped down put his finger in the dog's face and say dog I followed your career I packed up my car I saved my money I've driven four states over you need to explain to me why you won't race today the dog slowly lifted up its head and look that man in the eye said all these years around all these tracks I've been chasing that same rabbit I just found out today that the rabbit ain't real I think that's how Jeremiah feels when after years of prophetic faithfulness rather than see conversion change and dynamic transition in the life of Judah he only gets derision he comes to a place of extreme frustration the rabbit in real preaching doesn't seem to work Jeremiah comes to the conclusion that it's not worth it the the pain the agony the intensity with which he pours out ministry does not produce the faithfulness that he wants to see from ministry and so he decides to quit I think Jeremiah could find company at Hampton this morning I think there are a few of us who deal with the frustration of being faithful without seeming to be fruitful I think Jeremiah can find company he can find company among those of us today who seek to proclaim the Oracles of God as they are given to us who seek to give God's people God's Word with the power of God's Spirit only to receive in return derision reproach negativity animosity and at times out right persecution it's enough to make you want to quit and like Jeremiah many of us have walked into God's office with our resignation typed up envelope sealed signed sealed delivered god I'm done and finished I'm out of it I'm giving up on this ministry expedition this expiry of serving you without seeing your hand produce fruit in my life but brothers and sisters Jeremiah has an experience in verse nine that I think has brought us to the moment today it's why we're here today he says when I decided that I wasn't going to do this anymore I discovered that there was this fire shut up in my bones I feel your Lord here it is I feel I feel this this this intense and and and strong in eternal passion now when we grew up in church and the preachers talked about fire shut up in our bones we were we were we were using it weren't we as as if there was that that experience that high spiritual ecstasy that caused us to run when nobody was behind us and caused us to cry when nothing was wrong and calls us to clap when nothing was going on but brothers and sisters this is not for Jeremiah or for you and I some high spiritual emotional ecstasy this is rather an intense burning that causes us to continue to do what we don't want to do because to not do it is to cause an internal frustration that is greater than our external experience I'm saying that God makes the troubling in you greater than the trouble around you so that you cannot stop doing what you are called to doing even when you want to quit you can't here's what I'm trying to tell you I'm not saying don't misunderstand you can't quit I'm saying you can't quit do you understand the difference I'm not saying you have an option to quit and an option not to quit and you should choose the option to not quit no I'm saying that God has placed inside of you an inescapable irrevocable uncomfortable threat flesh grating dependence revealing color to prophetically pronounce his decrees to creation and there is no out clause for the divine call of God on your life that's Jeremiah's fire is not some happy experience of spiritual ecstasy rather it is the burning sensation of being agonizingly attached to a painful assignment it's the internal psychological suffering of being connected to a purpose that at times of crushes our soul but from which we cannot sever the tie Jeremiah in our text moves on the hinge of verse 9 this acceptance that he comes to this this realization that he cannot quit causes him to transition from frustration to celebration that's what I want to get to now he transitions from frustration to celebration it requires a stopover in his realization that he can't quit that moves him from frustration and celebration let me say it another way I'm trying to say that what we're trying to get to after this sermon is verses 10 and 11 where we are starting is in verses 7 and 8 we're starting in the frustration of purpose and the desire to quit we come to a realization in verse 9 that quitting is not an option so we accept the reality that we can't get out of it and come to a place where we can celebrate God in spite of the difficulties in Karin with doing God's will because God is worthy in spite of the difficulty that's I'm saying that yielding to God's sovereign choice of me creates a pathway for ministerial encouragement here it is jeremiah teaches us through both negative and positive example how to move from frustration to celebration when faithfulness doesn't seem to produce fruitfulness he tells us we've if we look in verse 7 and his negative example that if I'm gonna move from frustration to celebration I've gotta first and initially re-evaluate my suffering watch him watch him Oh Lord you have deceived me and I was deceived you're stronger than I and you have prevailed Jeremiah in this prophetic poetic expression speaks of God in what seemed to be negative terms he raises for us a significant theological question that we must answer when he speaks of God being stronger than he is he's