Hammerdin Guide and tips - DIablo 2 Resurrected

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this video is sponsored by ao e a h dot com type in the code spartans to receive a percent off your order [Music] hey guys before we start this video i just want to thank you guys for coming to my channel and watching my videos um if you could please hit the thumbs up button maybe even subscribe that would mean a lot to me and it would promote me to make more videos like this or come up with other ideas for other videos also um comment down below with other guys you would like to see and let's just jump right into it you guys all right guys let's talk about the hammerton right it's the most common build that can do pretty much anything it needs to do it is amazing um you're gonna see in the beginning of a ladder you're gonna see at the end of the ladder it's just the best overall build you could do to level up characters to level up your other you know someone else's character to magic find it pretty much can do anything so let's just dive right into the stats and then we'll go to equipment and then we'll go to the skill tree and then mercenary and then we'll go to tips and tricks things you should know if you're wanting to build a hammer den so strength you're going to put as much strength is to carry your equipment uh probably the heaviest thing you're going to have to carry is the zack shield so enough strength to with other equipment added that gives might give you plus strength enough strength to get to carry that um for dexterity you want max block so what the trick is to get max block is you're going to turn on your holy shield and then um after you fight something in act five hell uh then go to chance to block and then add to dexterity until that chance to block is at 75 and then stop do not put any more dexterity into your character you just want max block um for vitality it's pretty much everything else uh you after you've done your equipment and after you did max block you dump everything else in vitality with this character you could tell obviously with a lot of charms i'm at around 2 health above 2000 health i would say you probably without charms would easily get to about 1 400. this is all pre cta so next we're going to talk about equipment so for the most ideal build this is what i got on right now is the most ideal build for the most i deal build for the weapon you're gonna want a hot out um as far as everything else uh plus to skills plus the faster cast rate dump that into if you don't have this ideal equipment um so skills faster castrate and resistances those are the three things i want you guys to look for to be able to um put into your equipment if you don't have the ideal build so obviously hado would be the best ideal weapon but as far as like a good like level up weapon actually amazing level up weapon uh before a huddle would be a spirit uh crystal sword right it gives resistances it gives faster castrate and it gives plus the scales same with the shield if you don't have a zac just put in a you know find a charge or something like that that gives plus the re this is resistances on its own and then put a spirit rune word into that and then you're golden you're golden for a while i mean pretty much that's end game stuff still too um as far as the helmet like i said plus the skills resistances faster cast rate you can pretty much find a lot of that stuff early on too but i have for my end game build a shackle because it gives both skills life and magic find and mana so it kind of like is a really good overall helmet um for an amulet anything that pluses to your combat skills or skills um if you can't find anything like that then i'll go with resistances for your armor it's an enigma um arkhan plate enigma is probably the best thing for a hammerton um dusk shroud is another good enigma but as far as like a body armor that's cheap if you're leveling up i would say viper magi or some anything that has plus the skills like i said again um just look for things that will keep you alive while making your skills stronger so that you can farm and find the other things you need right for gloves trains um once again if you don't have a trains gloves you could do um [Music] any gloves that give faster cast rate or resistances that's why i say would be your switch off right for rings i have stone of jordan but once again you're probably not going to get stored in jordan very easily early on so fast for castro you can even craft faster cast rate um rings uh resistances rings stuff like that for my belt i have the our arachnids mesh um once again we're just gonna it's like a broken record you guys if you don't have the stuff that is ideal get stuff that gives resistances and faster cast rate simple as that for my boots i have the scarab or the water walks because of life it pluses to life plus it's dexterity it gives you extra defenses against missiles fast uh faster walk and run it increases your um maximum that you can have fire resistances so like that um as far as in the stash it doesn't really matter but end game i would do plus to combat if you could get plus the combat gcs obviously a torch and annie that's all very simple stuff right all right guys now let's talk about skills so we're gonna go into the skill tree one by one uh and we're gonna talk about why i put where i put it right so we're gonna do one and two prayer one and two cleansing one into defiance we're gonna max out vigor we're gonna do one and two meditation one into redemption and one into salvation the reason for these bottom three is they're kind of situational they help in certain situations if you might need them um at the end of maxing the main skills you're gonna put uh skills into resist lightning because for every two that's in there it adds to your max see how it says on the bottom plus four to max uh it adds to your max lane resistance so your lighting resistance could be higher up there's a lot of situations where lightning is basically a character killer in the offensive tree we're gonna do one into might we're gonna max out bless aim we're gonna max out concentration and then you don't have to do fanaticism but i have one into there just to kind of like figure out what in case my party needs something extra from me um where the as a party will benefit more than me putting concentration over on for combat skills we're going to do one into smite one into holy bolt we're gonna have max bless hammer we're gonna do one into charge and then we're going to actually put i would say five maybe five to eight skills into holy shield right um the reason we want to kind of keep that at a good area is because um we want to get max block now granted mine because of plus skills is that 34 so obviously i might have it actually way too high i think i have an f5 it might be way too high because i might even only need one into it because of all my plus skills all right guys so let's talk about tips and tricks for hammerton you don't want any monsters that you're fighting to be on this bottom half of you even like directly to the left of you still is a bad situation the reason being is your hammer actually comes out of your like left shoulder or i guess if you're looking at if you're looking at yourself it would be your right shoulder but it's still like the left side of your screen the left shoulder of your character so when you're fighting someone you kind of want them in this top like head area of your character because your hammer if you could tell comes out right there right on the top area and it comes out and it just spirals out so if you have anyone in this bottom bottom area to like probably say lower left area that hammer is not going to hit them at all uh so that's what goes when you're fighting mobs here let me so if you see here if this guy's in the left he's not going to hit at all above i would switch down to this area bam hammer hits them instantly hammer hits them instantly hammer hits them now that goes for when you're fighting anything um the bosses or anything like that you kind of want to teleport or move if you don't have enigma it's kind of like right where the boss is right there uh as if the hidden stash is the boss if they if you are above them or really strong to like the like to the right of them um the hammer is going to miss them and go around it's just going to come out right here and go around them it's not going to hit them at all so you kind of want them to be on the top to top left area even like top right would still work it does swing really close to you to top right of you but the top left is perfect to where they need to be [Music] you
Channel: RedSpartan
Views: 1,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hammerdin, Hammerdin guide, baal, barbarian, d2, d2r, d3, diablo, diablo 2, diablo 2 remaster, diablo 2 resurrected, diablo 2 resurrected gameplay, diablo 3, diablo 4, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo guide, diablo ii, diablo iii, diablo immortal, diablo iv, diablo2, druid, druid guide, fury druid, fury druid guide, guide, mephisto, mrllamasc, necromancer, paladin, path of diablo, redspartan, rhykker, sorceress, ubers, ubers druid
Id: rzZ5napVBbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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