Halo 2 Armory: Covenant & Forerunner Weapons & Vehicles – Halo 2 Primer Series

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[Music] now that we've covered the UNSC side of things for halo 2 it's time to dive into the alien weapons at ones disposal both covenant to the limited degree that their present forerunner halo 2 introduces a number of new covenant weapons and vehicles while bringing back several familiar ones once again certain information will be repeated from previous videos on the Covenant armory there's only so many ways I can say the same information we start off with the type 25 directed-energy rifle produced by the earu earu armory comprised of twin plasma generators conjoined by a trigger guard the generators alternate fire for an increased overall firing rate the plasma rifle can trace its lineage back to the war of beginnings a conflict between the san shyuum and sun healy that ended with the founding of the covenant the plasma rifles design has gone largely unchanged in at least the last 500 years the plasma produces a large amount of waste heat that builds up as the weapon is shot and after too much sustained fire will automatically vent as with any plasma weapon wounds from a plasma bolt are severe resulting in third-degree burns and they're capable of melting through armor halo 2 introduces the first true covenant weapon variation with the type 25 brute plasma rifle produced in secret by high Charities sacred promissory under the orders of the prophet of truth as part of his eventual plans to have the journal hanai take over the covenant military these modified plasma rifles feature modifications to rate a fire and damage that would be considered heretical without truths blessing known as the blood hand by the Jerell hanai the modifications to this rifle caused it to overheat much more rapidly than its default counterpart following the human covenant war at least two additional variants of this weapon were produced the sorrow of tshh which improves the heat dispensation and accuracy and the scale of SOI raft said to have secrets only the most cunning gel hot I can unlock both variants are named for natural satellites of boy sac the Jarrell hotter homeworld though neither of these weapons appear in Halo 2 to both the classic and brute plasma rifles can be dual builded the type 25 directed-energy pistol is an E Rui Rui arm reproduced semi-automatic infantry firearm most commonly used by smaller covenant species like the young boy kar and Yin may yeah the pistol also features a secondary firing mode called an overcharged shot this shot can produce an EMP upon impact with a target disabling energy shielding and electronics the overcharged shot can also effectively be used in combination with a precision weapon to take down shielded enemies like other covenant directed energy weapons the plasma pistol is powered by an internal battery that can be recharged from a variety of power sources as a plasma based weapon the pistol builds up excess heat and will forcibly vent if too much builds up the plasma pistol can also be dual wielded the sacred promise Aries type 33 guided munitions launcher also known as the needler is a projectile weapon that fires crystalline shards of a unique compound called blam light or souveniers crystal as the name implies the Sun healing mood of subhan is the home to a unique explosive crystal the crystal can lock onto an organic heat signature and seek them out embedding themselves into soft tissue and eventually shattering when enough crystals have embedded themselves they super combine and create a powerful explosion that rips enemies to shreds as a small correction I previously stated that blam light ammo casings only appeared in Halo CE II but they actually make a brief appearance in the Halo 2 Vista map uplift blam my casings were also apparently modeled for halo 2 anniversary but never implemented the neither's magazine holds 30 rounds in Halo 2 and it can be dual wielded the type 51 Covenant carbine is another earu earu arm reproduction most commonly used by Sun Healy and Jarrell honai but also used by kgr marksmen it fires 8.7 by 60 millimeter caseless radioactive projectiles from an 18 round cylindrical magazine at 700 metres per second with an effective range of 600 meters though encountered as early as 25 26 and seen on the battlefield occasionally throughout the war weapon wasn't properly documented by Oni until 25 51 when it seemed a more prominently overshadow the t31 needle rifle the covenant carbines design is based on marksman rifles used her in the early war dominated history of the Sun Healy the particle beam rifle or covenant sniper comes in two forms thanks to Halo 2 anniversaries multiplayer first we have the newer of the two rifles technically speaking and the older of the two canonically speaking the type 27 special applications sniper rifle or beam rifle which appears in halo 2 anniversary multiplayer manufactured by the merchants of key cost a son Healy manufacturer based on the son Healy moon of the same name