HALO Season 2 Episode 8 Finale Breakdown | Recap | Ending Explained

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the last time we saw Master Chief in the episode thermop he was on the halo rings doorstep after all the puzzle solving backtracking fighting betrayals and the Fall Of Reach Jon and cortena are mere miles away from The Ring World that could turn the tide against the Covenant the second season of Halo has been building to a highly anticipated finale with significant on and offscreen consequences with its massive finel episode The Battle of Raz Katka Halo season 1 is still remembered for crashing and burning so season 2 had a shadow to emerge from in season 2 episode 8 there were other unresolved story lines that also needed to be addressed in addition there was the minor issue of the halo rings official introduction in the show while Meeting those difficulties would have been sufficient Halo season 2 goes above and beyond what most fans could have imagined in its spectacular climax capping off this revolutionary season and Paving the way for Halo season 3 to become a mustsee event Master Chief John and an unidentified third party have an odd interview style interaction at the beginning of the episode the other party says death but not yours in response to Chief's question about what happened down there the exchange alludes to the large facility they are in in the dark thing that lurks there something Chief has to confront Miranda is worried about the unexpected resuscitation of some spores on the gadget case that appear to be dormant a chatty lab tech called Janine enters asking Miranda all sorts of questions about being H's daughter and about the rumors that Hy is on onx all while gushing about how fortunate Randall was to uncover such a finding while trying to remain calm Miranda starts to worry that Janine being very excited might have tampered with the sample while she was gone although Janine claims she did nothing wrong a microscopic close-up of her cellular structure reveals the invasive Spore has already begun to alter it as the camera follows her as she leaves Miranda's office and enters the larger facility a few moment later Janine is looking positively feverish as she listens to an annoying coworker brag in response Janine's arm reflexively knocks the friend away who asks how she is doing while listening to her colleague Babylon Janine keeps attempting to go through the social motions suddenly though a cellular mutation turns her into a feral person strange veins and marks start to develop on her skin and she assaults her louth coworker by cutting him in the neck with scissors we watch as Janine cells continue to grow and change while she is imprisoned by force cut to Miranda who is wondering aloud what she is looking at under the microscope as the ship of the Spartan Javelin te commanded by Kai draws near the Covenant Fleet traveling toward the Halo ring Corporal tayia Perez is present as Kai prepares to deliver a powerful rally and cry enemy fire strikes their ship causing it to explode after being launched into space Kai Perez and the remaining Spartans in their unit regroup and proceed to approach the Covenant Corvette Cruiser by employing the skydiving freef fall Maneuvers they had been practicing on the simulator for a long time the actual situation is far more terrifying because the drop crew is nearly completely destroyed by burning bodies space debris and artillery from both sides once K Perez and a few others reach the ship's Hall and locate a breach spot they witness a covenant vessel that is enormously larger fly by overhead Kai maintains her Warriors concentration on taking down their target ship one issue at a time Master Chief is still traveling to the surface of Halo on his own spacecraft attempting to block out the horrific sounds of death emanating from the battlefield via His Radio Admiral perosi contacts Chief and tells him that one of the covenant's ships the makei and the Arbiter has broken off and is traveling toward the surface of Halo peroski tries to use the enemy and shared objective to convince Chief to forego the fight and arrive at Halo first but Chief is tired of being used as a tool by her and breaks off communication at accusing pering goosi of heinously sacrificing her people in an attempt to save his son Kesler and wife Lara from the onai soldiers kidnapping them quanan is assisting saurin visions of the bizarre religious cult leader Master Chief who met sanctuary and ultimately died there are haunting Quan alerting her to impending danger and urging her to flee Quan tries to get saor to flee but he refuses to leave his family behind she reveals that the beast in darkness that her family's bloodline was supposed to guard against has now come to light but saor declares that he is heading to the oi complex if Kesler and