Halo Anniversary - Terminal 9: Keyes (Audio Fix)
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Channel: Larry Bundy Jr
Views: 383,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Terminal, Fix, Halo: Combat Evolved, Master, anniversary, halo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Despite the general consensus... I always loved fighting these bastards.
Jesus, Halo CE level "The Library." terrified me as a kid. Just you and some annoying bulb going through hordes of flood. I could not finish that level by myself, I had to invite a friend over to finish it. Even today, although I can do it by myself, I still get a little scared from time to time. Looking back on it, it really gave the flood atmosphere, from just another zombie enemy to something totally different, something more terrifying.
Poor Keyes :(
Holy Shit.
That thing at the end made me laugh thoughβ from the guy who uploaded it.
"other funny gaming vids such as this!!"
Still waiting on that horror, dead spaceish, spin off featuring the flood.
we went from this to dorito robots to bigger dorito robots and skynet
What the hell is this from, and how can I see more of it??
I need the flood in Halo 6
Another great video/story that showcases Flood horror is Mona Lisa.
Wonderfully terrifying stuff.