this rifle was documented early on and seems to have seen prominent use throughout until the final years of the human covenant war though they don't appear in halo 2 in any fashion there are two prominent variations of the T 27 known to exist the first is the sword of the faithful a personalized beam rifle used by the profit of regrets majordomo and notably featuring enhanced accuracy and heat dispensation the second is Chris left-hand a beam rifle once used by the kr pirate prints print this beam rifle which fires a three round burst was reclaimed by Ripa more me some time before he was dubbed arbiter though seen on a few occasions early in the war the type 50 sniper rifle system or particle beam rifle wasn't documented until 2550 when it started seeing more favorable use manufactured by the Assembly forges the T 50 fires accelerated ionized hydrogen particles just like the T 27 it operates via a rechargeable battery it can fire lethal particles at 3657 meters per second at a range of more than 1500 meters although not seen in halo 2 in any capacity the particle beam rifle has two known variants of its own the T 50 alpha was used by keg yard snipers assigned to the fleet of particular justice notably during the Battle of installation 0 4 and features increased accuracy and rate of fire the t 50 Delta was used by an elite team employed by the prophet of truth during the Great Schism primary tasked with taking out the hierarchs political enemies this variation of the beam rifle created an unstable gravimetric vortex at the point of impact beam rifles only started seeing more widespread use during the Covenant war when human snipers demonstrated how accurate pinpoint fire could throw entire armies into disarray generally speaking the Covenant doesn't make much of a distinction between the various patterns of rifle not in the way that Oni often does grouping them based more on core components and intended use whatever the pattern beam rifles are noted for their minimal recoil and noise when fired they have telescopic sights capable of up to 10 times optical zoom though some UNSC personnel have noted feeling nauseous when using them the type 25 grenade launcher aka the brute shot also known as the death lob or by Daryl honai is a sacred promissory produced weapon used exclusively by the general honai the design more in line with their sensibilities rather than what is typically considered covenant there are two primary variations of the brute shot the type 25 and the type 25 be the former appearing in Halo 2 and the latter appearing in Halo 3 we'll talk more about the type 25 be in a future video the type 25 brute shot is the standard model used for much of the general hi nice time with the Covenant before the Great Schism this version holds for belt-fed type 25 exotic high-explosive anti-personnel grenades at a time these particular grenades are primed on impact allowing them to ricochet off angled surfaces the grenades are effective but crude incapable of destroying a vehicle on impact but more than capable of knocking it over it's been noted that these grenades could be more effective if properly shaped and fused the type 33 light anti-armor weapon once again returns this time as a usable weapon in the campaign and multiplayer produced by high Charities Assembly forges the fuel rod gun fires class to 38 millimeter radioactive explosive fuel rods from a five-round clip the fuel rods are made from a similar substance to the incendiary gel used by Megillah go low or hunter assault cannons the look and design and to a lesser degree the function has vary quite a bit throughout the human covenant war early on fuel rod guns would self-destruct if an operator was killed in combat though in 25:52 it was more and more common to find fuel rod guns without this failsafe like the fuel rod Gun the type 1 energy weapon slash sword first becomes usable in Halo 2 mass-produced by the Assembly forges the energy sword is a traditional Sun Healy close-quarters weapon the weapons design is an evolution of older martial weapons like the curved blade by the early days of the Covenant the burn blade was a prominent melee weapon for son Healy metal blades heated to a red hot glow eventually the energy sword was developed and overtook the burn blade from the hilt superheated plasma is contained by to magnetic fields into the shape of a twin blade the plasma is easily capable of cutting through flesh shields and metal though each use will drain the battery that maintains the blade some swords have a fail-safe system that destroys the blade when the wielder is killed but not all this being in the Canon basis for the energy sword becoming usable in Halo 2 the energy sword is restricted to use by aristocrats in civilian life but sees more widespread use in the Covenant military with even some healing minors being allowed to use them on occasion swords can come in a variety of shapes sizes and colors which is to say that all forms of energy swords seen in each game are canon variations halo 2 anniversary multiplayer