Lara are there Lara and Kessler are in Omi detention cells when Kesler meets James zerson in a light-hearted conversation when it becomes apparent that Janine is Lara and kesler's other neighbor the scene takes a horrifying turn despite Lara's attempts to break up the bonding experience when the other inmates are not looking Janine's weird parasite emerges from her mouth as a result of Kessler's prompts activating what ever is infecting her K's group enters the ship through a breach they discover the previous Spartan unit dead in the ship's corridors after turning a corner they discover a covenant Heavy Artillery gun poised for an ambush slaying Spartans right in front of them when the UNC Fleet gets to the Battleground the larger Battleship circling the Covenant Fleet quickly destroys the Cavalry ships they're unable to receive assistance Chief is confused on what to do after hearing K's radio report of their location and request reinforcements after a flurry of ideas Master Chief decides to flip his fortunate coin and deliberately controls the result as the cargo bay door opens for chief to LEAP he gets ready for a freef fall drop her andasi tries to talk him down over the radio but Chief tells her she can't forecast his odds and eventually snaps his helmet back on Micky asks Coura about John's plans to go to Halo but she refuses to respond this presents a challenge for maky because Coura still has Chief as her B boss when Micky asks Coura to guess her next move Coura says she'll annihilate her Micky destroys the hard drive holding the AI after thanking Coura for her assistance after Kai and Perez sees some Covenant weaponry and get to work Perez takes a serious blow to the gut and double fists needlers while being pulled to safety by Kai upon reaching the ship's Bridge Kai activates the o9 device transforming The Vessel into a mega bomb and she and Perez decide to send each other off in style the Covenant all focus on a single victim turning the tide of combat just before Kai can kill them all Kai recognizes that the one who kills the Covenant El lights and preserves the surviving as master chief chief gives the order for the remaining Spartans to Y perz and move toward extraction he and Kai assess the gravity of the space conflict and their own Survival as the only remaining members of the original Spartans as they watch it unfold Kai separates from pz and the extract team and makes her own way to the ship's trol Room Master Chief is falling through space once more but this time he's going after Makey and arbiter spacecraft which is disintegrating under the force of Halo's gravitational field Hy is brought in by pangi to talk the chief down but Hy knows that he is after Cort tenana rebuking pangi she advises John on how to sneak into the ship the scene rewinds to the beginning of the episode where Chief is speaking with the Unseen person when Chief returns to make's ship on the battlefield it is discovers that Cortana survived by making her way into the ship state of anks Coura tries to inform chief that it's too late for them both but he ignores her instead Chief strikes the steering column of the ship takes Coura inside his armor and prepares to crash land on Halo reaching the jail cells in time saor and Quan kill the infected guard and save Lara and Kesler Lara tells saurin how Akerson saved their life as they are leaving which makes saurin think about saving him as well Akerson is initially left to Rob by saurin who later comes back to Freed him when Akerson gives sain's family praise saurin wants him to go stroll so he can see him when Master Chief awakens on the surface of Halo he discovers it is alive he sees Cena who tells him that Halo is in fact a living network that combines artificial intelligence with Organic biology flawlessly courtner directs Chief toward a building that resembles a temple which she believes me and arbiter will visit Chief moves in that direction after snatching a laser sword off the ground miy and arbiter are also seen walking toward the structure Arbiter thinks he will soon be set free Perez discovers Kai isn't with her when she wakes up on the evacuation ship when Perez realizes that Kai is on the Covenant Corvette's Bridge guiding the ship toward the bigger assault carrier that is destroying the UNC Fleet it is too late to call Kai this is going to hurt Kai says in her final breath her sacrifice is fruitful as the UNC Fleet prevails in the conflict Master Chief knows his friend is dead as he glances up from Halo's surface while Kai is dying pangi and Owen are not able to enjoy their victory for long as Miranda warns that a parasitic illness is loose in the base when Hy calls to find out what Miranda learned about the artifact they discovered when the infected take over the command center Hy Witnesses it personally when pangos is overwhelmed and