speaking of the in foreknowledge the sovereignty the providential nature of God God you are higher than me you you saw down the road further than me in fact God you knew what I was going to have to deal with when you called me in the first place but you did not let me in on the entirety of the process that was involved in purpose you didn't let me know that I was going to have to deal with naysayers and negativity you didn't let me know how tired I was going to be on Sundays after preaching you didn't let me know that everyone was going to bring their problems to me but I would feel like I couldn't bring my problems to anyone you did not let me know I'd be thrown in a cistern you did not let me know that the people I help the most would hurt me the most you didn't let me know that I was going to be lonely even while I was around people you didn't let me know that my traversing would become worse and that I would be drained by being around people even though I'm called to be around them you did not let me know he confesses the omni's of God got your all-powerful omnipotent your all-knowing omniscient you're all everywhere feeling all time and space simultaneously your omnipresent but the question and that I've got a raise is are you Omni benevolent that's the question is God always good [Music] Jeremiah Jeremiah confesses for us something that we don't want to always admit out loud which is this sometimes circumstance makes us suspicious of divine motives because you called me to it and you knew I would have to go through what I'm going through when I fulfilled the call and God I'm trying to figure out why you would put me in a purpose that's turned out to be so painful you tricked me into this because if I knew I wish oh and help me out in here if I knew what I was going to deal with when you called me I would not have given you my yes I would have told you now and Jeremiah's question about the Omni benevolence of God is answered in Scripture over and over again God is in fact always good in fact James will tell us if it comes from God it's either good or perfect and so the question is not is God good the question is why does the good God let me suffer like this in purpose here it is maybe God did not call you for you to get them together maybe God called you because the call and the suffering inherent within it is what's getting you together I wish I was helping somebody maybe the point is not improving the people maybe the point is improving the preacher maybe the issue is not to develop something in them maybe God is not allowing you to suffer to develop something in you listen from a literary point of view this is what of Jeremiah's autobiographical confessions Thomas constable says it presented presents one of his most significant self disclosures we see God in verse seven as both antagonist and protagonist at the same time haven't you felt that way like God is somehow strangely simultaneously for you and against you at the same time God in some strange way is both friend and adversary how does that work well brothers and sisters to proclaim the Gospel is to understand this duality in God's expression toward humanity God against us in Wrath God against us because we were lawbreakers God against us because we sinned and we're deserving of divine judgment but on the other hand God for us in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ who lived a sinless Lee died vicariously took the wrath of the God who was against us and gave us the grace as the God who was for us that's what God is doing in your life that's why God called you that's why your suffering is cuz the God who is against you is also for you he's against the cracks in your character he's against your selfishness he's against your ego he's against the sense that you are self-important but he's for your spiritual development he's for your improvement he's for your Christ's likeness he is both the blesser and the breaker the lifter and the Lord the door and the door Chloe closer and in my suffering I've gotta trust the Omni benevolence of God that even when I'm hurting God is still good so so sometimes he is against me but when he's against me it's really because he's for me let me okay at all I don't confess this often I don't confess this often but I struggle with an addiction every day I struggle with addiction every day and and I'm gonna confess it on a Hampton stage I struggled with an addiction to a controlled substance and that controlled substance is called Popeye's Chicken it's a fight every day three piece spicy white red beans and rice give me an extra biscuit now you follow what I'm saying I was in Popeyes one day sitting in the corner and and and and I watched a mother come in with her small babies they ordered and they sat across from me I'm sitting in the corner eating my chicken and I watched the mother reach into the bag and hand her baby a chicken leg that chicken leg that chicken leg she handed that baby look good I saw the baby picture it what amazed me is that the baby had no teeth but that baby gum the skin off of that chicken leg I didn't saw that baby start gnawing on the meat and little by little slowly but surely that baby Noord all the meat over that chicken leg baby wasn't doing no teeth in baby's mouth started working on the gristle little by little work