features a blood-red variation known as the blood blade this version is commonly used by members of the silent shadow a song Healy special operations group halo 2 introduces the type 42 directed-energy support weapon as a gameplay counter to the M 247 machine gun this class 1 plasma turret fires bolts of superheated plasma at an average rate of 600 rounds per minute indefinitely thanks to its internal plasma generator in the centuries prior to the human covenant war these generators were considered borderline heretical said to encroach too closely on forerunner divine perfection the turret can easily be set up and collapsed by even angle a and is often operated by ugly heavy units the type 27 anti-infantry stationary gun is an assembly forges belt variation of the shade turret in contrast to its type 29 variant from Halo CE II this one features energy shielding to protect the gunner from forward fire while leaving the gunning position much more exposed from any other angle this however makes the gun more mobile than other variants of the gun once again we have the type 1 anti-personnel grenade aka the plasma grenade manufactured by the irulu armory the grenades casing is made of smart matter programmed to identify infantry and enemy vehicle targets when primed coolant is vented while the internal plasma generator activates as coolant vents the grenade heats up allowing it to stick to targets by burning into the surface of a target soon after sticking the plasma generator destabilizes and the grenade explodes we now get into some weaponry that appears in Halo 2 but is not usable by the player in one manner or another starting with the antimatter charge not much is known about this bomb other than it uses antimatter to destroy its target bombs of the size seen in Halo 2 are capable of destroying an orbital defense platform and even something as large as a CAS class assault carrier the energy stave or energy Pike is a ceremonial weapon wielded by son Keeley and later general Han I honor guards the version seen in Halo 2 is generally not wielded in combat though combat-ready versions to exist the final weapon we'll look at today is the type to gravity hammer wielded by Tartarus known as the fist of root originally it was a traditional gyro honai war hammer will divide many chieftains throughout the species history eventually it fell into the hands of a chieftain named root during an event known as the first immolation a nuclear war that blasted the Jerell high species back to the Stone Age the weapon eventually fell into the hands of the chieftain Maccabees who was in turn killed by his nephew Tartarus in Tartarus his hands the weapon would be upgraded into the first gravity hammer he would serve as a symbol of Tartarus as authority within the Covenant as dictated by the prophet of truth unlike later gravity hammers the fist of rooked is capable of generating energy shields manipulating objects with gravitational Fortis ease and shockwaves that wraps up the weapons that appear and can largely be used in Halo 2 and a low - anniversary on the Covenant side of things next we dive into the vehicles plus something I wish I had done back with Halo Reach is armory video weapon emplacements as usual we start with the type 32 rapid attack vehicle or ghost produced by the irulu armory while a few models exist halo 2 introduces a model with a perpetual boost function powered by a boosted gravity propulsion drive seen piloted by san Helion boy and general hanai the ghosts nano laminate hull plating is a strong and capable material but it's exposed cockpit leaves the driver and engine wide open to attack this is thought to be an intentional design by the Sun Healy in an effort to display their fearlessness ghosts are comprised of two main components the fuselage which holds the main mechanical components and hardware and the seating and guidance section the two sections are connected by a ball joint to aid the pilot in driving the vehicle the ghost like most covenant vehicles can SmartLink to a user's HUD traditionally the ghost is armed with twin class two energy cannons though in the expanded universe and media it can be equipped with a heavy fuel rod Gun as well the type 46 infantry support vehicle referred to by humanity as the spectre is an assembly forges produced anti-infantry and transport vehicle powered by a standard covenant boosted gravity propulsion drive the spectre is piloted by a single driver and sports a gunner position for its type 46 directed-energy weapon mounted gun a class 1 directed-energy cannon it also allows for two passengers to ride-along the spectre is capable of speeds of up to 119 km/h or 74 miles per hour essentially a covenant counterpart to the Warthog the spectre was first recorded by the UNSC during the Battle of Sargasso in 2546 it never saw significant use during the war and was largely supplanted by the type 48 revenant fun fact the spectre was originally slated to appear in Halo CE II then called the shadow the silhouette was fairly similar though gun was modeled