she almost gets snatched after making her getaway Hy closes the door and heads to the lab to meet Miranda when saurin lra Quan Akerson and Kessler discover a group of infected in the facility's basement they must fight The Horde in close quarters eventually Quan is split up and besieged by the infected but before the crowd overwhelms her the leader of the religious cult materializes and gives her the ability to command the infected the pious woman introduces the parasite to Quan as the protector revealing that it is a collective that has plans for Quan she then refers to the organism as the flood the notorious parasitic race from the Halo video games the flood watches as Quan runs away and is unable to catch up with her when Hy arrives at the lab Miranda is already organizing her Escape Hy has an odd fascination with the flood claiming that the parasite and its Collective wisdom would eventually reveal information about the complex City Beneath onx the ancient civilization that gave rise to Halo and the flood itself Hy wants to study them instead of running and suddenly she stops talking and moving and doesn't want want anything at all Randa learns that H's neck was definitely contaminated by the flood Quan follows saurin and Company as they emerge from On's building's basement right before saurin turns around to look for her Lara tells saurin that she was also contaminated by the flood as she takes everyone out the building's door and then locks herself inside when saurin tries to justify it Lara says goodbye and assigns him the responsibility of taking care of castler Master Chief is waiting when Micky and the Arbiter arrive of the Halo surface facility Chief and the Arbiter exchange few words before engaging in a vicious and enhanced slugfest that starts with laser swords using Maneuvers from his armor like as the grappling line Chief subdues the Arbiter and Strikes his extraterrestrial opponent in the face miy declines to transcribe arbiter's epic farewell address because she wants Mercy for her guardian that doesn't matter though for chief receives the message and avenges his fellow Spartan vanic by ending the Arbiter with a sword through the heart make inaugurates the Halo building Quan informs saor that Kesler is inquiring about Lara from the ship's bridge when saor descends to the ship's hold to talk with his kid he learns that the Monster is real just as Quan previously informed him as Miranda puts Hy into cryostasis she asserts that she can halt the spread of the flood infection until a treatment is discovered the body of Kai is spotted undamaged floating in space maky warns master chief that conflict will follow in everywhere even to the surface of Halo she hints at an awareness of their common goal and Halo's actual role as a tool for a global purification to her peace entails ridding the cosmos of all destructive forces of War Just Like Chief Micky declares that she is a demon too before entering the Halo facility a group of spires that appear out of nowhere on Halo's surface startle Master Chief in CA even as the UNC Fleet begins to touch down on the ring CH follows makei into the dimly lighted hallways of the Halo facility using the same control module as her rewinding to the start of the episode we witness Master Chief having an onchat when asked why he keeps fighing the chief responds that it is his responsibility to remember the men he lost and the others who must battle on and keep believing in their cause Chief responds that Mickey can't be trusted but then that's what she said about him too as the other party discloses that they met with Micky and she stated that Chief would not be what was required according to the Unseen speaker Chief is linked to an entity on Halo called the gravemind that was awakened in the Ring's deepest recesses as a result of his presence the second speaker turns out to be Guilty Spark also known as the montier one of the AI Creations that the forerunners the people who created Halo Left Behind Master Chief puts his broken helmet back on his head and prepares for the next mission when the monitor commands him to Brave the darkness and face whatever was waiting for him down there
Channel: TeleFlix
Views: 24,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo season 2, halo season 2 review, halo season 2 trailer, halo season 2 reaction, halo season 2 episode 8, halo tv show season 2, halo season 2 episode 4, halo season 2 episode 8 reaction, halo season 2 paramount+, halo season 2 fall of reach, halo season 2 final trailer, halo season 2 episode 8 promo, halo season 2 episode 8 review, halo season 2 episode 4 review, halo season 2 episode 8 trailer, halo season 2 finale, halo season 2 episode 7, halo season 2 episode 6
Id: BbBLF-5sYKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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