Ham Radio Is In The $hit!!!!

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qrz November 1 Echo radio charlie kilo Juliet 4 Yankee Zulu India kilo Juliet 4 Yankee please copy 4 Alpha 4 Alpha Echo Mike Alpha Four Alpha Easter Mass very good this is kilo Juliet 4 Yankee Zulu India please copy one Delta South Florida Sierra Fox Trot Lima over okay I got your full call kilo Juliet 4 Yankee Zulu India I got your One Delta South Florida and you got my four Alpha Four Alpha Echo mic Alpha there over uh Roger Roger we're portable in the backyard at 10 watts man you're sounding good 73 73 have a good one I don't know which way the beam pointed here I think it's pointed out west you're doing a good job off the sides here 73 Q November one Echo radio all right folks and what you see here is what we call field day and I'm going to here's the here's the bottom line here the ham radio hobby as we know it is in the that's right the ham radio hobby is in the let me talk about that right now in this video because this field day really really opened my eyes as to what really needs to happen for us to keep this hobby going ham radio Concepts is brought to you by hamradio prep.com it's never been easier to learn about ham radio before you take the exam and ham radio prep makes it F and guarantees your success visit hamradio prep.com use the code eric2 to instantly save 20% off every course you buy remember the name andradi prep.com and when I say that I don't mean that in any way shape or form negatively I have to use those words because here's the deal guys this year I went to the traditional Vero Beach W4 event at the Indie River County Fairgrounds for the uh annual field day today is Field Day right now I just made that contact to eastern Mass at 10 watts and that was my first Contact that I made uh coming home and showing my son look we could pop off of a a a an antenna right now with you know uh and boots is over here this is my new cat boots loves it hey boots boots boots look at he's loving it somebody come up to call sign for that cat anyways um here's the deal guys we're in big trouble big big trouble why I love all the guys at the Vero Beach Club I love all the guys on ham radio my demographic on YouTube is 55 to 65 or 54 to 65 years of age nobody under the age of 25 is watching my channel and the worst thing is when you when I went to the Vero Beach Club I looked around guys let me tell you something these gentlemen built this hobby years ago we got to do something to get new fresh meat into this hobby we got to get youngsters into this hobby now when I go to the the VB Champion radio club all those guys are great man the stories you'll hear holy wow good stories right lot of people that have history from the 50s and 60s wow but what does that mean to you watching if if you were 24 years old well the statistics show you're not watching the channel why because there's nothing interesting that I or anybody else is providing you on YouTube to to to to make you join the hobby now I can't speak for the um analytics for anybody else right I've taken a step back I've taken a back seat you know that I I showed up with my don't be a scope head call CQ shirt right why did I do that well because people always go on to the radio and they listen and listen and don't call seeq right okay that was that shirt but but how ask yourself this listen ask yourself this could could you entice somebody that's young I'm talking 16 to 25 to get in Hobby cuz this shirt absolutely not no could you here here could you could you tell somebody right here could you tell a 24y old India was it 4 x-ray why is this happening why is this happening one more time try again right let's go 20 m I want you to listen to what I'm about to say all right I want you to listen second's let's tune him in kilo Juliet for Yankee Z India Yan Yan kilo Juliet 4 Yankee Zulu India This Guy's in Spain SP I want you to see something thanks foring by Victor ech E M kilo Juliet 4 Yankee zillu India good that's that's just enough what I need all right so listen turn this around here me operating on field day you know me calling somebody and Mak a contact that's exciting to me that's exciting to me maybe you know I didn't make that contact but you saw the one I made earlier I want you to ask yourself this question what in the hell makes it interesting to a 19-year-old to get on that radio and do the same thing I did there's nothing I've done there's nothing others have done there's nothing anybody has done on YouTube to make it interesting and I make that as a bold statement you got to you you got to come up with something to show somebody young why it's cool to be a ham radio operator because the bottom line is this if you think that's cool and you think they think it's cool because you're telling them it's cool it's got to appeal to the youngans now in the ver Beach hamate radio club I am the youngest person in that club I think right but my son who was just in there 24 years old Paxton okay showed up and we you know checked out some Field Day stuff but he he he was asking what do you do now he was a wee little Ty like this as I was making videos 10 years ago on YouTube and he knew what I was doing but he didn't know why now as 24 he wants to have excitement and know why are you doing this and what's in it for me Jim Davis Big Jim Edwards said what's in it for me Eric that's when people will really listen to your program or to your show or have any interest what's in it for me we need to do something in this hobby to get people interested and if you think I'm wrong if you think I'm out of line if you think I'm not saying anything that has any bit of information whatsoever for someone to adhere to please post your video and tell me why I'm wrong we are in trouble the ham radio hobby must have okay I repeat the ham radio hobby must have new people that are younger that are into what we're doing and understand why so I leave this with you as I'm going to play some Field Day tonight here in my backyard it is getting late it's dark right somebody post a comment and let's get something going in these comments and let me be the one or or help or assist on what I need to do tell me what I need to do be that person and tell me Eric you know what you need to do start going to the Boy Scouts places whatever I will do that I'll video it tell me Eric you need to post a sign out in the side of the road and be a sign spinner and say hey I'm radio this way I I will do that but if we need to get new people into this Hobby and the guy I met tonight okay Bill Bill yes Bill you're gonna see me and Bill out leaso I think it's Bill Bill if I if I screwed up a bob I'm sorry he's early 50s but he is excited as hell as I am okay and he wants to do some other stuff he lives right down the road so me and Bill are GNA figure out a way to get some people into this Hobby and entice them I can show you a video on an iccon 7300 and tell you to spend $1,000 not going to it's not going to it's not going to get people in a hobby I could tell you that you could talk to somebody in Germany with a HF radio and an antenna like this in the backyard it's not going to get people into the hobby why do people need to be in the hobby why do we need to stop with the YouTuber reviews like I'm going to you know I I haven't stopped a long time ago why do I need to get motivated to make videos on what will Propel people Young Generation to continue this because I want to be an old person 30 years from now at that table at Field Day 30 years from now and remember all the people that put this together in Vero Beach and to do something to keep people going because it's going to fade away all it will be is Dust in the Wind that's sad man I look around and I think wow these these dudes did this and they made this and and they're all great people but there's nobody there new we got to get something done Post in your comments what you think I'm going to play some field day here I'm going to teach my son about what we're doing on field day because I gave him some you know education and and what we're doing and took him to field day took Michelle to field day I didn't make videos why because everybody was eating you know it was eat time but right now I bet you everybody's gone there's only a few people hanging out there that are going to operate all night Dwayne K4 lnn man I miss you dearly brother you and me used to sit up all night he'd work CW I'd work phone but you know what he's gone but I wish we can get more people new I would love to have a bunch of 25 30 year olds that like dude Eric man this is awesome dude let's do this and string up some on a bucket truck or whatever make up some new stuff out of beer cans I don't care Red Bull cans beer cans antennas bed mattress Springs whatever let's get it done
Channel: HamRadioConcepts
Views: 16,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hamradioconcepts, field day 2024, arrl field day, ham radio field day, get your ham radio license, ham radio prep, hamradioprep, ham radio crash coursem, emergency prepardness, emcomm, how to get amateur radio license, icom, yaesu, kenwood, dstar, pistar, pi-star, ham radio hotspot, ham radio 2.0m, k8mrd radio stuff, ham radio youtube, baofeng, tid radio review, ham radio license exam, youtube and ham radio, field day setup, ham radio contest, boy scouts ham radio
Id: Dnse5UfsNyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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