after the t49 shade and sported a driver and passenger seat side by side the assembly forges type 26 assault gun carriage or Wraith is the main covenant armored infantry support / assault vehicle for ground engagements the Wraith is traditionally equipped with a type 26 directed-energy mortar which fires a massive arcing bolt of plasma and twin medium plasma cannons though these are not always present powered by a boosted gravity propulsion drive the Wraith is able to achieve a top speed of 82 km/h or 51 miles per hour and features a limited boost ability the driver is protected by nearly two feet of polymer plating on most sides save for the hatch like most covenant vehicles the Wraith floats just above the ground allowing it to easily traverse a wide variety of terrain with relative ease its plasma mortar can melt through titanium plating concrete and flesh and just being near a mortar shot can be devastating resulting in severe burns and heat trauma for nearby infantry the type 29 troops vehicle transport aka the shade is a covenant vehicle produced by high Charities Assembly forges as the name implies it can transport light vehicles or infantry to and from the battlefield though relatively slow with a top speed of 160 kilometres per hour or sixty six miles per hour the vehicle is heavily armored and further protected by a gunner operating a type 29 anti-infantry trumpet emplacement mounted plasma cannon though configuration exists that can carry up to eight passengers the shadow is only seen carrying ghosts in halo 2's campaign our final ground vehicle is the type 47 a Protoss altra heavy assault platform aka the scarab a tier 4 excavator originally designed for digging up forerunner artifacts scarabs are easily adapted to combat thanks to their variety of weapons the t47 a proto's features a face mounted focus cannon aka the Scarab beam and two heavy plasma repeaters on its back unlike most covenant vehicles the scarab moves with four leg assemblies and is driven by a large colony of lit golden worms the same creatures that make up hunters these let go lo are rarely given full control over the platform however and a crew is usually present the pilot and direct the platform because of this the Covenant classified the Scarab as a altra heavy infantry unit when in combat the scarabs cockpit can be protected by an energy barrier if needed though first seen as early as 2527 the scarab wasn't formally documented until 25:47 due to a quirk of UNSC administration two scarab chassés were designated the type 47 the produce of halo 2 and the deuteros primarily seen in Halo 3 among other places we'll talk more about that in a future video starting off the Covenant air vehicles is the Assembly forges produced type 26 crowd support aircraft aka the Banshee it's boosted gravity propulsion drive powers the vehicles propulsion with two Jets at the rear of the Banshee and a gravity pod of the tip of each wing with this configuration the Banshee can achieve speeds of 100 km/h or 62 miles per hour and perform a number of complex aerial maneuvers colloquially referred to as Banshee tricks it can also boost its speed at the cost of maneuverability which creates the ethereal howl for which the Banshee is named banshees are typically equipped with two class 2d EML aw plasma bolt diffused cannons and a class 3h a a w /m heavy fuel rod cannon the fuel rod cannon is often referred to as the Banshee bomb while already lethal a female weapon master named son Zeke managed to further improve them increasing their rate of fire whether this upgrade was made to banshees beyond a select number during the harvest campaign is unknown the Banshee comes in a number of configurations even in classic Halo 2 in the campaign you'll encounter the type 26 a banshee with a narrower canopy and rounded wing pods this is an older model of Banshee that saw prominent use until its stock began to deplete in 2550 a second variation of the Banshee is seen in Halo 2 the type 6a Z aka The Heretic banshee the t26 AZ is used by artifact hunter teams such as the one led by seson refa me who is deployed to the threshold gas mine prior to the Battle of installation 0-4 after learning of the falsehoods of the great journey cesses forces removed the covenant manufacturer cowlings from their banshees revealing the underlying forerunner mechanisms and redesigning them to sport the colors of sun helios a second model of banshee can be found in h2 a multiplayer the type 26 be a more advanced model the type 26 be began seeing a service when the type 26 a stock began running low in 2550 notably the t26 B has a fully enclosed cockpit providing more protection for the pilot and allowing it to operate in space finally we have the type 26 BZ an ordained model believed to have been the chosen model for loca band Olli a son Healy artifact hunter who served under Sesa Remmy this model can be spawned in the Halo 2 anniversary's forge mode the type 52 troop carrier is an assembly forges produced dropship designated the phantom by humanity and the successor