that work that gristle off the bone then I saw that baby start gnawing on the bone mama moved a little closer then and I watched that mother look at the bone and the bone got soft and the mother reached out of her hand and snatched that bone from the baby that baby started kicking and crying in Holland and spitting and and fussing and if the baby could talk I know the baby would have said some cuss words but but mama mama knew that the baby could handle the skin and could handle the meat and even could handle the gristle but mama knew that when the bone got soft it was gonna choke her baby can I tell you that God is a mother who knows what you can handle and knows what you cannot handle and the same love that gives you blessings is also the lover that takes them away if they're going to choke out your soul I wish you would help me out in here that's why you are a fake daughter as much as for what God has given you you should thank God for also what God has from you because he knew that that church was going to choke you he knew that those friends were going to choke you he knew if the business worked it was going to choke you he knew if you accomplished it when you thought you were going to accomplish it it was going to choke you so God reached out his sovereign hand and snatch the bone away to save your life you got to reevaluate our suffering but I think the text progresses through Jeremiah's negative example in verse 8 to tell us we also have to redefine success watch verse 8 whenever I speak out I cry out I shout violence in the structure where the Lord has become for me a reproach and a derision the the the the Hebrew poetry here violence and destruction and reproach and derision play off of one another these these two terms play off of one another here's the simple truth of the text he's saying what I'm saying for you they're using against me did you catch it let's try it another way God I'm saying what you told me to say and they're taking what you told me to say and twisting it and saying that I said what I didn't say I thought the pastor's right there wouldn't say they meant good I heard you say it I didn't say that and they are using God your words against me let me ask you a question what did you think was going to happen when you started calling people to repentance in faith what what did you think was going to happen when you started to proclaim prophetically against systemic injustice what did you think was going to happen when your evangelical friends are heard you decry their candidate for the presidency what did you think was going to happen when when the people that you are called to lead said they wanted to go forward but have their feet stuck in cement what did you think was going to happen what did you expect the response to be to your prophetic Proclamation if you're really going to speak God's truth then what you must do what we must do is manage listen our expectations to faithful proclamation let's let me say it this way we gotta manage our expectations to public response to faithful proclamation you will always be depressed when you judge your effectiveness by their responsiveness they may applaud but they're more likely to be angry they they they they may they may shout but they're more likely to stew they may leap but they're more likely to laugh at you they may pat you on the back but they're more likely to stab you in the back and here is where we can choose to change alter or amend the message or to be faithful to the proclamation as God gives it to us I'm saying that the negative response is the true symbol of spiritual success success is not buildings bodies and budgets success is not stages and calendar opportunities that's not ministerial success success is not being applauded and celebrated by your peers success is being hated by your enemies and we have to learn how to appreciate the confirmation of controversy Jeremias chief human and agitation is a person named past sure past sure in in in verse 1 of chapter 20 pass sure is a priest his name means freedom but it's etymologically from the Hebrew - to tear up he's a priest which means he's anointed it's a priest which means he has an assignment but but his identity is that he tear stuff up pass sure is not a satanic plant he's a sovereign confirmation pass sure is not someone the devil put in Jeremiah's life God shaped fashioned and formed a fit adversary for Jeremiah to a fellow that he's doing ministry the right way I know you're Hempton preachers and so you wouldn't know this reference that I'm about to reference but some great prophets said if you ain't got no haters you ain't poppin I'm saying to you friend I'm saying to you preacher that God has sovereignly situated negative people in your life to give you a clear and sure and firm confirmation that you are doing the right thing I'm saying instead of counting the people who are for you you need to count the people who are against you because scripture is replete with examples it was the negative people that pushed others into their destiny let's try this way Joseph will tell you if my brothers had not have sold me into slavery if Potiphar's wife had not lied on me I had not been forgotten in the prison I never would have risen to the palace David says a Goliath in my life if soul not tried to kill me if my