to the earlier type 44 model the t52 phantom can come in at least a couple configurations the variation in Halo 2 armed with three heavy plasma cannons to lay down suppressive fire while troops are deployed from the ship's ventral gravity lift the ship can also be warded via this lift or from a rear side entry though much more vulnerable than the t52 spirit that preceded it the Phantom is much more maneuverable thanks to its twin impulse drives operated by a pilot co-pilot navigator and operations officer the phantom can carry up to 30 troops depending on personal size in the battle while also carrying a pair of light vehicles or one heavy vehicle the type 28 intrusion vehicle also known as the type 28 boarding craft or simply the tick is a covenant boarding craft produced by the Assembly forges three prongs latch onto the hull of a target and a boarding tube is deployed it can simply use an existing entryway if one exists or it can melt through a weak spot like glass the point of penetration is superheated to avoid structural while also creating a seal to avoid explosive decompression our last aircraft is the type 31 exo-atmospheric multi-role fighter AKA and a seraph produced by the assembly forges the variation seen in halo 2 is a chi pattern serie similar in many regards to its more sand pattern cousin the main difference between the more Sam and CAI pattern serifs is armament the Chi serif features Forte vos move pattern heavy plasma cannons and - no Volks pattern fuel rod cannons like the more some the CAI features energy shields often deployed into talons of a dorm or strike craft that then split into hunting pairs serifs are piloted by either son Healey or Jarrell hon I though both species have different approaches to their tasks a seraph pilot is connected directly to the craft via a neural interface their body immobilized to avoid self-injury and in exchange for superior control the pilot is subjected to significant pain some Healy pilots meditate before deployment to control the pain while Jarrell Hahn I embrace it is it often triggers their focus further separating the species are their views on the Seraph itself with sung-hee Lee seeing the craft as little more than a tool while Jarrell hanai guard their craft giving them secret names carving into the halls to immobilize kills and battle scars these differences would lead to human pilots fearing brute talents much more than son Keeley ones now we come to something I wish I had started covering back with the Halo Reach armory videos web and platforms we start today with halo 2's type 48 artillery platform aka the weevil this large artillery cannon can fire a massive and devastating plasma mortar that arcs through the air much like a wraiths mortar sadly we never see them in action in Halo 2 only in the halo 2 e 3 2003 demo where the weapon appears to be much larger than the final game and that wraps up covenant vehicles and weapon platforms but we have one more weapon to discuss that doesn't fall under UNSC or covenant purview the sentinel being the symbol beam is a forerunner directed-energy weapon typically used by aggressor class sentinels though not intended for handheld use when an aggressor is destroyed its particle beam can be used if found to be intact firing the stream superheated negatively charged ions The Sentinel beam is designed to effectively destroy flood biomatter and contain minor flood outbreaks the sindelle beam comes in two varieties in Halo 2 the default yellow orange beam used by silver sentinels and a hotter more powerful blue beam used by gold sentinels the blue beam has a cost for its greater power as it overheats and depletes its battery much faster and that covers the Covenant and forerunner armories for Halo 2 and halo 2 anniversary ham was this a lot bigger than I realized it would have though the Covenant site of Halo 2 gets far more fleshed out than I originally realized though the UNSC had a lot of new additions with halo 2 anniversary the Covenant side had a lot of material period just wow that's all for now though let me know what you thought in the comments below and until next time this has been halo cannon thanks for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please consider subscribing and if you really love me hit that notification bell and leave a thumbs up these both really help out the channel I wouldn't be where I am now without your views and support so once again thank you keep on being awesome canaanites
Channel: Halo Canon
Views: 67,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, canon, halo3, halo2, haloCE, CE, combat, evolved, anniversary, Halo1, bungie, 343, 343i, Guilty, Spark, xbox, 360, gaming, Halo (series), Halo: Reach (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), Master, Chief, Cortana, official, ToaFreak, Toa, Freak, Lore, didact, librarian, forerunner, One, CEA, ODST, Orbital, Drop, Shock, Trooper, Halo3ODST, HaloODST, books, comics, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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