son had not tried to usurp the kingdom from me I would not have been able to write Psalm 23 and Psalm 27 that you're not having me here and Psalm 34 Jesus would say if Judas had not betrayed me if Peter had not denied me Pilate had not condemned me I never would have made it to the cross stop your friends anti-god for your enemies if there are no enemies then there is no destiny if there are no enemies then there is no elevation if there are no enemies there's nobody for God to make a footstool if there are no enemies there's nobody for God to prepare table before you in the presence of I got one more his negative example teaches us to reevaluate our suffering it teaches us to redefine success but it finally teaches us in a positive way as he accepts the reality that he cannot get out of his Ministry of Simon in verse 9 teaches us how to renew our strength and one of the things I try to teach at st. mark is how to shout on reading the Bible so I'm going to try to read the Bible and and see if we can shout on that you read of verse 10 I hear them whispering Tara is on every side denounce him let us denounce him say all my close friends watching for my fall perhaps he will be deceived then we can overcome him and take our revenge on him but I'm getting half of here the Lord is with me see in verse seven and eight I was depressed because they were against me and when they were against me I thought he was against me but I'll discover that they can be against me but that didn't have anything to do so verse nine doesn't change the fact that they are against me they are still against me in verse 11 they are still using my words against me miss representing me in verse 11 they are still plotting my fall in verse 11 they are still trying to stop me to block me to hinder me to hold me down they are still not giving they I'm still holding secret meetings they still won't give me a chance they are still trying to hold me back there I'm still lying on me say I still spreading rumors about me they are still calling me everything but a child of God my grandmother would say but I've come to a realization that it doesn't matter what they say or what they do because the Lord is with would you wake a neighbor up next to you and say neighbor stop focusing on what they do or what they say stop focusing on what they think or how they feel and remember that the one who called you up told you I'm not gonna leave you in this by yourself with you so since I don't have the option to quit and I'm forced to continue I must determine my disposition as it relates to my enemies and my I can't stop and I can't stop them but what I can do is lean on the one who called me in the first place Jeff I said I could keep on doing it cuz I've got somebody with me that they thought it they thought it was a psychological phenomenon when when runners talked about the second win but but but the scientists at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga studied it and they discovered that it's not a psychological phenomenon it's it's a physical reality there really is a such thing physically as a second win they discovered it could be one of two things or combination of both it it can either be when a trained runner comes to the point in the race where they pay off their oxygen then the body kicks in in the full efficiency and begins to run on instinct above intellect that could be what gives you the second win oh and or it could be when the brain gets to the place in the race where where it gets what they call the runner's high it releases happy chemicals dopamine and light into the body and the bloodstream so that the pleasure of the race overcomes the pain of the race but whichever it is and or both we don't know which one or both but what we do know is every long-distance runner will tell you that you don't get the second wind until after you hit the wall I got to go but would you shake somebody's hand right quick and say neighbor you don't know to continue until you've been to the place where you feel like you gotta quit but if you hit the wall just keep moving your arms just keep moving your legs many there are who start in the race but with the light refused to keep pace others accepted because it was new but mighty God not very many expect to go through but take somebody's hand I'm going through I couldn't keep on reaching but God with a second wind do I have a witness hair is that came to Hampton today take somebody's hand but you can't quit I know you get discouraged what do you can't quit walked away what are you can't quit but you can't quit I know you're not raising your budget but you can't quit I know they're not yawning like they used to [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Laughter] we understand I need to bother you one more time let me bother you one more time would you please put your arm around somebody Ava the road is rough going gets tough [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: John Sconiers
Views: 5,042
Rating: 4.7600002 out of 5
Keywords: Preachers Conference, Hampton Preachers Conference 2018, Hampton, Hampton University, Hampton Preachers Conference
Id: vfNwM7Nr_Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 5sec (4265 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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